Family Tree Welborn » Alain III "le Roux" Rufus (de Bretagne) comte de Penthievre (± 1040-1093)

Persoonlijke gegevens Alain III "le Roux" Rufus (de Bretagne) comte de Penthievre 

  • Hij is geboren rond 1040 in Brittany, France.
    fought at Battle of Hastings, took possession of Richmond (England), built Richmond Castle
  • Hij is overleden op 4 augustus 1093 in Normandy, Plouigneau, Bretagne, France.
  • Hij is begraven in Abbey of St. Edmunds-Bury, Suffolk, England.
  • Een kind van Odo de Penthi√®vre en Agn√®s de Cornouaille
  • Deze gegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 14 januari 2022.

Gezin van Alain III "le Roux" Rufus (de Bretagne) comte de Penthievre

Hij is getrouwd met Gunhild Haraldsdatter.

Zij zijn getrouwd.


  1. Matilda Deincourt (Penthievre)  ± 1073-< 1137 

Notities over Alain III "le Roux" Rufus (de Bretagne) comte de Penthievre

======= Patrilineal ========
Alain "Rufus" de Bretagne, lord of Richmond is your 28th great grandfather.
¬â€  ·Üí Henry Marvin Welborn
your father ·Üí Henry Marvin Welborn, Sr.
his father ·Üí Calhoun H. Welborn
his father ·Üí Younger Welborn
his father ·Üí William "Billy" Welborn
his father ·Üí Aaron W Welborn, Sr.
his father ·Üí James Welborn
his father ·Üí Ann Wellborn (Crabtree)
his mother ·Üí Jane Ann Pendleton Crabtree (Halstead)
her mother ·Üí Grace Halstead (Courtney)
her mother ·Üí Mary Courtenay (Stucley)
her mother ·Üí John Stucley, of Affeton
her father ·Üí Sir Lewis Stukley
his father ·Üí Frances Culpepper (St. Leger)
his mother ·Üí Sir John St Leger, Kt., MP
her father ·Üí George St. Leger
his father ·Üí Anne Griseacre (Le Botiller)
his mother ·Üí Thomas Butler, 7th Earl of Ormond
her father ·Üí James 'the White Earl' Butler, 4th Earl of Ormond
his father ·Üí James Butler, 3rd Earl of Ormond
his father ·Üí Elizabeth Hereford (Darcy), Countess of Ormond
his mother ·Üí Sir John "Le Neveu" Darcy, 1st Baron Darcy of Knaith
her father ·Üí Sir Roger d'Arcy, Lord of Knaith
his father ·Üí Sir Philip D·ÄôArcy, of Nocton
his father ·Üí Norman D·ÄôArcy, Lord of Nocton
his father ·Üí Thomas D·ÄôArcy, II, Lord of Nocton
his father ·Üí Alina Deincourt
his mother ·Üí Ralph Deincourt, 2nd Lord d·ÄôEyncourt
her father ·Üí Matilda
his mother ·Üí Alain "Rufus" de Bretagne, lord of Richmond
her father

======= Matrilineal ========
Alain "Rufus" de Bretagne, lord of Richmond is your 27th great grandfather.
¬â€ ¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Geneva Allene Welborn (Smith)
your mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Henry Loyd Smith, R1b1a2a1a1b
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Edgar Jackson Smith
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Joseph Perry Smith
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Mary Smith
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ John Burke
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ John Taylor Burke
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ William Burke
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ John Bourke
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Richard Bourke
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ John Bourke
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Honora Bourke
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Teige MacMurrough Mac Murrough O'Brien, Sherrif
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Eleanor O'Brien,
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Reverend John fitz Thomas, 12th Knight of Glin
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Mary FitzMaurice
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Honoria FitzMaurice
her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ James Fitzmaurice FitzGerald, 6th Earl of Desmond
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Alianore Butler, Countess of Desmond
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Elizabeth Hereford, Countess of Ormond
her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Sir John "Le Neveu" Darcy, 1st Baron Darcy of Knaith
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Sir Roger d'Arcy, Lord of Knaith
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Sir Philip D·ÄôArcy, of Nocton
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Norman D·ÄôArcy, Lord of Nocton
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Thomas D·ÄôArcy, II, Lord of Nocton
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Adeline D·ÄôEyncourt
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Ralph Deincourt, 2nd Baron of Eyncourt
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Matilda
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Alain "Rufus" de Bretagne, lord of Richmond
her father

Count Alain III "le Roux" Rufus (de Bretagne), comte de Penthievre
French: Alain Fitz Eudo, comte de Penthievre, Latin: Alanus Rufus, comte de Penthievre
circa 1044
Brittany, France; fought at Battle of Hastings, took possession of Richmond (England), built Richmond Castle
August 04, 1093 (44-53)
Normandy, Plouigneau, Bretagne, France
Place of Burial:
Abbey of St. Edmunds - Bury, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
Immediate Family:
Son of Odo / Eudes, comte de Penthièvre and Agnès de Cornouaille

Partner of Gunhild Haraldsdatter

Father of Matilda

Brother of Brien Tihern de Bretagne; Matilda Penthievre; Geoffroi I Botterel de Penthievre, comte de Penthievre; Etienne de Penthièvre, Count of Tréguier; Alan Niger Fitz Eudo; Guillaume Willelmus Fitz Eudo; Robert Rotbertus Fitz Eudo and Richard Ricardus Fitz Eudo

Half brother of Ribald FitzOdo de Penthièvre, 1st Lord Middleham and Spennithorne; Bardolf, Lord of Ravensworth and Bodin Fitz Eudo

Alan Rufus¬â€ (alternatively Alanus Rufus (Latin), Alan ar Rouz (Breton), Alain le Roux (French) or Alan the Red (c. 1040 ·Äì 1093)), 1st Lord of Richmond, was a Breton nobleman and companion of William the Conqueror (Duke William II of Normandy) during the Norman Conquest of England. He was the second son of Eozen Penteur (also known as Eudon, Eudo or Odo, Count of Penthi√®vre) by Orguen Kernev (also known as Agnes of Cornouaille).[b] William the Conqueror granted Alan Rufus a significant English fief, later known as the Honour of Richmond, in about 1071.[1]

Alan Rufus or Alain le Roux ("Alan the Red"; c. 1040-1089), was was a relative and companion of William the Conqueror in the Norman Conquest and especially during Harrying of the North, in which he built Richmond Castle. He was the second son of Eudes, Comte de Penthièvre, by Agnes, daughter of Alain Cagnart, Comte de Cornouaille. He later became Earl of Richmond, followed by his brother, Alain Le Noir (Niger), who was in turn followed by [brother] Stephen, Count of Tréguier. His other brother Brian was Earl (Lord) of Cornwall, but relinquished his own estates for a Breton wife and her dowry.
At the time of his death, his wealth was noted as £11,000, 7% of the net national income of England. In 2007, that would account for over £81 billion or 103 billion Euros.[1] According to Forbes magazine's most wealthy historical figures as of 2008, his net worth in 2007 dollars is roughly US$166.9 billion, placing him 9th in the list of most wealthy historical figures.
1. ^ Alan the Red, the Brit who makes Bill Gates a pauper The Sunday Times - 9 October, 2007
External links
Alan Rufus (the Red), the third child of Eudon, accompanied the Conqueror in his conquest of England. Alan was commander of the Breton contingent at the Battle of Hastings and later played a major role in the brutal suppression of the North 1069-1070. For his loyalty and his relationship to William (he was a second cousin) he was made one of the largest landowners in England. Alan Count of Brittany was granted lands and manors that formerly had been in the possession of Earl Edwin in Yorkshire. This extensive holding, one of the three largest granted by William, was created for military purposes. The estates were formed into the Honour of Brittany (they would not be called the Honour of Richmond until about 1203).
Alan Rufus in 1071 began construction of Richmond Castle on the lofty hill overlooking the River Swale. Alan became the first Count of Richmond. Alan also built the first castle in Middleham in Wensleydale, Northern Yorkshire, which belonged his brother Ribald. When Alan Rufus died without issue in 1089, his brother Alan Niger (the Black) claimed the Honour of Brittany (Richmond). Alan Niger also died without issue in 1093. Stephen, Count of Penthievre and younger brother of the two proceeding Counts of Richmond succeeded Alan Niger. Alan Niger III, son of Stephen, claimed the Honour of Brittany (Richmond) upon his father's death (1137) and was the first to use the title "Earl of Richmond."

Nottingham Medieval Studies 36: 42·Äì78. Sharpe, Richard (2007). "King Harold's Daughter". Haskins Society Journal: Studies in Medieval History 19: 1·Äì27¬â€ GoogleBooks¬â€ 

MATILDA, daughter of ---. An undated charter of King Henry II confirms the possessions of York St Mary and lists donations including the donations made by "Walterus de Daincourt" and the donation of လunam carucatam terræ quæ fuit Brutinæ in Corby et silvamဦdecimam de domino de Abbingtuna et de Lins et de Thudesham et decimam Ribaldi de Pikenham de altera Lins, et decimam de Herinthorp, decimam Normanni de Fliccaburh, decimam Gerrardi in Apelby et Gamesthorp et terramဦNorthuuda juxta Burtunam in Lincolschiraဝ made by လMatildis uxor eiusဝ[7]. Richard Sharp suggests that she was Mathilde, [illegitimate] daughter of Alain "Rufus" de Bretagne Lord of Richmond & his mistress Gunhild ---[8]. ...

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Over de familienaam (de Bretagne)

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Marvin Loyd Welborn, "Family Tree Welborn", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 23 oktober 2024), "Alain III "le Roux" Rufus (de Bretagne) comte de Penthievre (± 1040-1093)".