Families Klein, Ree, de Breed en de Vries van Terschelling » Gaspard II. de Coligny (1519-1572)

Persoonlijke gegevens Gaspard II. de Coligny 

  • Hij is geboren op 16 februari 1519 in Châtillon-Coligny, Frankrijk.
  • Beroep: Politician.
  • Nationaliteit: France.
  • Hij is overleden op 24 augustus 1572 in Paris, Seine, Île-de-France, France, hij was toen 53 jaar oud.
    Oorzaak: Vermoord tijdens de Bartholomeusnacht
  • Hij is begraven in Château Merpitius, Châtillon Sur Loing, France.
  • Een kind van Gaspard I. de Coligny en Louise Marie van Montmorency

Gezin van Gaspard II. de Coligny

Waarschuwing Let op: Echtgenote (Charlotte de Laval) is ook zijn nicht.

(1) Hij is getrouwd met Charlotte de Laval.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1547, hij was toen 27 jaar oud.


  1. Henri de Coligny  1551-1552
  2. Louise de Coligny  1555-1620 
  3. Annietta de Coligny  1556-1623
  4. François de Coligny  1557-1591 
  5. Odet de Coligny  1560-1577
  6. Renee de Coligny  1562-1569
  7. Charles de Coligny  1564-1632
  8. Charles de Coligny  1564-1632

(2) Hij is getrouwd met Jacqueline Montbel D'Entremont.

Zij zijn getrouwd

Notities over Gaspard II. de Coligny

Gaspard de Coligny, Seigneur de Châtillon was a French nobleman and admiral, best remembered as a disciplined Huguenot leader in the French Wars of Religion.  Assassinated by henchman of Catharine de Medici because he was NOT Catholic.  The FIRST feather in the Huguenot Rebellion.

Gaspard II de Coligny, seigneur de Châtillon


French admiral and Huguenot leader


Gaspard II de Coligny, seigneur de ChâtillonFrench admiral and Huguenot leader

February 16, 1519

Chatillon-sur-Loing, France


August 24, 1572

Paris, France

Gaspard II de Coligny, seigneur de Châtillon(born Feb. 16, 1519, Châtillon-sur-Loing, Fr.—died Aug. 24, 1572Paris), admiral of France and leader of theHuguenots during the early years of the Wars of Religion (1562–98).

Coligny was the son of Gaspard I de Coligny, the marshal of Châtillon, and Louise de Montmorency, sister of Anne de Montmorency, constable of France. At 22 Coligny came to court and became friendly with François de Lorraine, 2nd duc de Guise. He served in the Italian campaign in 1544 and later was appointed colonel general of the infantry. Made admiral of France in 1552, he later fought against the Spanish and was imprisoned by them for two years.

Although in 1555 Coligny had favoured a plan for sending Huguenots to Brazilto establish a colony in safety, he did not officially announce his support for the Reformation until 1560. At that time, protected by his uncle Montmorency, he became the protector of his coreligionists in France. He demanded religious toleration, gaining the support of the chancellor, Michel de L’Hospital, and, for a time, of Catherine de Médicis but arousing the enmity of the powerful Guisefamily. Coligny’s conversion was more political than religious. Although attracted to Calvinist philosophy, he saw the reformed religion as a system for the maintenance of order, discipline, and justice.

When the civil wars began in 1562, Coligny hesitantly joined the fight. He was not one of the best generals; he simply did not like war. Upon the death of the first Prince de Condé in 1569, Coligny became the sole leader of the Huguenots. Although severely defeated at Moncontour (October 1569), he rallied an army in southern France and advanced as far as the upper Seine valley, forcing the Peace of Saint-Germain (August 1570), which was very advantageous to the Huguenot cause.

Returning to the court in 1571, Coligny rose rapidly in favour with Charles IX and began to exert considerable influence over the King’s policies. He proposed that a combined army of French Catholics and Huguenots fight against the Spanish in the Netherlands. Driving the Spanish from Flanders was only a secondary objective: by having the Huguenots serve France abroad successfully, Coligny hoped to secure their position within the realm. At the same time, he hoped to win favour with the king for himself.

Catherine and Guise did not want war with Spain, their ally, and feared for their own influence over the king. At the instigation of Catherine an unsuccessful assassination attempt was made against Coligny on Aug. 22, 1572, in Paris. Charles visited him, promising a full investigation. Catherine, knowing that she would be discovered, played on her son’s fears and instabilities by telling him that the Huguenots were plotting to retaliate against him. In an outburst of rage, Charles ordered the deaths of the Huguenot leaders, including Coligny, and the massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day began.

At dawn on the 24th, mercenaries of Henri de Guise attacked Coligny at his house, struck blow after blow, and finally threw him, still living, from the window; his head was then cut off by one of Guise’s henchmen.

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Historische gebeurtenissen

  • Graaf Karel II (Oostenrijks Huis) was van 1515 tot 1555 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Graafschap Holland genoemd)
  • In het jaar 1519: Bron: Wikipedia
    • 15 augustus » Stichting van Panama-Stad.
    • 20 september » Ferdinand Magellaan begint zijn reis rond de wereld.
  • Graaf Filips III (Oostenrijks Huis) was van 1555 tot 1581 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Graafschap Holland genoemd)
  • In het jaar 1572: Bron: Wikipedia
    • 1 april » De watergeuzen veroveren Den Briel op de Spanjaarden (op 1 april verloor Alva zijn bril).
    • 6 april » Alva verliest Vlissingen aan de Watergeuzen.
    • 13 mei » Verkiezing van kardinaal Ugo Boncompagni tot Paus Gregorius XIII.
    • 21 mei » De watergeuzen veroveren Enkhuizen op de Spanjaarden.
    • 26 mei » Louise de Coligny huwt Charles de Teligny.
    • 23 augustus » De Bartholomeusnacht begint, waarbij vijfhonderd protestanten om het leven komen.

Dezelfde geboorte/sterftedag

Bron: Wikipedia

Bron: Wikipedia

Over de familienaam De Coligny

Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Marthan Klein, "Families Klein, Ree, de Breed en de Vries van Terschelling", database, Genealogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/families-klein-ree-ea/I92190.php : benaderd 24 september 2024), "Gaspard II. de Coligny (1519-1572)".