Family tree van Hamond (Sint-Michielsgestel, Schijndel) » Descendants of Henricus van Hamont

Generation 10 (continuation)


Bernard van Hamond, son of Wilhelmus Martinus (Wim) van Hamond and Johanna Antonia (Jo) Dingemans, was born 1949. He got married with (Not public).

They had 2 children:

Bernard died on February 1, 2015 in Tilburg, Nederland.


Karssemakers, a child of Adrianus Karssemakers and Maria Catharina Huberdina van Hamond, was born on January 29, 1929 in Boxtel, Nederland. Deceased on January 29, 1929 in Boxtel, Nederland.


Wilhelmus Johannes Lambertus van Esch, son of Lambertus van Esch and Johanna Hendrika van Hamond. Wilhelmus Johannes Lambertus died on December 19, 1930 in Boxtel, Nederland.


Francisca Maria van Breugel, daughter of Petrus van Breugel and Maria Petronella van Hoorn, was born on June 11, 1932 in 's Hertogenbosch. Francisca Maria died at the age of 74 on October 11, 2006 in Utrecht, Nederland.


Joop van Breugel, son of Petrus van Breugel and Maria Petronella van Hoorn, was born 1934 in Utrecht, Nederland. Joop died on April 4, 2010 in Tiel, Nederland.


Anthonius van Breugel, son of Petrus van Breugel and Maria Petronella van Hoorn, was born 1940 in Utrecht, Nederland. Anthonius died on June 12, 1978 in Utrecht, Nederland.


Jo Karssemakers, son of Piet Karssemakers and Fiena Kuijpers, was born on March 11, 1947 in Maastricht, Nederland. Jo died at the age of 52 on November 30, 1999 in Maastricht, Nederland.


Mien van Vugt, daughter of Harrie van Vugt and Betsie van Dinther, was born on March 5, 1935 in 's-Hertogenbosch, Nederland and was baptized on March 5, 1935 in 's-Hertogenbosch, Nederland. She is huisvrouw by profession. She got married with (Not public). Mien died at the age of 66 on February 8, 2002 in 's-Hertogenbosch, Nederland and was buried.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111670 - 1670
241699 - 1700
371724 - 1739
4191757 - 1782
5511782 - 1823
61341812 - 1867
71931838 - 1899
82391860 - 1928
91191900 - 1944
10111926 - 1949

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