Stamboom Stilting en Beekhuis » Descendants of Werner Beekhuis

Generation 12 (continuation)


NN Beekhuis, son of Jan Willem Beekhuis and Cornelia de Bree, was born on April 4, 1923 in Utrecht. NN died on April 4, 1923 in Utrecht.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111436 - 1436
21 -
311644 - 1644
41 -
511675 - 1675
611701 - 1701
731732 - 1739
881764 - 1764
981803 - 1822
1051835 - 1853
1151876 - 1890
12141902 - 1923

This tree is available in text, PDF, DOC and EPUB format and as family tree in graphical form.

family tree in graphical formDOC