A new display has been added to the series of pedigree and pedigree views that Genealogy Online generates: the dynamic pedigree in fan form.
When genealogical data is placed on Genealogy Online a complete publication is made of it. A home page, indexes and a page for every person that appears in the uploaded GEDCOM file. Within the publication, so-called starting points can also be defined via the management functionality of Genealogy Online. People can be classified as, among other things, a proband or ancestor. In the latter case, a pedigree will be presented, in text form and as a graphic representation. When a 15-minute carrier is defined as the starting point, a 15-minute statement is presented in the publication, again in text form and graphic form.
The new display shows the pedigree in fan form. By default this is a circle (360 degrees) with 5 generations. The quarter-bearer (also called proband) is in the middle. Around it the parents, then the grandparents, etc. The pedigree in fan shape is not a static picture, it is a dynamic representation. When one of the ancestors is clicked, it becomes the quarter-bearer and its ancestors are projected around it. This can be repeated with his ancestors. When the quarter-foot support is clicked, the original quarter-foot support is reset.
Click on the image to view a real example of the pedigree in fan form and to play with it.
This display can be set via the 'Display options' button. On the one hand, the size of the fan can be set in terms of degrees. On the other hand, the size of the fan can be set in terms of the number of generations. Below the display has been adjusted to show 6 generations in a semicircle.
Click on the image to view a real example of the pedigree in fan form and to play with it.
The pedigree is available for all Genealogy Online Plus subscribers and is available in addition to the extra geo pedigree. The geo pedigree shows the place of birth (or provinces or countries) instead of personal names. It therefore provides insight into where geographers and ancestors came from geographically.
Click on the image to view a real example of the geo pedigree and play with it.
23. Februar 2019 | Permanenter Link zu dieser Nachricht