Familienstammbaum Knol » Quellen » Ommelander geslachten. Het nageslacht van Jacob Sijbolts, landbouwer te Warffum, en Geertruid Cornelis, Volume I, II and Index, K.J. Ritzema van Ikema


Ommelander geslachten. Het nageslacht van Jacob Sijbolts, landbouwer te Warffum, en Geertruid Cornelis, Volume I, II and Index

When consulting the Index of personal names, attention must still be paid that names, although written differently, mean the same thing, also next to and through each other. No difference is made eg between Cnol, Cnols, Knoll and Knol, but all those names based on the present spelling: Knol.

K.J. Ritzema van Ikema

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