Genealogy Ludwig » Thomas Mudd (1647-1697)

Persönliche Daten Thomas Mudd 

Quellen 1, 2, 3

Familie von Thomas Mudd

(1) Er ist verheiratet mit Juliana Gardiner.

Sie haben geheiratet

(2) Er ist verheiratet mit Ann Matthews.

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 1685 in Charles, Maryland, Verenigde Staten, er war 37 Jahre alt.


  1. Ann Mudd  ± 1685-± 1770
  2. George Mudd  1686-1715
  3. John Mudd  ± 1690-1756

(3) Er ist verheiratet mit Sarah Boarman.

Sie haben geheiratet rund 1685 in Charles, Maryland, Verenigde Staten.

Spouse: Ann Matthews
Sie haben geheiratet am 8. April 1678 in St. Mary's, Maryland, er war 30 Jahre alt.

Spouse: Thomas Nudd
Sie haben geheiratet am 8. April 1678 in St. Mary's, Maryland, er war 30 Jahre alt.

Spouse: Thomas Mudd, Sr.


  1. Juliana Mudd  1674-1724 
  2. Barbara Mudd  ± 1679-1710
  3. Thomas Boarman Mudd  1681-1739
  4. Henry Mudd  1681-1736 
  5. Sarah Mudd  1682-1758

Notizen bei Thomas Mudd

In Thomas Mudd's will (2:120) written October 12, 1696, he calls William Boarman (2) brother.Note: According to Gerald Watkins research, this Thomas left England on August 14, 1665 bound to Anthony Noakes for three years in Virginia. by 1677 was in Charles Co, MD. He died while on an expedition to the Susquehannorck Fort at the head of the Chesapeake.



Possibly in Antigua circa 1666-7. See England Mudds. The sources "Captain Harvey Keynell on 2 May 1668 entered a claim to the plantation of Thomas Mudd at Crabb Valley, and the petition to William, Lord Willoughby of Parham, was on 11 May 1668 referred to the Lieut-General Henry Willoughby, Esq. Governor, and was read 19 May. The claim was not allowed: "it was not timely made." Volume I, page 22; Also: "Lieut-Colonel Bestian Boyer, 500 acres by grant and

purchase. In St. John's Division 728 acres and in Popeshead 140 acresl total 868. The 500 acres in St. John's granted by Governor Austin . . . also 40 acres bought of Thomas Mudd, deceased, granted by Governor Buncle" Volume 3, page 289; "1667. St. John's Division. Lieut-Colonel Bastian Beijer [Boyare] claims 500 acres by grant and purchase in St. John's Division. 728 acres in Popeshead, also 140 acres. The 500 acres in St. John's division by grant from Governor Austin, also . . . 40 acres bought of Tho. Mudd deceased granted by Governor Buncle." Volume 2, p. 124.


First came to Virginia, then Maryland

Deeds, L.51, f.110 Charles County Maryland

Ct and Land Records L. D2, f.45 Charles County Maryland


For possible leads as to mariner activities, see Jane Mudd who married the son of Captain Brent.



Tue, 22 Dec 1998 13:59:16 -0900

Bill Mudd


Hi Charles,


What a surprise to hear from a Mudd cousin. Forgive my delay in returning your email. As you may notice I have a new email address so your email went to an old email account I have at California State University in Hayward where I was taking classes last year. I only check for email on that account about once a month.


My dad, who passed away several years ago, was interested in the Mudd Family history. It's never been a particular interest of mine but during the Christmas break last year, some spirit moved me to see how far back I could trace my branch of the family tree. I've inherited the two volumes of "The Mudd Family of the United States". Are you familiar with these? These volumes had already done most of the work for me but the trace stopped at the shores of Maryland with Thomas Mudd who is believed to be the progenitor of most of the Mudds in the US. There was no mention of where in England he might have come from except this small but intriguing reference, "Thomas Mudd departed from Bristol, England on Aug. 14, 1665, bound to Anthony Noakes for three years in Va.". He next shows up in records in Maryland where he lived out the rest of his life. I didn't realize what a nearly impossible task it is to try and trace Geneology isn't my hobby but I took up the challenge.


I subscribed to a couple of genealogy List and News Groups for about three months in hopes of finding information about the roots of Thomas Mudd in England. But I realized in the course of using the two volumes and the internet to search for Thomas Mudd in England that I search the records in those areas that seemed the most promising. I learned a little British History along the way too. When Thomas Mudd left England, it was during a time of great persecution for Catholics. They were often hunted down and thrown in jail or worse. No doubt this is why he left England and settled in the Catholic sanctuary set up in the Colonies called Maryland. Many of the Catholics in England at that time were in hiding and were also vigorously destroying any evidence that they were Catholic. This would include birth and marriage records. Not a good sign when you're trying to find out where someone was born.


I didn't have the time or the means to travel to England so my search came to a stop. I did correspond with a few genealogists in England and researched the web sites of some county records in England. My hunch based on what I found was that if I ever visit England the two places I would search for Thomas Mudd among parish records would be first in Yorkshire County and then next in Suffolk County. I didn't find any conclusive evidence but I found several references to Thomas Mudd in Yorkshire around the time he was born. And there are a large number of Mudds in that county. My hunch about Suffolk comes from his close connection to his neighbor and in-laws in Maryland whose family came from Suffolk County. There is apparently some evidence that the Mudd family and

the family of his neighbor in Maryland had close family ties going back several generations in England.


Well that's all I've got. I don't know if any of this is new information for you or not. I did have a very brief correspondence with a Mary Wood who was researching her family's roots in England. She said that there was a marriage to a Mudd within her family tree and so she was also interested in tracing Thomas Mudd. The last I understood she was planning a trip to England to continue her research but I haven't heard from her since. That was about ten months ago.




Happy holidays to you and all your family and I hope to hear from you.


Bill Mudd



Title: Maryland Calendar of Wills

Author: Jane Baldwin /Cotton/

Publication: Family Line Publications, Westminister, Maryland; Baltimore, Maryland, 1904

Page: Volume II, page 120, 121

Note: Page: Volume II, page 120, 121

Charles County, Maryland


12 Oct 1696

11 Mar 1696-7


To wife Ann, Hall's Place during life.

To son Thomas, sd. plantation at decease of wife and land in dispute bet. testator and Maj. Boreman; also 650 A., Brierwood.

To son Henry, "Boreman's Reserve."

To son George, 400 A., part of "Cannarvan," bought of Capt. Jos. Pile.

To son John, 180 A., St. Catherine's, bought of Edmond Nugent, and 250 A., residue of Cannarvan afsd. In event of death of any son or sons without issue, lands to pass in natural succession to male hrs.

To dau. Julian Clarke and hrs., 120 A., Jarvis.

To dau. Barbara and hrs., 200 A., Mudd's Rest. Sons Henry and George to be taken in charge by their brother-in-law, Thomas Clarke. [p.121] Wife Ann and

son Thomas afsd. joint exs. Residue of estate to be divided among wife and child., viz., Thomas, Henry, George, John, Barbara, Sarah, Jane, and Ann Mudd. Child. to be of age at 18 yrs. Overseers: Son Thomas Clarke and brother William Boarman. Test: Wm. Howell, Wm. Burman, Jno. Brookes. 7. 265.


Jarvis. 12.04.10. Surveyed April 13, 1681 for Thomas Mudd at a bound tree of Evans Reserve (Evans Reserve is entered in Charles County, Maryland). Possessor Thomas Clarke. This Land Lies in Charles County,



Title: Mary Donnelly

Note: Here is what Donnelly has on Sarah and Thomas Mudd:

"Sarah Boarman married first Thomas Mathews Jr. the brother of her step-mother (Mary MathewsBoarman) and the son of Thomas Mathews, Sr. and his first wife Hester. They resided on 450 acres called "Hall's Place" which Sarah had received from her father. Thomas Mathews Jr. died while on an expedition to the Susquehannock Fort at the head of the Chesapeake. Sarah's brother William Boarman and her brother in law Robert Green at a court held on 1/29/1676

deposed that "Mr. Thomas Mathews, of St. Mary's County, Gent. being in perfect health at the time before he went up a soldier in the Susquehannah Fort that his full intention was to dispose of his worldly estate equally to his wife and children".

By 1678 Sarah had married secondly Thomas Mudd, the immigrant. Sarah died shortly after the birth of Henry Mudd. In 1685 a lengthy lawsuit resulted over Sarah's portion of "Boarman's Manor", her inherited property "Hall's Place" (C#2:228-229, S#1:110, Z#1:127-134)


This lawsuit gave the particulars about her children. After Sarah's death, Thomas Mudd married secondly Ann Mathews, the daughter of Thomas Mathews, Sr., and his second wife Jane Cockshutt. In Thomas Mudd's will (2:120) written 10/12/1696, he calls William Boarman brother."

There is some dispute as to the children Donnelly has listed for Sarah Boarman Mudd and Thomas Mudd I, I believe it is Juliana that she has in error. This is what she has:

Children of Sarah Boarman and Thomas Mudd I"

Juliana Mudd

Barbara Mudd b. 1679

Thomas Mudd II b. c 1682

Henry Mudd b 1685

I will send you the pages on the Mudds with the others. Not everyone believes Donnelly's work, but where she quotes original documents I tend to find her correct.



According to Gerald Watkins research, this Thomas left England on August 14, 1665 bound to Anthony Noakes for three years in Virginia. by 1677 was in Charles Co, MD. He died while on an expedition to the Susquehannorck Fort at the head of the Chesapeake.


According to Gerald Watkins research, this Thomas left England on August 14, 1665 bound to Anthony Noakes for three years in Virginia. By 1677, he was in Charles Co, MD. He died while on an expedition to the Susquehannorck Fort at the head of the Chesapeake. (That was Thomas Matthews. NJL)


He was age ca 34 in 1681 Charles Co. (Maryland Deponents 1634-1799 , by Henry C. Peden, Jr.). He m/3 Ann Mathews; half-sister of his wife Sarah Boarman's first husband, Thomas Matthews.


The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1685 To 1702 Volume II, p. 120

Mudd, Thomas, Chas. Co., 12th Oct., 1696; 11th March 1696-7.

To wife Ann, "Hall's Place" during life.

" son Thomas, sd. plantation at decease of wife and land in dispute bet testator and Maj. Boreman; also 650 A., "Brierwood."

" son Henry, "Boreman's Reserve."

" " George, 400 A., part of "Cannarvan," bought of Capt. Jos. Pile.

" son John, 180 A., "St Catherine's," bought of Edmond Nugent, and 250 A., residue of "Cannarvan" afsd.

In event of death of any son or sons without issue, lands to pass in natural succession to male hrs.

To dau. Julian Clarke and hrs., 120 A., "Jarviss."

" " Barbara, and hrs., 200 A., " Mudd's Rest."

Sons Henry and George to be taken in charge by their brother-in-law, Thomas Clarke.

Wife Ann and son Thomas afsd. joint exs.

Residue of estate to be divided among wife and child., viz., Thomas, Henry, George, John, Barbara, Sarah, Jane, and Ann Mudd.

Child. to be of age at 18 yrs.

Overseers: Son Thomas Clarke and brother William Boarman,

Test: Wm. Howell, Wm. Burnian, Jno, Brookes. 7. 265.


Abstracts of Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1688-1698 Libers 12,13A, 13B, 14, 15. Volume 4 compiled by V.L. Skinner Jr., p. 62

Thomas Mudd 15.127 I CH £501.14.7 Mar 12 1696/97

Appraisers: William Thompson, Samuell Luckett.


Abstracts of the Inventories And Accounts Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland 1697-1700 (Libers 16,17,18,19,19 ½a,19 ½b) Compiled By V, L. Skinner, Jr. Brookville, Maryland 20833 September, 1992, p. 25

Mr. Thomas Mudd 18.126 A CH Dec 15 1698

Payments to: Anthony Simms, Walter Storey, Mr. Gilbert Clarke, Mr. Thomas Hussey, Maj. William Dent, David White, Dr. George Burch, Mr. Charles Cornwell, Mr. Jacob Moreland, Mr. Thomas Clarke, Capt, John Beane, Capt. John Rymer, Edward Newgatte, John Allerd, Mr. Richard Hubbard, Mr. Richard Boughton, John Tenniston, Mr. James Bouling, Mr. John Sirelson, J. Wallice, Thomas Simson.

Executors: Thomas Mudd, Ann Hoskins (widow), wife of Philip Hoskins.


p. 145, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II

Liber S, Page 110

24 Apr 1693; Deposition of Willliam Williams, age 53; for purpose of conveyance of land from Thomas Mudd to John Saunders in right of his (Thomas Mudd's) wife Sarah, d/o Maj. William Boarman: In 1673 deponent was a tenant to Major, then Capt. Wm. Boarman on his tract of land where Thomas Mudd now dwells; deponent was retainer of Boarman for 18 years more or less prior to that date; he heard Boarman say that 400 acres of the 800 acres in the patent went to his dau. Sarah in marriage to Mr. Joseph Piles; the match was broken by disagreement of parents of Mr. Piles; then a match was proposed between Dr. Thomas Matthews of Portobacco and his eldest son Thomas Matthews and Sarah; when deponent returned from 5-6 months in England, Sarah and Thomas (Matthews) were living on land where Thomas Mudd now lives; deponent asked how Capt. Boarman "would do by ye son George to whom you have promised this land now given your daughter;" Boarman replied (that) other provision had been made for George..; /s/ Wm. Williams; wit. James Smallwood


1783 Charles County, MD, Tax Assessment List

Anne Mudd. 60 acres. CH 3rd District, General p. 8.

Bennett Mudd. 265 acres. CH 3rd District, General p. 8.

Henry Mudd, Sr. 155 acres. CH 3rd District, General p. 9.

Henry Mudd, of Thomas. 383 acres. CH 3rd District, General p. 8.

Ignatius Mudd. CH 3rd District, General p. 8.

John Mudd. CH 3rd District, General p. 8.

Mary Mudd. 332 acres. Notes: widow. CH 3rd District, General p. 8.

Richard Mudd. 150 acres. CH 3rd District, General p. 8.

Thomas Henry Mudd. CH 3rd District, General p. 8.

Bennett Mudd. 100 acres. CH 4th District, General p. 7.

Joshua Mudd. 104 acres. CH 4th District, General p. 8.

Mary Mudd. 200 acres. CH 4th District, General p. 8.

Milla Mudd. CH 4th District, General p. 7.

James Mudd, of James. 80 acres. CH 5th District, General p. 6.

James Mudd, Sr. 265 acres. CH 5th District, General p. 6.

Jeremiah Mudd. CH 5th District, General p. 6.

John Mudd, of James. CH 5th District, General p. 6.

Smith Mudd. 80 acres. CH 5th District, General p. 6.

William Mudd. CH 5th District, General p. 6.

Anne Mudd. Saint Catherines, pt, 60 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Bennett Mudd. Boarmans Reserve, pt, 65 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Bennett Mudd. Hickory Thickett, pt, 200 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Henry Mudd, Sr. Forrest, pt, 155 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Henry Mudd, of Thomas. Zachia Manor, pt, 25 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Henry Mudd, of Thomas. Boarmans Manor, pt, 358 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Mary Mudd. Gates Range, pt, 79 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Mary Mudd. New Branford, pt, 93 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Mary Mudd. Mudds Meadows, 40 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Mary Mudd. St Catherine, pt, 120 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Richard Mudd. Boarmans Manor, pt, 150 acres. CH 3rd District, Land p. 5.

Bennett Mudd. Laurell Branch, pt, 100 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 6.

Mary Mudd. Whights Forrest, 200 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 10.

James Mudd, Jr. Bryerwood, pt, 80 acres. CH 5th District, Land p. 1.

James Mudd, Sr. Bryerwood, pt, 265 acres. CH 5th District, Land p. 1.

Smith Mudd. Bryerwood, pt, 80 acres. CH 5th District, Land p. 1.


Thomas Mudd was married 3 times. Juliana is by his first marriage to Juliana Gardiner. Children from the 2nd marriage to Sarah Boarman were: Barbara, Thomas II, Henry "Harry", and George. Children from the 3rd marriage to Anne Mathews were: John, Sarah, Jane and Ann. He was a major in the military and sometimes referred to as Captain Boarman. He often served as an interpreter to the Indians as he was fluent in several of the Indian languages. There is an very interesting book about him called "Captains and

Mariners of Early Maryland" (This isn't quite the correct title but something like this. It is still in print. You can get a copy from Barnes and Noble for about $60.00.

I don't think the "Mudd Book" is still in print but you can always find an old copy of it from There are quite a few listed there but are rather expensive. Most large libraries have copies or you can get a microfilm from your local LDS library. We have connections to most of the families that you mentioned. Also, the Simpsons and Montgomerys.

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Thomas Mudd (1680-1739) was son of:

Thomas Mudd

b. 1647 England

d. 1697 Charles County, Maryland

m. 2nd 1-8-1678 St. Mary's County, Maryland

Sarah (Boarman) Matthews

b. 1656 St. Mary's County, Maryland

d. 1685 Hall's Place, St. Mary's County, Maryland

Widow of Thomas Matthews, II

b. 1648 St. Mary's County, Maryland

d. 1676 St. Mary's County, Maryland

and daughter of:

Major William Boarman

b. 1627 Wiltshire, England

d. 5-16-1709 St. Mary's County, Maryland

m. 1st 1651 St. Mary's County, Maryland

Sarah Singley

b. 1632 England

d. 1669 St. Mary's County, Maryland


Thomas Mudd b. 1647 England

d. 1697 Charles County, Maryland

m. 1st c1672 St. Mary's County, Maryland

Julian (Juliana) Gardiner

b. 1631 VA

d. bef. 1676 St. Mary's County, Maryland

dau. of Richard Gardiner, Sr. and Elizabeth


1. Juliana b. 1671 St. Mary's County, Maryland

d. 1724 Charles County, Maryland

m. 1st Thomas Clarke, SR.

2nd Matthew Guibert


2nd Marr. of Thomas Mudd

m. 1-8-1678 St. Mary's County, Maryland

Sarah Boarman, widow of Thomas Matthews, Jr.

b. 1656 St. Mary's County, Maryland

d. abt 1685 St. Mary's County, Maryland

dau. of William Boarman and Sarah Singley


2. Barbara b. 1679 St. Mary's County, Maryland

d. 1710 Charles County, Maryland

m. unmarried

3. Thomas b. 1680 St. Mary's County, Maryland

d. 11-11-1739 Charles County, Maryland

m. 1st abt 1700 Charles County, Maryland

Rebecca Wright

m. 2nd Cassandra Warburton

4. Henry (Harry)

b. 1681 Charles County, Maryland

d. 1736 Charles County, Maryland

m. 1702 Charles County, Maryland

Elizabeth Lowe

5. George b. abt 1683 Charles County, Maryland

d. aft 1715 Charles County, Maryland

m. unmarried


3rd marr. of Thomas Mudd:

m. 1685 Charles County, Maryland

Anne Matthews b. 1664 Charles County, Maryland

d. 1718 Charles County, Maryland

m. 2nd Philip Hoskins

dau. of Thomas Matthews, Sr. and Jane Cockshutt


6. Anne b. abt 1687 Charles County, Maryland

d. 1779 Prince George's County, Maryland

m. 1706 Charles County, Maryland

Leonard Brooke

7. John, Sr. b. abt 1689 Charles County, Maryland

d.1756 Charles County, Maryland

m. abt 1721 Charles County, Maryland


8. Jane b. abt 1791 Charles County, Maryland

d. 1741 Prince George's County, Maryland

m. 1st. abt 1711

Nicholas Brent

m. 2nd. John Craycroft

9. Sarah b. abt 1694 Charles County, Maryland


Mudd, Thomas, Chas. Co., 12th Oct., 1696;

11th Mch., 1697.

To wife Ann, Hall's Place during life.

to son Thomas, sd. plantation at decease of wife and land in dispute bet. testator and Maj. Boarman; also 650 A., " Brierwood."

to son Henry, "Boarman"s Reserve."

to George,, 400 A., part of "Cannarvan," bought of Capt. Jos. Pile.

to son John, 180 A., "St. Catharines,'' bought of Edmond Nugent, and 250 A., residue of "'Cannarvan" afsd.

In event of death of any son or sons without issue, lands to pass in natural succession to male hrs.

To dau, Julian Clarke and hrs., 120 A., "Jarviss."

to Barbara and hrs., 200 A., "'Mudd's Rest."'

Sons Henry and George to be taken in charge by their brother in-law, Thomas Clarke.

Wife Anne and son Thomas afsd joint exs.

Residue of estate to be divided among wife and child., viz.,

Thomas, Henry, George , John, Barbara, Sarah, Jane, and

Anne Mudd, Child. to be of age at 18 yrs. William Boarman

Overseers: Son Thomas Clarke and brother William Boarman

Test: Wm. Howell, WM. Boarman, Jno. Brookes. 7.265


Mr. Thomas Mudd 18,139 1 CH #23343

List of debts: Edward Newgent,, William Wells, George Short, John Dickinson.


Mr. Thomas Mudd 18.126 A CH Dec 15 1698

Payments to: Anthony Simms, Walter Storey, Mr. Gilbert Clarke, Mr. Thomas Hussey, Maj. William Dent, David White, Dr. George Burch, Mr, Charles Cornwell. Mr. Jacob Moreland, Mr. Thomas Clarke, Capt, John Beane, Capt. John Rymer, Edward Newgatte, John Allerd, Mr. Richard Hubbard, Mr. Richard Boughton, John Tenniston, Mr. James Bouling, Mr, John Sirelson, J. Wallice, Thomas Simson,

Executors: Thomas Mudd, Anne Hoskins (widow), wife of Phillip Hoskins,


Thomas Mudd 19-1/2B.19 A CA {CH} £501,14,2 £298.10.0 Apr 19 1700

Payments to: Robert Carvill, Samuell Watkins, Thomas Clark, William Wilkinson, Maj. William Boreman, Sr., Thomas Couth (?), Jeremy Snell.

Executrix: Anne Hoskins, wife of Philip Hoskins.


Charles Gregory 6.667 A CH #69119 #78222 Mar 4 1679

Payments to: Elisabeth Young, John Stone, Josias Fendall, Ellinor Bayne, Richard Dod, judgment vs. John Cager former administrator of deceased, Richard Edelen, Thomas Notley, Esq., John Long paid to Henry Bonner, Richard Ashman, Robert Carvile for defending vs ------ Doyne & vs - ------ Allen & vs.-----

Rumsy, Benjamin Rozier.

List of debts: William Stannard, Walter Jones, Daniell Kelley John Curtis & Randall Peeters, William Gandey, John Greene, Capt. Allen (dead), Robert Barrett (can't be found), John Gillham, James Munkister (nothing to be found),, Margery Downes (dead), Jacob Leach (runaway), Seybret Maycock, John Vowell,, Henry Norman, Thomas Hooper, Morgan Evans, Daniell Kelley, Clement Thompson, Thomas Hatries, Samuely Sherrie (dead), Thomas Keiching, William Stanyard, Bryan Ward, Nathaniell Stanton, William Wardter, Charles Russell, Stephen Champ, Joseph Calley, Francis Wyne, Robert Greene, Matthew Hill, John Fanning, Ellinor Beane, Thomas Stone, George Credwell, Richard Ashman,, Thomas Mudd,, Joshua Doyne, John Morris, Benjamin Rozier, Esq., Joseph Manning, Robert Hewet, Robert Doyne, Capt, Fendall, William Groome (dead), Thomas Notley,

Esq., Mr. Clipsham the administrator, John Sheppard, Richard Smoote, Robert Rowland, John Smith, Thomas Gerrard, William Chandler, James Littlepage, Capt. Aspinall, Robert Thompson (nothing to be found), John Bracker, Robert Teate, Robert Thompson, Phillip Combs, Thomas Baker, Henry Bonner.

Administrator: Thomas Clipsham.


Thomas Gerrard (gentleman) 9.413 I SM £384.15.6 Jan 18 1686

Servants mentioned: Richard Stevens (boy), Robert Neale, Daniell Mackdaniell, George Jackson,

Appraisers: Humphry Warren,, Mr, Thomas Mudd,


Charles County Circuit Court Liber M, Page 98; 5 Mar 1685;

Indenture from Gerrard Fowke, Gent., to Thomas Mudd of St. Mary's Co., Gent.; for 17,000# tobacco; a parcel of land called Beyerwood; lying on the main fresh of Mattawoman Creek; bounded by Thomas Mathews, lard laid out for Richard William and John Wheeler; containing 650 acres; /s/ Gerrard Fowke; wit. John Clemens, James Browne (mark), William Hall (mark)


Charles County Land Records Liber S, Page 110

24 Apr 1693; Deposition of William Williams, age 53; for purpose of conveyance of land from Thomas Mudd to John Saunders in right of his wife Sarah, d/o Maj. William Boarman: In 1673 deponent was a tenant to Major, then Capt. Wm. Boarman on his tract of land where Thomas Mudd now dwells; deponent was retainer of Boarman for 18 years more or less prior to that date; he heard Boatman say that 400 acres of the 800 acres in the patent went to his dau. Sarah in marriage to Mr. Joseph Piles; the match was broken by disagreement of parents of Mr. Piles; then a match was proposed between Dr. Thomas Matthews of Portobacco and his eldest son Thomas Matthews and Sarah; when deponent returned from 5-6 months in England, Sarah and Thomas were living on land where Thomas Mudd now lives; deponent asked how Capt. Boarman "would do by ye son George to whom you have promised this land now given your daughter;" Boatman replied other provision had been made for George....; /s/ Wm. Williams; wit. James Smallwood


1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Port Tobacco: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 306-29: BRYERWOOD: 650 acres; Possession of - 650 Acres - Hoskins, Philip Col: Surveyed 11 Sept 1665 for Gerard Fowke on the South side of the main fresh or run that falls into Mattawoman Creek. This land being in Panguya Manor granted to him at 30 Bushels Indian corn annum & doing suit & service.: Conveyance notes - 650 Acres - James Mudd from Thomas Boarman Mudd; 13 April 1747, 50 Acres - Joseph Gardiner Jr. from Thomas Boarman Mudd; 25 April 1748,100 Acres - William McPherson from Thomas Boarman Mudd; 14 June 1749, 75 Acres - William McPherson from Thomas Mudd; 21 April 1750, 650 Acres - William McPherson from Thomas Mudd; 21 April 1750,


Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85 Liber R

Volume 17 page 55


Mendii the 9th Day of November 1681. Thomas Mudd of St Maries County gentl haveing given his Deposition before the honble the Chancelor the same was by his Lspp ordered to be Entred in the Councill booke viz


The Deposition of Thomas Mudd aged thirty four yeares or thereabouts sworne saith viz

That sometime in the Spring of this yeare meeteing with Mr John Dent at the house of Mr George Boareman discourseing of news out of Engld and likewise of the news here, he the said Dent told me that not long before he mett with Capt Josias ffendall, who told him that the Sinniquos were comeing downe to Assist the Catholicks, and further discourseing that he thought it would be troublesome times with the Catholicks; And what the said Dent could gather by the words of ffendall he thought he was ready to rise, and the said Dent asked ffendall whither it was not dangerous to rise till he had further news out of England, and the said ffendall replyed that then it might be too late. And further the Deponent saith not Tho: Mudd.

Juravit die nono Novembris 1681 :

Philip Calvert


Name: James Hughes



URL title: Indentured Servants Basic Search Results


Servant Information Agent Information

Name: Thomas Mudd Name: Anthony Noaks

Gender: male Gender: male

Occupation: Occupation:

Place of Origin: Place of Origin:

Spouse's Name:

Indenture Information Servant's Parents Information

Date of Indenture: August 14 1665 Name:

Indenture Length: 3 years Occupation:

Destination: Virginia




James Hughes 2006-04-29 13:11:19

Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683 Volume 7, Page 224


A Letter also to Mr Carvile one of the Members of the Lower house to speak to the Same Subscribed by James Bowling, Thomas Mudd, Richard LLoyd, William Boarman Junr, John Dent, William Rosewell, Thomas TURNER, Thomas MARSHALL, Abraham COOMBES, and Thomas Grunwin


Charles County Maryland Circuit Court Records, Liber H#2, Page 481

26 Feb 1721; Recorded at request of Thomas Jameson:

5 Feb 1721; Indenture from Luck {Luke} Clark of St. Mary's Co. to Thomas Jameson; for £25 and 1,500# tobacco; heretofore a certain deed made by Thomas and Juliana Clark, father and mother of Luck Clark, to Thomas Mudd was conveyed to Thomas Jameson dated 8 Mar 1709; tract called Bowling of 100 acres; also a tract called Jarvis of 111 acres; /s/ Luke Clarke; wit. Thos. Mudd, James Ludwell (mark), Jon. Fendall; ack. 5 Feb 1721 by Luck Clark

Thomas Mudd (1647-1697), a Roman Catholic

and probably an English immigrant, settled and

established "Carnavon" in Charles County,

Maryland, and married three times. Includes

other English Mudd immigrants and some of

their descendants and relatives. Descendants

and relatives of Thomas lived in Maryland,

Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Louisiana, Texas,

California, Oregon and elsewhere.

Emigrated from Bristol ENG 14 Aug 1665, to VA. To MD circa 1677. Planter, land owner approximately 2800 acres. Justice of the peace. Literate. Faith: catholic. 3rd wife: Ann Mathews, her father Thomas Mathews, she next married Col. Philip Hoskins.
Notes from web info posted by Brian Mathew O'bryan states that Thomas Mudd. Emigrated from Bristol England 14 Aug. 1665 to VA. To MD circa 1677. 1st wife: Juliana Gardiner, 3rd wife: Ann Mathews, she next married Col. Philip Hoskins.
Note: According to Gerald Watkins research, this Thomas left England on August 14, 1665 bound to Anthony Noakes for three years in Virginia. by 1677 was in Charles Co, MD. He died while on an expedition to the Susquehannorck Fort at the head of the Chesapeake.


Thomas Mudd (1647-1697)

md. 1 Julianna Gardiner

md. 2 Sarah Boarman

md. 3 Ann Matthews

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von Thomas Mudd

Thomas Mudd

(2) 1685

Ann Matthews

Ann Mudd
± 1685-± 1770
George Mudd
John Mudd
± 1690-1756
(3) ± 1685

Sarah Boarman

Juliana Mudd
Barbara Mudd
± 1679-1710
Henry Mudd
Sarah Mudd

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  1. Geni World Family Tree, via

    Thomas Mudd, Sr.
    Gender: Male
    Birth: Circa 1647 - England
    Occupation: Married Ann Mathews 1685
    Marriage: Spouse: Ann Matthews - Circa 1685 - Charles, Maryland, USA
    Death: Oct 12 1697 - Saint Charles, Charles, Maryland, USA
    Burial: 1697
    Father: John Thomas Mudd
    Mother: Margaret Mudd (born Unknown)
    Wives: Sarah Mudd (born Boarman), Julianna Gardner, Ann Matthews, Sarah Dearborn
    Children: Henry "Harry" Mudd, I, Barbara Mudd, Thomas Mudd, Sarah Sanders (born Mudd), Mary Mudd, Ann Brooke (born Mudd), John Mudd, George Mudd, Juliana Mudd, George Mudd, Jane Mudd, Jane Mudd, Sarah Mudd

    The Geni World Family Tree is found on" target="_blank"> Geni is owned and operated by MyHeritage.
  2. 1 Web, Suzanne Rahm, [Private] Mudd, 28. März 2016
    Added by confirming a Smart Match family tree Family site: 1 Web Family tree: peterpookROYALS - 2014-01-19 01-23-23
  3. Kohl Web Site, Stacey Lynn Kohl, Thomas Mudd, 28. März 2016
    Added by confirming a Smart Match family tree Family site: Kohl Web Site Family tree: Gaultney-Kohl Family Tree22

Historische Ereignisse

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  • Stadhouder Prins Willem II (Huis van Oranje) war von 1647 bis 1650 Fürst der Niederlande (auch Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden genannt)
  • Im Jahr 1647: Quelle: Wikipedia
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    • 11. Mai » Petrus Stuyvesant trifft als neu ernannter Generaldirektor der Niederländischen Westindien-Kompanie in Nieuw Nederland ein, wo er Willem Kieft ablöst, dem wegen zahlreicher Verfehlungen im Mutterland der Prozess gemacht werden soll.
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    • 19. November » Johann Philipp von Schönborn wird zum Erzbischof von Mainz gewählt.
  • Stadhouder Prins Willem III (Huis van Oranje) war von 1672 bis 1702 Fürst der Niederlande (auch Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden genannt)
  • Im Jahr 1697: Quelle: Wikipedia
    • 4. Februar » Im Tordinona in Rom erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper La clemenza d'Augusto von Giovanni Battista Bononcini.
    • 10. März » Der russische Zar PeterI. beginnt eine Reise in den europäischen Westen („Große Gesandtschaft“).
    • 1. Juni » Sachsens Herrscher August der Starke tritt zum katholischen Glauben über, um die polnische Krone zu erlangen.
    • 11. September » In der Schlacht bei Zenta besiegen kaiserliche Truppen unter Prinz Eugen von Savoyen die osmanische Armee des Sultans Mustafa II. Prinz Eugen feiert seinen ersten glanzvollen Sieg als Feldherr.
    • 20. September » Der Frieden von Rijswijk beendet den Pfälzischen Erbfolgekrieg zwischen Frankreich, England, Spanien und den Niederlanden.
    • 27. November » Der brandenburgische Premierminister Eberhard von Danckelman wird gestürzt, wodurch der Weg zur allmählichen Machtübernahme durch das so genannte Drei-Grafen-Kabinett im preußischen Staat geebnet wird.

Gleicher Geburts-/Todestag

Quelle: Wikipedia

Quelle: Wikipedia

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Richard Oliver Ludwig, "Genealogy Ludwig", Datenbank, Genealogie Online ( : abgerufen 25. September 2024), "Thomas Mudd (1647-1697)".