Genealogie Wylie » William VI 4th Baron Latimer , of Corby, KG, Sir (-1381)

Persönliche Daten William VI 4th Baron Latimer , of Corby, KG, Sir 

Quelle 1
  • Er wurde geboren am 24. März 1329/1330 in Danby Manor, Scampston, Malton, East Riding Yorkshire, England.Quelle 1
  • Er ist verstorben am 28. Mai 1381 in Corby, Kettering, Northamptonshire, England (dspm), er war 52 Jahre alt.Quelle 1
  • Er wurde beerdigt in Guisborough Priory, North Riding Yorkshire, England.
  • Ein Kind von William V 3rd Baron le Latimer und Elizabeth de Botetourte
  • Diese Information wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 5. März 2023.

Familie von William VI 4th Baron Latimer , of Corby, KG, Sir

Er ist verheiratet mit Elizabeth FitzAlan.

Sie haben geheiratet vor 1353.Quelle 1


Notizen bei William VI 4th Baron Latimer , of Corby, KG, Sir


WILLIAM (LE LATIMER), LORD LATIMER, son and heir, was born on theSaturday before the Annunciation (24 March 1329/30), at Scampston, andbaptized in the parish church, St. Andrew's, Rillington. At the battle ofCrécy, being then aged 16, he was in the first division with the youngPrince of Wales. On 7 April 1351, being then in the King's service atCalais, he had livery of all his father's lands, and on 1 February 1351/2had seisin of the office of engraving and making the King's dies in theTower of London and the city of Canterbury. On 30 October 1351 heobtained a charter confirming the lordship of Corby to him. He was then aknight and was going beyond the seas. In 1353 he made an agreement as tobounds with John Holme, lord of Great Edstone, North Riding, Yorks. On 5July 1354 he had a grant of 500 marks per annum at the Exchequer untilthe lands hcld in dower by his mother Elizabeth should come into hishands. At Roxburgh on 20 January 1355/6 William dominus de Latimer was awitness to Balliol's surrender of his claim to the kingdom of Scotland.In 1359 he was in the expedition to Gascony, and was madc Lieutenant andCaptain-General in that Duchy, first by Edward III in or before September1360, and then by John de Montfort as Duke, the latter having attainedhis majority before 8 December. In October he had been superintending thedefence of Bécherel. He was nominated K.G. circa 1362, on the decease ofSir William FitzWarin. In 1362 William de Latymer and Robert le Latymer,captains of Vannes, were joined in a commission. On 29 September 1364Charles of Blois, claiming the Duchy in right of his wife came suddenlyon John de Montfort and Sir William Latimer, who were besieging Auray;Charles was slain in the battle with a thousand of his men, andMontfort's title was soon after acknowledged by the King of France.Latimer took a leading part in the negotiations for the peace. In 1365,as William Latymer, lord of Danby, he had licence to found a college of13 chaplains in the church of Helpringham, where his ancestors wereburied. He was still in Brittany in 1366. He was summoned to Parliamentfrom 24 February 1367/8 to 2 October 1379, by writs directed WillelmoLatymer or de Latymer. There is proof of his presence in Parliament. In1368 he was made warden of the forests north of Trent and the castle andtown of Bécherel were committed to him. In or before 1369 he wasappointed Steward of the King's household, and is later calledChamberlain. He was also appointed to numerous commissions. He had grantsof free warren at Willeby, Northants, in 1368 and at Knapton, &c., Yorks,in 1378. In 1369 William, baron de Latimer was witness to a truce withScotland, and on 5 July 1370 was appointed one of the conservators of thetruce on the Scottish marches, an appointment renewed by Richard II inMay 1378. In 1370 also he was Captain of St. Sauveur le Vicomte. In April1372 he was constable of Dover Castle and Warden of the Cinque Ports, andin May 1377 was made keeper of Eltham manor, Kent, with a salary of £80per annum. Among other wardships he paid £1,500 for that of John, son andheir of Henry de Beaumont, 5 December 1373. Early in 1373 he musteredwith the large force sent to Calais under the Duke of Lancaster, and inJune was sent to treat with Ferdinand, King of Portugal, and Eleanor hisconsort. In 1374 the Pope urged him to use his influence to bring aboutpeace between England and France, and in 1375 he was one of those sent totreat with France in September and in October with Flanders. The Count ofSt. Pol was his prisoner in 1375 and lodged in the Tower. He was high inthe favour of John of Gaunt, and shared his unpopularity with the people,being involved in his temporary loss of power in 1376, and impeached bythe Good Parliament. He surrendered, but was released on bail, and, soonregaining favour at Court, was fully restored. He was nominated one ofthe executors of the will of Edward III in 1376, and next year was amember of the Council appointed to act during the new King's minority,and was leader of those sent with a royal message to the city of London.In 1377 he was one of the commanders of the fleet which attempted, aboutMichaelmas, to surprise the Spaniards at Sluys, but was dispersed by astorm. In this year and later he made a settlement of his manors ofHelpringham, &c. In view of the coming Coronation of Richard II he andJohn, son of John de Mowbray, of Axholme, tenants of the lands of WilliamBeauchamp, of Bedford, claimed to perform the office of almoner, and totake the silver alms dish and a cask of wine. The claim was allowedexcept as to the cask of wine, and William did the service for himselfand John, who was a minor. In February 1378/9 he was appointed one of thecommissioners for making peace with Scotland. In July 1380 he accompaniedThomas of Woodstock in his expedition through France to assist Brittany.He was constable of this force, with which he served till its return,leaving Vannes 11 April 1381, after engaging that day in conversationswith the French.

He married Elizabeth (c), in or before 1353, when a Papal indult wasgranted to Sir William Latimer and Elizabeth his wife. He died s.p.m., 28May 1381, aged 51, shortly after a stroke of paralysis while dismountingfrom his horse, when on a visit to Sir Robert Halys, and was buried, inaccordance with his will, in the Priory of Guisborough, in Cleveland,before the high altar of our Lady, under a tomb of alabaster, in thepresence of the Prior of Durham. His will, dated 10 July 1380, in themanor of Preston, Kent, was proved 31 May 1381. In 1383 his executors hadconfirmation of the pardon for the fine of 20,000 marks granted 8 October1376. His widow had assignments of dower 9 October 1381 and later. Shewas living in March 1385/6, but died before 23 March 1388/9, when theescheator was ordered to give seisin of the manor and hundred of Corby,&c., to Elizabcth, wife of Sir John de Nevill, daughter and heir of SirWilliam Latimer. [Complete Peerage VII:470-5, (transcribed by DaveUtzinger)]

(c) She is said to have been a daughter of Edmund FitzAlan, Earl ofArundel. Beltz (p. 148) refers to a pedigree by Vincent (no. 5, p. 33),but gives no other authority.

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  1. Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Lt, VII:470-5

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Quelle: Wikipedia

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