Fox and Anderson and Taylor families in USA » King Edward Plantagenet York IV (1442-1483)

Persönliche Daten King Edward Plantagenet York IV 

Quellen 1, 2, 3
  • Auch bekannt als Earl of March; King of England.
  • Er wurde geboren am 28. April 1442 in Rouen, Upper Normandy, France.
  • (Fact 2) von 1461 bis 1470 in England.
    King of England
  • (Fact 2) von 1460 bis 1461 in England.
    4th Duke of York
  • (Fact 2) von 1460 bis 1461 in Cambridge, England.
    7th Earl of Cambridge
  • (Fact 2) in England.
    Earl of March
  • (Fact 1) am 19. November 1955.
    16 Gens. (AC: Rbt Fox, 1911)
  • (Anecdote) .
    deposed King Henry VI (the one who had mental breakdowns)
  • (Fact 2) von 1471 bis 1483.
    Edward IV, King of England (2nd reign) after Henry VI died in Tower of London
  • Er ist verstorben am 9. April 1483, er war 40 Jahre alt.
    Oorzaak: illness, perhaps tuberculosis
    Westminster Palace
  • Er wurde beerdigt in Windsor, Windsor and Maidenhead Royal Borough, Berkshire, England.
    St George's Chapel
  • Ein Kind von Richard Plantagenet York und Cecilia Cecily Neville

Familie von King Edward Plantagenet York IV

Er ist verheiratet mit Elizabeth Woodville Wayte.

Sie haben geheiratet am 1. Mai 1464 in Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England, er war 22 Jahre alt.

at manor house of bride's father


  1. Edward Plantagenet York  1470-± 1483
  2. Richard Plantagenet York  1473-± 1483

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  1. Book, Platagenet Encyclopedia, Elizabeth Hallam (ed.), Crescent Books, New York, 1996. ISBN 0-517-14081-0., 1996
    Son of Richard, 3rd duke of York, and Cicely Nevilla. 7th earl of Cambridge (1460-61); 4th duke of York (1460-61); king of England (1461-83). During the 1450s, as Henry VI became increasingly ineffective as king, Edward's father Richard, a descendant of Edward III, began to prosecute the Yorkist claim to the throne. Defeated by the Lancastrians at Ludlow in 1459, Richard and Edward fled to Ireland. They returned the following year, however, and parliament acknowledged Richard as Henry's heir; but in renewed fighting between the Yorkists and Lancastrians, Richard 2as killed at Wakefield. Edward struck back, defeated a Lancastrian force at Mortimer's Cross in February 1461 and was acclaimed as king in London. He then won a decisive victory over the Lancastrians at Towton in March and was crowned at Westminster later in the year.

    In 1470, Edward lost the throne when Richard Neville, 16th earl of Warwick, 'the Kingmaker', returned from exile in France and proclaimed Henry VI king again. Edward fled to the Low Countries but returned the following year and defeated his adversaries. For the rest of his reign he allowed some of the great nobles, such as his brother Richard, 3rd duke of Gloucester, to build up major power bases in the provinces, in return for their support. This gave them a dangerous and unprecendented independence. However, in the later years of his reighn, his advisers began to restore law and order and to revitalize the royal administration.

    A patron of learning and the arts and a builder of magnificent churches, Edward also had a taste for luxury and a life of pleasure. In 1464 he married Elizabeth Woodville, thus vexing his councillors, since she was a widow and not of noble blood. He also had several mistresses. After a son (the future Edward V), one of ten children, was born to Edward and Elizabeth in 1470, the Yorkist dynasty's future seemed secure. However, Edward's borhter, George, 3rd duke of Clarence, intrigued against the king and Edward had him judicially murdered in 1478. In addition, there was intense rivalry between the future Richard III and the Woodvilles. When Edward died he left a troubled legacy behind him.
  2., via

    Edward's titles included the Earl of March, Duke of York, and King of England from 1461 to 1483.


    Edward was born on April 28th in Rouen in Normandy. His father was Richard Duke of York, the great-grandson of Edward III. In 1447 Richard's chance of becoming the next king of England increased when Henry's IV uncle, the Duke of Gloucester died without any heirs. Henry IV was the last surviving male heir in the direct line of Lancaster and if he also died without a male heir, Richard would be the next in line in the line of male heirs. There was a nearer male heir, Henry Holland, but he was a decendant from Elizabeth a daughter of John of Gaunt. Another claimant to the throne was Edmund Beaufort, the Duke of Somerset who was the grandson of John of Gaunt and his mistress Catherine Swynford, but Parliament passed a law to prevent a Beaufort becoming king. It is possible that Richard's (Edward IV's father) claim to the thone was better than the current king (Henry VI) if the royal line could pass via a female. This is because Richard's mother (Anne) was the great-granddaughter of Lionel, the second son of Edward III, where as Henry VI was decended from John of Gaunt, the third son of Edward III. (It is best to look at a family tree at this point from Edward III to see what's going on.) Richard was acting as Henry VI's lieutenant-general in France at the time.
  3. WikiTree, via
    Death of Richard, Duke of York and Norfolk (son of Edward Plantagenet York, IV)
    (Royal Tombs of Medieval England) King Edward IV died on 9 April 1483. Later that month the Privy Council announced that his eldest son, Edward would be crowned on 4 May. On 10 May the coronation was delayed until 24 June. Edward was confined to the Tower of London, and on 16 June he was joined by his brother Richard, Duke of York (b.1472). On 6 July Richard, Duke of Gloucester was crowned king. Richard's first parliament declared the princes illegitimate on the grounds of a pre-contract between Edward IV and Lady Eleanor Butler, daughter of Ralph Butler, Lord Sedley.

    As early as July1483 it was rumored that the princes had been murdered and secretly buried in the Tower, an account later repeated by Edmund Hall. Weever claimed that Richard III had their bodies exhumed and thrown into the Thames in holed coffins. Counter-rumors that one or both of the princes had survived persisted into the 1490s, prompting a series of pretenders. In 1674 workmen digging near a staircase leading to a chapel in the White Tower found a wooden chest containing two skeletons. The remains were thought to be those of the princes, even though other skeletons had been unearthed at the Tower. Four years later the remains were installed in Westminster Abbey in the north aisle of Henry VII's Chapel, housed in a marble urn designed by Christopher Wren. The sarcophagus stands today at the east end of the north aisle. The conclusions reach about the bones found in the seventeenth century have since been contested, and have never been satisfactorily resolved.

Historische Ereignisse

  • Graaf Filips I de Goede (Beiers Huis) war von 1433 bis 1467 Fürst der Niederlande (auch Graafschap Holland genannt)
  • Im Jahr 1442: Quelle: Wikipedia
    • 25. Januar » Ludwig I. und sein Bruder Ulrich V. schließen den Nürtinger Vertrag zur Teilung des Landes Württemberg in eine Stuttgarter Linie und eine Uracher Linie. Die Teilung dauert bis 1482.
    • 4. Februar » Auf dem Konzil von Florenz wird eine Union zwischen der römisch-katholischen und der koptischen Kirche geschlossen, die jedoch ohne weitere Folgen bleibt.
  • Graaf Filips I de Goede (Beiers Huis) war von 1433 bis 1467 Fürst der Niederlande (auch Graafschap Holland genannt)
  • Im Jahr 1464: Quelle: Wikipedia
    • 9. Januar » In Brügge tritt erstmals eine Versammlung aller Stände der niederländischen Provinzen (Staten-Generaal van de Nederlanden) zusammen. Die Versammlung wird im Laufe der Zeit eigentlicher Souverän und ihr Name führt in der Folge zum Entstehen des deutschen Begriffs Generalstaaten als Synonym für die Niederlande.
    • 25. April » Das Haus York siegt in der Schlacht von Hedgeley Moor über die Lancastrianer in den Rosenkriegen.
    • 1. Mai » Entgegen dem Rat von Vertrauten wie Richard Neville, 16. Earl of Warwick, heiratet der englische König EdwardIV. aus dem Haus York heimlich die aus niedrigem Adel stammende Elizabeth Woodville. Das ist später einer der Gründe für den Seitenwechsel Warwicks und damit einen Umschwung in den Rosenkriegen.
    • 15. Mai » In der Schlacht von Hexham setzt sich das regierende Haus York mit seiner Streitmacht gegen jene des Hauses Lancaster durch und bewirkt damit im Norden Englands ein Erlahmen des Widerstandes der Rebellen im Rosenkrieg.
    • 30. August » Der Kardinal von Santa Maria Nuova in Rom, der Venezianer Pietro Barbo, wird nach dreitägiger Wahldauer vom Konklave als Nachfolger von Papst Pius II. gewählt und nimmt den Namen Paul II. an.
  • Graaf Maximiliaan (Oostenrijks Huis) war von 1482 bis 1494 Fürst der Niederlande (auch Graafschap Holland genannt)
  • Im Jahr 1483: Quelle: Wikipedia
    • 29. April » Die Insel Gran Canaria wird nach Aufgabe des letzten Widerstands aus den Reihen der Guanchen gegen die spanischen Truppen unter Pedro de Vera und Alonso Fernández de Lugo vom Königreich Kastilien unterworfen. Die Ureinwohner werden versklavt.
    • 26. Juni » Richard III. beginnt seine Regentschaft, nachdem ihn am Tag zuvor das englische Parlament zum rechtmäßigen Thronfolger erklärt hat.
    • 6. Juli » Richard III. aus dem Hause York wird zum König von England gekrönt.
    • 15. August » Die Sixtinische Kapelle wird nach achtjähriger Bauzeit eingeweiht.
    • 4. September » Papst Sixtus IV. publiziert die päpstliche Bulle Grave nimis. Die Bulle erklärt unmissverständlich die Freiheit Mariens von der Erbsünde im Augenblick ihrer Empfängnis.
    • 20. Dezember » Johann Snell druckt das erste Buch in Schweden, die Fabelsammlung Dialogus creaturarum.

Gleicher Geburts-/Todestag

Quelle: Wikipedia

Quelle: Wikipedia

Über den Familiennamen Plantagenet York

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Tommy Fox, "Fox and Anderson and Taylor families in USA", Datenbank, Genealogie Online ( : abgerufen 24. September 2024), "King Edward Plantagenet York IV (1442-1483)".