Ancestral Trails 2016 » Margaret de FLANDERS III (1350-????)

Persönliche Daten Margaret de FLANDERS III 

Quelle 1
  • Alternative Name: Countess of Flanders & Artois (auch bekannt als /alias)
  • Sie ist geboren am 13. April 1350 in Male Castle, Sainte-Croix, Flanders, France.
  • (Alternative Name) : Marguerite de Flanders.
  • Sie ist verstorben am 16. März 1404/05 in Arras, Hautes-Pyrénées, Midi-Pyrénées, France, sie war 53 Jahre alt.
  • Ein Kind von Louis de FLANDERS und Margaret de BRABANT

Familie von Margaret de FLANDERS III

(1) Sie ist verheiratet mit Philip de BURGUNDY.

Sie haben geheiratet am 19. Juni 1369 in Gand, Flandre Orientale, Belgium, sie war 19 Jahre alt.

(2) Sie ist verheiratet mit Philippe de BURGUNDY.

Sie haben geheiratet am 19. Juni 1369, sie war 19 Jahre alt.


  1. Marie de BURGUNDY  1386-1408 
  2. Marguerite de BURGUNDY  1374-1441 
  3. Jean de BURGUNDY  1371-1419 
  4. Anthony de BRABANT  1384-1415 

Notizen bei Margaret de FLANDERS III

Margaret of Dampierre (13 April 1350 - 16/21 March 1405) was the last Countess of Flanders (as Margaret III) of the House of Dampierre, Countess of Artois and Countess Palatine of Burgundy (as Margaret II) and twice Duchess consort of Burgundy. She was the only surviving child and heir of Louis de Mâle, Count of Flanders, Count of Nevers, and Count of Rethel (1346-1384); and his wife Margaret of Brabant, Countess of Flanders.

In 1355, the young Margaret married Philip of Rouvres, grandson and heir of Odo IV, Duke of Burgundy. He was count of Burgundy and Artois (1347-1361), Duke of Burgundy (1350-1361), and became Count of Auvergne and Boulogne (1360-1361).

Following Philip's death from a riding accident in 1361, Margaret was widowed. King John II of France claimed the duchy for the kingdom of France. In 1364 Philip the Bold, John's youngest son, was granted the duchy, and subsequently married Margaret. Margaret's second marriage to Philip the Bold took place in 1369.

When Margaret's father died in 1384, she and Philip inherited the counties of Artois, Burgundy, Flanders, Nevers, and Rethel. Philip died in 1404, and Margaret died the next year. With her death, the House of Dampierre became extinct and the County of Flanders lost its independence. It came under the rule of the House of Burgundy and later of the House of Habsburg.

Margaret and Philip had the following children:

John the Fearless (1371-1419, murdered at Montereau), her eldest son and successor in Flanders, Artois and Burgundy
Charles (1372-1373)
Margaret of Burgundy (October 1374 - March 8, 1441, Le Quesnoy), Countess of Mortain married William VI, Count of Holland and Duke of Bavaria-Straubing
Louis (1377-1378)
Catherine of Burgundy (April 1378, Montbard - January 24, 1425, Gray, Haute-Saône), married Leopold IV, Duke of Austria
Bonne (1379-1399, Arras)
Mary of Burgundy (September 1380, Dijon - October 2, 1422, Thonon-les-Bains), married Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy
Antoine, Duke of Brabant (August, 1384 - October 25, 1415, at Agincourt)
Philip, her successor in Nevers and Rethel (1389-1415, at Agincourt)

The main line of the House of Dampierre ended with Margaret III. The Dampierres, originally only counts of Flanders, had through a clever marriage policy managed to inherit the counties of Nevers (1280) and Rethel (1328). Through her grandmother, a daughter of King Philip V of France, the counties of Artois and Burgundy (the "Franche Comté") were added to this (1382). These lands were to provide the core of the dominions of the House of Valois-Burgundy, which were, together with the Duchy of Burgundy, to provide them with a power base to challenge the rule of their cousins, the Valois kings of France in the 15th century.

Her eldest son, John the Fearless, succeeded her husband in 1404 as Duke of Burgundy and her as Count of Burgundy, Count of Artois, and Count of Flanders. In 1406 her younger son Anthony inherited Brabant and Limburg. Nevers and Rethel were at first, in her lifetime, given to her eldest sons John (Nevers) and Anthony (Rethel), but after John's accession to the duchy, Nevers went to her youngest son Philip. Rethel was given to Philip in 1402 when it became clear that Anthony would inherit Brabant.

In Burgundy, the château de Germolles offered by Philip the Bold to Margaret of Flanders in 1381 was embellished by the princess. Largely preserved, it is today one of the best example of the princely residences in France at the end of the Middle Ages.
SOURCE: Wikipedia

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Quelle: Wikipedia

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