Ancestral Glimpses » John Seymour (????-1536)

Persönliche Daten John Seymour 

Familie von John Seymour

Er hat eine Beziehung mit Margery Wentworth.

Notizen bei John Seymour

His eldest son was John Seymour, who died in 32 Edward III. leaving Roger, his son and heir, eighteen years of age 5 after whose decease the inheritance went by his dau. to a family of the name of Bowlays, of Penhow in Monmouthshire, who bore the Seymour arms; and terminated in a dau. and heir, who was md. to Sir George Somerset, a third son of Charles, first Earl of Worcester.
Source: Brydges, Egerton, K. J., Sir, Collin's Peerage of England; Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, T. Bensley (London, 1812), Vol 1, p. 146.

Sir John Seymour, before mentioned, the eldest son, succeeded his father in 7 Henry VII and was one of the Commanders of those forces that vanquished the Lord Audley, and the Cornish rebels at Blackheath in Kent, in 12 Henry VII. 1497, where, for his valiant deportment, he was knighted by the King in the field of battle; and in 23 Henry VII he was sheriff of Wiltshire. Also serving King Henry VIII in his wars in France and Flanders, had the honour of knight-banneret conferred on him in 1513, for his gallant behavior in the sieges of Therofine and Tournay, and the action at Guinegaste, on 16 Aug, called by our historians the battle of Spurs, on account of the very precipitate retreat of the French after their defeat. In 7 Henry VIII he was "sheriff of Dorset and Somersetshire, as also in 18 Henry VIII and was twice sheriff for Wiltshire, in 10 and 16 Henry VIII. In 9 Henry VIII being then one of the knights of the body of that King, he obtained a grant of the constablewic of Bristol-castle, to himself and Edward his son, in as ample a manner as Giles Lord D'Aubeny held the same. In 1518, he was charged with providing ten men for the King's service in his wars, for lands he held in Wiltshire. In the year 1528, he attended on Henry VIII at the great interview with Francis the French King, between Guisnes and Ardres, having in his retinue one chaplain, eleven servants, and eight led horses. Also when
the Emperor Charles V came into England 1522, he was appointed to attend the King at Canterbury, 27 May, in order to his reception. In 22 Henry VIII he was one of the five of the county of Wilts who were appointed to enquire into the possessions of Cardinal Wolsey; and at the second interview with
Francis the French King at Boulogne, in the year 1532, was one of the grooms of the chamber, and waited on his Sovereign.
He departed this life on 21 Dec 1536, aged sixty, and was bur. in the church of Easton priory, but that fabric becoming ruinous, his corpse was removed thence, A.D. 1590, to the church of Great Bedwin, Wilts, where a monument stands erected to his memory by his grand-son, Edward Earl of Hertford, His wife was Margery, second dau. of Sir Henry Wentworth,
of Nettlested in Suffolk, Knight of the Bath. They had issue six sons, and four daus., viz. John, who died 15 Jul 1520, unmarried; Edward, created Duke of Somerset; Sir Henry; Thomas Lord Sudley; John and Anthony, who died young; Jane, third wife of King Henry VII by whom she was mother of King Edward VI two days after whose birth she died, on 14 Oct 1537; "whose loss," says Herbert, "much afflicted the King, as having found her always discreet, humble, and loyal." Elizabeth, successively wedded to Sir Anthony Oughtred, Knight, and, Gregory Lord Cromwell; Margery, who died in her infancy; and Dorothy, md. to Sir Clement Smith, Knight, of Little Baddow
in Essex., and after his death to Thomas Leventhorpe of Shingey-hall, Hertfordshire, Esq.
His lady survived him, and died in the year 1550, as her last testament, and the probate thereof, shew wherein she bequeaths her body to be bur. as her executors think fit leaves divers legacies of plate, jewels, &c. to her relations, and mentions Edward Seymour, and Henry Seymour, sons of the Duke of Somerset, as her god-sons, and constitutes her second surviving
son. Sir Henry Seymour, executor.
Source: Brydges, Egerton, K. J., Sir, Collin's Peerage of England; Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, T. Bensley (London, 1812), Vol 1, pp. 149-50.

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von John Seymour

Joan Dameral
1285-± 1372
Cecilia Beauchamp
± 1324-1394

John Seymour

Margery Wentworth
????-± 1550

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    Quelle: Wikipedia

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    Dae Powell, "Ancestral Glimpses", Datenbank, Genealogie Online ( : abgerufen 22. September 2024), "John Seymour (????-1536)".