Clymer Weir Cox Genealogy » Robert B. Griffith Simpson

Persoonlijke gegevens Robert B. Griffith Simpson 

Gezin van Robert B. Griffith Simpson

Notities over Robert B. Griffith Simpson

Capt. Robert B. Simpson, of 2653 Melrose avenue, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, is a first cousin of Gen. Ulysses Simpson Grant, and has been in the United States revenue service for the past forty-two years. That he has performed his duties in an acceptable manner is evidenced by the length of time he has been in the government employ.Robert B. Simpson is a native of Clermont county, Ohio, his birth having occurred in Tate township, in the home where the marriage of General Grant's mother was celebrated. His parents were Samuel and Elizabeth (Griffith) Simpson.Samuel Simpson was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, October 4, 1796, and came to Clermont county, Ohio, in 1818, locating in Tate township, where he purchased a farm. The journey from Pennsylvania to Ohio was made with a four-horse team, in company with his father, John Simpson, who purchased some seven hundred acres of land in Tate township, after which he returned to Pennsylvania, to sell out his property at that place. His father, John Simpson, Sr., was a Revolutionary soldier, being a member of a battalion of the Philadelphia county militia. Samuel was an only son, but had the following sisters :Mary, who married James Griffith, is the grandmother of Judge Perry Griffith, of Batavia, Ohio.Hannah, who married Jesse R. Grant, was the mother of U. S. Grant.Sarah, died in young womanhoodAnn, a half-sister, married James M. Ross, the pioneer gunsmith of Bethel, Ohio.Elizabeth (Griffith) Simpson was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in 1799, a daughter of Thomas Griffith, an early resident of the county. She was the grand-aunt of Judge O. P. Griffith, of Batavia. She and Samuel Simpson were devout members of the Presbyterian church.Capt. Robert B. Simpson is the fourth of seven children : Sarah E., the widow of William Elrod, of Centralia, Ill. Melissa J., the widow of George S. Gatch, of Milford, Ohio. Amanda P., married B. L. Winans, of Bantam, Ohio, and died in 1906.Robert B., of this sketch.John, a retired army officer, with the rank of brigadier- general, and makes his home with his daughter, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.Mary, is the wife of Walter E. Burroughs, of New Richmond, Ohio.Harriet, married C. W. Burroughs, and died about 1902.The education of Robert B. Simpson was received in the schools of Clermont county, after which he followed the occupation of farming until January 17, 1865, when he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Eighty-fourth regiment, Ohio volunteer infantry, serving until September 20, 1865. He was mustered out as first sergeant of his company.After his return from the war, Mr. Simpson resumed farming as soon as his health would permit, residing at Bethel until he accepted a position in the United States revenue service, when he removed to Dayton, Ohio, June 1, 1869. He remained at Dayton for six years, and since 1875 has been in Cincinnati, serving continuously for forty-two years, in the government service. For the past twenty-eight years he has resided in his present home.On November 22, 1860, Robert B. Simpson was united in marriage to Miss Sarah M. Fagely, a sister of M. W. Fagely, whose sketch appears elsewhere in these volumes. She was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, but was reared and educated in Clermont county, Ohio.In the family of Captain and Mrs. Simpson have been born five children, one of whom is deceased. They are :William H., vice-president of the Central Trust & Savings Bank of Cincinnati. His first wife was a daughter of the late William Shaw. Her death occurred March 23, 1892, leaving an infant child. The second wife was Laura P. Cole, of Springfield, Ohio. They are the parents of three daughters, Eleanor, Virginia Grant and Dorothy.Ida, died at the age of two years.John E., living at Los Angeles, Cal. He married Miss May Phelps, and has two sons, Robert P. and John W.Louise, the widow of LeRoy Hahn, has one son, Wilson.Edith, is Mrs. Clarence W. Hahn, of New York City, where her husband is a professor of biology. They have one daughter, Sarah Catherine.By his study of the political questions of the day, Captain Simpson favors the principles of the Republican party. In social affairs, he is a member of the Fred C. Jones Post, No. 401, Grand Army of the Republic, of Walnut Hills, and has filled all of the various chairs of the organization. Mrs. Simpson is a member of the Julia Ward Howe Club, and of the First Presbyterian Church, which the family attends.

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