Bartlett - Poltock - Van Doorne family forebears » Bronnen » France Death Index, 1970-2022

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France Death Index, 1970-2022

The number of deaths reported and contained in this collection for the years 1970 and 1971 are well below expected counts and this is likely due to a ramp-up in compliance by local French offices reporting deaths to INSEE during these two years. In this collection the number of deaths reported for 1970 appear to be only about 8% of actual and for 1971 the number is about 50% of actual. By 1972 nearly comprehensive reporting was achieved across France and its territories.While most of the birthplaces and deathplaces are in France there are over 2.5 million records in this collection of persons who were born or died in other countries -- with neighboring and nearby countries (such as Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Poland) and countries which were former French colonies (such as Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Madagascar, and Vietnam) being most common.This collection will be updated regularly as additional records are released.

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