Bacheler Family Tree » Richard Kimball Sr. (1595-1675)

Persoonlijke gegevens Richard Kimball Sr. 

Bronnen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
  • Hij is geboren op 10 april 1595Rattlesden
  • Hij werd gedoopt in het jaar 1595 in Rattlesden, Suffolk, England.
  • Alternatief: Hij werd gedoopt op 19 september 1599 in Whittington, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom.
  • Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 12 mei 1880.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 1 juni 1897.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 1 juni 1897.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 1 juni 1897.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 1 juni 1897.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 1 juni 1897.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 1 juni 1897.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 1 juni 1897.
  • Alternatief: Gedoopt (op 8-jarige leeftijd of later) door het priesterschapsgezag van de LDS-kerk op 30 maart 1996.
  • Geïmmigreerd in het jaar 1634 vanuit USA.
  • Geïmmigreerd april 1634.
  • Geïmmigreerd op 30 april 1634Ipswich
  • Geïmmigreerd in het jaar 1834 vanuit Watertown, Massachusetts.
  • Beroepen:
    • Wheelwright.
    • Wheelwright.
  • (Misc Event) in het jaar 1634Ipswich
    Suffolk UK.
  • (Misc Event) in het jaar 1634.
  • (Misc Event) in het jaar 1634 in New England.
  • (Misc Event) in het jaar 1674.
  • (Misc Event) in het jaar 1675.
  • Hij is overleden op 22 juni 1675, hij was toen 80 jaar oudIpswich
  • Hij is begraven juni 1675 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts.
  • Boedelverdeling op 28 september 1675.
  • Testament.
  • Een kind van Henry Kimball en Joanna Eysley
  • Deze gegevens zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 8 november 2019.

Gezin van Richard Kimball Sr.

Hij is getrouwd met Ursula Scott.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 23 oktober 1613, hij was toen 18 jaar oudRattlesden
England United Kingdom.


  1. Martha Kimball  ± 1629-1677 

Notities over Richard Kimball Sr.

Information from KIMBALL FAMIllinoisY by Morrison and Sharples, p. 27-33.
!HISTORY: Wheelwright; embarked at Ipswich, England, for New England,the last
of April, 1634, in the ship "Elizabeth," William Andrews, master. He landed at
Watertown, New England, with his wife Ursula, and children Henry, aged 15;
Elizabeth, aged 13; Richard, aged 11; Mary aged 9; Martha, aged 5; John, aged
3; and Thomas, aged 1: all recorded in Drake's "Founders of New England."

Martha Scott, aged 60, also Thomas Scott, aged 40, mother and brotherof
Ursula, his wife, came with them in the "Elizabeth." Thomas Scott settled in
Ipswich, Mass., and had children Thomas, Elizabeth, Abigail, Hannah, Sarah, and

Henry Kimball, brother of Richard, came also with him, accompanied byhis wife,
Susan, daughters Elizabeth and Susan, and a lad named Richard Cutting, probably
an apprentice. Henry Kimball remained in Watertown, where he died about 1650;
but Richard Kimball removed to Ipswich, Mass., where, Feb. 23, 1635, he was
granted a house-lot, also 40 acres beyond the North River.

May 6, 1635, he took the freeman's oath. He was also "one of a comm to perfect
the line between Bass River and Winham; and 18:5:1673, he was on commto
establish rates for the cost of building the minister's house, which was voted
to be 18 ft. square, 13 ft. stud, to be added to Robert's house" (Wenham

Richard Kimball was a wheelwright by trade, and in 1660 he was granted liberty
"to fell twenty white oak trees to make weels for the towns men thereuse." In
1666 a similar grant was made him.

The date of the death of Ursula Kimball, his wife, has not been ascertained;
but he married, second, this time in New England, Oct. 23, 1661, Margaret,
widow of Henry Dow, of Hampton, N.H., who died March 1, 1675-6. Administration
of her estate was granted March 28, 1676, to Daniel and Thomas Dow, of Hampton,
N.H. (Co. Ct. and Hampton Recs.) In the inventory of the estate is mentioned,
"Due from Executors of her husband's Richard's will 40 pounds." Alsoa separate
inventory of 101 pounds:13:11: of goods of the widow at Hampton (Essex Deeds).

Richard Kimball made his will March 5, 1674-5; proved Sept. 28, 1675
***This information was in "The Driver Family: A Genealogical Memoir of the
Descendants of Robert and Phebe Driver, of Lynn, Mass., with an appendix,
containing twenty-three allied families. 1592-1887." Compiled by a Descendant,
Harriet Ruth (Waters) Cooke. University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1889
Richard(1) came to this country in the ship "Elizabeth" -- William Andrews, master, in 1634. He appears to have gone, soon after landing, to Watertown, MA. He settled in a different part of the town from that occupied by Henry Kimball, who was also on the "Elizabeth". On the
Note: shipping list, Richard is said to be thirty-nine years old, but he was somewhat older. He was however, in the prime of life, and soon became a prominent and active man in the settlement.

He first settled in Watertown and his home lot was given by Dr.Henry Bond: Richard Kimball: six acres, bounded on the north by Cambridge, east by land of W. Hamlet, south by the highway and west by the land of Edward White. The lot is now
[1897] in Cambridge near what is the corner of Huron Ave. and Appleton Street.

He was proclaimed a freeman in 6 May 1635 and was a proprietor in 1636-37. Soon after this date he was invited to remove to Ipswich, where they were in need of a competent man to act as wheelwright to the new settlement. There he spent the
remainder of his days.
The town of Ipswich granted him a house lot on 23 Feb 1637 at the west end of town. At the same time he was granted "40 acres Beyond the North Riuer[sic], near the land of Robert Scott." In 1639 he had liberty to pasture "two cows free". On
"the last day of the last month 1641"he is
Note: mentioned as as "Among the Commoners of Ipswich". He was appointed one of the seven men 1 Mar 1645. On the 22nd day of the tenth mo. 1647he was allowed two Pounds for killing two foxes.
Note: His services as a wheelwright were appreciated by the townspeople,for he was permitted in January 1649, "to fell such white Oaks as he had occasion to use about his trade for the town to use."
On 19 Dec 1648 he contributed with others three shillings as his annual proportion towards the sum of L27, 7s as a rate for the services of their military leader, Major David Dennison, then commander of the military forces of Essex and Norfolk
Counties. In 1664 he owned 43 shares in Plumb Island.
Note: His first wife was Ursala Scott, daughter of Henry Scott of Rattlesdon, Sussex Co., England. They were married in England. She died before 1661.
Note: He married (2) Margaret Dow, daughter of Henry Dow of Hampton, NH on23 Oct 1661.
The will of Richard Kimball was dated 5 Mar 1674-75 and was probated28 Sep 1675. He was well-to-do for those early days. The inventory of his estate, which was taken 12 Jul 1675, and returned to court 28 Sep1675,amounted to L737, 3s, 6d. He had already given to his children at their marriages.
Note: 1638 Kemball, Henry
Note: 1648 Kemball, Rich'd., Jr.
Note: Will of Thomas Scott: The will of Thomas Scott was written 8
March, 1654 and proved 28 March 1654. He bequeathed twenty-five pounds to adult daughters Elizabeth and Abigail. Daughters Hannah, Sarah and Mary were given the same inheritance to be paid when they reach age twenty-one; or if they marry before
that age, then one-half at the day of marriage and the balance when they come of age. Son Thomas Scott received the balance of the estate. Executors were named as "my brother Richard Kemball," Thomas Rowlandson and Edmund Bridges (Essex
Antiquarian, 5:Jun 1901:92).

Richard8 KIMBALL (Henry7 Kimball, Henry6, Henry5, Henry4, John3 Kembold, Thomas2 Kimball, Thomas1) was born in Rattelston, Suffolk, England 1595. Richard died 1675 in Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachussetts, at 80 years of age. "The last will and testament of Richard Kimball sen of Ipswich in Essex in newEngland who although weake in body yet prfect memory doe dispose of my lands& estase in maner & form as followeth.

To my Loveing wife my will is that she drell in my house and have theImprovement of my ground and meadow belonging thereto with the use andincrease of my whole stock of cattle, one whole yeare after my decease, andthen at the years end, the forty pound due to her acording to contract atmarriage to be payd her and that hous-hold stuff she brought with her. And tohave liberty to live in the parlor end of the house, the roome we now lodgein: and liberty for her nesessary vse of some part of sellar: also theliberty of one cow in the pasture, the executors to provide winter meats forthe same, and to have a quarter part of the fruit of the orchard, andfirewood as long as she lives ther., And if she desire to remove to her ownehouse, then to be sett in it with what she have by my executors and to beallowed forty shillings yearly as long as she lives.

And to my Eldest son Henry, my will is to give him three score and ten pounds to bee payd Twenty pounds, a year & half after my decease, & the remaining part in the two years following that.

To my son Richard I give fforty pounds.

To my son John I give twenty pounds.

To my son Thomas I give Twenty five pounds to bee payd two years and a halfe after my decease, and to his children I give seaven pounds to be divided equally among them and paid as they come of age or at day of marriage. provided if any dye before then their share to be distributed equally amongst the rest.

And to my son Benjamin, besides the two oxen, allready recieved I give the sum of twenty five pounds, ten pounds to be payd a yeare and halfe after my decease. The rest the two years ffollowing, also to his children I give five pounds, equally to be devyded, and payd, as they come of age, or at day of marriage, in case any dye before, that part to be equally divided to the rest.

And to my son Caleb I give that peace of land knowne by the name of Tings lott, and all my land att Wattells neck with my marsh at the hundreds knowne by the name of Wiatts marsh, and all my working tools exsept two axes, all to be delivered present after my discease also I give fourteene pounds to his seven children equally to be devided, to be payd as they come of age or at Day of marriage, and if any dye before, that part to be equally devided, to be equally devided among the rest.

To my son-in-law John Severns, I give ten pounds to be pay'd two yeares & halfe after my decease.

And to my Daughter Elizabeth, I give thirty pounds, ten pounds to be payd, a year & halfe after my decease, and that the other two parts, the two following years after that.

To my Daughter Mary I give ten pounds, five pounds to be payd a year & halfe after my decease, the other five pound the year after that.

To my daughter Sarah I give forty pound, five pound to be payd the yeare & halfe after my decease and the rest five pound a yeare till it be payed, also to her children I give seaven pounds ten shillings to be payed to them as they come of age or at day of marriage, if any dye before, that part to be equally devyded to the rest.

And to my daughter Sarah above sd: I also give the bed I lye on with the furniture after one year use of it by my wife.

To my wives children viz Thomas, Jerimiah, and Mary.

To Thomas and Mary I give forty shillings apeece to be payd a yeare & halfe after my decease, and to Jerimiah I give fifteene pounds to be payd at the age of one & twenty. I give also eight pounds to the two Eldest daughter of Gyes Cowes (that he had by his first wife) to be payd and equally devided to them at the age of sixteene, if either of them dyes before then the whole to be given to that remaines.

I also give four pounds to my Couyzen Haniell Bossworth , And doe ordaine & apoynt my two sons above sd. Richard and John Kimball to be my lawfull and sole executors.

And my Couzen Haniell Bosworth above sayd to be my overseer that this my last will and Testament be duely and truly performed And thus I conclude with setting too my hand and seale the fifth of March 1674-75

Richard Kemball & a mark and a seale. Signed & sealed afther the enter-.........................This will is proved in court lining (and firewood) in the...................................held at Ypswich the 28th of seventh line in the originall....................................Sept: 1675 by the oaths of the yn the presence of..........................................Deacon Pengry And Aron Moses Pengry Senr.............................................P engry to be the last will of Aron Pengry Ser............................................... ..Richard Kimball to the best of yr knowledge and that they know of noe other. Attest Robert Lord cler."

He married Ursula SCOTT in Rattelston, Suffolk, England. Ursula was born 1597. Ursula was the daughter of Henry Scott and Martha Whatlock(Whotlock). Ursula died 1667 at 70 years of age. She was christened February 14, 1597/98. At 16 years of age Ursula became the mother of Alexander KIMBALL February 20, 1614. At 18 years of age Ursula became the mother of Henry KIMBALL in Rattleston, Suffolk, England, August 12, 1615. At 20 years of age Ursula became the mother of Abigail KIMBALL in Rattleston, Suffolk, England, November 5, 1617. At 20 years of age Ursula became the mother of Mary KIMBALL in Hitcham, Suffolk, Eng., April 7, 1618. At 22 years of age Ursula became the mother of Ursula KIMBALL 1619. At 24 years of age Ursula became the mother of Elizabeth KIMBALL 1621. At 26 years of age Ursula became the mother of Richard KIMBALL in Rattlesden - Suffolk Co. England, 1623. At 32 years of age Ursula became the mother of Martha KIMBALL in Rattlesden, Suffolk, England, 1629. At 34 years of age Ursula became the mother of John Kimball in England, 1631. At 36 years of age Ursula became the mother of Thomas KIMBALL 1633. At 38 years of age Ursula became the mother of Sarah KIMBALL in Watertown, MA, 1635. At 40 years of age Ursula became the mother of Benjamin KIMBALL in Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachussetts, 1637. At 42 years of age Ursula became the mother of Caleb KIMBALL in Ipswich, E, Ma, 1639.

At 18 years of age Richard became the father of Alexander KIMBALL February 20, 1614. At 20 years of age Richard became the father of Henry KIMBALL in Rattleston, Suffolk, England, August 12, 1615. At 22 years of age Richard became the father of Abigail KIMBALL in Rattleston, Suffolk, England, November 5, 1617. At 22 years of age Richard became the father of Mary KIMBALL in Hitcham, Suffolk, Eng., April 7, 1618. At 24 years of age Richard became the father of Ursula KIMBALL 1619. At 26 years of age Richard became the father of Elizabeth KIMBALL 1621. At 28 years of age Richard became the father of Richard KIMBALL in Rattlesden - Suffolk Co. England, 1623. At 34 years of age Richard became the father of Martha KIMBALL in Rattlesden, Suffolk, England, 1629. At 36 years of age Richard became the father of John Kimball in England, 1631. At 38 years of age Richard became the father of Thomas KIMBALL 1633. At 40 years of age Richard became the father of Sarah KIMBALL in Watertown, MA, 1635. At 42 years of age Richard became the father of Benjamin KIMBALL in Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachussetts, 1637. At 44 years of age Richard became the father of Caleb KIMBALL in Ipswich, E, Ma, 1639. A Wheelwright in Rattlesden, England. Sailed to Massachusetts upon the ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, Master. Sailed last of April 1634. Arrived at Boston, July 1634.A Wheelwright in Rattlesden, England. Sailed to Massachusetts upon the ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, Master. Sailed last of April 1634. Arrived at Boston, July 1634.

A poem donated by Linda Smith. It really makes one think:


The emigrants kneel in the old parish church. For the last time, it may be forever: They scarcely had known that it would be so hard. The ties of a lifetime to sever. For the last time they look on the ivy-clad walls. For the last time they hear the bells ringing. 'Twas there they were married, and now to that church How fondly their sad hearts are clinging!

They listen once more to the good Rector's voice, They will try to remember his teaching: And hope they may never forget what he says, As they look in his face while he's preaching. That voice they have heard by the bed of the sick - That face they have seen by the dying - At the altar, the font, and the newly dug grave The means of salvation supplying.

For the last time they stand where their forefathers names They read on the headstones and crosses: There are newly cut names: and others so old, They are covered by lichens and mosses. Then a last look they take at a green little mound, Where one of their children is sleepinng. And gather a daisy that grows at the head - Then turn away silently weeping.

The neighbours are waiting to bid them "God speed" To think of them each one professing - At the gate of the churchyard the old Rector stands To give them his fatherly blessing. He placed in their hands the best of all gifts, A Bible and Prayer book, at parting: They could not say much, but he knew what they felt - To their eyes the warm tear-drops were starting.

"Keep these in your heart" as he gave them, he said, "And trust to the cross of Christ only: Then the lord will be with you wherever you go, And then you need never feel lonely' M.B.

Richard KIMBALL and Ursula SCOTT had the following children:

10 i. Alexander9 KIMBALL was born February 20, 1614. He was baptized February 20, 1614. Religion: religion unknown.

+ 11 ii. Henry KIMBALL was born August 12, 1615.

+ 12 iii. Abigail KIMBALL was born November 5, 1617.

+ 13 iv. Mary KIMBALL was born April 7, 1618.

14 v. Ursula KIMBALL was born 1619.

15 vi. Elizabeth KIMBALL was born 1621. She was baptized in Rattleston, Suffolk, England, 1623. Religion: religion unknown.

+ 16 vii. Richard KIMBALL was born 1623.

+ 17 viii. Martha KIMBALL was born 1629.

+ 18 ix. John Kimball was born 1631.

+ 19 x. Thomas KIMBALL was born 1633.

+ 20 xi. Sarah KIMBALL was born 1635.

+ 21 xii. Benjamin KIMBALL was born 1637.

+ 22 xiii. Caleb KIMBALL was born 1639.
Richard Kimball(1-1)

Richard came to this country in the ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, master, in 1634. He appears to have gone, soon after landing, to Watertown, Mass. He settled in a different part of the town from that occupied by Henry Kemball (1). According to Bond and other writers Richard and Henry were brothers. There is but little evidence to support this supposition, and it seems to be mainly founded on the fact that they both came over on the same vessel. Richard is said on the shipping list to be thirty-nine years old, but he was probably somewhat older. He was, however, in the prime of life, and soon became a prominent and active man in the new settlement.

He first settled in Watertown, and his home lot is thus given by Dr. Henry Bond: "Richard Kimball, six acres, bounded on the north by Cambridge, east by the land of W. Hamlet, south by the highway, and west by land of Edward White."

This lot was situated a long way from the centre of the town. It is now in Cambridge, which many years ago annexed the eastern part of Watertown. The lot was situated near what is now the corner of Huron avenue and Appleton street, and near springs of water.

He was proclaimed freeman on 6 May 1635, and was a proprietor in 1636-7. Soon after this date he was invited to remove to Ipswich, where they were in need of a competent man to act as wheelwright to the new settlement. Here he spent the remainder of his days. The town granted him a house lot, 23 Feb 1637, "next adjoining Goodwin Simons at the west end of the town." He was also granted at the same time "40 acres Beyond the North Riuer near the land of Robert Scott." In 1639 he had liberty to pasture "two cows free." On "the last day of the last month 1641" he is mentioned as "Among the Commoners of Ipswich." He was appointed one of the seven men on 1 Mar 1645. On the "22nd day of the tenth mo. 1647" he was allowed two Pounds for killing two foxes.

His services as wheelwright were appreciated by his townspeople, for he was permitted in January, 1649, "to fell such White Oaks as he hath occasion to use about his trade for the town use."

19 Dec 1648, he contributed with others three shillings as his annual proportion toward the sum of £27, 7s, as a rate for the service of their military leader, Major David Dennison, then commander of the military forces of Essex and Norfolk counties.

In September, 1652, he was one of the appraisers of the estate of John Cross, one of the earliest settlers of Ipswich.

On the "25th day, 11 mo 1652," he and his son Richard, Wheelwrights, "for £14, seel 30 acres upland bounding on the land of Mr. John Winthrop," also another lot of land of ten acres of "medow." 1653 he was one of a committee of three to survey fences in the common fields north of the river. His brother-in-law, Thomas Scott, died Feb. 1653-4 and he was joint executor with Edmund Bridges of his will. On May 25, 1654, their official position was recognized by Thomas Scott, Jr., then a resident of Stamford, Conn.

In 1660 he was granted the right "to fell 20 white oak trees to make wheels for the townsmen their use." In 1664 he owned 43 shares in "Plumb Island."

Richard Kimball was of the parish of Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England, as is shown by the following entry on the parish register:
" Henry Kemball ye sonne of Richard and Vrsula his wife baptized 1615 12 of August."

Ursula Scott, Richard's first wife, and mother of all his children, was the daughter of Henry Scott of Rattlesden. The Scott family had been in Suffolk county almost as long as the Kemball family. George Scott, grandfather of Henry, was buried at Bradsfield, St. George, 30 Aug 1562. Ursula was baptised at Rattlesden 14 Feb 1596-7, and married Richard Kemball in 1613. The will of Henry Scott, Ursula's father, serves to establish the relationship between the families.

"To Abigale Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Henrie Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Elizabeth Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Richard Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21." He also mentions his wife Martha, and sons Roger and Thomas Scott. Thomas Scott came with his wife, Elizabeth (Strutt) Scott and children to this country on the same vessel as Richard and his family, and they brought Martha (Whatlock) Scott with them. Elizabeth Strutt was also of Rattlesden; her parents were probably Christopher and Anne (Waller) Strutt. She married Thomas Scott at Rattlesden, 20 Jul 1620. Among the children of Thomas Scott was Elizabeth, bapt. 18 Nov 1623, in Suffolk, and given in the shipping list as 9 years of age. This Elizabeth Scott married in Rowley, MA in 1647, John Spofford, from an ancient Yorkshire family (pre-dating 106, according to the records). John Spofford was the son of another John Spofford, who, in 1662, lost his ministery in Silkston, Yorkshire for "non-conformity." He was, of course, a Puritan. A daughter of John and Elizabeth (Scott) Spofford, Sarah Spofford, born 22 Mar 1661-2, married Richard Kimball(3). The passengers on the Elizabeth were very much an inter-related group; it also included Munnings, undoubtedly related to Richard Kimball.

Henry Scott's will was made "24 Sept. 1625 in the 21st year of James of England by Henry Scott of Rattlesden in the Co. of Suffolk and the diocese of Norwich." It was proved in the court of the Arch deacon of Sudbury 10 January 1624-5. As Thomas Scott settled in Ipswich this may have had some influence in causing Richard's removal from Watertown. Henry Scott was buried in Rattlesden 24 Dec. 1624. (Parish Register.)

Ursula (Scott) Kimball apparently died in Ipswich 1 Mar 1660, although another record gives her death as 17 June 1656. Richard Kimball married second, 23 Oct 1661, Margaret (Cole) Dow, widow of Henry Dow of Hamptom, New Hampshire. There were no children from this marriage, although, from his will, Richard evidently held Margaret Dow's children from her first marriage in great affection. (NEW&GR), (Hotten), (Spofford)
[ayer anc1.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 30 (Disk #2), Ed. 1, Tree #0683, Date of Import: Jan 15, 2000]

Came from Ipswich, Suffolk County, England on April 10, 1634 on the ship "Elizabeth", William Andrews, Master. Arrived in Boston Harbor and settled in Watertown, later settling in Ipswich, Massachusetts.

Source: The History of the Kimball Family of America.
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 12, Ed. 1, Tree #1523, Date of Import: May 22, 2002]

Came from England in the "Elizabeth," with his wife and six children, to Watertown, Mass., 1634; freeman, 1635- settled at Ipswich, 1638; m. Ursula, dau. Henry Scott; m. 2d, 1661, Margaret ----(d. 1675), widow fo Henry Dow. [First Families in America - Virkus]

*'''Richard Kimball
*'''M, #71174, b. 10 April 1595, d. 22 June 1675
*Father Henry Kimball b. 4 Jan 1565, d. 10 Sep 1619
*Mother Johanna b. c 1567
*''' Richard Kimball was born on 10 April 1595 at Rattlesden, Suffolk, England. He married Ursula Scott, daughter of Henry Scott and Martha Whatlock, on 23 October 1614 at Rattlesden, Suffolk, England. Richard Kimball died on 22 June 1675 at Ipswich, Essex, MA, at age 80.
*'''Family Ursula Scott b. 14 Feb 1597, d. 1 Mar 1676
**Henry Kimball+1 b. 12 Aug 1615, d. 12 Aug 1676
**Mary Kimball b. 7 Apr 1618, d. 12 Jul 1686
**Richard Kimball+ b. c 1623, d. 26 May 1676
**Martha Kimball+2,3 b. Aug 1629, d. 19 May 1677
**John Kimball+ b. 1631, d. 6 May 1698
**Sarah Kimball+ b. c 1635, d. 1696
**Benjamin Kimball+ b. 12 May 1637, d. 11 Jun 1696
* 1.[S11674], Ancestors of Stanley Elmer Allen.
* 2.[S14] Unknown author, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, by Clarence Almon Torrey., p. 280.
* 3.[S61] Unknown author, Family Group Sheets, Family History Archives, SLC.
*'''Richard Kimball
*'''Birth: Apr. 10, 1595 Rattlesden, Mid Suffolk District, Suffolk, England
*'''Death: Jun. 22, 1675 Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
*'''Richard Kimball was born in Rattlesden Suffolk England''' and was the son of Johanna (Eysley) Kimball and Henry Kimball.
*'''Richard Kimball had one sister and two brothers (see his parents Biography).
*'''Richard Kimball was the husband of Ursula (Scott) Kimball, Feb 14, 1598 - Mar. 1, 1660.
*'''Married Oct. 23, 1615.
*'''Ursula (Scott) Kimball and Richard Kimball had thirteen children:
**[1] Alexander Kimball, Feb 20, 1614, Jun. 17, 1658
**[2] Henry Kimball, Aug. 12, 1615, Aug. 12, 1676.
**[3] Abigail (Kimball) Severans, Jun. 18, 1618, Apr.17, 1658
**[4] Ursula Kimball, 1619 - June 17, 1658
**[5] Elizabeth Kimball, 1621 - 1676
**[6] Richard Kimball II, 1623, May 16, 1676
**[7] Mary (Kimball) Knowlton 1625, Jul. 12, 1686
**[8] Martha (Kimball) Fowler, 1629, 1677 83239433
**[9] John Kimball, 1631 - May 6, 1698,
**[10] Thomas Kimball, 1633 - 1676, 38398678
**[11] Sarah (Kimball) Allen, 1635 - Jun. 12, 1696
**[12] Benjamin Kimball, 1637 - 1696, 34271250
**[13] Caleb Kimball, 1639 – 1682, 64865574
*'''Richard Kimball was the husband of Margret (Cole) Dow Kimball, 1610 - Mar. 1, 1676.
*'''Married Oct. 23, 1661.
*'''Margret (Cole) Dow Kimball and Richard Kimball had no children.
*To read much more about Richard Kimball just enter 'Richard Kimball at Epswich MA'.
*Biography provided by Ralph Kimbrel, 47951000.
*NOTE: Thank you Mr. Douglas John Shackley for sponsoring this Find A Grave Memorial.
*Ralph Kimbrel, 47951000
*Family links:
*''' Parents:
* Henry Kemball (1565 - 1619)
* Johanna Eysley Kemball (1567 - ____)
*''' Spouses:
*''' Margaret Cole Dow Kimball (____ - 1675)
*''' Ursula Scott Kimball (1596 - 1660)*
*''' Children:
** Henry Kimball (1615 - 1676)*
** Abigail Kimball Severans (1618 - 1658)*
** Richard Kimball (1623 - 1676)*
** Martha Kimball Fowler (1629 - ____)*
** John Kimball (1631 - 1698)*
** Thomas Kimball (1633 - 1676)*
** Sarah Kimball Allen (1635 - 1696)*
** Benjamin Kimball (1637 - 1696)*
** Caleb Kimball (1639 - 1682)*
*'''Burial: Non-Cemetery Burial, Specifically: Family Burial
*Find A Grave Memorial# 131201360
*'''KIMBALL, Richard
*'''b. 10 APR 1595 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England
*'''d. 22 JUN 1675 Ipswich, Essex, Mass.
*'''Marriage: 23 OCT 1615 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England
*'''Spouse: SCOTT, Ursula
*b. 14 FEB 1595/6 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England
*d. 1 MAR 1659/60 Ipswich, Essex, Mass.
**KIMBALL, Henry
**KIMBALL, Abigail
**KIMBALL, Elizabeth b. 1621 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England
**KIMBALL, Richard
**KIMBALL, Martha
**KIMBALL, Thomas
**KIMBALL, Sarah
**KIMBALL, Benjamin
*Marriage: 23 OCT 1661
*Spouse:COLE, Margaret
*'''History of the Kimball family in America, from 1634 to 1897 : and of its ancestors the Kemballs or Kemboldes of England; with an account of the Kembles of Boston, Massachusetts by Morrison, Leonard Allison
* 1 Henry Kemball1, b. perhaps at Lawford, in the county of Essex, England, son of Richard Kemball of Lawford, wheelwright. Richard's will was proved Sept. 10, 1619. He gives to "my elldest sonne Henry Kemball all my worken Tooles belongeinge to my trad Except out of them as many as shall be fittinge for to searue to axe a cart withall." All the rest of his estate he leaves to his wife, Elizabeth, with the condition that as a "mother shee shall see all my children vertiouslye broughte upp, in the feare of God, according to her poore estate and Abilitye." Henry, the emigrant, may have been the Henry mentioned in the above will. This is, however, a matter of conjecture. We do know, however, that at one time he lived in the adjoining parish, for Henry Kemball of Mistley singleman and Susan Cutting widow of the parish of Great Bromley were married Nov. 27, 1628. Susan Cutting was the widow of Richard
*Cutting. Richard Cutting and Susan Stone were married Aug. 3, 1620, at Great Bromley. "Richard Cuttinge, the sonne of Richard Cuttinge, was baptized the sixth day of ffebruarie 1621."
* Susan Cuttinge, the daughter of Richard Cuttinge and Susan his wife was bap: the xjth of September 1625. The will of Richard Cutting of "Much Bromley" July 27, 1627, mentions his wife Susan and his children Richard and Susan. Richard came with his mother to this country and settled in Watertown, Mass. His descendants are given in Bond's History of Watertown. Henry Kemball died in 1648. His inventory is dated July 22, 1648. His homestead in Watertown was situated near the corner of what are now Belmont and Common streets. He also owned land in other parts of the town.
* Henry Kemball's widow, Susan, married for her third husband one Loe or Low. She survived him and died Aug. 19, 1684, aged 86.
* At a court appointed 1651, Thomas Straite acknowledged that he had received his wife Elizabeth's share of her father's estate. John Randall also acknowledged that he had received Susanna's share.
* In Bond's Watertown three more children are given as belonging to Henry. This careless error is also found in Savage's Dictionary. They were the children of Henry and Mary (Wyatt) Kimball of Wenham, Mass., as shown by the Watertown records. This Henry Kimball2 was the son of Richard Kimball1, and for some time after he was married he lived in Watertown, Mass. After the birth of these three children he moved to Ipswich and then to Wenham, Mass.
** .... etc.
*''' Richard Kemball1 came to this country in the ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, master, in 1634. He appears to have gone, soon after landing, to Watertown, Mass. He settled in a different part of the town from that occupied by Henry Kemball1. According to Bond and other writers Richard and Henry were brothers. There is but little evidence to support this supposition, and it seems to be mainly founded on the fact that they both came over on the same vessel. Richard is said on the shipping list to be thirty-nine years old, but he was probably somewhat older. He was, however, in the prime of life, and soon became a prominent and active man in the new settlement.
*''' He first settled in Watertown, and his home lot is thus given by Dr. Henry Bond''' : .... etc.
* .... '''Soon after this date he was invited to remove'''
* '''to impswich, where they were in need of a competent man to act as wheelwright to the new settlement. Here he spent the remainder of his days. .... etc.
* ....
*''' Richard Kimball was of the parish of Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England, as is shown by the following entry on the parish register :
* Henry Kemball ye '''sonne of Richard and Vrsula his wife''' baptized 1615 12 of August.
*''' Ursula was the daughter''' of Henry Scott of Rattlesden, as appears from the following extract from Henry Scott's will :
** .... etc.
*''' Richard Kimball married second, Oct. 23, 1661, Margaret Dow, widow''' of Henry Dow of Hampton, N. H.
* .... etc.
* .... '''On the twenty-second of the following June the earthly pilgrimage of Richard Kimball ended, and, aged more than eighty years, he joined the great majority.
*''' His wife did not long survive him''', but died the succeeding spring, March 1, 1676. '''Richard Kimball1 was well to do for those early days. The inventory of his estate, which was taken July 12, 1675, and returned to court Sept. 28, 1675, amounted to £737 3s. 6d. He had already given to his children at their marriages.
**i. Abigail2, b. Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England; d. in Salisbury, Mass., June 17, 1658. She married in England John Severans, b. __ , d. April 9, 1682, of Salisbury, Mass., who is first styled a planter, afterwards a victualler and vinter. She is not mentioned in the list of passengers, with the others of her father's family, on the Elizabeth. She was in the prime of life at the time of her death. Mr. Severans married, second, Oct. 2, 1663, Susanna, widow of Henry Ambrose. Mr. Ambrose, after having lived in Hampton, N. H., Salisbury, Charlestown, and Boston, died in Boston in 1658.
***.... etc.
**2 ii. Henry Kimball2, b. Rattlesden, Suffolk county, England. There seems to be some doubt as to Henry's exact age. It is given on the shipping list as aged fifteen, in 1634. This would give the year of his birth as 1619. But it is evident that the ages on the shipping list are only approximate. Henry himself deposes in court, Sept. 28, 1669, that he is aged 53. This would give the year of his birth as 1616. But the parish records at Rattlesden are as follows: "12, Aug, 1615 Henry Kemball ye sone of Richard and Vrsula his wife baptized."
**iii. Elizabeth Kimball2, b. Rattlesden, 1621. There is no record of her marriage. She was alive in 1675.
**3 iv. Richard Kimball2, b. Rattlesden, Eng., 1623; d. May 26, 1676, in Wenham, Mass.
**v. Mary Kimball2, b. Rattlesden, Eng., 1625; m. Robert Dutch of Gloucester and Ipswich, Mass. Mary is wrongly given in many places as the wife of Deacon Thomas Knowlton, historians being misled by her fathers will, as he only mentions the first names of his daughters and does not leave anything to the children of Mary. But in an action for trespass against Richard Kimball, Sr., (in taking a heifer by his grandson Robert Dutch of the yard of Obadiah Wood and detaining the same Mar. 1662), this is shown to be wrong, Robert Dutch, Sr.'s wife was Mary. Savage's Dictionary is wrong in regard to her name. It says she was Mary Roper, daughter of Walter Roper. But Mary Roper was born in 1641. Mary Dutch says in a deposition that she is 36 in 1665, which would give her birth as 1629. Samuel Dutch calls Caleb Kimball2 uncle in deposition in 1664.
***.... etc.
**vi. Martha Kimball2, b. Rattlesden, Eng., 1629; m. Joseph, son of Phillip and Martha Fowler, who was born in England in 1622, and was killed by the Indians May 19,
**1676, near Deerfield, Mass. He came to New England in the ship Mary, with his father, in 1634, and resided in Ipswich, Mass. He sold his father-in-law, Richard Kimball1, forty acres of land in 1651.
***.... etc.
**4 vii. John Kimball2, b. Rattlesden, Eng., 1631; d. May 6, 1698.
**5 viii. Thomas Kimball2, b. 1633; d. May 3, 1676.
**ix. Sarah Kimball2, b. Watertown, Mass., 1635; d. June 12, 1690; m. Nov. 24, 1658, Edward Allen of Ipswich, Mass.
**6 x. Benjamin Kimball2, b. Ipswich, 1637; d. June 11, 1695.
**7 xi. Caleb Kimball2, b. Ipswich, Mass., 1639; d. 1682.
* 2 Henry Kimball2 ('''Richard1''') was born at Rattlesden, in the county of Suffolk, England, in 1615, and came to America in the ship Elizabeth with his father. He married, about 1640, Mary, daughter of John and Mary Wyatt, who came over in the same ship with him. She died in Wenham, Mass., Aug. 12, 1672. He married second, Elizabeth (Gilbert) Rayner, widow of William, son of Thurston Rayner, and daughter of Hum-
* phrey and Elizabeth Gilbert. William Rayner died Oct. 26, 1672.
* Henry first settled in Watertown, Mass., and remained there after his father moved to Ipswich, but sometime after 1646 he followed his father to that place, and about 1655 he removed to Wenham, Mass., and spent the remainder of his life in that town.
* .... etc.
* .... He died in Wenham in 1676. As is shown by the following agreement he left twelve children : .... etc.
**.... etc.
*'''Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts, including Waltham and Weston : to which is appended the early history of the town. by Bond, Henry
* KEMBALL (Kemble, Kimball).
* The name Kimball, now borne by so many families in this country, is undoubtedly a corruption, or variation of Kemball or Kemble, a common name in England. In the Watertown records it was almost uniformly written Kemball for several generations.
*'''Embarked at Ipswich, Eng., for N. Eng., Ap. 10, 1634, in the Elizabeth, William Andrews, Master, RICHARD KEMBALL, aged 39, with wife URSULA, and chil.''', 1. HENRY, aged 15. 2. ELIZABETH, aged 13. 3. RICHARD, aged 11. 4. MARY, aged 9. 5. MARTHA, aged 5. 6. JOHN, aged 3 ; and 7. THOMAS, aged 1 year. '''He settled first in Watertown, of which he was a proprietor, 1636-7, and was adm. freeman. May 6, 1635. He removed to Ipswich, probably in 1637, as in that year, Feb. 23, a house-lot was then granted to him. His son''' Richard was also a proprietor of Ipswich, in 1648. '''It was probably his son''', "Henry Kemball, Jr.," who was proprietor of a homestall and 3 other lots in Wat., 1642, and who m., in Wat., Nov. 13, 1650, Sarah Farwell. '''Richard Kemball, Senior, was probably the ancestor of most of the numerous families of the name of Kimball in New England.
*Also embarked, at the same time, in the same ship, HENRY KEMBALL, aged 44, with wife SUSANNA, aged 35, and chil., 1. ELIZABETH, aged 4 yrs. 2. SUSANNA, aged 18 months, and RICHARD CUTTING, aged 11 years. He was '''probably an elder brother of Richard Kemball'''. He settled permanently in Watertown.
*(I.) HENRY KEMBALL, adm. freeman. May 2, 1638 ; by wife SUSANNA, had 6 children. He died about 1650, and his wid. m. __ LOE. She d. a wid. Aug. 19, 1684.
** .... etc.
*'''History of the town of Canterbury, New Hampshire, 1727-1912 Vol. 2 by Lyford, James Otis
*'''1. RICHARD1 KIMBALL was probably the ancestor of most of the numerous families of the name of Kimball in New England. On 10 April, 1634, O.S., at the age of 39, he embarked at Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk, Old Eng., in the ship, Elisabeth, William Andrews, master, for Massachusetts, and landed at Ipswich. He first settled in Watertown, of which he was a proprietor, in 1636-37; was admitted a freeman 6 May, 1635.
*''' He soon removed from Watertown to Ipswich''', .... etc.
*''' He m. first, Ursula''', the sister of Thomas and dau. of Martha Scott, '''before his arrival in Ipswich; m. second, Margaret, widow''' of Henry Dow, of Hampton, '''23 Oct., 1661. Margaret d.''' 1 March, 1675-76. '''Richard d. 22 June, 1675, leaving a will dated 1674-75. His age was 80 years. Eleven children of whom Richard was the fourth."
*2. RICHARD2 KIMBALL, ('''Richard1''') b. in Eng., 1623, came with his parents to New England when but eleven years old, in the ship Elisabeth, and settled with them in Watertown, Mass., but soon after moved to Ipswich, where he became a proprietor in 1648; removed to Wenham as early as 1656; was one of the first settlers, and the first of the name in that town. .... He m. first, Mary Gott, who d. 2 Sept., 1672; m. second, Mary , who survived him. An agreement was made, 26 Sept., 1676, where there were eight children mentioned, probably by his first wife. Richard d. at Wenham, Mass., 26 May, 1676, aged 53. Of these children Caleb was the sixth.
* .... etc.
*'''Ancestry of Charles Stinson Pillsbury and John Sargent Pillsbury by Holman, Mary Lovering, 1868-1947, Pillsbury, Helen Pendleton Winston, 1878-1957 Vol. 1
* .... etc.
* HENRY SCOTT (Edmund), born probably in Rattlesden, Suffolk, about 1565, was buried there, 24 Dec. 1624. He married in Rattlesden, 25 July 1594, MARTHA WHATLOCK, baptised there, 18 July 1658, died before 1653, daughter of Thomas and Joan (___) Whatlock.
* .... etc.
*Children born in Rattlesden:
**i. THOMAS1, baptised 26 Feb. 1594-95, d. between 8 Mar. 1653-54 and 28 Mar. 1653-54, prob. Ipswich, Mass.; m. 20 July 1620, ELIZABETH STRUTT, bapt. 19 May 1594, Rattlesden, d. before 1654, dau. of Christopher and Ann Strutt. Children (SCOTT), (1) Elizabeth, bapt. 18 Nov. 1623, Rattlesden; (2) Abigail, bapt. 5 Mar. 1625; (3) Thomas, bapt. 15 June 1628; (4) Benjamin, bapt. 3 Feb. 1630, d. 30 Aug. 1633; (5) Hannah, b. about 1635; prob. Ipswich, Mass.; (6) Sarah, b. about 1637; (7) Mary b. about 1639.
**'''ii. URSULA''', bapt. 14 Feb. 1596-97; '''m. RICHARD KIMBALL.
**iii. ROGER, bapt. 15 Nov. 1604, d. after 1638; m. 26 Feb. 1627-28, SARAH GRIMWOOD. Children (SCOTT), born in Rattlesden, (1) Susan, bapt. 6 June 1632; (2) Roger, bapt. 21 May 1633; (3) Sarah, bapt. 4 Mar. 1635; (4) Abigail, bapt. 26 Nov. 1637; (5) John, bapt. 20 Mar. 1639.
*''' URSULA1 SCOTT''' (Henry, Edmund), baptised in Rattlesden, Suffolk, Eng., 14 Feb. 1596-97, died before 1661, probably in Ipswich, Mass. '''She married RICHARD KIMBALL. See the First Kimball Line.

Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s :
Name: Richard Kimball
Year: 1634
Age: 39
Estimated birth year: abt 1595
Place: Boston, Massachusetts
Source Publication Code: 263
Primary Immigrant: Kimball, Richard

Annotation: Part 1, pp. 1-43, is a study of emigration to New England in colonial times; part 2, pp. 45-207, lists passengers and the ships they arrived on (3,600 passengers on 213 ships). From the Custom House records of English ports. Much of the information is con

Source Bibliography: BANKS, CHARLES EDWARD. The Planters of the Commonwealth; a Study of the Emigrants and Emigration in Colonial Times: To Which Are Added Lists of Passengers to Boston and to the Bay Colony; the Ships which Brought Them; Their English Homes, and the Places of Their Settlement in Massachusetts, 1620-1640. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1930. 231p. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1961. Repr. 1984.

Page: 118


Richard came to this country in the ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, master, in 1634. He appears to have gone, soon after landing, to Watertown, Mass. He settled in a different part of the town from that occupied by Henry Kemball (1). According to Bond and other writers Richard and Henry were brothers. There is but little evidence to support this supposition, and it seems to be mainly founded on the fact that they both came over on the same vessel. Richard is said on the shipping list to be thirty-nine years old, but he was probably somewhat older. He was, however, in the prime of life, and soon became a prominent and active man in the new settlement.

He first settled in Watertown, and his home lot is thus given by Dr. Henry Bond: "Richard Kimball, six acres, bounded on the north by Cambridge, east by the land of W. Hamlet, south by the highway, and west by land of Edward White."

This lot was situated a long way from the centre of the town. It is now in Cambridge, which many years ago annexed the eastern part of Watertown. The lot was situated near what is now the corner of Huron avenue and Appleton street, and near springs of water.

He was proclaimed freeman on 6 May 1635, and was a proprietor in 1636-7. Soon after this date he was invited to remove to Ipswich, where they were in need of a competent man to act as wheelwright to the new settlement. Here he spent the remainder of his days. The town granted him a house lot, 23 Feb 1637, "next adjoining Goodwin Simons at the west end of the town." He was also granted at the same time "40 acres Beyond the North Riuer near the land of Robert Scott." In 1639 he had liberty to pasture "two cows free." On "the last day of the last month 1641" he is mentioned as "Among the Commoners of Ipswich." He was appointed one of the seven men on 1 Mar 1645. On the "22nd day of the tenth mo. 1647" he was allowed two Pounds for killing two foxes.

His services as wheelwright were appreciated by his townspeople, for he was permitted in January, 1649, "to fell such White Oaks as he hath occasion to use about his trade for the town use."

19 Dec 1648, he contributed with others three shillings as his annual proportion toward the sum of £27, 7s, as a rate for the service of their military leader, Major David Dennison, then commander of the military forces of Essex and Norfolk counties.

In September, 1652, he was one of the appraisers of the estate of John Cross, one of the earliest settlers of Ipswich.

On the "25th day, 11 mo 1652," he and his son Richard, Wheelwrights, "for £14, seel 30 acres upland bounding on the land of Mr. John Winthrop," also another lot of land of ten acres of "medow." 1653 he was one of a committee of three to survey fences in the common fields north of the river. His brother-in-law, Thomas Scott, died Feb. 1653-4 and he was joint executor with Edmund Bridges of his will. On May 25, 1654, their official position was recognized by Thomas Scott, Jr., then a resident of Stamford, Conn.

In 1660 he was granted the right "to fell 20 white oak trees to make wheels for the townsmen their use." In 1664 he owned 43 shares in "Plumb Island."

Richard Kimball was of the parish of Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England, as is shown by the following entry on the parish register:

" Henry Kemball ye sonne of Richard and Vrsula his wife baptized 1615 12 of August."

Ursula Scott, Richard's first wife, and mother of all his children, was the daughter of Henry Scott of Rattlesden. The Scott family had been in Suffolk county almost as long as the Kemball family. George Scott, grandfather of Henry, was buried at Bradsfield, St. George, 30 Aug 1562. Ursula was baptised at Rattlesden 14 Feb 1596-7, and married Richard Kemball in 1613. The will of Henry Scott, Ursula's father, serves to establish the relationship between the families.

"To Abigale Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Henrie Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Elizabeth Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Richard Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21." He also mentions his wife Martha, and sons Roger and Thomas Scott. Thomas Scott came with his wife, Elizabeth (Strutt) Scott and children to this country on the same vessel as Richard and his family, and they brought Martha (Whatlock) Scott with them. Elizabeth Strutt was also of Rattlesden; her parents were probably Christopher and Anne (Waller) Strutt. She married Thomas Scott at Rattlesden, 20 Jul 1620. Among the children of Thomas Scott was Elizabeth, bapt. 18 Nov 1623, in Suffolk, and given in the shipping list as 9 years of age. This Elizabeth Scott married in Rowley, MA in 1647, John Spofford, from an ancient Yorkshire family (pre-dating 106, according to the records). John Spofford was the son of another John Spofford, who, in 1662, lost his ministery in Silkston, Yorkshire for "non-conformity." He was, of course, a Puritan. A daughter of John and Elizabeth (Scott) Spofford, Sarah Spofford, born 22 Mar 1661-2, married Richard Kimball(3). The passengers on the Elizabeth were very much an inter-related group; it also included Munnings, undoubtedly related to Richard Kimball.

Henry Scott's will was made "24 Sept. 1625 in the 21st year of James of England by Henry Scott of Rattlesden in the Co. of Suffolk and the diocese of Norwich." It was proved in the court of the Arch deacon of Sudbury 10 January 1624-5. As Thomas Scott settled in Ipswich this may have had some influence in causing Richard's removal from Watertown. Henry Scott was buried in Rattlesden 24 Dec. 1624. (Parish Register.)

Ursula (Scott) Kimball apparently died in Ipswich 1 Mar 1660, although another record gives her death as 17 June 1656. Richard Kimball married second, 23 Oct 1661, Margaret (Cole) Dow, widow of Henry Dow of Hamptom, New Hampshire. There were no children from this marriage, although, from his will, Richard evidently held Margaret Dow's children from her first marriage in great affection. (NEW&GR), (Hotten), (Spofford)


source of burial place, birthdate and death date and place also come from the website:

added by mike kiraly


I have that he was born between 1591 and 1595.


arrived in America aboard the Elizabeth which had embarked from Ipswich, Suffolk England on 10 Apr 1634, William Andrews, master. Included on the passenger list were Richard, age 39, wife Ursula and children Henry age 15, Elizabeth age 13, Richard age 11, Mary age 9, Martha age 5, John age 3 and Thomas age 1. The family apparently came with Richard's brother Henry Kimball and Ursula's mother (Martha) and brother's family (Thomas and Elizabeth, both age 40).

Worked as a mechanic and wheelwright in Suffolk. They settled in Watertown MA before moving to Ipswich, MA about 1637. Richard was listed as a freeman in Watertown in 1635. He was a selectman for Ipswich in 1645 and the surveyor of fences in 1653. He later moved back to Watertown.


Wheelwright. His English home was in Rattlesden, Suffolk. He came to this country in the ship "Elizabeth" in April 1634 and settled in Watertown, Mass. Where he was a freeman in 1635 and proprietor in 1637. Of Ipswich in 1638, selectman, 1645.


Richard Kimball was born in England; he came with his family from Ipswich, County of Suffolk, England to America on the ship "Elizabeth", arriving April 10, 1634. He arrived at Boston, Mass., and went to Watertown. His land is now a part of Cambridge. He was proclaimed a Freeman May 6, 1635. He was a landed proprietor 1636-1637. Shortly after, he was invited to move to Ipswich, MA, where they were in need of a competent wheelwright for the new settlement. Here he lived the rest of his life.

His wife was Ursula Scott, the daughter of Henry Scott of Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England. Their children were baptized here. On Oct. 23, 1661, he married a second wife, Margaret Dow.



The common ancestor of the great majority of Kimball's in this

country was Richard Kimball, who with his family embarked at

Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk, England, 10 April 1634, in the

ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, master. After braving

the dangers of the ocean voyage he arrived in Boston harbor and from

thence went to Watertown, Massachusetts. He had left the comforts

and ties and oppressions of old England to find for himself and

children a home in the New World. It was to him a land of promise, a

land of religious and political liberty, a land to which the longing

eyes of the dwellers in old Suffolk were turning as fondly as did

the eyes of the ancient Hebrews turn ill their captivity to the

promised land of Canaan. As the Israelites passed through the

"Wilderness" and through the deep waters of affliction to reach

their haven of rest, so these sturdy Puritans, with their families,

with undaunted hearts, broke loose from the ties of friendship, left

the graves of their forefathers, passed over the wilderness of

waters and reached the Canaan of their hopes. An ocean now rolled

between them and their early home, and in a new and savage country,

and in another hemisphere, they started a new home. They helped to

make the beginnings of a New England and lay the foundations of a

rival to the Old England across the sea. They were of that Puritan

stock which has in its turn made New England the mother of the great

West, the sturdy stock which only needs to be convinced that it is

right in order to do and dare all that is noblest. A stock that

found a wilderness peopled with a few savages, a climate that would

have killed a less hardy race, a soil that is far from fertile, and

yet out of these untoward circumstances wrested success. They came

when the throes of revolution were agitating the mother country,

when the conflict between the adherents of the Established Church

and the Puritans, between the King and the people, was at its

height, and when the principles of civil rights and religious

liberty were struggling for existence in England.

James I, after a feeble reign, had expired 27 March 1625. His son,

the ill-starred Charles I, had succeeded him. Fires were smoldering

in England which would soon burst forth into devouring flames. In

1629 Charles I dissolved the last of three Parliaments, and for the

next eleven years attempted to rule England by his absolute power.

In 1634 the king made his journey to Scotland, in order to hold a

Parliament, and by a statute compel the Scottish people to worship

by Episcopal rule. A very difficult task, which no king, though

backed by the power of the church, could accomplish. He made William

Laud Archbishop of Canterbury, whose office was an object of

aversion to the Puritans. Under his authority every corner of the

kingdom was subjected to a minute inspection, and every little band

of Separatists or Puritans, as their adversaries called them, was

tracked out and broken up, even the religious ceremonies of private

families did not escape the vigilance of his spies. Deadly hatred of

the Established Church and of the king as its head was thus

engendered in thousands of homes.

These acts rendered England so uncomfortable that the Puritans were

compelled to seek a home elsewhere. They, therefore, sought a

dwelling place in the wilderness of the new world, and they called

their new home, in loving remembrance of the old home from which

they came, New England. Here they sought the right to worship God

unmolested by bishops. There was but little opposition to the first

emigration, but three years later, in 1637, by an order of the king

and council, eight vessels lying in the Thames and ready to sail,

freighted with Puritans, were detained. In these vessels were

embarked Sir Arthur Hazelrig, John Hampden, John Pym, and Oliver

Cromwell, the Great Protector, who afterwards signed the death

warrant of King Charles, in 1649. Such was the condition of affairs

in England, and such the insults, persecutions, and wrongs heaped

upon the Puritans in 1634, which the proud spirits of many could not

brook, but in the wilds of New England they sought out a home in

which they might be free.

The leaders in the exodus were many of them men of influence in

England, and they brought with them many men of the middle classes,

who were also tired of the tyranny and exaction's to which they were

subjected. To this class belonged the sturdy wheelwright, Richard

Kemball. He had a trade, which would be eminently useful in the new

colony. His services were in such request that he was soon called to

leave his first settlement at Watertown and go to Ipswich, where he

was given a house lot, and other privileges, on condition that he

should be the town wheelwright.


Richard Kemball came to this country in the ship Elizabeth, William

Andrews, master, in 1634. He appears to have gone, soon after

landing, to Watertown, Massachusetts. He settled in a different part

of the town from that occupied by Henry Kemball. According to Bond

and other writers Richard and Henry were brothers. There is but

little evidence to support this supposition, and it seems to be

mainly founded on the fact that they both came over on the same

vessel. Richard is said on the shipping list to be thirty-nine years

old, but he was probably somewhat older. He was, however, in the

prime of life, and soon became a prominent and active man in the new


He first settled in Watertown, and his home lot is thus given by Dr.

Henry Bond: Richard Kimball, six acres, bounded on the north by

Cambridge, east by land of West Hamlet, south by the highway, and

west by land of Edward White.

This lot was situated a long way from the center of the town. It is

now in Cambridge, which many years ago annexed the eastern part of

Watertown. The lot was situated near what is now the corner of Huron

avenue and Appleton street, and near springs of water.

He was proclaimed freeman in 1635, 6 May. Was a proprietor in

1636-7. Soon after this date he was invited to remove to Ipswich,

where they were in need of a competent man to act as wheelwright to

the new settlement. Here he spent the remainder of his days. The

town granted him a house lot, 23 Feb. 1637, next adjoining Goodwin

Simons at the west end of the town. He was also granted at the same

time "40 acres Beyond the North River, near the land of Robert

Scott." In 1639 he had liberty to pasture 'two cows free.' On 'the

last day of the last month 1641' he is mentioned as 'Among the

Commoners of Ipswich.' He was appointed one of the seven men 1 March

1645. On the 22d day of the tenth mo. 1647 he was allowed two Pounds

for killing two foxes.

His services as wheelwright were appreciated by his townspeople, for

he was permitted in January 1649, "to fell such white Oaks as he

hath occasion to use about his trade for the town use."

19 December 1648, he contributed with others three shillings as his

annual proportion towards the sum of £27, 7s, as a rate for the

services of their military leader, Major David Dennison, then

commander of the military forces of Essex and Norfolk counties.

In September 1652, he was one of the appraisers of the estate of

John Cross, one of the earliest settlers of Ipswich.

On the 25, day 11 mo 1652, he and his son Richard, Wheelwrights,

'for £14. sell 30 acres upland bounding on land of Mr. John

Winthrop,' also another lot of land of ten acres of 'medow'.

In 1653 he was one of a committee of three to survey fences in the

common fields north of the river. His brother-in-law Thomas Scott

died Feb. 1653-4 and he was joint executor with Edmund Bridges of

his will. On 25 May 1654, their official position was recognized by

Thomas Scott, Jr., then a resident of Stamford, Connecticut.

In 1660 he was granted right 'to fell 20 white oak trees to make

weels for the townsmen their use. In 1664 he owned 43 shares in

Plumb Island.

Richard Kimball was of the parish of Rattlesden, county of Suffolk,

England, as is shown by the following entry on the parish register:

Henry Kemball ye sonne of Richard and Vrsula his wife baptized 1615

12 of August.

Ursula was the daughter of Henry Scott of Rattlesden, as appears

from the following extract from Henry Scott's will: "To Abigale

Kemball my grandchild twentie shillings to be paid at 21 to Henrie

Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Elizabeth

Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Richard

Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21." He also

mentions his wife Martha, and sons Roger and Thomas Scott. Thomas

Scott came with his wife and children to this country in the same

vessel as Richard and his family, and they brought Martha Scott with

them. This will was made 24 Sept. 1625 In the 21st year of James of

England by Henry Scott of Rattlesden in the Co. of Suffolk and

diocese of Norwich. It was proved in the court of the Archdeacon of

Sudbury 10 January 1624-5. As Thomas Scott settled in Ipswich this

may have had some influence in causing Richard's removal from

Watertown. Henry Scott was buried at Rattlesden, 24 Dec. 1624.

(Parish Register.)

Richard Kimball married second, Oct.23, 1661, Margaret Dow, widow of

Henry Dow of Hampton, New Hampshire.


[Ipswich Deeds, vol. IV, p.12.]

The last will and Testament of Richard Kimball senr of Ipswich in

Essex in new England who although weake in body yet of prfect memory

doe dispose of my lands & estate in maner & form as followeth.

To my Loveinge wife my will is that she shall dwell in my house and

have the Improvement of my ground and meadow belonging thereto with

the use and increase of my whole stock of cattle, one whole yeare

after my decease, and then at the years end, the forty pound due to

her acording to contract at marriage to be payd her and that

hous-hold stuff she brought with her. And to have liberty to live in

the parlor end of the house, the roome we now lodge in: and liberty

for her necessary vse of some part of sellar: also the liberty of

one cow in the pasture, the executors to provide winter meate for

the same, and to have a quarter part of the fruit of the orchard,

and firewood as long as she lives ther., And if she desire to remove

to her owne house, then to be sett in it with what she have by my

executors and to be alowed forty shillings yearly as long as shee

lives. And to my Eldest son Henry, my will is to give him three

score and ten pounds to bee payd Twenty pounds, a year & half after

my decease, & the remaining part in the two years following after


To my son Richard I give fforty pounds.

To my son John I give twenty pounds.

To my son Thomas I give Twenty five pounds to bee payd two years and

a halfe after my decease, and to his children I give seaven pounds

to be devided equally among them and paid as they come of age or at

day of marriage. provided if any dye before then their share to be

distributed equally amongst the rest.

And to my son Benjamin, besides the two oxen, allready received I

give the sum of twenty five pounds, ten pound to be payd a yeare and

halfe after my decease. The rest the two years ffollowing, also to

his children I give five pounds, equally to be devyded, and payd, as

they come of age, or at day of marriage, in case any dye before,

that part to be equally divided to the rest.

And to my son Caleb I give that peace of land knowne by the name of

Tings lott, and all my land att Wattells neck with my marsh at the

hundreds knowne by the name of Wiatts marsh, and all my working

tools exsept two axes, all to be delivered present after my discease

also I give fourteene pounds to his seaven children equally to be

devided, to be payd as they come of age or at Day of manage and if

any dye before, that part to be equally devided amongst the rest.

To my son-in-law John Severns, I give ten pounds to be pay'd two

yeares & a halfe after my decease. And to my Daughter Elizabeth, I

give thirty pounds, ten pound to be payd, a year & halfe after my

decease, and the other two parts, the two following years after


To my Daughter Mary I give ten pounds, five pound to be payd a year

& halfe after my decease, the other five pound the year after that.

To my daughter Sarah I give forty pound, five pound to be payd the

yeare & halfe after my decease and the rest five pound a yeare till

it be all payd, also to her children I give seaven pounds ten

shilhngs to be payed to them as they come of age or at day of

marriage, if any dye before, that part to be equally devyded to the


And to my daughter Sarah above sd; I also give the bed I lye on with

the furniture after one years use of it by my wife.

To my wives children viz. Thomas, Jerimiah, and Mary.

To Thomas and Mary I give forty shillings apeece to be payd a yeare

& halfe after my decease, and to Jerimiah I give fifteene pounds to

be payd at the age of one & twenty. I give also eight pounds to the

two Eldest daughters of Gyes Gowes (that he had by his first wife)

to be payd and equally devided to them at the age of sixteene, if

either of them dye before then the whole to be given to that that


I also give four pounds to my couzen Haniell Bossworth, And doe

ordaine & apoynt my two sons above sd. Richard and John Kimball to

be my lawfull and sole executors. And my Couzen Haniell Bosworth

above sayd to be my overseer that this my last will and Testament be

duely and truly performed And thus I conclude with setting too my

hand and seale the fifth of march 1674-5. Richard Kemball & a mark

and a seale.

Signed & sealed after the enter-

This will is proved in court lining (and firewood) in the

held at Ypswich the 28th of seventh line in the originall

Sept: 1675. by the oaths of yn the presence of

Deacon Pengry And Aron Moses Pengry Senr.

Pengry to be the last will of Aron Pengry Ser.

Richard Kimball to the best of yr knowledge and that they know of

noe other.

Attest Robert Lord cler.

Moses and Aaron Pengry were prominent citizens of Ipswich. The

marriage settlement of Sarah Pengry, daughter of Moses, is on record

at Salem, Massachusetts. She married John, son of Robert Day, and

three of her children married three children of Benjamin Kimball of

Bradford, Massachusetts.

Having thus made his will he waited for the coming of the messenger

who would sunder all earthly ties and take him on his eternal

journey. The angel delayed not long his coming. On the twenty-second

of the following June the earthly pilgrimage of Richard Kimball

ended, and, aged more than eighty years, he joined the great


His wife did not long survive him, but died the succeeding spring, 1

March 1676. Richard Kimball was well to do for those early days. The

inventory of his estate, which was taken 12 July 1675, and returned

to court 28 Sept. 1675, amounted to £737 3s. 6d. He had already

given to his children at their marriages.

He had a houselot granted to him in Ipswich, February 23, 1637,

adjoining goodman Simons, "att ye west end of ye town." He was a

commoner, 1641; one of Major Denison's subscribers, 1648; had a

share and a half in Plum Island, &c., 1664. He had a farm in the

northerly part of the town, near Prospect Hill, having the farm

which Thomas Emerson sold to Joseph Jewett on the northwest. He

also possessed a lot on the Town Hill. The inventory of his

property, June 17, 1676, amounted to £986, 5; of which his house

with 132 acres of land valued at £370.


Richard Kimball, our immigrant ancestor was born in the small village of Rattlesden, Suffolkshire, England on 10 April 1595[1]. He married Ursula Scott when he was 20 years old, on 23 October 1615 at St. Nicholas Anglican Church in Rattlesden.

And so the Kimballs and their friends landed in the New World and began building a nation. Richard Kimball was a wheel right. Every day but the Sabbath, he would work with a chamfer, jarvix, jack plane, bruzz, samson and spokedog to create naves, spokes and felloes in his craft of making and repairing wagon wheels. He was essential to business in his community and a respected member of society. Today, the art of wheelrighting is all but lost, superseded by the modern complexities of steel belts and tiger-paw treads. Richard Kimball helped, literally, to turn the wheels of industry in his native Rattlesden, England for over 30 years before he and his family sailed to the Massachusetts Bay Colony to escape the religious persecution they suffered because they were Puritans being oppressed by the reigning monarch, Charles I of England and his henchman, the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Initially, the Kimballs settled in Watertown, only a few miles from Cambridge[9]. In Watertown Richard was proclaimed a Freeman[10] in 1635 and he was a proprietor from 1636 to 1637. On Feb. 23, 1637 the townspeople of Ipswich, MA invited the family to move there as they needed a competent wheelwright. They gave him a house and a lot adjoining Goodwin Simons at the west end of the town. He was also granted permission to cut the white oaks which would be need to build sturdy wagon wheels. Additionally he was granted "40 acres beyond the North Riuer, near the land of Robert Scott", and meadow privileges. In 1639 he had liberty to pasture "two cows free." On "the last day of the last month 1641" he is mentioned as "Among the Commoners of Ipswich”, and “On the 22d day of the tenth month 1647 he was allowed two Pounds for killing two foxes”.

Here he spent the remainder of his days’ in Ipswich where he and his wife, Ursula raised a large family

The following children were born to this couple:

Alexander Kimball, born 20 February 1614 at Hitcham, Suffolkshire, England.

Henry Kimball, christened 12 August 1615 at Rattlesden, Suffolkshire, England.

Mary Kimball, born in 1618 at Hitcham, Suffolkshire, England

Abigail Kimball, born 18 June 1618 at Rattlesden, Suffolkshire, England.

Ursula Kimball, born 1619 at Rattlesden, Suffolkshire, England.

Elizabeth Kimball, born 1621 at Rattlesden, Suffolkshire, England.

Richard Kimball, born 1623 at Rattlesden, Suffolkshire, England.

Mary Kimball, born 1625 at Rattlesden, Suffolkshire, England.

Martha Kimball, born 1629 at Rattlesden, Suffolkshire, England.

John Kimball, born 1631 at Rattlesden, Suffolkshire, England.

Thomas Kimball, born 1633 at Rattlesden, Suffolkshire, England.

Sarah Kimball, born 1635 at Ipswich, Essex, MA.

Cornet Benjamin Kimball, born 12 May 1637 at Ipswich, Essex, MA.

Caleb Kimball, born 1639 at Ipswich, Essex, MA.

Richard Kimball(1-1)

Richard came to this country in the ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, master, in 1634. He appears to have gone, soon after landing, to Watertown, Mass. He settled in a different part of the town from that occupied by Henry Kemball (1). According to Bond and other writers Richard and Henry were brothers. There is but little evidence to support this supposition, and it seems to be mainly founded on the fact that they both came over on the same vessel. Richard is said on the shipping list to be thirty-nine years old, but he was probably somewhat older. He was, however, in the prime of life, and soon became a prominent and active man in the new settlement.

He first settled in Watertown, and his home lot is thus given by Dr. Henry Bond: "Richard Kimball, six acres, bounded on the north by Cambridge, east by the land of W. Hamlet, south by the highway, and west by land of Edward White."

This lot was situated a long way from the centre of the town. It is now in Cambridge, which many years ago annexed the eastern part of Watertown. The lot was situated near what is now the corner of Huron avenue and Appleton street, and near springs of water.

He was proclaimed freeman on 6 May 1635, and was a proprietor in 1636-7. Soon after this date he was invited to remove to Ipswich, where they were in need of a competent man to act as wheelwright to the new settlement. Here he spent the remainder of his days. The town granted him a house lot, 23 Feb 1637, "next adjoining Goodwin Simons at the west end of the town." He was also granted at the same time "40 acres Beyond the North Riuer near the land of Robert Scott." In 1639 he had liberty to pasture "two cows free." On "the last day of the last month 1641" he is mentioned as "Among the Commoners of Ipswich." He was appointed one of the seven men on 1 Mar 1645. On the "22nd day of the tenth mo. 1647" he was allowed two Pounds for killing two foxes.

His services as wheelwright were appreciated by his townspeople, for he was permitted in January, 1649, "to fell such White Oaks as he hath occasion to use about his trade for the town use."

19 Dec 1648, he contributed with others three shillings as his annual proportion toward the sum of £27, 7s, as a rate for the service of their military leader, Major David Dennison, then commander of the military forces of Essex and Norfolk counties.

In September, 1652, he was one of the appraisers of the estate of John Cross, one of the earliest settlers of Ipswich.

On the "25th day, 11 mo 1652," he and his son Richard, Wheelwrights, "for £14, seel 30 acres upland bounding on the land of Mr. John Winthrop," also another lot of land of ten acres of "medow." 1653 he was one of a committee of three to survey fences in the common fields north of the river. His brother-in-law, Thomas Scott, died Feb. 1653-4 and he was joint executor with Edmund Bridges of his will. On May 25, 1654, their official position was recognized by Thomas Scott, Jr., then a resident of Stamford, Conn.

In 1660 he was granted the right "to fell 20 white oak trees to make wheels for the townsmen their use." In 1664 he owned 43 shares in "Plumb Island."

Richard Kimball was of the parish of Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England, as is shown by the following entry on the parish register:
" Henry Kemball ye sonne of Richard and Vrsula his wife baptized 1615 12 of August."

Ursula Scott, Richard's first wife, and mother of all his children, was the daughter of Henry Scott of Rattlesden. The Scott family had been in Suffolk county almost as long as the Kemball family. George Scott, grandfather of Henry, was buried at Bradsfield, St. George, 30 Aug 1562. Ursula was baptised at Rattlesden 14 Feb 1596-7, and married Richard Kemball in 1613. The will of Henry Scott, Ursula's father, serves to establish the relationship between the families.

"To Abigale Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Henrie Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Elizabeth Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Richard Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21." He also mentions his wife Martha, and sons Roger and Thomas Scott. Thomas Scott came with his wife, Elizabeth (Strutt) Scott and children to this country on the same vessel as Richard and his family, and they brought Martha (Whatlock) Scott with them. Elizabeth Strutt was also of Rattlesden; her parents were probably Christopher and Anne (Waller) Strutt. She married Thomas Scott at Rattlesden, 20 Jul 1620. Among the children of Thomas Scott was Elizabeth, bapt. 18 Nov 1623, in Suffolk, and given in the shipping list as 9 years of age. This Elizabeth Scott married in Rowley, MA in 1647, John Spofford, from an ancient Yorkshire family (pre-dating 106, according to the records). John Spofford was the son of another John Spofford, who, in 1662, lost his ministery in Silkston, Yorkshire for "non-conformity." He was, of course, a Puritan. A daughter of John and Elizabeth (Scott) Spofford, Sarah Spofford, born 22 Mar 1661-2, married Richard Kimball(3). The passengers on the Elizabeth were very much an inter-related group; it also included Munnings, undoubtedly related to Richard Kimball.

Henry Scott's will was made "24 Sept. 1625 in the 21st year of James of England by Henry Scott of Rattlesden in the Co. of Suffolk and the diocese of Norwich." It was proved in the court of the Arch deacon of Sudbury 10 January 1624-5. As Thomas Scott settled in Ipswich this may have had some influence in causing Richard's removal from Watertown. Henry Scott was buried in Rattlesden 24 Dec. 1624. (Parish Register.)

Ursula (Scott) Kimball apparently died in Ipswich 1 Mar 1660, although another record gives her death as 17 June 1656. Richard Kimball married second, 23 Oct 1661, Margaret (Cole) Dow, widow of Henry Dow of Hamptom, New Hampshire. There were no children from this marriage, although, from his will, Richard evidently held Margaret Dow's children from her first marriage in great affection. (NEW&GR), (Hotten), (Spofford)



Ursula may have been married to Giles Cowes and had two daughters

(from will dated 5 March 1674, probated 28 September 1675).


Left England for America:

On 10 April 1634, at the age of 39, Richard and Ursula embarked from Ipswich, England, on the ship Elisa taking the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy in November 1664, at the custom house in Ipswich -

Richard Kimball was born about 1595. He may be the son of Henry Kembold and Sysley — of Hitcham, Suffolk, England. Richard married first Ursula Scott. Ursula was baptized 14 February 1598 in Rattlesden, Suffolk, England, the daughter of Henry Scott and Martha Whatlock. Richard and Ursula emigrated to New England aboard the Elizabeth, sailing from Ipswich, England, in 1634 with seven of their children, Ursula’s mother and brother Thomas Scott and his family, and Henry Kemball (probably Richard’s brother) and his family. The Kimballs settled in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Richard became a freeman there in 1635 and a proprietor in 1636/7. The family moved to Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts. Richard was a wheelwright. He married second Margaret Cole (widow Dow) 23 October 1661. Richard’s will was made 5 March 1674/5 and proved 28 September 1675. Richard died 22 June 1675 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts.
Richard and Ursula's children are:

1. Henry Kimball, (eldest son), baptized 12 Aug 1615 in Rattlesden, Suffolk, England, emigrated to New England aboard the Elizabeth, married 1) Mary Wyatt and 2) Elizabeth Gilbert (widow of William Rayner). 2. Abigail Kimball, possibly baptized 5 Nov 1617 (according to Walter Goodwin Davis), at Hitcham, Suffolk, England, married John Severance, died 17 Jun 1658 in Salisbury, Essex, Massachusetts. 3. Elizabeth Kimball, born about 1621 in England, emigrated to New England aboard the Elizabeth, living in 1675. 4. Richard Kimball, born about 1623 in England, emigrated to New England aboard the Elizabeth, married 1) Mary — and 2) Mary (widow of Charles Gott), 26 May 1676 in Wenham, Essex, Massachusetts. 5. Mary Kimball, born about 1625 in England, emigrated to New England aboard the Elizabeth, married Robert Dutch. 6. Martha Kimball, born about 1629 in England, emigrated to New England aboard the Elizabeth, married Joseph Fowler. 7. John Kimball, born about 1631 in England, emigrated to New England aboard the Elizabeth, married Mary Bradstreet, died 6 May 1698. 8. Thomas Kimball, born about 1633 in England, married Mary Smith, emigrated to New England aboard the Elizabeth, died (killed by Indians) 3 May 1676 in Bradford, Essex, Massachusetts, wife and five children weretaken captive but allowed to return home 13 Jun 1676. 9. Sarah Kimball, born in 1635 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, married Edward Allen 24 Nov 1658, died 12 Jun 1696. 10. Benjamin Kimball, married Mercy (or Mary) Hazeltine in Apr 1661, died 11 Jun 1695. 11. Caleb Kimball, married Anna (or Hannah) Hazeltine 7 Nov 1660, died (killed by Indians at the Battle of Bloody Brook) 18 Sep 1675 in Deerfield, Franklin, Massachusetts.

Sources: 1. Davis, Walter Goodwin, Massachusetts and Maine Familes in the Ancestry of Walter Goodwin Davis (1885-1966), Vol. II, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1996. 2. Hoyt, David W., The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Massachusetts, Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982. 3. Huffey, David (transcriber), Rattlesden (Suffolk, England) Baptisms—1559 to 1758 (from the Parish Register Transcripts), transcribed between 1987-1995. 4. Savage, James, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Before 1692, Vols. 1 & 3, Boston, MA, 1860. 5. Ship's List of the Elizabeth, 1634 (H.M. State Paper Office/Public Records Office. Tepper, Michael (ed.), Passengers to America: A Consolidation of Ship Passenger Lists from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1977, pgs. 42-43, 45. Banks, Charles Edward, The Planters of the Commonwealth, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1961 (reprint), pgs. 117-121). 6. Post on the Massachusetts Bay Colony mailinglist (Ma-Bay-Colony), “Tid-a-bits: Burials of Ipswich’s “Ancient Burying Ground”—part 1” from Cynthia ((XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)) to (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX), 14 June 2002, citing Essex County, Massachusetts court records. 7. Morrison, Leonard Allison & Sharples, Stephen Paschall, History of the Kimball Family in America from 1634-1897, Vol. 1, Boston: Damrell & Upham, 1897. 8. Will of Richard Kimball, (original on file in the probate office at Salem, Massachusetts), Ipswich Deeds, Vol. IV, p. 12. 9. Inventory of the Estate of Thomas Kimball of Ipswich (Salem Quarterly Court Records, vol 5, leaf 94; Essex County Quarterly Court Files, vol 25, leaf 124; Ipswich Quarterly Court records, vol 5, page 284.)


Arrived in America in April 1634 on the ship “Elizabeth” in Boston harbor with his mother Ursula Scott and his Father Richard Kimball.

Kimball was originally spelled as Kemble and Kemball

Occupation: Wheelwright

A neighbor accidentally killed him with a gun in 1676.

The Elizabeth left Ipswitch, Suffolk, England mid April of 1634 with her master, William Andrewes (Andres), arriving in Massachusetts Bay.

04 Feb 1634 Henry Dade writes from Ipswitch to the Archbishop of Canterbury that the Francis and the Elizabeth with 60 men in each intend to sail for New England on about March 10 and he supposes they are debtors or persons disaffected with the established church. Note: These ships and nine others bound for New England were stayed but on 28 Feb allowed to proceed on condition that the passengers took the oath opf allegiance. Colham pg 111.

12 Nov 1634: John Cutting and William Andrews pray to be released from bonds of presentation of certificates, enclosing that passangers of the 30 May 1634 Francis and 30 May 1634 Elizabeth did not take the oaths.

21 Jan 1635: John Cuttinge, Master of the Francis and William Andrewes, Master of the Elizabeth, both of Ipswitch, have brought a list of all the passengers that went in their ships to New England in April 1634 with certificates of their having taken the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance.

The following alphabetical roll is from her departure point, not necessarily who landed.

Alphabetical with age and roll number:

'''Kemball Richard 39, from Rattlesden, Suffolk #15

Born 1595, from Rattlesden, Suffolk, bound for Watertown, Ipswitch. Ref: NEGR 57/331. 36 pg 159'''

Kemball Ursula unk age, wife of Richard #16

Kemball Henry 15, child of Richard #77

Kemball Richard 11, child of Richard #78

Kemball Mary 9, child of Richard #79

Kemball Martha 5, child of Richard #80

Kemball John 3, child of Richard #81

'''Kemball Thomas 1, child of Richard #82'''


Richard Kimball was born in 1595 in Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England. He was the son of Henry Kimball (1565 in Brettenham, England) and Johan (1567 in Mistley, England). His siblings were John Kimball (1584), Frances Kimball (1587), Rachel Kimball (1589), Henry Kimball (1590), and George Kimball (1598).

He and his brother Henry Kimball, came to Massachusetts in 1634.

He was a wheelwright and a farmer. He was admitted as a freeman in Watertown, Massachusetts on May 6, 1635. Humphrey Bradstreet was made a freeman the same day. Richard became a proprietor of the town in 1636-37.

He married Ursula Scott before 1615 in England. Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on Richard and Ursula Kimball.


Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England
Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts

Rattlesden is a village in Suffolk in eastern England. St. Nicholas church dates from the 13th century. The village was a center of Puritanism in the 16th and 17th centuries.

The ship Elizabeth sailed from Ipswich, England in April, 1634 with William Andrews, Master. On board were Richard and Ursula Kimball and their children, Ursula’s mother Martha Whatlock Scott and her brothers Roger and Thomas Scott. Humphrey and Bridget Bradstreet sailed on the same ship. They arrived in July at Boston.
ye is an archaic spelling of "the."

Richard Kimball and Ursula Scott married in 1611 in Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England. The oldest eight children were born in England.

The family immigrated to American in April, 1634 on the ship Elizabeth.

Henry Kimball was baptized on August 12, 1615. Abigail Kimball Severens was born before 1616. Elizabeth Kimball was born in 1621. Richard Kimball, Jr. was born in 1623. Mary Kimball Dutch was born in 1625. Martha Kimball Fowler was born in 1629. John Kimball was born in 1631. Thomas Kimball was born in 1633.

The family first settled in Watertown, Massachusetts. “The home lot of Richard Kimball was six acres on the Cambridge line, now in the city of Cambridge, near the corner of Huron avenue and Appleton street."

Sarah Kimball Allen was born in 1635.

They moved to Ipswich in about 1637. The town gave him a house lot and forty acres beyond the North river on February 23, 1637.

Benjamin Kimball was born in 1637. Caleb Kimball was born in 1639.

In September, 1649 the Essex Court admonished

Joseph Fowler [Martha Kimball’s husband], Thomas Cooke, Thomas Scott [a cousin], and two of ye sons of Richard Kimball [John and Thomas], for goeing into ye woods, shouting and singing, taking fire and liquors with them, all being at unseasonable time in ye night, occasioning yr. wives and some other to go out to them.

Ursula died on March 1, 1659 and Richard married Margaret Cole Dow in 1661.

Richard died on June 22, 1675 in Ipswich.

Essex County, Massachusetts was created on May 10, 1643 by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, when it ordered "that the whole plantation within this jurisdiction be divided into four sheires."


Richard Kimball (son of Henry Kimball)125 was born April 10, 1595 in Rattlesden, Suffolk, England, and died June 22, 1675 in Ipswich, Essex, Mass.

Includes NotesNotes for Richard Kimball:
RICHARD KIMBALL (b: 10 Apr 1595 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England d: 22 Jun 1675 Ipswich, Essex, Mass) married URSULA SCOTT (b: 14 Feb 1596 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England d: 1 Mar 1676 Ipswich, Essex, Mass) daughter of HENRY SCOTT and MARTHA WHATLOCK. Their children:

1. ALEXANDER KIMBALL (b: 20 Feb 1614 Hitcham, Suffolk, England d: 17 un1658 Salisbury, Essex, Mass)
2. HENRY KIMBALL (b: 12 Aug 1615 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England d: 12 Aug 1676 Wenham, Essex, Mass) m: (1)Mary Wyatt (2) Elizabeth GILBERT widow RAYNOR
3. (child) KIMBALL (b: 1619 Hitcham, Suffolk, England)
4. ABIGAIL KIMBALL (b: 5 Nov 1617 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England d: 17 Jun 1658 Salisbury, Essex, Mass) m: John Severence or Severans
5. MARY KIMBALL (b: 7 Aug 1618 Hitcham, Suffolk, England d: 12 July 1686 Ipswich, Essex, MA) m: Robert Dutch
6. . URSULA KIMBALL (b: 1619 Hitcham, Suffolk, England d: 17 Jun 1658 Salisbury, Essex, Mass)
7. ELIZABETH KIMBALL (b: 1621 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England d: 1676 Ipswich, Essex, MA)
8. JOHN KIMBALL (b: 1621/1631 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England d: 6 May 1698 Ipswich, Essex, Mass) m: Mary Bradstreet
9. RICHARD KIMBALL (b: 1622/1623 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England d: 16 May 1676 Wenham, Essex, MA) m: (1) @1648 Mary possibly COOLEY (probably Ipswich MA) (2) Mary GOTT
10. MARTHA KIMBALL (b: Aug 1629 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England d: 19 May 1677 Ipswich, Essex, Mass) m: (1) Joseph Fowler (2) Ezekiel Rogers
11. THOMAS KIMBALL (b: 1633 Rattlesden, Suffolk, England d: 3 May 1676 Bradford, Essex, Mass)(by Indians in Rowley MA) m: Mary Smith
12. SARAH KIMBALL (b: 1635 Watertown, Middlesex, Mass d: 12 Jun 1690 Suffield, Hartford, Conn) m: Edward Allen
13. BENJAMIN KIMBALL (b: 12 May 1637 Ipswich, Essex, MA d: 11 Jun 1696 Bradford, Essex, MA) m: Mercy Hazeltine
14. CALEB KIMBALL (b: 1639 Ipswich, Essex, Mass d: 9 Apr 1688 Ipswich, Essex, Mass) m: Anna Hazeltine

The following is from Jana Ulrich's Research Site

Our first Kimball in America arrived aboard the Elizabeth which had embarked from Ipswich, Suffolk England on 10 Apr 1634, William Andrews, master. Included on the passenger list were Richard, age 39, wife Ursula and children Henry age 15, Elizabeth age 13, Richard age 11, Mary age 9, Martha age 5, John age 3 and Thomas age 1. The family apparently came with Richard's brother Henry and Ursula's mother (Martha) and brother's family (Thomas and Elizabeth, both age 40). Richard was a wheelwright by trade and as such was in great demand in the colonies. He was first at Watertown where his freeman's status is noted on the May 1635 list and where he was granted, in 1636, a homelot of 6 acres bounded on the borth by Cambridge, on the east by the land of W. Hamet, on the south by the highway and on the west by the land of Edward White.
In 1637 he was "called to Ipswich" .. (my interpretation - Ipswich needed a wheelwright and they offered him a better deal than Watertown ) and on 23 Feb 1637 he was granted a homelot adjoing Goodwin Simons' land at the west end of town and 40 acres "Beynd the North River, near the land of Robert Scott". He was granted incentives to stay including, in 1640, the right to pasture "two cows free" and, in Jan 1649 the right to "fell such white Oaks as he hath occasion to use about his trade for the town use.". Similar permission was noted in 1660 where he was allowed to "fell 20 white oak trees to make wheels for the townsmen their use." Such exception to the early environmental laws is another indication of how important his trade was to the town.

Richard is included on the 28 Feb 1641 list of "Commoners of Ipswich". Other mention of him in the record includes his 1 Mar 1645 appointment as selectman. On 22 Dec 1647 he was allowed £ 2 bounty for 2 foxes. 19 Dec 1648 he pledged 3 shillings as his share of the salary of the Ipswich military leader, Major David Dennison. He was one of the appraisers of the estate of John Cross (Sep 1652) and, on 25 Jan 1652, he and son Richard, "wheelwrights, for £ 14 sell 30 acres upland bounding on land of Mr. John Winthrop" together with 10 acres of "medow". In 1653 he was appointed to the committee assigned to survey the fences in the common fields north of the river. He was an executor to the estate of his brother - in -law Thomas Scott who died Feb 1653/4. In 1664, he is noted as the owner of 43 shares in Plumb Island.

Richard's will was dated 5 Mar 1674 and probated 28 Sep 1675. The inventory of his estate totaled £ 737, 3 shillings, 6 pence. (The detailed provisions made for the widow rare a source of amazement to me. Such provision as what room of the house she was entitled to live in were common to the times and I have noticed many such wills, particularly where a second wife is involved! I can just picture Sarah throwing her step mother out of the Kimball bed at one minute past midnight on the anniversary of Richard's death!)

Last Will and Testament of Richard Kimball
The last will and testament of Richard Kimball senr of Ipswich in Essex in new England who although weake in body yet of perfect memory doe dispose of my lands and estate in maner & form as followeth.

To my Loveinge wife my will is that she shall dwell in my house and have the Improvement of my ground and meadow belonging thereto with the use and increase of my whole stock of cattle, one whole yeare after my decease, and then at the years end, the forty pound due to her according to contract at marriage to be payd her and that hous-hold stuff she brought with her. And to have liberty to live in the parlor end of the house, the roome we now lodge in: and liberty for her nesessary vse of some part of sellar: also the liberty of one cow in the pasture, the executors to provide winter meate for the same, and to have a quarter part of the fruit of the orchard, and firewood as long as she lives ther. And if she desire to remove to her owne house, then to be sett in it with what she have by my executors and to be alowed forty shillings yearly as long as shee lives.

And to my Eldest son Henry, my will is to give his three score and ten pounds to bee payd Twenty pounds a year and half after my decease, and the remaining part in the two years following after that.

To my son Richard I give fforty pounds.

To my son John I give twenty pounds.

To my son Thomas I give Twenty five pounds to bee payd two years and a halfe after my decease, and to his children I give seaven pounds to be devided equally among them and payd as they come of age or at day of marriage, provided if any dye before their share to be distributed equally amongst the rest.

And to my son Benjamin, besides the two oxen already received I give the sum of twenty five pounds, ten pounds to be payd a yeare and a halfe after my decease. The rest the two years ffollowing, also to his children I give five pounds, equally to be devyded, and payd, as they come of age or at day of marriage, in case any dye before, that part to be equally divided to the rest.

And to my son Caleb I give that peace of land knowne by the name Tings lott, and all my land att Wattells neck with my marsh at the hundreds knowne by the name of Wiatts marsh, and all my working tools exsept two axes all to be delivered present after my discease also I give fourteen pounds to his seven children equally to be devided to be payd as they come of age or at Day of mariage, and if any dye before, that part to be equally devided amongst the rest.

To my son-in-law John Severns, I give ten pounds to be payd two years & a halfe after my decease.

And to my Daughter Elizabeth, I give thirty pounds, ten pound to be payd, a year & halfe after my decease, and the other two parts, the two following years after that.

To my Daughter Mary I give ten pounds, five pound to be payd a year & halfe after my decease, the other five pound the year after that.

To my daughter Sarah I give forty pound, five pound to be payd the yeare & halfe after my decease and the rest five pound a yeare till it be all payd, also to her children I give seaven pounds ten shillings to be payd to them as they come of age or at day of marriage if any dye before, that part to be equally devyded to the rest.

And to my daughter Sarah above "sd"; I also give the bed I lye on with the furniture after one years use of it by my wife.

To my wives children viz. Thomas, Jerimiah, and Mary
To Thomas and Mary I give forty shillings apiece to be payd a yeare & halfe after my decease, and to Jerimiah I give fifteene pounds to be payd at the age of one and twenty. I give also eight pounds to the two Eldest daughters of Gyes Cowes (that he had by his first wife) to be payd and equally devided to them at the age of sixteene, if either of them dye before then the whole to be given to that that remaines.

I also give four pounds to my Couzen Haniell Bossworth, and doe ordaine and apount my two sons above sd. Richard and John Kimball to be my lawfull and sole executors.

And my Couzen Haniell Bosworth above sayd to be my overseer that this my last will and Testament be duely and truly performed And thus I conclude with setting too my hand and seale the fifth of march 1674-5.

Richard Kemball
& a mark
& a seale.

Witnesses: Moses Pengry Senr.
Aren Pengry Senr

pr. In court at Ypswich 28 Sep 1675.

Sources: History of the Kimball family in America, from 1634 to 1897 by Morrison, Leonard A. - 1897; Genealogical Record of the Descendants of John Spofford and Elizabeth Scott - 1888; Pioneers of Massachusetts by Pope, Charles - 1900; PAF - Kimball; Wason website; Churchyard / Orr - Family Museum

The following quote is from “The History of the Kimball Family” written by Leonard A. Scott:

After braving the dangers of the ocean voyage he arrived in Boston Harbor and from thence went to Watertown, Massachusetts. He had left the comforts and ties and oppressions of old England to find for himself and children a home in the New World. It was to him a land of promise, a land of religious and political liberty, a land to which the longing eyes of the dwellers of old Suffolk were turning as fondly as did the eyes of the ancient Hebrews turn in their captivity to the promised land of Canaan. As the Israelites passed through the "Wilderness" and through the deep waters of affliction to reach their haven of rest, so these sturdy Puritans, with their families, with undaunted hearts, broke loose from the ties of friendship, left the graves of their forefathers, passed over the wilderness of waters and reached the Canaan of their hopes. An ocean now rolled between them and their early home, and in a new and savage country, and in another hemisphere, they started a new home. They helped to make the beginnings of a New England and lay the foundations of a rival to the Old England across the sea. They were of that Puritan stock which has in its turn made New England the mother of the great West, the sturdy stock which only needs to be convinced that it is right in order to do and dare all that is noblest. A stock that found a wilderness peopled with a few savages, a climate that would have killed a less hardy race, a soil that is far from fertile, and yet out of these untoward circumstances wrested success. They came when the throes of revolution were agitating the mother country. . . .
. . . [T]he puritans were compelled to seek a home elsewhere. They, therefore, sought a dwelling place in the wilderness of the new world, and they called their new home, in loving remembrance of the old home from which they came, New England. Here they sought the right to worship God unmolested. . . . Such was the condition of affairs in England, and such the insults, persecutions, and wrongs heaped upon the Puritans in 1634, which the proud spirits of many could not brook, but in the wilds of New England they sought out a home in which they might be free.
The leaders in the exodus were many of them men of influence in England, and they brought with them many men of the middle classes, who were also tired of the tyranny and exactions to which they were subjected. To this class belonged the sturdy wheelwright, Richard Kimball. He had a trade which would be eminently useful in the new colony. His services were in such request that he was soon called to leave his first settlement at Watertown and go to Ipswich, where he was given a house lot, and other privileges, on condition that he should be the town wheelwright.
On May 6, 1635 Richard Kimball earned his right to be a freeman and moved to Ipswich, Massachusetts where he lived for the rest of his life.

More About Richard Kimball:
Immigration: April 10, 1634, aboard the Elizabeth .
Occupation: wheelwright.
Probate: September 28, 1675, Ypswich.
Will: March 05, 1673/74

More About Richard Kimball and :
Marriage: 1613

Children of Richard Kimball are:

+John Kimball, b. 1631, Rattlesden, Suffolk, England, d. May 06, 1698, Ipswich, Essex, Mass.
Richard Kimball, b. Abt. 1623, Rattlseden, Suffolk, England, d. May 26, 1676, Wenham MA.
Thomas Kimball, b. Abt. 1633, Rattlesden, Suffolk, England, d. May 02, 1676, Rowley MA.
Henry Kimball, b. August 12, 1615, Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England, d. date unknown.
Abigail Kimball, b., Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England, d. June 17, 1658, Salisbury, MA.
Elizabeth Kimball, b. 1621, Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England, d. date unknown.
Mary Kimball, b. 1625, Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England, d. date unknown.
Martha Kimball, b. 1629, Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England, d. date unknown.
Sarah Kimball, b. 1635, Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England, d. June 12, 1690.
Benjamin Kimball, b. 1637, Rattlesden, Suffolk, England, d. June 11, 1696.
Caleb Kimball, b. 1639, Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England, d. 1682.


The line of (9317v) Richard Kimball has been determined to be of Haplogroup G2a*, and to be related to later Kimbells in North Carolina, Kimbrels in Georgia and Kimballs in Virginia and Vermont. Other Kimball lines tested in the Kimble/Kimball Y-Chromosome Study (KYCS) are of haplogroups other than G. Sample #31683, from a descendant of Richard's son Benjamin, matches Ysearch (YSCH) user ID Q57MB53's results (also from a descendant of Richard) in 24/25 markers. This last user was further tested for subclades of G2a and found to be G2a3b. Another KYCS sample tested for over 25 markers, #49770 (from a descendant of Richard's son Richard), differs from the first in having a value of 17 for DYS 458. So far, no English samples are in the study, so connections to the Mother Country rely solely on the paper trail of wills and surveys, etc. In fact, I haven't seen any results for (4658) Henry's descendants yet: perhaps no male issue survives.

[LAST REVISED 7 Nov. 2009]


He embarked from Ipswich, England, April 10, 1634, in the ship "Elizabeth," with wife Ursula, and seven children; first settled in Waterbury
"Having thus made his will he waited for the coming of the messenger who would sunder all earthly ties and take him on his eternal journey. The angel delayed not long his coming. On the twenty-second of the following June the earthly pilgrimage of Richard Kimball ended, and, aged more than eighty years, he joined the great majority."
. . . . . . . . . .
According to the Ancestry of Charles Stinson Pillsbury and John Sargent Pillsbury . . . "Richard Kimball, born about 1595 (aged 39 in 1634) probably in co. Suffolk, England, died in Ipswich, Mass., 22 June 1675. He married first, probably in Rattlesden, Suffolk, about 1614, Ursula Scott . . . he married secondly in Ipswich, 23 Oct. 1661, Margaret (Cole) Dow . . . "
The following information obtained from...


NEHGR 28:241 says this: "As to the Kimballs, Mr. M.A. Stickney, of Salem, has kindly given me the following particulars: Richard1 Kimball and Ursula, his wife, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich, in 1634... With them came Martha Scott, aged 60, and Thomas Scott, aged 40, who were probably the mother and brother of Richard's wife as he calls Martha Scott his mother in records.

Anderson's Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Vol. IV, I-L, p 157 says this: "MARRIAGE: (1) By 1615 Ursula Scott, daughter o Henry Scott of Rattlesden, Suffolk (in his will of 24 September 1623, Henry Scott included bequests to 'Abigail Kemball my grandcihld,' to 'my grandchild Henry Kemball' and to 'grandchildren Elizabeth and Richard Kemball [NEHGR 52:248, citing 'Bury Wills, Book Pearle, L., 117"; Phoebe Tilton Anc 117-20]."

He was certainly in the parish of Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England, at the time of his son's christening, as is shown by the following entry on the parish register:

"Henry Kemball ye sonne of Richard and Vrsula his wife baptized 1615 12 of August."[1]


Richard, age 39, sailed with wife Ursula, and several children from Ipswich, Suffolk, England either 10 April 1634 or "last of April 1634" and arrived Boston? in July 1634 on the ship "Elizabeth," William Andrews, master.[2]

Also on the same ship was Henry Kemball and a set of children, believed by Anderson in The Great Migration to be brother of Richard.

The Planters of the Commonwealth gives the following:

Elizabeth, of Ipswich, William Andrews, Master. She sailed from Ipswich 'bound for New England the last of April, 1634' and arrived in July at Boston. Richard Kimball, 39 of Rattlesden, County Suffolk bound for Watertown Mrs. Ursula Kimball ( ), Henry Kimball 15, Elizabeth Kimball 13, Richard Kimball 11, Mary Kimball 9, Martha Kimball 5, John Kimball 3, Thomas Kimball 1. Also on board are (these are relatives of Richard and Ursula):

Henry Kimball 44 of Rattlesden, County Suffolk bound for Watertown
Mrs. Susan Kimball 35, Elizabeth Kimball 4, Susan Kimball 1 1/2.
Thomas Scott 40 of Rattlesden, County Suffolk bound for Cambridge
Mrs. Elizabeth Scott 40, Elizabeth Scott, 9, Abigail Scott 7, Thomas Scott 6, Mrs. Martha Scott 60.

Page: Volume 2, Page 391
Page: Page 118

The Elizabeth of Ipswich departed April, 1634, Ipswich, England, for New England. William Andrew(e)s, Master.

These took the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy.
Ipswich Customhouse, November 12, 1634.
Skott, Thomas 40 from Rattlesden, Suffolk,
bound for Cambridge
(wife) Elizabeth 40
Kemball, Henery 44 from Rattlesden, Suffolk,
bound for Watertown
(wife) Susan 35
Kemball, Richard 39 from Rattlesden, Suffolk,
bound for Watertown
(wife) Ursula [blank]…
Scott, Martha 60 (listed in “Planters” as with Thomas Scott)…

“A Note of all the names and ages of all those which did not take the Oath of Allegiance or Supremacy being vnder age shipped in or Port. In the Elizabeth of Ipswich Mr Willia(m) Andrewes bound for new England the last of Aprill 1634.”

Kemball, Elizabeth 13 with Thurston Raynor
(listed in “Planters” as with Richard Kimball)
Scott, Elizabeth 9 with Thomas Scott
Scott, Abigail 7 with Thomas Scott
Scott, Thomas 6 with Thomas Scott…
Kemball, Elizabeth 4 with Henery Kemball
Kemball, Susan 1½ with Henery Kemball…
Kemball, Henry 15 with Richard Kemball
Kemball, Richard 11 with Richard Kemball
Kemball, Mary 9 with Richard Kemball
Kemball, Martha 5 with Richard Kemball
Kemball, John 3 with Richard Kemball
Kemball, Thomas 1 with Richard Kemball…

Coat of Arms?

While a coat of arms exists for a Kimball family from the county of Cumberland, England, there is evidence that the Suffolk county Kemball family never had such a coat of arms. The Cumberland coat of arms takes its origin from a parish of that name upon the Scottish border. Arms: Argent (Silver) a lion rampant, gules (Red) upon a chief (Sable) three crescents of gold. Crest: A lion rampant holding in the dexter paw a dagger au proper. Motto: "Fortis non ferox".[3]
Life in New England

Richard Kimball settled first at Watertown, Massachusetts, in a different part of town from Henry Kemball. His home lot is thus given by Dr. Henry Bond: :"Richard Kimball, six acres, bounded on the north by Cambridge, east by the land of W. Hamlet, south by the highway, and west by land of Edward White."

This lot was situated a long way from the centre of the town. It is now in Cambridge, which many years ago annexed the eastern part of Watertown. The lot was situated near what is now the corner of Huron avenue and Appleton street, and near springs of water.

He was proclaimed freeman on 6 May 1635, and was a proprietor in 1636-7. Soon after this date he was invited to remove to Ipswich, where they were in need of a competent man to act as wheelwright to the new settlement. Here he spent the remainder of his days. The town granted him a house lot, 23 Feb 1637, "next adjoining Goodwin Simons at the west end of the town." He was also granted at the same time "40 acres Beyond the North Riuer near the land of Robert Scott." In 1639 he had liberty to pasture "two cows free." On "the last day of the last month 1641" he is mentioned as "Among the Commoners of Ipswich." He was appointed one of the seven men on 1 Mar 1645. On the "22nd day of the tenth mo. 1647" he was allowed two Pounds for killing two foxes.

19 Dec 1648, he contributed with others three shillings as his annual proportion toward the sum of £27, 7s, as a rate for the service of their military leader, Major David Dennison, then commander of the military forces of Essex and Norfolk counties.

In September, 1652, he was one of the appraisers of the estate of John Cross, one of the earliest settlers of Ipswich.

On the "25th day, 11 mo 1652," he and his son Richard, Wheelwrights, "for £14, seel 30 acres upland bounding on the land of Mr. John Winthrop," also another lot of land of ten acres of "medow." 1653 he was one of a committee of three to survey fences in the common fields north of the river. His brother-in-law, Thomas Scott, died Feb. 1653-4 and he was joint executor with Edmund Bridges of his will. On May 25, 1654, their official position was recognized by Thomas Scott, Jr., then a resident of Stamford, Conn.

“Richard KEMBALL. sen'r, & Joseph FOWLER, both of Ipswich,
wheelwright & husbandman, in the county of Essex, in New England, do bind
ourselves, heirs & executors, to Humphry BRADSTREETE of Rowley, in the same
county, in the full & just sume of fifty pounds, for to secure the said Humohrey,
his heirs, executors & administrators, from all charges & incumbrances touching
the horse that the s'd Humphry BRADSTREETE, hath sould me, and recovered
from Zacheus GOULD, in December 1649, witness our hand. Richard KIMBALL
(the marke of). Joseph FOWLER. Signed, sealed & del'd in the presence of these, 3
of the 01 month, dat. 1653, witnes Matha WILLIMS. John BRADSTREETE.”

In 1660 he was granted the right "to fell 20 white oak trees to make wheels for the townsmen their use." In 1664 he owned 43 shares in "Plumb Island."

Richard Kimball "Sr." died June 22, 1675 in Ipswich,[4] having previously made his will and set his earthly affairs in order. He was then over eighty years of age.

Richard Kimball married (first) by the 1615 baptism of their first child, Ursula Scott, mother of all his children, daughter of Henry Scott of Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England; Ursula was baptised at Rattlesden 14 Feb 1596-7.[5]

Some online trees claim that the marriage took place 23 OCT 1611/2 in St. Nicholas Church, Suffolk, England.[citation needed] However, Ursula would have been only 14 as of that date. Not impossible but not at all common.

NOTE: The St. Nicholas Church published its records; there is no such marriage recorded there.

Ursula's father, Henry Scott, left a will (made "24 Sept. 1625 in the 21st year of James of England by Henry Scott of Rattlesden in the Co. of Suffolk and the diocese of Norwich" and proved in the court of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury 10 January 1624-5 [must be 1626].) which serves to establish the relationship between the families:

"To Abigale Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Henrie Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Elizabeth Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Richard Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21."

Henry Scott was buried in Rattlesden 24 Dec. 1624. (Parish Register.) Henry Scott's will also mentions his wife Martha, and sons Roger and Thomas Scott.

Thomas Scott came with his wife, Elizabeth (Strutt) Scott and children to this country on the same ship as Richard Kimball and his family, and they brought Martha (Whatlock) Scott with them. Elizabeth Strutt was also of Rattlesden; her parents were probably Christopher and Anne (Waller) Strutt. She married Thomas Scott at Rattlesden, 20 Jul 1620. Among the children of Thomas Scott was Elizabeth, bapt. 18 Nov 1623, in Suffolk, and given in the shipping list as 9 years of age. This Elizabeth Scott married in Rowley, Massachusetts in 1647, John Spofford, from an ancient Yorkshire family (pre-dating 106, according to the records). John Spofford was the son of another John Spofford, who, in 1662, lost his ministery in Silkston, Yorkshire for "non-conformity." He was, of course, a Puritan. A daughter of John and Elizabeth (Scott) Spofford, Sarah Spofford, born 22 Mar 1661-2, married Richard Kimball(3). The passengers on the Elizabeth were very much an inter-related group; it also included Munnings, undoubtedly related to Richard Kimball.

Ursula (Scott) Kimball apparently died in Ipswich 1 Mar 1660, although another record gives her death as 17 June 1656.[citation needed]

Richard Kimball married second, 23 Oct 1661, Margaret (Cole) Dow, widow of Henry Dow of Hamptom, New Hampshire. There were no children from this marriage, although, from his will, Richard evidently held Margaret Dow's children from her first marriage in great affection.[6]

Richard and Ursula had eleven children. The first eight were born in Rattlesden Parish, Suffolk county, England, the ninth at Watertown, Massachusetts, the last two at Ipswich:

Abigail, listed first in her grandfather's 1625 will, died June 17, 1658; married John Severans; she died in Salisbury, Massachusetts, mother of twelve children. Not on the "Elizabeth" passenger list; may have been married by that time.
Henry, listed second in his grandfathers 1625 will, married, about 1640, Mary, daughter of John and Mary Wyatt, a passenger on the "Elizabeth" with him in 1634; married (second) Elizabeth (Gilbert) Rayner, a widow; Henry was a resident of Watertown, Ipswich, and Wenham, Massachusetts; thirteen children.
Elizabeth, listed third in her grandather's 1625 will, born about 1621; living and still single ? in 1675.
Richard, listed fourth (and last) in grandfather's 1625 will
Mary, born probably shortly after Sept 1625 (not named in her grandfather's Sept 162 will); married Robert Dutch, of Gloucester and Ipswich, Massachusetts; six children.
Martha, married before January 1650 Joseph Fowler;[7] killed by the Indians, May 19, (Year?).
John, born about 1631, died May 6, 1698; was a wheelwright and an extensive farmer, about 1655 married Mary Bradstreet, born in England, 1633; they came to America on the same ship in 1634; thirteen children.
Thomas, born about 1633, died May 2, 1676; was a mechanic and thrifty farmer, owning over four hundred acres of land and a large amount of personal property; on the night of May 2, 1676, at his home in Rowley, on the Boxford road, he was killed by three Indians, his wife and five children taken captive and carried forty miles into the wilderness where they were kept forty-one days when they were freed; married Mary, daughter of Thomas and Joanna Smith; nine children.
Sarah, born about 1635, died June 12, 1690; married, November 24, 1658, Edward Allen, of Ipswich.

Last Will & Testament

Richard Kimball left an estate inventoried at seven hundred and thirty-seven pounds, which was a large sum in those days. He had previously given parts of his property to his children at their marriages.

The last will and testament of Richard Kimball sen of Ipswich in Essex in new England who although weake in body yet prfect memory doe dispose of my lands & estase in maner & form as followeth.[8]

To my Loveing wife my will is that she drell in my house and have the Improvement of my ground and meadow belonging thereto with the use and increase of my whole stock of cattle, one whole yeare after my decease, and then at the years end, the forty pound due to her acording to contract at marriage to be payd her and that hous-hold stuff she brought with her. And to have liberty to live in the parlor end of the house, the roome we now lodge in: and liberty for her nesessary vse of some part of sellar: also the liberty of one cow in the pasture, the executors to provide winter meats for the same, and to have a quarter part of the fruit of the orchard, and firewood as long as she lives ther., And if she desire to remove to her owne house, then to be sett in it with what she have by my executors and to be allowed forty shillings yearly as long as she lives.
And to my Eldest son Henry, my will is to give him three score and ten pounds to bee payd Twenty pounds, a year & half after my decease, & the remaining part in the two years following that.
To my son Richard I give fforty pounds.
To my son John I give twenty pounds.
To my son Thomas I give Twenty five pounds to bee payd two years and a halfe after my decease, and to his children I give seaven pounds to be divided equally among them and paid as they come of age or at day of marriage. provided if any dye before then their share to be distributed equally amongst the rest.
And to my son Benjamin, besides the two oxen, allready recieved I give the sum of twenty five pounds, ten pounds to be payd a yeare and halfe after my decease. The rest the two years ffollowing, also to his children I give five pounds, equally to be devyded, and payd, as they come of age, or at day of marriage, in case any dye before, that part to be equally divided to the rest.
And to my son Caleb I give that peace of land knowne by the name of Tings lott, and all my land att Wattells neck with my marsh at the hundreds knowne by the name of Wiatts marsh, and all my working tools exsept two axes, all to be delivered present after my discease also I give fourteene pounds to his seven children equally to be devided, to be payd as they come of age or at Day of marriage, and if any dye before, that part to be equally devided, to be equally devided among the rest.
To my son-in-law John Severns, I give ten pounds to be pay'd two yeares & halfe after my decease.
And to my Daughter Elizabeth, I give thirty pounds, ten pounds to be payd, a year & halfe after my decease, and that the other two parts, the two following years after that.
To my Daughter Mary I give ten pounds, five pounds to be payd a year & halfe after my decease, the other five pound the year after that.
To my daughter Sarah I give forty pound, five pound to be payd the yeare & halfe after my decease and the rest five pound a yeare till it be payed, also to her children I give seaven pounds ten shillings to be payed to them as they come of age or at day of marriage, if any dye before, that part to be equally devyded to the rest.
And to my daughter Sarah above sd: I also give the bed I lye on with the furniture after one year use of it by my wife.
To my wives children viz Thomas, Jerimiah, and Mary.
To Thomas and Mary I give forty shillings apeece to be payd a yeare & halfe after my decease, and to Jerimiah I give fifteene pounds to be payd at the age of one & twenty. I give also eight pounds to the two Eldest daughter of Gyes Cowes (that he had by his first wife) to be payd and equally devided to them at the age of sixteene, if either of them dyes before then the whole to be given to that remaines.
I also give four pounds to my Couyzen Haniell Bossworth , And doe ordaine & apoynt my two sons above sd. Richard and John Kimball to be my lawfull and sole executors.
And my Couzen Haniell Bosworth above sayd to be my overseer that this my last will and Testament be duely and truly performed And thus I conclude with setting too my hand and seale the fifth of March 1674-75
Richard Kemball & a mark and a seale. Signed & sealed afther the enter-.........................This will is proved in court lining (and firewood) in the...................................held at Ypswich the 28th of seventh line in the originall....................................Sept: 1675 by the oaths of the yn the presence of..........................................Deacon Pengry And Aron Moses Pengry Senr.............................................P engry to be the last will of Aron Pengry Ser............................................... ..Richard Kimball to the best of yr knowledge and that they know of noe other. Attest Robert Lord cler."
=== GEDCOM Note ===
Category:Y-DNA Haplogroup_G-M201
Category:Elizabeth, 1634
{{Puritan Great Migration}}
== Disputed Origins ==
Richard Kimball is said to have been christened 10 April 1595 in Rattlesden, Suffolk England, but:* Robert Anderson does not identify such a christening in ''The Great Migration.'' * a [ transcription of Rattlesden baptisms] does not list such a christening. There is a christening on that date, but for someone else entirely.

Two theories exist for the parents of Richard Kimball
# Many online family trees claim his parents were Kimball-63|Henry Kimball and Eysley-1|Joann Eisely/Eyesley. This appears to be based on the 1589 baptism of a daughter Rachel to this couple, with the assumption that they must have had other children, Richard (and Henry) being of them.# Robert Charles Anderson (in TGM IV:154, "Henry Kemball", citing ''Kimball Family of America'' (1890), p 17) argues for Kimball-281|Richard Kemball/Kimball (brother of Henry, above?) and UNKNOWN-82528|Elizabeth as the parents of both immigrants Henry Kemball and Richard Kimball, who he also claims as brothers:
:"The identity of the father of this immigrant Kemball-22|Henry Kemball is based on geography and occupation. In his will proved on 10 September 1619, '''Richard Kemball''' of Lawford, Essex, wheelwright, bequeathed to "my eldest son [implying there was at least one younger son] Henry Kemball all my working tools belonging to my trade except out of them as many as hall be fitting for to serve to axe a cart withall". The immigrant Henry Kimball had his first two children baptized atMistley, Essex, immediately adjacent to Lawford. We do not know the occupation of the immigrant Henry Kimball, but we do know that his brother Richard Kimball was a wheelwright, as were some of his sons."
It is the policy of WikiTree's Puritan Great Migration project to follow Anderson until more authoritative research or sources are located to indicate otherwise. Please use g2g to discuss.
== Biography ==
:NEHGR 28:241 says this: "As to the Kimballs, Mr. M.A. Stickney, of Salem, has kindly given me the following particulars: Richard1 Kimball and Ursula, his wife, came in the Elizabeth of Ipswich, in 1634... Withthem came Martha Scott, aged 60, and Thomas Scott, aged 40, who were probably the mother and brother of Richard's wife as '''he calls Martha Scott his mother in records.'''
:::Anderson's Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Vol. IV, I-L, p 157 says this: "MARRIAGE: (1) By 1615 Ursula Scott, daughter o Henry Scott of Rattlesden, Suffolk (in his will of 24 September 1623, Henry Scott included bequests to 'Abigail Kemball my grandcihld,' to 'my grandchild Henry Kemball' and to 'grandchildren Elizabeth andRichard Kemball'' [NEHGR 52:248, citing 'Bury Wills, Book Pearle, L.,117"; Phoebe Tilton Anc 117-20]."
?? Line 3020: (New PAF MRIN=345)
1 SLGS 28 FEB 1933 18 FEB 1944 SL
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() 1 SOUR @S01@
ship "Elizabeth"
_P_CCINFO 1-20792

[Br?derbund WFT Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Tree #3084, Date of Import: Dec 4, 1998]

!BIRTH: (1) (2)
MARRIAGE: (2) place of marriage 'probable'
DEATH: (1) (2) place of death 'probable'
!SOURCES: (1) Old Families of Salisbury & Amesbury by David W. Hoyt, 1897
(2) Ancestry of Charles Stinson Pillsbury & John Sargent Pillsbury by
Mary Lovering Holman, 1938

[Br?derbund WFT Vol. 22, Ed. 1, Tree #3242, Date of Import: Dec 1, 1998]

Richard Kimball:
Sources: Kimball File at WRHS; History of the Kimball Family in America, Morrison; The Joseph Kimball Family, John Kimball.

Richard and Ursula with 6 children sailed from Ipswich, England in April 1634 on the ship "Elizabeth" arriving in Boston. He settled first at Watertown, Massachusetts where he was made a freeman in 1635. He was a proprietor there 1636/7. Removed to Ipswich about 1638 where he died. Abigail did not come to America with her parents, rather later with her husband. Martha's husband was killed by Indians at Deerfield, Massachusetts in 1676. Thomas, a first settler of Bradford, Massachusetts was killed there by Indians 3 May 1676. They held his wife and 5 children captive for 5 weeks. Richard was a skilled mechanic and a wheelwright (spinning wheels). Richard's brother, Henry and wife, Susan also came on the "Elizabeth".

The name in England, as records show, appears in the various forms of Kymbolde, Kembold, Kembould, Kembolde and Kemball).

(I)The common ancestor of the great majority of Kimballs in this country was Richard Kimball, who with his family embarked at Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk, England, April 10, 1634, in the ship “Elizabeth,” William Andrews, master. He arrived at Boston, and from thence went to Watertown, Massachusetts, where he settled and became a prominent and active man in the new settlement, He was by trade a wheelwright, He was proclaimed a freeman in 1635, May 6, and was a proprietor in 1636-37. Soon after this date he was in­vited to remove to Ipswich, where was needed a competent man to act as wheelwright to the new settlement. Here he spent the remainder of his days as one of the leading men of the town. He died June 22, 1675. Richard Kimball married first Ursula Scott, daughter of Henry Scott, Qf Rattlesden, in the county of Suffolk, England. He married (second), Margaret Dow, widow of Henry Dow, of Hampton, New Hampshire, October 23, 1661. His children, eleven in number, were by his first wife: 1. Abigail, born in . Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England. She married in England, John Severans, and they came to America. She died at Salisbury, Massachusetts June 17, 1658, and he died at the same place, April 9, 1682. They were the parents of twelve children. Their youngest child, Elizabeth Severans, married in 1866, Samuel Eastman, of Salisbury, Massachusetts, Her grand daughter, Abigail Eastman, born July 10, 1737, daughter of Thomas and Abigal (French) Eastman, married Ebenezer Webster, and was the mother of Daniel Webster, the statesman. 2. Henry is mentioned at length below. 3. Elizabeth, born in Rattlesden, Suffolk county, England. 4. Richard, receives further mention in this article with descendants. 5. Mary, born in Rattlesden, Eng1and, in 1625 married Robert Dutch, of Gloucester and Ipswich, Massachusetts, 6. Martha, born in Rattlesden, August, 1629, married Joseph Fowler, who was born in England in 1622, and was killed by the Indians, May 19, 1676, near Deerfield, Massachusetts. 7. John, born in Rattlesden, England, 1631, died May 6, 1698. 8. Thomas, born 1633, died May 5, 1676. 9. Sarah, born, at Watertown, Massachusetts, 1635, died June 12, 1690. She married, November 24, 1658, Edward Allen, of Ipswich, Massachusetts. 10. Benjamin is the subject of a paragraph in this article. 11. Caleb, born at Ipswich, Massachusetts, l639, died 1682.
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() 1 SOUR @S01@

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Richard Kimball

Henry Kimbold
± 1539-1583
Margaret Munning
± 1545-1582
Ralph Eysley
1540-± 1590
Mary Smith
Henry Kimball
Joanna Eysley

Richard Kimball


Ursula Scott
< 1596-1676

Martha Kimball
± 1629-1677

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    • In het jaar 1595: Bron: Wikipedia
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    • De temperatuur op 30 maart 1996 lag tussen -1.5 °C en 7,4 °C en was gemiddeld 2,3 °C. Er was 0.3 mm neerslag gedurende 0.6 uur. Er was 6,5 uur zonneschijn (51%). Het was half bewolkt. De gemiddelde windsnelheid was 3 Bft (matige wind) en kwam overheersend uit het noord-noord-westen. Bron: KNMI
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    • Van maandag 22 augustus 1994 tot maandag 3 augustus 1998 was er in Nederland het kabinet a href="" class="extern">Kok I met als eerste minister W. Kok (PvdA).
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    • Stadhouder Prins Maurits (Huis van Oranje) was van 1585 tot 1625 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden genoemd)
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    Bron: Wikipedia

    Bron: Wikipedia

    Over de familienaam Kimball

    • Bekijk de informatie die Genealogie Online heeft over de familienaam Kimball.
    • Bekijk de informatie die Open Archieven heeft over Kimball.
    • Bekijk in het Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register wie de familienaam Kimball (onder)zoekt.

    Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
    Steven Adrian Bacheler, "Bacheler Family Tree", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 24 september 2024), "Richard Kimball Sr. (1595-1675)".