Anthony Willis family tree » Vera Jones (1921-2018)

Persoonlijke gegevens Vera Jones 

Bron 1

Gezin van Vera Jones

(1) Zij heeft/had een relatie met Greef Richard Beckham.

(2) Zij heeft/had een relatie met Lewis Claude Lockwood.


Notities over Vera Jones

The summer of 1966, the year my baby maker was removed, the operation saved my life.
After a few days in the hospital when I was recovering more quickly, I had a bad dreams almost every night. I burned up the old house, because of my memories of climbing the stairs and getting the dizzies before I could get to the top. Also, the inconvenience of the kitchen, the endless agony of its ugliness, not having the money to change it and Lewis' stubbornness in making the changes I wanted.

Mostly I did not want to leave the hospital because I couldn't face the stairs yet. One night I dreamt that Beckie, my niece, came to see me, along with her dad and many others. They were all very rude, they crowed in on me, my mother, my brothers, my sisters. They all needed my hospital bed.

August 13, 2010, My birthday. I am still around, the only one left in my family. Out of my parents, my brothers and sisters, I am happily engaged in living. I have many things yet to accomplish.

From Vera Jones Lockwood's personal memories sent to granddaughter, Delvonna (Fisk) Porter, Sept 2010
When Lewis left Santa Anna, California where he was stationed during the 2nd world war, he had given me instructions and arrangements had been made for me to stay with my brother Arthur Jones, who lived in Cedar City, Utah. I knew Lewis would be going over-seas soon. I could not face being separated from him. So, I had packed my belongings, bought a strap carrier for my baby, who was now six months old. I could use my arms now to carry suitcases. We boarded the train out of Los Angeles, California for Pecos, Texas. The train was loaded with troops til we actually got on our way out of Los Angeles then it was empty almost till we came to the Texas border, where all the blacks were crowded into one car.

All the hotels were full when I arrived late that night. The clerk of one of the hotels told me to relax on the couch with Billy Boy and wait, soon someone would check out and I could have their room. After securing a room, and a few hours of sleep, I set out to find my husband. I walked toward the downtown area, found myself on the wrong side of the street. I was informed that only the blacks were allowed on that side.

As I walked in front of a theater playing And the Rains Came, something said to me, "He is in there." Not believing my ears I walked by again, my heart began to pound. I went to the box office and told them my husband was inside and asked if I could go in. Lewis was on the second row from the back, I walked up to him and touched him on the shoulder.

From Vera Jones Lockwood's personal memories sent to granddaughter, Delvonna (Fisk) Porter, Sept 2010.
I lived in a small apartment close to the cadet training where Lewis was stationed in Reno, Nevada during March 1944. Our son was three months ole, we named him William Claude Lockwood. He was born prematurely and was small and skinny.

One morning Lewis called from the school to tell me that he had a dream. Our baby's health was in danger. We had noticed that he seemed to have difficulty breathing, you could hear him sucking his breath in and out.

I took him to the doctor, who when he had made his examination had given me instructions as to his care. I bundled the baby and was opening the door to leave when the nurse asked the doctor if he hadn't detected a blueness on the baby's eyelids and around his nose. The doctor caught me at the door and asked me to bring the baby back. He wanted another look at him. Billy's thymus gland had not shrunk as it should have.

I put him in the hospital, the swollen gland was closing off his air supply, we would not have lived long. They put him in an oxygen tent and were able to shrink the thymus gland with treatments. Billie put on weight and became a naturally healthy child.

From Vera Jones Lockwood's personal memories sent to granddaughter, Delvonna (Fisk) Porter, Sept 2010
When Janis and Patric were small children I dreamt that I had taken the children on an excursion into town. In real life I was want to do this to break the monotony of life. I let the children look at the shop windows, walk on the streets uptown. This time in the dream Lewis came to pick us up. We had already boarded the bus and he was following behind the bus with his car. At the next stop we got off the bus and got into the car with Lewis.

As I saw myself on the bus, I knew that all the children were mine that were with me. There was a baby girl in my arms and two little boys beside me, who were then not born.

Years later, when the dream became reality, Jon Thompson Lockwood, Dennis Lockwood, and Karen Jean Lockwood were added children to my family. I recognized my dream and was amazed because every detail was as it had happened in the dream.

From Vera Jones Lockwood's personal memories sent to granddaughter, Delvonna (Fisk) Porter, Sept 2010.
Sometime in the winder of 1965, it was winter and very cold. As we were having trouble paying our phone bills, the light company had turned off the electricity.

Janis came hoe from school with a raging fever due to a cold. With a warm bath, Aspirin and such, I hoped to bring her down, nothing seemed to work, the fever raged on 104 and more.

I had a candle, a wash basin, and cloth. I bathed her every hour. When I was not bathing her and trying to cool her skin, I knelt by her bed and prayed. Before Lewis left for work, at five in the morning, I asked him to say a prayer with e at her bedside.

Sometime afterward her skin cooled off and I went downstairs to prepare breakfast. About ten o'clock Janis came downstairs shouting, "Mama, I am not sick, the fever is gone, I am OK!

While she was sic she had a dream. She was going up some long beautiful stairs. At the top of the stairs were people with outstretched arms beckoning her to come. But, before she reached the top, she chanced to look back and at the bottom of the stairs was her mother calling, "Come back Janis, don't leave us now."

From Vera Jones Lockwood's personal memories sent to granddaughter, Delvonna (Fisk) Porter, Sept 2010

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