Anthony Willis family tree » Ezra Granger Williams (1823-1905)

Persoonlijke gegevens Ezra Granger Williams 

Bron 1Bronnen 1, 2

Gezin van Ezra Granger Williams

(1) Hij is getrouwd met Henrietta Elizabeth Crombie.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 15 augustus 1847 te St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States, hij was toen 23 jaar oud.Bron 1


  1. Lucy Ellen Williams  1848-1942

(2) Hij is getrouwd met Electa Jane Barney.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 19 februari 1857 te Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Territory, United States, hij was toen 33 jaar oud.Bron 1


Notities over Ezra Granger Williams

A Sketch of the Life of Dr. Ezra Granger Williams Written By Mary E WilliamsDr. Ezra Granger Williams son of Frederick and Rebecca Swain was born on Nov. 17, 1823, Warrensville Cuyahaga C. Ohio. He was the youngest of four children. Ezra moved to Chardon with his father's family, later to Kirkland, Ohio where his father bought land and a home, which he later deeded to the LDS church (117). The deed is now on record in the courthouse in Ohio. The Kirtland temple was built on this land as was the city of Kirtland. Some of the homes of the twelve are still standing and in a good state of preservation, (1932), also the temple.

When a young man E. G. Williams and his sister Lovina went in a cutter to visit their uncle W. Williams, who lived in Cleveland Ohio and stayed all night. Next morning they took their cousin Eunice Williams with them to Dover near Lake Erie to visit their Aunt Mary Cahoon. Next day he and his cousins the Cahoon boys had great sport on the lake until a south wind and thaw came up that began thawing the ice. One of the boys shouted the ice is moving, and they all ran for shore as fast as they could go. When they got to shore they found the ice had left the shore and they had to jump to get on shore. Next day they had a hard day's drive to get back to Cleveland, for the roads were thawing and breaking up. It snowed that night and they were up in the morning bright and early for Kirtland. They arrived home in good time for the new snow helped the road and made it easier traveling.

In the fall of 1830 the family were converted to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by four missionaries; Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, Ziba Peterson, and Peter Whitman Jr., who had been sent on a mission to the Lamanites or Indians and who had come to Kirtland on their travels. His mother was baptized on Saturday and his father on Monday. Just two weeks after meeting the Elders, his father was chosen to go with them to finish their mission. He was gone ten months.

In February 1831, Joseph Smith Jr. came to Kirtland and lived with Newell K. Whitney and with Fredrick G. Williams. Fredrick G. Williams and the prophet had many talks about the church. Dr. Williams offered his land for a gathering place for the saints, so the main body of the church was moved to Kirtland for a few months. The land for the Temple site and also for the homes of the leaders of the church was given outright as a gift by Dr. Williams. The deeds to this land are still in existence at the courthouse in Ohio.

In April 1832 Ezra with William Kimball, son of Heber C. Kimball, were walking along the river bank, when they met the Prophet Joseph Smith, who asked if they would like to be baptized. They consented and were baptized. They went on home and Hyrum Smith confirmed the baptism.

As a child Ezra often wen with his father on his medical calls and was taught many things about medical practice by his father. He later acted as an assistant to his father in this practice. As a young man in his early twenties he was practicing on his own right, having studied with a prominent physician of the time. He was always interested, studious, and a reader along medical lines even to the day of his death. His advice was sought out by many physicians throughout the west.

He went to Far West in the fall of 1836 and joined the Saints there during the persecution of the mob who with militia men had come to drive out or exterminate the churchmen. One day he took his pony and rode out on the prairie to gather the stock and saw the army coming, several of the cavalry gave chase. He rode back into town and gave the alarm. Far West men were rallied under Colonel George W. Hinkle, logs and other materials at hand were thrown together for defense and protection. The army under General Clark formed line of battle west of town, a consultation was held between the Prophet and others. The militia disbanded and the soldiers looted the town. Young Ezra was given a permit to hunt stock and wile rounding them up saw the soldiers stealing and driving them off. On their horses were bridles that he recognized as those of his brother-in-law, Burr Riggs. He went to the officer in charge and they were made to give them back.

A short time afterward the mob gathered again and began depredations. The Saints again banded together for defense. They met the enemy on Crooked River and a battle ensued in which David W. Patten was killed as well as several others. Ezra was taken by some of the soldiers who wanted to kill him saying, "Nites breat lice"(sic) but the officer let him go.

His father Fredrick was sent by the Prophet to Cleveland, Ohio where the Saints were suffering from a plague; Ezra went with him and they were successful in stamping out the plague.

Dr. E. G. Williams went to Far West Mo. 1836 and was there when the mob took the prophet Joseph Smith and leaders of the church prisoners. Dr. Williams was with the brethren when David Patten was killed on Crooked River, and the brethren organized self defense. After the battle he went to Quincey, Illinois with his folks, from there to Burlington and back to Quincey, hunting for work to get something to eat and live upon, then to Nauvoo and St. Louis where he met and married Henrietta Elizabeth Crombie Aug. 15, 1847 by Orson Hyde. She was born Sept. 27, 1827, Boston Mass. Baptized by Ezra Taft Benson in Boston Harbor May 1, 1845, confirmed the same day, left Boston April 1847 for St. Louis.

They left St. Louis Mo. The summer of 1848 for Council Bluffs, Iowa having received a letter from H. C. Kimball advising him to go to the valley. Stayed in Winter Quarters two weeks then crossed the Missouri River back to Kanesville, Iowa where he made a home. After a severe sickness he went to the wood and got timber and made a cutter. As soon as it was done he got into it and rode among people visiting the sick and never missed a day all winter for there was much sickness among the people. He was a physician and surgeon of great value to the people.

The spring of 1849 was called to start to the valleys in two months, E. G. Williams said I cannot go I have nothing to go with. Brother Ezra Taft Benson went to the Welch camp and borrowed $300.00 to buy an outfit for the journey. His mother Mrs. Rebecca S. Williams went back to St. Louis on the boat to buy medicine and provisions for the journey, returning by land from Burlington Iowa in time for starting. They had two wagons, four oxen, three cows, one horse, provisions for a year, a splendid stock of medicines, a nine month old baby, and a hundred thirty five dollars in debt to the Welch Company which he paid back in three years. Oct. 7, 1848 Dr. E. G. Williams and his mother went to Hyde park, twelve miles down the river to conference as Oliver Cowdery was to make a confession and return to the church. After that meeting the Cowderys stayed at the Dr.'s place for two weeks, Oliver, his wife, and daughter Marea their only living child. They went back to Missouri where Oliver died soon after while preparing to come to Utah.

Following his father's death a Quincy Illinois 25 October 1842, he with his mother went to St. Louis where he took up the practice of medicine as his profession. This was the Saints' gathering place before starting for the west. He was kept very busy prescribing and administering to the sick.

He had hoped and partly prepared to join the vanguard of Saints to the valley of the Great Salt Lake with President Brigham Young but was given charge by Brigham Young to take care of the Saints who were suffering from Malaria and Cholera. He became the official physician for the community and so missed the opportunity of being one of the original party of 1847.

Dr. E. G. Williams and family left Kanesville on the Missouri River for Utah, July 4, 1849 in the Ezra T. Benson and John Taylor Co. (50). They crossed Loup Fork, a tributary of the Platt coming to the Sweet River. Some said that creek runs through Devils Gate. Dr. Williams started out alone to take observations, went part way and concluded he better go on then return to camp. It was a lonely looking place. He jumped over the rock to the other side of the creek as no farther progress could be made on that side. He had to let himself down the ridge to the bank of the creek after tediously climbing up the ridge. It was not far at that point of rocks from camp. Crossing the river at this point was difficult. Men made a network of willows to keep the wagons wheels from sinking in the quicksand. The men tied ropes to the back of the wagons to lower them down the steep bank to the water easily. Dr. Williams waded the stream, hanging on to the yoke of the wheelers while men shouted to the leaders to travel to the opposite bank. Bro. George A. Smith led the Welch Company. He said they talked Welch and English to their cattle till they learned how to gee haw back perfectly. When they started through a river they struck out for the other side to avoid the noise everybody made.

The Sioux Indians came round the camp, trading buckskins. The squaws were very intelligent looking, decorated with beads and ornaments, charging around camp on their fine horses. So different from Utah Indians.

The Dr. bought a pony at Fort Bridger for his wife to ride up the steep mountains, but the saddle would slip off, so she had to walk up and carry her baby.

Oct. 25, camped at foot of big mountain on east side at night. Then up the big mountain and down the other, camping in a grove Oct. 26; then traveled over the little mountain next day. Traveled to Emigration canyon, crossed the creek 18 times. Camped in mouth of canyon for the night. Next morning Sunday, President Young, Heber C. Kimball, N. K. Whiting, and their wives and others came to meet us and welcome us to the valley, dined with H. C. and Vilate Kimball.

Oct. 29, 1849 came into the valley. Camped on City Creek, north of where the Lion house now stands. Put the wagon boxes on the ground a few feet apart. Posts were set at each end, the covers were loosened at the inside and up over the pole that was fastened to the post and a canvas was fastened to the east end and the other was hung to the west end to answer for a door. This is where we lived through the winter. Dr. Williams went to the mountains, got logs and built a log house, which they moved into in March 1850.

In 1852 he built an adobe house nearby that was used as a hospital. When the gold rush was on in California his son F. G. Williams and many of the emigrants contracted mountain fever. He took them in and cared for them till they recovered. One man stayed all winter. Dr. Williams got timber and had legs turned at the turning lathe for bedsteads, table, chair, etc. He had a spinning wheel made at the temple workshop.

In 1852 he was called as one of an escort for President Young and company on an exploring trip through Iron County. In 1853 he was called to help bring in the bodies of two men killed by Indians in Snyder's Mill Canyon near Parley's Park, Utah. John Dicon and John Quayle killed by Hoagland wounded. Then he was called to Box Elder Co. To repel the Indians.

He was surgeon general of the Nauvoo legion, 1854. He built a two story adobe house north of the temple block where his son Ezra H. G. Williams was born April 1, 1855. April 1855 he was called on the white mountain mission. Brother Alfred Randall, Orson Miles and Nelson Empey went with him in the same wagon. David Evane, of Lehi, captain of the company returned Sept. 21.

Oct. 157, Dr. Williams was ordered out to Echo Canyon as physician and surgeon in the Wm. H. Kimball Company and arrived there in two weeks when Orson Arnold was brought in to Echo Canyon quarters severely wounded by accidental discharge of his gun several days previously while on a scouting trip in Lot Smiths Co. The ball struck the middle of his thigh. He suffered greatly as the leg was so badly swollen. After it had healed so far he got on crutches. While he was trying to cross a water sect he fell and broke it again, which caused some of the bone to be removed, one piece 5 inches long. It made one leg shorter but he still had very good use of his leg.

In Dec. 1857 Dr. Wm. Was discharged from camp to attend to Orson Arnold. Wm. Fortheringham was injured and sent home. Dr. Wm. Attended to his wounds so he could ride with a little ease and comfort.

1858 when Johnson's army was on the way to exterminate the Mormons the people all moved out to the south. Brigham Young said we would move out and if the soldiers were going to dispose of us and our homes they would find Utah as we found it desolate, we would burn our homes. Men were stationed to apply the match if they molested our homes, but the general and his staff passed on through the city with uncovered heads, nothing being harmed. When peace was declared the people returned home (July, 1858). It was a pleasant sight to see home once more with grass knee high and the grain just getting ripe. The army proved a blessing instead of a curse because they brought with them things we needed, and also furnished the settlers work for they needed grain for their animals and timber for their camps which was a great help.

1860 Dr. Wm. and Edwin Rutharin Bronson, his cousin's husband, decided to build a saw-mill at Summit Creek, Cache Co. In the spring they built the mill. On July 22, the people were preparing to celebrate pioneer day. The Indians came upon them and killed two men, Ira Merrill and John Reed and wounded Samual Cousing and Solomon Merrill. Dr. Wm. Dressed their wounds and took care of them until they recovered. Dr. Wm. Could not attend to the mill and his practice, so it was not a great success. Brunson was discouraged, the winters were so severe, and sold out to Alonzo Raymond and later Dr. Wm. Sold to Wallave Raymond. He sold his farm to Peterson and bought a farm of George Snyder's at North Ogden, now Pleasant View. He moved his Family there in 1863. Later he moved his 2nd wife to Ogden City, 1866. His 1st wife stayed on the farm with her children. Her two boys ran the farm. His practice grew and he was very successful in his practice.

1855 on the trip to Elk Mountain they entered a canyon about 30 miles south of Sanpete Co. They discovered a mountain of salt, some with specks in it, some with clay substance scattered through it, some clear and transparent. At this camp an Indian runner came from Manti at midnight informing that the Indians had driven our people from Elk Mountain. 3 Men Killed, Sept 23 1857, James W. Hunt, Wm Behunnin & Edward Edwards of the Elk Mountain mission. They received word to return to Manti where tehy met those who were driven from Elk Mtn., they having returned by a shorter route. Dr. found Alfred N Billings shot through the fore finger while helping to bring the dead bodies in to the fort.

In 1857 he married Electa Jane Kimball. He bought a house and lot two blocks south of Temple block, where two sons were born. Joseph Swain born March 10, 1858 and John Albert born April 13, 1860. He also owned several other lots in Salt Lake City, and a farm on Mill Creek, 5 miles south of the city.

While living in Smithfield his mother and three sons died, also two sons were born. His mother Mrs. Rebecca Swain Williams died Sept. 25, 1860. Joseph Swain Williams died Oct. 24, 1860. Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball twins were born May 18, 1862. Brigham Young died Jan 22, 1863 and Heber C. Kimball died Sept. 18, 1863.

The rest of the children married and left the parental roof. Lucy Ellen married William Godfrey Oct. 10, 1867. Mary Elizabeth married Joseph Smith Gardner of North Ogden, Utah March 15, 1869. Ezra Granger married Sarah Ann Hickenlooper Dec. 28, 1874. Frederick Granger married 1- Amanda Burns; 2- Hansena Kathena Hegsted, May 1, 1884; 3- Nancy Abigail Clement, April 8, 1889.

In 1867 Dr. E. G. Williams moved part of his family to Ogden City, his 2nd wife and Hyrum where he spent the remainder of his days. He died August 1, 1905. He was baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Joseph Smith the prophet April 14, 1832 at Kirtland Ohio, Ordained Oct. 10, 1845 by Joseph Young to the third quorum of the Seventies.

From Find a Grave:
Son of Frederick Granger Williams and Rebecca Swain

Married Henrietta Elizabeth Crombie, 15 Aug 1847, St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri.

Children: Hyrum Royal Williams, Mary Elizabeth Williams, Joseph Swain Williams, Frederick Granger Williams, John Albert Williams, Ezra Henry Granger Williams, Brigham Young Williams, Heber C. Williams, Frances Henrietta Maria Williams, Lucy Ellen Williams.

Married Electa Jane Barney, 19 Feb 1857, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.

Son: Hyrum Royal Barney Williams.

History - The first Mormon settlers arrived in the valley of the Great Salt Lake in 1847. Over the next forty years or so, thousands of Mormon immigrants would arrive to populate planned settlements.

Ezra's father, Frederick, had been studying to become a doctor, and now he began earnest research in the medical profession. Ezra's parents built a home a few miles south of Newburg called Warrensville, where they lived until after four children, Lavina, Joseph Swain who died in 1838, Lucy Eliza and Ezra Granger were born. Later the family moved to Kirtland, where in 1829 Frederick purchased a farm of 144 acres. Here he prospered, and became influential as a doctor and businessman.

Ezra's mother, Rebecca, was often left to oversee the operation of the farm with the help of her son, Ezra. During this time the Prophet Joseph Smith and his wife Emma came to Kirtland and stayed at Rebecca's home until they were able to build a house across the street. Rebecca and Frederick were very close to the Prophet and his family through all the days of trial and hardship of building the temple, Zion's march, etc. During the Kirtland bank failure, Frederick was disfellowshipped. A few weeks later he asked forgiveness and was rebaptized in May 1837.

Rebecca and her children joined the Saints in traveling to Far West from Kirtland in 1838, where they again built a home. In 1842, because of the poor health of the doctor, the family moved to Quincy, Illinois, to reside with a daughter. Late in the summer they paid a visit to Nauvoo to see Joseph and Emma. When it came time to leave, Joseph said, "Brother Frederick, I don't like to see you leave, you are going home to die." Frederick replied, "I am already a dead man." He passed away on October 25, 1842, in Quincy, Illinois.

Subsequently Rebecca and her son, Ezra, moved back to Nauvoo to be near the headquarters of the Church. Joseph Smith had turned his Mansion House into a hotel, and Rebecca was fortunate in securing rooms there. Ezra was ordained a seventy in 1845 by Joseph Young, and he and his mother received their endowments in the Nauvoo Temple February 7, 1846, at which time Rebecca was sealed to her husband, and married for time to Heber C. Kimball.

Ezra married Henrietta Crombie in August 1847, during the time he was attending medical school. Rebecca was called to Quincy to nurse her daughter, Lavina, who was gravely ill. Lavina died November 29, 1847, and Rebecca then moved to St. Louis to make her home with Ezra who was now a practicing physician. But they all longed to join the Saints, and left St. Louis, April 1, 1848, arriving at Winter Quarters in April.

Rebecca came to depend upon Heber C. Kimball a great deal in the coming months, not for shelter and food, but for his counsel, faith and encouragement. Before President Young left Winter Quarters in 1848, he called Ezra and set him apart as the physician for the surrounding camps; for he, his wife and mother were to stay at Winter Quarters until the next spring.

In 1849 George A. Smith and Ezra T. Benson, who were in charge of the pioneer companies, approached some of the Welsh Saints who were preparing to make the journey, and borrowed from them three hundred dollars so that Dr. Williams could buy the necessary medicines to take with him as official physician for the companies. Rebecca was then instructed to go to St. Louis and buy the articles needed. She purchased provisions enough to last one year and a very splendid stock of medicines in a good chest. She was made comfortable in her wagon with a small stove, rocking chair, sideboard, small table, remnants of her wedding furniture, and a small churn and camp stool.

On the day of their arrival in Utah they were met by Heber C. Kimball and taken to his home, where they enjoyed a dinner of roast beef and dried apple pie served by the family. Here they remained until the following March when they moved into a new log house that Ezra had built. Rebecca was given charge of a small farm on which she raised the vegetables for the family. She was busy helping where her services were needed, and thus made many friends. This noble pioneer woman passed away September 25, 1861, and was laid to rest in the Smithfield Cemetery in Cache Valley where Ezra had made his home.

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Visualiseer een andere verwantschap


  1. FamilySearch Family Tree,,
    Membership of The Church of Jesus Chirst of Latter-day Saints 1830-1848
    / FamilySearch
  2. U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current,

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Historische gebeurtenissen

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  • De Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden werd in 1794-1795 door de Fransen veroverd onder leiding van bevelhebber Charles Pichegru (geholpen door de Nederlander Herman Willem Daendels); de verovering werd vergemakkelijkt door het dichtvriezen van de Waterlinie; Willem V moest op 18 januari 1795 uitwijken naar Engeland (en van daaruit in 1801 naar Duitsland); de patriotten namen de macht over van de aristocratische regenten en proclameerden de Bataafsche Republiek; op 16 mei 1795 werd het Haags Verdrag gesloten, waarmee ons land een vazalstaat werd van Frankrijk; in 3.1796 kwam er een Nationale Vergadering; in 1798 pleegde Daendels een staatsgreep, die de unitarissen aan de macht bracht; er kwam een nieuwe grondwet, die een Vertegenwoordigend Lichaam (met een Eerste en Tweede Kamer) instelde en als regering een Directoire; in 1799 sloeg Daendels bij Castricum een Brits-Russische invasie af; in 1801 kwam er een nieuwe grondwet; bij de Vrede van Amiens (1802) kreeg ons land van Engeland zijn koloniën terug (behalve Ceylon); na de grondwetswijziging van 1805 kwam er een raadpensionaris als eenhoofdig gezag, namelijk Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (van 31 oktober 1761 tot 25 maart 1825).
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    • 10 september » Simon Bolivar wordt president van Peru.
    • 28 september » Kardinaal Annibale della Genga wordt gekozen tot Paus Leo XII.
    • 5 oktober » Kroning van paus Leo XII in Rome.
    • 2 december » President James Monroe van de Verenigde Staten houdt een rede in het Amerikaanse Congres waarin hij Europese inmenging in Noord- en Zuid-Amerika afwijst, evenals Amerikaanse inmenging in Europa. Dit zou later de Monroedoctrine worden genoemd.
  • De temperatuur op 19 februari 1857 lag rond de 8,5 °C. De winddruk was 1.5 kgf/m2 en kwam overheersend uit het zuid-zuid-oosten. De relatieve luchtvochtigheid was 85%. Bron: KNMI
  • De Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden werd in 1794-1795 door de Fransen veroverd onder leiding van bevelhebber Charles Pichegru (geholpen door de Nederlander Herman Willem Daendels); de verovering werd vergemakkelijkt door het dichtvriezen van de Waterlinie; Willem V moest op 18 januari 1795 uitwijken naar Engeland (en van daaruit in 1801 naar Duitsland); de patriotten namen de macht over van de aristocratische regenten en proclameerden de Bataafsche Republiek; op 16 mei 1795 werd het Haags Verdrag gesloten, waarmee ons land een vazalstaat werd van Frankrijk; in 3.1796 kwam er een Nationale Vergadering; in 1798 pleegde Daendels een staatsgreep, die de unitarissen aan de macht bracht; er kwam een nieuwe grondwet, die een Vertegenwoordigend Lichaam (met een Eerste en Tweede Kamer) instelde en als regering een Directoire; in 1799 sloeg Daendels bij Castricum een Brits-Russische invasie af; in 1801 kwam er een nieuwe grondwet; bij de Vrede van Amiens (1802) kreeg ons land van Engeland zijn koloniën terug (behalve Ceylon); na de grondwetswijziging van 1805 kwam er een raadpensionaris als eenhoofdig gezag, namelijk Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck (van 31 oktober 1761 tot 25 maart 1825).
  • Van 1 juli 1856 tot 18 maart 1858 was er in Nederland het kabinet Van der Brugghen met als eerste minister Mr. J.L.L. van der Brugghen (protestant).
  • In het jaar 1857: Bron: Wikipedia
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    • 4 maart » De eerste vakbond in België, de Gentse "Broederlijke Maatschappij der Wevers", wordt opgericht.
    • 4 maart » James Buchanan wordt beëdigd als 15e president van de Verenigde Staten
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    • 24 oktober » Oprichting van Sheffield FC, door de FIFA erkend als oudste voetbalclub ter wereld.
    • 30 november » Ignacio Comonfort treedt af als president van Mexico.
  • De temperatuur op 1 augustus 1905 lag tussen 13,6 °C en 22,6 °C en was gemiddeld 16,8 °C. Er was 2,0 uur zonneschijn (13%). De gemiddelde windsnelheid was 2 Bft (zwakke wind) en kwam overheersend uit het oost-noord-oosten. Bron: KNMI
  • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was van 1890 tot 1948 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Koninkrijk der Nederlanden genoemd)
  • Van 1 augustus 1901 tot 16 augustus 1905 was er in Nederland het kabinet Kuijper met als eerste minister Dr. A. Kuijper (AR).
  • Van 17 augustus 1905 tot 11 februari 1908 was er in Nederland het kabinet De Meester met als eerste minister Mr. Th. de Meester (unie-liberaal).
  • In het jaar 1905: Bron: Wikipedia
    • Nederland had zo'n 5,5 miljoen inwoners.
    • 12 februari » Het Zwitsers voetbalelftal speelt de eerste officiële interland uit zijn geschiedenis. In Parijs wordt met 1-0 verloren van Frankrijk .
    • 23 februari » Paul Harris sticht in Chicago de Rotary Club.
    • 4 maart » Theodore Roosevelt wordt her-beëdigd als 26e president van de Verenigde Staten
    • 22 april » Oprichting Vereniging tot behoud van Natuurmonumenten in Amsterdam. Het initiatief daartoe werd genomen door Jac. P. Thijsse.
    • 16 mei » In Vriezenveen voltrekt zich een van de grootste branden uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis, die later het hele land wist te beroeren. In een paar uur tijd branden 228 huizen, twee kerken en het gemeentehuis aan de noordkant van Vriezenveen af. Er zijn geen persoonlijke ongelukken, maar er is wel heel veel leed. Circa 1600 inwoners zijn opeens dakloos. Drie dagen na de brand brengen koningin Wilhelmina en prins Hendrik een bezoek aan het zo getroffen dorp.
    • 3 december » Zoltán Halmay vestigt het allereerste officiële wereldrecord op de 100 meter vrije slag. In Wenen tikt de Hongaarse zwemmer aan in 1.05,8.
  • De temperatuur op 3 augustus 1905 lag tussen 11,6 °C en 24,2 °C en was gemiddeld 18,2 °C. Er was -0.1 uur zonneschijn (0%). De gemiddelde windsnelheid was 3 Bft (matige wind) en kwam overheersend uit het zuid-oosten. Bron: KNMI
  • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was van 1890 tot 1948 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Koninkrijk der Nederlanden genoemd)
  • Van 1 augustus 1901 tot 16 augustus 1905 was er in Nederland het kabinet Kuijper met als eerste minister Dr. A. Kuijper (AR).
  • Van 17 augustus 1905 tot 11 februari 1908 was er in Nederland het kabinet De Meester met als eerste minister Mr. Th. de Meester (unie-liberaal).
  • In het jaar 1905: Bron: Wikipedia
    • Nederland had zo'n 5,5 miljoen inwoners.
    • 2 januari » Russische troepen in Port Arthur capituleren voor de Japanse eenheden. De overgave vindt plaats zonder instemming van het Russische oppercommando.
    • 4 maart » Theodore Roosevelt wordt her-beëdigd als 26e president van de Verenigde Staten
    • 22 maart » Willem Einthoven neemt met zijn snaargalvanometer het eerste elektrocardiogram op.
    • 30 april » Het Nederlands voetbalelftal speelt zijn eerste officiële interland. België was de tegenstander. Na negentig minuten was de stand 1-1; Nederland won uiteindelijk met 4-1.
    • 16 mei » In Vriezenveen voltrekt zich een van de grootste branden uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis, die later het hele land wist te beroeren. In een paar uur tijd branden 228 huizen, twee kerken en het gemeentehuis aan de noordkant van Vriezenveen af. Er zijn geen persoonlijke ongelukken, maar er is wel heel veel leed. Circa 1600 inwoners zijn opeens dakloos. Drie dagen na de brand brengen koningin Wilhelmina en prins Hendrik een bezoek aan het zo getroffen dorp.
    • 26 september » De speciale relativiteitstheorie van Albert Einstein wordt gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift Annalen der Physik.

Dezelfde geboorte/sterftedag

Bron: Wikipedia

Bron: Wikipedia

Over de familienaam Williams

  • Bekijk de informatie die Genealogie Online heeft over de familienaam Williams.
  • Bekijk de informatie die Open Archieven heeft over Williams.
  • Bekijk in het Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register wie de familienaam Williams (onder)zoekt.

Wilt u bij het overnemen van gegevens uit deze stamboom alstublieft een verwijzing naar de herkomst opnemen:
Anthony Willis, "Anthony Willis family tree", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 7 juni 2024), "Ezra Granger Williams (1823-1905)".