Ancestral Trails 2016 » Charles BRANDON (1484-1545)

Persoonlijke gegevens Charles BRANDON 

  • Hij is geboren in het jaar 1484 in Wangford Brandon, Suffolk.
  • Titel: 1st Duke of Suffolk
  • Titel: 1st Viscount Lisle
  • Hij is overleden op 22 augustus 1545 in Guildford Palace, Surrey, hij was toen 61 jaar oud.
  • Hij is begraven op 9 september 1545 in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire.
  • Een kind van William BRANDON en Elizabeth BRUYN

Gezin van Charles BRANDON

(1) Hij is getrouwd met Katherine WILLOUGHBY.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 7 september 1533 te Eresby, Leicestershire, hij was toen 49 jaar oud.


  1. Henry BRANDON  1534-1551

(2) Hij is getrouwd met Anne BROWNE.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1508 te London, Middlesex, hij was toen 24 jaar oud.


  1. Mary BRANDON  1510-1544 
  2. Anne BRANDON  1503-????

(3) Hij is getrouwd met Margaret NEVILLE.

Zij zijn getrouwd voor februari 1505/06 te Anulled 1507.

(4) Hij is getrouwd met Mary TUDOR.

Zij zijn getrouwd op 13 mei 1515 te Greenwich, Kent, hij was toen 31 jaar oud.


  1. Frances BRANDON  1517-1559 
  2. Eleanor BRANDON  1520-1547 

(5) Hij heeft/had een relatie met <No name>.


  1. Charles BRANDON  ± 1495-1551

Notities over Charles BRANDON

Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, 1st Viscount Lisle KG (c. 1484 - 22 August 1545) was the son of Sir William Brandon and Elizabeth Bruyn. Through his third wife Mary Tudor he was brother-in-law to Henry VIII. His father was the standard-bearer of Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond (later King Henry VII) and was slain by Richard III in person at the battle of Bosworth Field. Suffolk died of unknown causes at Guildford. Charles Brandon was brought up at the court of Henry VII. He is described by Dugdale as "a person comely of stature, high of courage and conformity of disposition to King Henry VIII, with whom he became a great favourite". Brandon held a succession of offices in the royal household, becoming Master of the Horse in 1513, and received many valuable grants of land. On 15 May 1513, he was created Viscount Lisle, having entered into a marriage contract with his ward, Elizabeth Grey, suo jure Viscountess Lisle. The contract was ended and the title was forfeited as a result of Brandon's marriage to Mary Tudor in 1515. He distinguished himself at the sieges of Thérouanne and Tournai in the French campaign of 1513. One of the agents of Margaret of Savoy, governor of the Netherlands, writing from before Thérouanne, reminded her that Lord Lisle was a "second king" and advised her to write him a kind letter. At this time, Henry VIII was secretly urging Margaret to marry Lisle, whom he created Duke of Suffolk, although he was careful to disclaim (on 4 March 1514) any complicity in the project to her father, Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor. After his marriage to Mary, Suffolk lived for some years in retirement, but he was present at the Field of the Cloth of Gold in 1520. In 1523 he was sent to Calais to command the English troops there. He invaded France in company with Floris d'Egmont, Count of Buren, who was at the head of the Flemish troops, and laid waste the north of France, but disbanded his troops at the approach of winter. After Wolsey's disgrace, Suffolk's influence increased daily. He was sent with Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, to demand the Great Seal from Wolsey; the same noblemen conveyed the news of Anne Boleyn's marriage to King Henry, after the divorce from Queen Catherine; and Suffolk acted as High Steward at the new queen's coronation. He was one of the commissioners appointed by Henry to dismiss Catherine's household, a task he found distasteful. His family had a residence on the west side of Borough High Street, London, for at least half a century prior to his building of Suffolk Place at the site. Suffolk supported Henry's ecclesiastical policy, receiving a large share of the lands after the dissolution of the monasteries. In 1544, he was for the second time in command of an English army for the invasion of France. He died at Guildford, Surrey, on 24 August in the following year. At Henry VIII's expense he was buried at Windsor in St George's Chapel. Suffolk took part in the jousts which celebrated the marriage of Mary Tudor, Henry's sister, with Louis XII of France. He was accredited to negotiate various matters with Louis, and on Louis' death was sent to congratulate the new King, Francis I, and to negotiate Mary's return to England. Love between Suffolk and the young Dowager Queen Mary had existed before her marriage, and Francis roundly charged him with an intention to marry her. Francis, perhaps in the hope of Queen Claude's death, had himself been one of her suitors in the first week of her widowhood, and Mary asserted that she had given him her confidence to avoid his importunities. Francis and Henry both professed a friendly attitude towards the marriage of the lovers, but Suffolk had many political enemies, and Mary feared that she might again be sacrificed to political considerations. The truth was that Henry was anxious to obtain from Francis the gold plate and jewels which had been given or promised to the Queen by Louis in addition to the reimbursement of the expenses of her marriage with the King; and he practically made his acquiescence in Suffolk's suit dependent on his obtaining them. The pair cut short the difficulties by a private marriage on 5 March 1515. Suffolk announced this to Thomas Wolsey, who had been their fast friend. Suffolk was saved from Henry's anger only by Wolsey, and the pair eventually agreed to pay to Henry £24,000 in yearly instalments of £1000, and the whole of Mary's dowry from Louis of £200,000, together with her plate and jewels. They were openly married at Greenwich Hall on 13 May. The Duke had been twice married already, to Margaret Neville (the widow of John Mortimer) and to Anne Browne, to whom he had been betrothed before his marriage with Margaret Mortimer. Anne Browne died in 1511, but Margaret Mortimer, from whom he had obtained a declaration of nullity on the ground of consanguinity, was still living. He secured in 1528 a bull from Pope Clement VII assuring the legitimacy of his marriage with Mary Tudor and of the daughters of Anne Browne, one of whom, Anne, was sent to the court of Margaret of Savoy. Mary Tudor died on 25 June 1533, and in September of the same year Suffolk married his ward Catherine Willoughby (1520-1580), suo jure Baroness Willoughby de Eresby, then a girl of thirteen. She had been betrothed to his son Henry Brandon, Earl of Lincoln, but the boy was too young to marry; Suffolk did not wish to risk losing Catherine's lands, so he married her himself. By Catherine Willoughby he had two sons who showed great promise, Henry (1535-1551) and Charles (c. 1537-1551), Dukes of Suffolk. They died of the sweating sickness within an hour of one another. Before February 1506 he married the widowed, Margaret Mortimer (née Neville), daughter of John Neville, 1st Marquess of Montagu and Isabel Ingaldesthorpe. The marriage was annulled in 1507. There was no issue. About 1508, he married Margaret's niece, Anne Browne (d. 1511), daughter of Sir Anthony Browne, Standard Bearer of England 1485 and Lady Lucy Neville, daughter of the Marquess of Montagu. Issue Anne Brandon (1507-1557); she married firstly Edward Grey, 4th Baron Grey of Powis, and, after the dissolution of this union, Randal Harworth Mary Brandon (1510 - c. 1542); she married Thomas Stanley, 2nd Baron Monteagle He contracted to marry Elizabeth Grey, 5th Baroness Lisle (1505-1519). He was thus created 1st Viscount Lisle of the third creation in 1513, but the contract was annulled and he surrendered this title before 1519 or in 1523. There was no issue. In May 1515 he married Mary Tudor, Queen Dowager of France (18 March 1496 - 25 June 1533). Issue Lord Henry Brandon (11 March 1516 - 1522) Lady Frances Brandon (16 July 1517 - 20 November 1559); she married Henry Grey, Marquess of Dorset and was the mother of Lady Jane Grey Lady Eleanor Brandon (1519 - 27 September 1547); she married Henry Clifford, 2nd Earl of Cumberland Henry Brandon, 1st Earl of Lincoln (c. 1523 - 1 March 1534) On 7 September 1533 he married Catherine Willoughby, 12th Baroness Willoughby de Eresby (1 April 1520 - 19 September 1580); after widowing she remarried Richard Bertie. Issue Henry Brandon, 2nd Duke of Suffolk (18 September 1535 - 14 July 1551); sweating sickness Charles Brandon, 3rd Duke of Suffolk (1537/1538 - 14 July 1551); sweating sickness Illegitimate children Sir Charles Brandon, married Elizabeth Pigot Frances Brandon, married firstly William Sandon, then Andrew Bilsby Mary Brandon, married Robert Ball of Scottow, Norfolk SOURCE:Wikipedia

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van Charles BRANDON



(1) 1533
(2) 1508


(4) 1515
± 1495-1551

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Historische gebeurtenissen

  • Graaf Maximiliaan (Oostenrijks Huis) was van 1506 tot 1515 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Graafschap Holland genoemd)
  • Graaf Karel II (Oostenrijks Huis) was van 1515 tot 1555 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Graafschap Holland genoemd)
  • In het jaar 1515: Bron: Wikipedia
    • 10 september » Paus Leo X creëert één nieuwe kardinaal, de Engelse aartsbisschop van York Thomas Wolsey.
    • 14 september » Na de Slag bij Marignano verklaren de Zwitsers zich neutraal.
  • Graaf Karel II (Oostenrijks Huis) was van 1515 tot 1555 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Graafschap Holland genoemd)
  • In het jaar 1545: Bron: Wikipedia
    • 16 december » Paus Paulus III creëert vier nieuwe kardinalen, onder wie de Portugese aartsbisschop van Évora en latere koning Hendrik van Portugal (1578-1580).
  • Graaf Karel II (Oostenrijks Huis) was van 1515 tot 1555 vorst van Nederland (ook wel Graafschap Holland genoemd)
  • In het jaar 1545: Bron: Wikipedia
    • 16 december » Paus Paulus III creëert vier nieuwe kardinalen, onder wie de Portugese aartsbisschop van Évora en latere koning Hendrik van Portugal (1578-1580).

Dezelfde geboorte/sterftedag

Bron: Wikipedia

Over de familienaam BRANDON

  • Bekijk de informatie die Genealogie Online heeft over de familienaam BRANDON.
  • Bekijk de informatie die Open Archieven heeft over BRANDON.
  • Bekijk in het Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register wie de familienaam BRANDON (onder)zoekt.

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Patti Lee Salter, "Ancestral Trails 2016", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 27 juli 2024), "Charles BRANDON (1484-1545)".