Ancestral Trails 2016 » GUILLAUME de TANCREVILLE I (1072-1129)

Persoonlijke gegevens GUILLAUME de TANCREVILLE I 

  • Hij is geboren in het jaar 1072 in Tancreville, Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, France.

    Waarschuwing Let op: Leeftijd bij trouwen (??-??-1083) lag beneden de 16 jaar (11).

  • Titel: Master Chamberlain of Normandy & England
  • (Relationship) : 30th Great Grandfather.
  • Hij is overleden in het jaar 1129 in Tancreville, Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, France, hij was toen 57 jaar oud.


Hij is getrouwd met MAUD d'ARQUES.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1083 te Arques-la-Bataille, Seine-Maritime, France, hij was toen 11 jaar oud.


  1. LUCY de TANCREVILLE  1101-1165 
  2. GEOFFREY CLINTON  1097-1135 
  3. Rabel de TANCREVILLE  1099-1140 


Guillaume I de Tancarville (-1129) "le Chamberlain de Normandie et England". Son of Raoul and Avice. Guillaume was the first to use the Tancarville name. He founded the Abbey of Saint-Georges de Boscherville c. 1112/13, which replaces the college founded by his grandfather and father. Through his sponsorship, it attracted a large number of donations, including that of King Henry I, who gave him the port of Bénouville. He married Mathilde d'Arques b. 1083 in Arques la Bataille, Normandie, France, heiress of another powerful family, daughter of Guillaume d'Arques and Beatrice Malet.

It seems certain that he is the chamberlain of Duke Robert Courthose and his brother Henry Beauclerc, after his victory at the Battle of Tinchebray (1106). He was a close adviser to King Henry I of England. He was a frequent witness to his actions, and also performed the function of judge. Considered a lord permanently loyal to the king by Orderic Vitalis, he was at his side at the siege of the Chateau d'Eu in 1089. He participated in the Battle of Bremule (1119) alongside the king of England against the king of France during a chance meeting in the Vexin.

According to Henry of Huntingdon, it was he who commanded the rebel force that captured Galeran IV Meulan Bourgtheroulde in 1124. However, the Norman chronicler Orderic Vitalis did not mention this in his account of this event.

Rabel de Tancarville (c. 1080-1140) "le Chamberlain de Normandie et England". Son of Guillaume I and Maude d'Arques. Rabel de Tancarville remained the only chamberlain-in-chief of Normandy and England until Henri I of England created a separate hereditary office for England in 1133 and entrusted it to Aubrey (II) of Vere and his heirs. Rabel's wife was Theophania de Penthièvre, daughter of Etienne de Bretagne Comte de Penthièvre and his wife Havise de Guingamp.
SOURCE: Wikipedia -

GUILLAUME de Tancarville (-1129). Guillaume chamberlain confirmed the donation to the abbey of St Georges de Bocherville by Raoul, chief chamberlain of William I King of England, and his sons Raoul, Nigel and Guillaume, and their mother Avicia, with the consent of his sons Rabel and Robert and Lucy, recorded in a charter of Henry I King of England dated 1114. "…Willo de Tancvilla…" subscribed the charter dated to [10 Apr/29 May] 1121 which records the arrangements for the marriage of "Miloni de Gloec" and "Sibilia filia Beorndi de Novo Mercato". Henry I King of England confirmed an earlier donation to the abbey of Sainte-Barbe by "Odo Stigandus", at the request of "Guillelmi camerarii de Tancarvilla […nepos supradicti Odonis Stigandi] et Rabelli filii sui", by charter dated 1129. Henry II King of England confirmed the property of Savigny abbey, including the donation by "Guillelmi camerarii de Tancharvilla" of "landam de Tor", by charter dated to [1156/58]. Henry II King of England confirmed the possessions of the priory of Sainte-Barbe-en-Auge, including donations by "Rabelli Camerarii…Willelmus camerarius pater eius…Willelmi Camerarii filii Rabelli", by charter dated to [1185/89]. m MATHILDE d’Arques, daughter of GUILLAUME d’Arques & his wife Beatrix Malet. Guillaume de Jumièges records "Mathildis" as the daughter of “Willelmi de Archis”, adding that she married “Willelmus camerarius de Tancarvilla” by whom she had “filium Rabellum qui ei successit”.

Guillaume [I] & his wife had three children:
i) RABEL de Tancarville (-1140). Guillaume de Jumièges records "Mathildis" as the daughter of “Willelmi de Archis”, adding that she married “Willelmus camerarius de Tancarvilla” by whom she had “filium Rabellum qui ei successit”.
ii) ROBERT de Tancarville . Guillaume chamberlain confirmed the donation to the abbey of St Georges de Bocherville by Raoul, chief chamberlain of William I King of England, and his sons Raoul, Nigel and Guillaume, and their mother Avicia, with the consent of his sons Rabel and Robert and Lucy, recorded in a charter of Henry I King of England dated 1114.
iii) LUCY de Tancarville ). Guillaume chamberlain confirmed the donation to the abbey of St Georges de Bocherville by Raoul, chief chamberlain of William I King of England, and his sons Raoul, Nigel and Guillaume, and their mother Avicia, with the consent of his sons Rabel and Robert and Lucy, recorded in a charter of Henry I King of England dated 1114. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. m WILLIAM de Vernon, son of RICHARD Seigneur de Reviers & his wife Adelise Peverel (-[16 Jun] after [1147]).

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Voorouders (en nakomelingen) van GUILLAUME de TANCREVILLE

1020-> 1071




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Over de familienaam De TANCREVILLE

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Patti Lee Salter, "Ancestral Trails 2016", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 16 september 2024), "GUILLAUME de TANCREVILLE I (1072-1129)".