Ancestral Trails 2016 » HUGH CORBET (1020-1080)

Persoonlijke gegevens HUGH CORBET 

  • Hij is geboren in het jaar 1020 in Pays d'Auge, Basse-Normandie, France.
  • (Known as) : Hugh le Corbeau, Corbet le Normand.
  • (Alternative Birth Place) in Pays de Caux, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France.
  • Hij is overleden in het jaar 1080 in Caus, Shropshire, hij was toen 60 jaar oud.


Hij is getrouwd met ISABEL de PAYS.

Zij zijn getrouwd in het jaar 1045, hij was toen 25 jaar oud.


  1. Hugh CORBET  1046-????
  2. Renaud CORBET  1048-???? 
  3. ROBERT CORBET  1049-1130 
  4. Petronell CORBET  1050-???? 
  5. ROGER I CORBET  1047-1134 

Notities over HUGH CORBET

The Corbets are an ancient family that can be traced back to Normandy. It is believed that the Corbets are of Danish origin and that the raven was their symbol. The Corbet name is probably an outcome of the old Norman "Le Corbeau" that, over time, changed to "Le Corbet". It could be derived from two possible sources. The Danish were known to display the "Reafan" or the raven as a sacred standard in battle. It is written by the historians, Pliny and Tacitus, that there was a warrior family who took their family name and emblem from "The Raven". They related that their direct ancestor was "Valerius". It is said that during a battle, Valerius had a Raven land on his helmet at a critical moment during a battle in Gaul and lead him to victory. The latin for crow or raven is Corvus. The first documentation of this family is in A.D. 1040, Le Carpentier mentions one Hugo le Corbet or le Corbeau as "Chivalier." Until the Norman Invasion in 1066 they were thought to be an important family in the "Pays de Caux" region of Normandy.

With two of his sons, Roger and Robert, Sir Hugo joined in the battle of Hastings with William the Conqueror in 1066. Hugo helped counsel the Conqueror in regards to the Welsh border lands which were rebellious. For their service as knights to the Conqueror, Robert and Roger were given Baronies. Roger received twenty-five manors. Robert received a grant of fifteen manors in Shropshire which became the barony of Longden. These Manors were townships under the Saxon rule. Roger called both his castle and barony "Caus" after his home in Normandy. The Corbets served under the Earl Roger de Montgomery. They were in service to help control the borders of Wales.

CORBETT: Corbat (sic) and his two sons, Roger and Rodbert (sic), are named by Ordericus among 'the faithful and very valiant men" employed by Roger de Montgomeri in the government of his new Earldom of Shrewsbury. Corbet was also, according to tradition, consulted by William the Conqueror as to the defence of the Welsh Marches.
His ancestry, Blakeway tells us, ascended "to a very remote antiquity. The name denotes in Norman-French a raven: whether in allusion to the famous Danish standard (the Reafan), of which their ancestor might have been the bearer from Scandinavia under Rollo, or whether from a less noble source, cannot be determined.

It is certain that Corbet came with his second and fourth sons, Roger and Robert, to the invasion of England by Duke William of Normandy. Besides the two sons who settled in Shropshire, the eldest and the third, Hugh and Renaud, stayed behind.

Hugh is mentioned in some charters of the Abbey of Bec, in Normandy; and Renaud was in Palestine in 1096, with his two sons, Robert and Guy. From the last of these descended five generations, all of them men of eminent rank in France, distinguished crusaders in the Holy Land, and castellans or viscounts of St. Pol, which the Corbets continued to hold until Hugh Corbet, knight, fourth descendant of Guy, sold his viscountcy to the Count de St. Pol, in order to raise money that he might follow St Louis on his crusading expedition against the Moors of Africa.

Robert, son of Hugh, accompanied his father to Tunis, and was drowned there in 1270. Hugh, his son, settled near Cambray; and his descendants for four generations lived at various places in the Netherlands, till James Corbet removed to Antwerp; and Robert, grandson to James, migrated to Spain, where he left a fair posterity. These Corbets of France and Flanders bore three ravens for their arms, in token of their descent from the third brother.

A branch also of the Corbet family settled in Scotland, and were even allied to the Royal family there; for, in 1255, the Archbishop of St. Andrews writes a letter to the English Chancellor, Walter de Merton, on behalf of his 'beloved and especial friend, Nicholas Corbet, cousin of my Lord the King,' who had then certain affairs pending at the court of Henry III."

Corbet the Norman was dead before 1086: for his son, Roger Fitz Corbet, is the Domesday baron, and built a castle at Alfreton as the head of his honour, which he names Caux, from Pays de Caux, his former home in Normandy. "This was one of the Border castles which, for two centuries after Domesday, served its continuous purposes of aggression and defence." Eyton's Shropshire.


Family legend has a mythical Corbet le Normand arriving in 1066 with William the Conqueror from Normandy carrying a banner displaying a raven, from his supposed name Le Corbeau, usually translated from Norman French as "the Raven".

The Battle Abbey Roll
Listed below are details taken from this Roll but the following should first be read:
From the 1911 Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th edition: (on LoveToKnow Free Online Encyclopedia)

BATTLE ABBEY ROLL. This is popularly supposed to have been a list of William the Conquerors companions preserved at Battle Abbey, on the site of his great victory over Harold. It is known to us only from 16th century versions of it published by Leland, Holinshed and Duchesne, all more or less imperfect and corrupt. Holinsheds is much the fullest, but of its 629 names several are duplicates. The versions of Leland and Ducheslle, though much shorter, each contain many names found in neither of the other lists. It was so obvious that several of the names had no right to figure on the roll, that Camden, as did Dugdale after him, held them to have been interpolated at various times by the monks, not without their own advantage. Modern writers have gone further, Sir Egerton Brydges denouncing the roll as a disgusting forgery, and E. A. Freeman dismissing it as a transparent fiction. An attempt to vindicate the roll was made by the last duchess of Cleveland, whose Battle Abbey Roll (3 vols., 1889) is the best guide to its Contents. -

It is probable that the character of the roll has been quite misunderstood. It is not a list of individuals, but only of family surnames, and it seems to have been intended to show which families had come over with the Conqueror, and to have been compiled about the 14th century. The compiler appears to have been influenced by the French sound of names, and to have included many families of later settlement, such as that of Grandson, which did not come to England from Savoy till two centuries after the Conquest. The roll itself appears to be unheard-of before and after the 16th century, but other lists were current at least as early as the 15th century, as the duchess of Cleveland has shown. In 1866 a list of the Conquerors followers, compiled from Domesday and other authentic records, was set up in Dives church by M. Leopold Delisle, and is printed in the duchess work. Its contents are naturally sufficient to show that the Battle Roll is worthless.

See Leland, Collectanea Holinshed, Chronicles of England; Doehesne, His/or/a Norm. Scriptores; Brydges, Censu~a Literaria; Thierry, Conqut,e c/c lAngleterre, vol. ii. (1829); Burke, The Roll of Battle Abbey (annotated, 1848); Planch, The Conqueror and His Companions (1871/2) duchess of Cleveland, The Battle Abbey Roll (1889); Round, The Companions of the Conqueror (Monthly Review, 1901, iii. pp. 91-Ill). (J. H. R.)

The Battle Abbey Roll
CORBETT: Corbat (sic) and his two sons, Roger and Rodbert (sic), are named by Ordericus among "the faithful and very valiant men" employed by Roger de Montgomeri in the government of his new Earldom of Shrewsbury. Corbet was also, according to tradition, consulted by William the Conqueror as to the defence of the Welsh Marches.

His ancestry, Blakeway tells us, ascended "to a very remote antiquity". The name denotes in Norman-French a raven: whether in allusion to the famous Danish standard (the Reafan), of which their ancestor might have been the bearer from Scandinavia under Rollo, or whether from a less noble source, cannot be determined.

It is certain that Corbet came with his second and fourth sons, Roger and Robert, to the invasion of England by Duke William of Normandy. Besides the two sons who settled in Shropshire, the eldest and the third, Hugh and Renaud, stayed behind.

Hugh is mentioned in some charters of the Abbey of Bec, in Normandy; and Renaud was in Palestine in 1096, with his two sons, Robert and Guy. From the last of these descended five generations, all of them men of eminent rank in France, distinguished crusaders in the Holy Land, and castellans or viscounts of St. Pol, which the Corbets continued to hold until Hugh Corbet, knight, fourth descendant of Guy, sold his viscountcy to the Count de St. Pol, in order to raise money that he might follow St Louis on his crusading expedition against the Moors of Africa.

Robert, son of Hugh, accompanied his father to Tunis, and was drowned there in 1270. Hugh, his son, settled near Cambray; and his descendants for four generations lived at various places in the Netherlands, till James Corbet removed to Antwerp; and Robert, grandson to James, migrated to Spain, where he left a fair posterity. These Corbets of France and Flanders bore three ravens for their arms, in token of their descent from the third brother.

A branch also of the Corbet family settled in Scotland, and were even allied to the Royal family there; for, in 1255, the Archbishop of St. Andrews writes a letter to the English Chancellor, Walter de Merton, on behalf of his 'beloved and especial friend, Nicholas Corbet, cousin of my Lord the King,' who had then certain affairs pending at the court of Henry III."

Corbet the Norman was dead before 1086: for his son, Roger Fitz Corbet, is the Domesday baron, and built a castle at Alfreton as the head of his honour, which he names Caux, from Pays de Caux, his former home in Normandy. "This was one of the Border castles which, for two centuries after Domesday, served its continuous purposes of aggression and defence." Eyton's Shropshire.

It stood in a strong position, commanding the pass called the Valley of the Rea; for, as a former marcher fortress, "it was exposed to all the turmoil of a hostile frontier"; and was taken and burnt by the Welsh in the time of his successor. Robert Fitz Corbet, the younger brother, held Longden and Alcester; but his line died out in the following generation, and it is Roger who is the ancestor of the numerous families that have planted the name in the county. He constantly appears as a witness to Earl Roger's charters; and continued the faithful liegeman of his two sons, for he and Ulgar Venator were the only Shropshire chiefs that adhered to the last to Robert de Belesme. He held Bridgnorth Castle for his Earl against Henry I for three months; and it is, according to Eyton "A question" whether he forfeited his estate by his rebellion. His son, at all events, peaceably succeeded to the barony in 1121; and the line continued, without a break, for more than two hundred years after that.

These Barons of Caus were assiduous at their arduous post as guardians of the frontier: and an ancient roll that names Robert Corbet among those present with Couer de Leon at the siege of Acre, is discredited by Eyton on the ground (among others) that "a Lord Marcher was little likely to become a crusader," having his hands so full at home. A daughter of this house, however, crossed the hostile border to become the wife of Welshman, Gwenwynwyn, Prince of Powys. She was the sister of Thomas Corbet, Sheriff of Shropshire and Staffordshire in 1248, whose wife Isabel, was sister, and in her issue co-heir, to Reginald de Valletort, a great feudal baron in the west. Their son Peter served in the campaign that closed Llewellyn's career, as well as in Edward I's Scottish wars, and was summoned to Parliament by him in 1293. He was "a mighty hunter," as his father had been before him*, and in 1281 received the King's commission to destroy all wolves, wherever they could be found, in the counties of Salop, Stafford, Gloucester, Worcester and Hereford: one more proof - if another were needed - that the alleged extirpation of wolves in Anglo-Saxon times is a fable.

The next in succession, Peter, second Lord Corbet, had no children, and settled his estates on his wife, Beatrix de Beauchamp, for her life. He died in 1322, and as she survived him and married again, his brother and next heir, John, the last Baron of Caus ("if such a title can be assigned to one who never enjoyed his paternal estates, and was never summoned to parliament), was reduced to a position of comparative beggary." He prosecuted the claim to his grandmother's Valletort's estates already ineffectually advanced by his brother, but never succeeded in recovering them. He, too, died s.p. sometime before 1347, the year of the decease of his sister-in-law Beatrix, then the wife of Sir John de Leyborne; and the estate (though not the barony) of Cause passed to the descendants of her first husband's two aunts, Alice de Stafford, and Emma de Brompton, as next heirs.

The ancient name was far from having died out with John Corbet (to whom, indeed, Burke attributes no inconsiderable family), but the exact relationship of its remaining representatives cannot now be determined. "Dugdale tells us of a Roger Corbet, summoned as a baron in 1327. It is difficult to say who this was. Summarily, it may be safely stated of all the families which have branched off from this house of Caus that none of them can be descended from any later Baron than he who died in 1222, and that therefore to decide their exact affinity to the parent stock, must be the work rather of a magician than an antiquary." Ibid

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Patti Lee Salter, "Ancestral Trails 2016", database, Genealogie Online ( : benaderd 1 juni 2024), "HUGH CORBET (1020-1080)".