West-Europese adel » Barbara Lady Mowbray van Barnbougall (1495-????)

Persönliche Daten Barbara Lady Mowbray van Barnbougall 

Familie von Barbara Lady Mowbray van Barnbougall

Sie ist verheiratet mit Robert Barton.

Sie haben geheiratet


Notizen bei Barbara Lady Mowbray van Barnbougall

Nigel De Albini, possessor of one hundred and twenty knight's fees in Normandy, and one hundred and forty in England, m. in 1118, Gundred de Gournay, only child of Gerard de Gournay, by Edith, daughter of William, Earl of Warren and Surrey, by Gundred, daughter of William the Conqueror. Their eldest son,
Roger, by special command of King Henry I. assumed the surname of Mowbray, and the arms of that family. This Roger was one of the chief commanders at the memorable battle fought in 1138 with the Scots near Northallerton, known in history as the Battle Of The Standard, and adhering to King Stephen, in his contest with the empress, was taken prisoner with that monarch, at the battle of Lincoln. In 1148 he accompanied Lewis, King Of France, to the Holy Land, and there acquired great renown by vanquishing a stout and hardy Pagan in single combat. His grants to the church were munificent in the extreme; and his piety so fervent, that he again assumed the cross, and made a second journey to the Holy Land, where he was taken prisoner, but redeemed by the Knight Templars. He d. soon after in the East, and was interred at Sures. Some authorities say that he returned to England, and living fifteen years longer was buried in the Abbey of Riland. This potent personage wedded Alice, de Gant, and had two sons,
Nigel De Mowbray, the elder son, assuming the Cross, set out for Palestine, but d. on the journey, leaving by his wife, Mabel, daughter of Edmond, Earl of Clare, four sons.
1. William, ancestor of the Mowbrays, Dukes of Norfolk; also of the Howards, Dukes of Norfolk, and the other branches of that puissant house.
2. Philip
3. Robert.
4. Roger. The second son,
Philip de Mowbray, espoused Galiena, daughter of Waldeve, Earl of Dunbar, and with her acquired considerable property, particularly the Baronies of Barbougle, Dalmeny, and Inverkeithing. The first mention of this Philip in the records of Scotland occurs in a charter dated 1208. He was ambassador to England in 1215 and 1220, to treat of the marriage of King Alexander II. with the Princess Joan. He had two sons
1. Roger; and
2. Nigel.
Roger de Moubray, the elder son, in a charter to the church of Soltray, confirmed to the Abbey of Jedburgh the donation of the church which Waldeve, the son of Cospatrick, "my grandfather" (avus mens) made to that abbey.
Galfrid de Moubray, the next on record, one of the magnates Scotia?, from 1287 to 1294, espoused the second daughter of Red John Cumyn, Justiciary of Scotland, sister of Black John Cumyn, who m. Marjory, sister of John Baliol, King of Scotland. They had issue,
1. William
2. John.
3. Roger, who, engaging in a conspiracy against King Robert in 1320, d. in prison before trial, when his great possessions of Barnbougle and Dalmeny, in the county of Linlithgow, Inverkeithing, in Fife; Cessford and Eckford, in Roxburghshire; Methven, in Perthshire; Kellie, in Forfarshire; Kirk Michael, in the county of Dumfries, the office of Standard Bearer of Scotland, and hostilages were forfeited to the crown.
4. Philip (sir), of whom presently.
5. Galfrid. The fourth son,
Sir Philip de Moubray, fell with King Edward Bruce at the battle of Oundalk, in 1318. He m. Eve, Lady of Redcastle, in Forfarshire, and had one son and a daughter,
John (Sir), of Redcastle, who was slain at Annan in 1332, on the part of Edward Baliol. His estates were forfeited, and granted to Sir William de Douglas, knt. the grant bearing, that John had succeeded to these estates by hereditary succession to Sir Philip de Moubray, his father,
And Philippa de Moubray, designed daughter and heiress of Sir Philip de Moubray in a regal charter 3rd August 1364. This lady espoused Sir Bartholomew de Loen, a foreign knight, probably of the house of Heynberg, in Guelderland, related to the Dukes of Gueldres, who were connected in marriage with the kings of England and Scotland. Philippa and her husband had Barnbougle, Dalmeny, and Inverkeithing, restored to them by royal charter of 28th May 1346; and they occur frequently in original instruments down to 1375. Their only child,
David, assumed, as a matter of course, the distinguished name of his maternal ancestors - Moubray, his father being a foreigner, without property and connexion in Scotland. He was contracted in marriage to the Lady Janet Stewart, daughter of Robert, Earl of Fife and Monteith (afterwards Duke of Albany, and regent of Scotland, son of King Robert II. in 1372, by indenture under which, the estates were provided to the issue of that marriage. In 1401, the lands of Barnbougle, Dalmeny, and Inverkeithing, were the property of John De Moubray, indicating that he was son and heir of that marriage. He was subsequently knighted, and a strong proof that he was grandson of the Duke Of Albany, Regent of Scotland, occurs in his forcibly dispossessing Margaret, Lady of Cragy, of her lands of Luckald, in the barony of Dalmeney, "wickedly, contrary to God and all justice," as the record bears, and transmitting them to his son, as none but a near connexion of that unprincipled and powerful governor of the kingdom durst have ventured to act with such flagrant injustice. He was dead before 1st February, 1426, when Philip De Moubray, of Barnbougle, is described as son and heir of the deceased Sir John de Moubrav. knt. Lord of Barnbougie, in an instrument of appellation to Pope Martin V. of that date. The parliament of Scotland decided, 17th March, 1429—30, that the lands of Luckald should be restored to Margaret, Lady of Cragy, and that she should be replaced in the same as freely as she had been before she was despoiled of them by the deceased John de Moubray, knt. and which lands were unjustly detained from her by Philip de Moubray, who was amerciated, and found liable to prosecution for expenses and damages. Philip de Moubray occurs in charters and other documents down to 1477.
Philip Mowbray, his son, had a charter of the barony of Dalmeny, on his father's resignation, 6th February, 1450, and occurs in an indenture 25th January, 1461 He wedded Isabel Stewart, and had a son,
Sir David Moubray, of Barnbougle, who was served heir of Philip, his father, 9th March, 1466, and last occurs in 1494. He was father of
1. John, of Dalmeny, who predeceased his father, leaving a son, Sir John Moubray, of Barnbougle, who d. in 1519, leaving an only daughter and heiress, Barbara Moubray, who espoused Robert Bartoun, son of Sir Robert Bartoun, of Over-Bartoun, high treasurer of Scotland. In 1527, Robert Bartoun was ordained, by act of parliament, to change his name to Moubray, because "the same has been an old and honourable house, and done our Sovereign Lords predecessors good service in their wars and otherwise." The eldest son of this marriage, John Moubray, of Barnbougie, was father of Robert Moubray, of Barnbougle, whose son and successor, Sir Robert Moubray, of Barnbougle, m. the Lady Anne Erskine, daughter of the first Earl of Kellie, and was obliged through debts and other misfortunes, to dispose of the baronies of Barnbougle, Dalmeney, and Inverkeithing, to the first Earl ofHaddington in 1615. He d. s.p. in 1675.

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