Familienstammbaum Van Rijswijk » Otto (Udo) "Otto IV of /Hammerstein/" von Hammerstein Graf in der Wetterau und im Engersgau (± 975-1036)

Persönliche Daten Otto (Udo) "Otto IV of /Hammerstein/" von Hammerstein Graf in der Wetterau und im Engersgau 

Quelle 1
  • Spitzname ist Otto IV of /Hammerstein/.
  • Er wurde geboren rund 975 in Hammerstein (Now Czarne), Koszalin, Poland.
  • Er ist verstorben am 5. Juni 1036 in Hammerstein, Koszalin, Poland. Er war ungefähr 60-61 Jahre alt.
  • Ein Kind von Herbert und Irmtrud van Avalgau

Familie von Otto (Udo) "Otto IV of /Hammerstein/" von Hammerstein Graf in der Wetterau und im Engersgau

Notizen bei Otto (Udo) "Otto IV of /Hammerstein/" von Hammerstein Graf in der Wetterau und im Engersgau

https://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=nl&u=https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelheid_van_Zutphen&prev=search Otto of Hammerstein (Redirected from Otto I of Zutphen ) Jump to: navigation , search Otto of Hammerstein 975 - 1036 Count of Wetterau Period 1016 - 1017 Predecessor Give Hard (brother) Successor Bruning (no known relative) Father Herbert of Wetterau Mother Irmentrudis Otto von Hammerstein (ca. 975 - June 5, 1036 ) was Count of the German territories Wetterau and Enger Shire . He is also known as Otto I of Zutphen, because he was the first count of Zutphen would have been. That is not correct: Otto is very probably been the owner-occupant of the castle Zutphen, but certainly not exercise the grave liability in that environment. Otto von Hammerstein came from the German noble family of the conradines . He was a son of Count Herbert of Wetterau and Irmentrude, daughter of Megingoz (loan) count of the county forest Osning and his wife Gerberga , a cousin of King / Emperor Otto I (936-973, Emperor 962). Otto von Hammerstein followed in 1002 Otto I of Carinthia to Italy. In 1016 he succeeded his brother as Count of Wetterau and (1019) Engersgau , Lower Lahngau , Gleiberg and Hammerstein . Otto von Hammerstein married Ermgard (also referred to as Ermengarde, Irmgard or Irmingard) Verdun (ca. 980-1042), daughter of Godfrey of Verdun nicknamed the Prisoner, and was the father of: Mathilde, who married the Ezzoon Liudolf of Brauweiler (deceased April 11 1031); This couple were the parents of Adelheid of Zutphen , who got married to the father of the house Zutphense dig Godschalk (killed in Bremen in 1063) Udo, who died unmarried in 1034. The childless Emperor Henry II (1002-1024) seized the former to (religious) criteria to close relationship of the couple to block the first relative in the line of succession, the Ezzoon Liudolf. How to put together, is detailed below in the order. It has resulted in Zutphen for a time one of the most talked about people from the time of Henry II has hosted. Content 1 Otto I of Zutphen and Otto of Hammerstein: the same person 2 Battle for the succession of Emperor Henry II 3 Marriage and Dissolution excommunication of Otto and Ermgard 4 The castle of Zutphen as hiding 5 Van Zutphen to castle county Zutphen 6 Recent literature 7 See also Otto I of Zutphen and Otto of Hammerstein [same person edit ] Otto (with ordinal I) is often referred to as oldest known Count of Zutphen. Which is based on the chronicle of the monastery Brauweiler , just west of Cologne . This chronicle was written shortly after 1063 and actually includes mainly a family history of the noble family of ezzonids . The name owes the family of his most famous scion, the Lorraine palatine Eren Fried alias Ezzo (c. 954-1034), which received about 995 together with the sister of Emperor Otto III to marry Mathilde. According to the Chronicle got Ezzo and Mathilde three sons and seven daughters. The eldest son, Liudolf, hot make one married Matilda, daughter of Otto Count of Zutphen. Hence Otto (with ordinal I), often referred to as oldest known Count of Zutphen. That would roughly have lived around the year 1000, but is otherwise completely unknown. That is quite puzzling, given the prominence of Liudolf as a member of the ezzonids. Moreover, Zutphen was in the county Hamaland , around the year 1000 still own dig house was active, led by the notorious Adela of Hamaland . So a county Zutphen at that time was simply unthinkable. Has recently been convincingly demonstrated (see bibliography) to Otto I of Zutphen was the same person as Otto von Hammerstein, named for his castle Hammerstein on the right bank of the Rhine , just downriver of Andernach . This Otto came from the family of conradines which the first non-Carolingian king of the Eastern Frankish Empire had stemmed, Conrad I (911-918), and then had it delivered at times or dynastic succession dukes of Franconia, Swabia and Carinthia. Otto was his older brother Feathery Hard succeeded as Count of Wetterau when Feathery Hard beginning in October 1016 died childless. Both were sons of Count Herbert of Wetterau and his wife Irmintrud, daughter of the Count Megingoz who along with his wife Gerberga monastery Vilich (in the current Bonn had founded). Otto von Hammerstein was therefore certainly count but certainly not from Zutphen nor Hammerstein. Hammerstein and Zutphen were both residential fortresses where Otto, as distinct from namesakes, was mentioned. Contrary to [the succession of Emperor Henry II edit ] Otto's cousin Duke Herman II of Swabia (997-1003) had in 1002 with his rival, Duke Henry IV of Bavaria fought for the succession of unmarried deceased Emperor Otto III , but then had the worst of it mined. Henry ascended the Bavarian throne as King Henry II. The crucial factor is been that Henry IV of Bavaria, apart from a grandson of King / Emperor Otto I, however, was too old himself to climb the throne, the closest adult relative of the Ottonendynastie was and on that basis, most claim to the succession had. King Henry II, however, already announced in 1007 that he was in sight of his enduring childlessness wanted to make the church his heir. He did so by the Archdiocese of Bamberg founding and lavishly doping. That same childlessness obviously meant no heir was available after the death of Henry II. As in 1002, so would the death of Henry II than the neighbor Otto Enver Because the highest throw eyes to follow. That was the Ezzoon Liudolf, through his mother, after all, grandson of Otto II. It was no different in 1002, but then Liudolf was not yet ten years old and therefore not a candidate. But as Henry II longer uitzong also Liudolf grew older and matured so his age lack drawback for the succession. Henry II had an insurmountable objection to Liudolf as his successor. His grandfather Emperor Otto II had in fact Hendriks father, Duke Henry II "Quarrel Seeker" from Bavaria, held in captivity for ten years because of suspected political connections with the dukes of Poland and Bavaria. "The Quarrel Seeker" was himself a son of Henry I in 938-939 against his brother Emperor Otto I came into rebellion with the aim of self to ascend the throne. And "Hassle Seeker" itself was not free of such aspirations, because when Otto II in 983 died with demise of the three-year Otto III he had made a bid for the monarchy, but eventually collapsed in 985. The youth of King Henry II had been so overshadowed by the imprisonment of his father and then the failure of his throne pretension. The succession of these claims' Hendrik'-collateral of Ottonenhuis only came in 1002 with validity until Henry II, but of all who remained childless. Henry II probably the thought can not bear Liudolf, the grandson of the man his father had locked long after his own death would ascend to the throne. To prevent Henry II devised a ruse. Marriage Dissolution and excommunication of Otto and Ermgard [ edit ] Otto von Hammerstein was married to Ermgard Verdun , daughter of Godfrey "The Prisoner" from the dig house Verdun and his second wife Matilda of Saxony , called "Billung". Ermgard was the sister of two successive Dukes of Lower Lorraine in the same house, Godfried II 'The Peacemaker' (1012-1023) and Gothelo I (1023-1044). Otto and Ermgard however had a single couple to common ancestors, namely Oda of Saxony († after 951), the sister of King Henry the Fowler , and her second husband Count Gerhard I of Metz († 910). Otto von Hammerstein was through his mother a grandson of the couple; Ermgard a granddaughter through her father. The genealogical distance thus amounted to seven "procreatiestappen" (steps from parent to child). Which was now under the religious marriage law for centuries a forbidden relationship degree, qualify as incest . therefore marriages nevertheless were closed had to be annulled. Children who were born from such a forbidden relationship, were equivalent to standing fathered illegitimate children, which the odium of infamia ( "filthiness") pasted. Since saw Henry II, who in his youth in Regensburg had received a thorough religious education, his chance. Because of the marriage of Otto of Hammerstein and Ermgard Verdun were indeed born children, a son Udo and daughter Mathilde, which was now married to the Ezzoon Liudolf. Would it therefore annulled the marriage of Otto and Ermgard, Mathilde would descend to the status of "filthiness", which disqualified her to ever be queen. But since she was now lawfully wedded Liudolf and on irrespective of marriage no blemishes stuck justifying rescission, including those disqualification extended to Liudolf. So it was that from 1017 the marriage of Otto of Hammerstein and Ermgard of Verdun by the archbishops Erkan Bald (1011-1021) and Aribo (1021-1031) of Mainz, certainly was taken at the instigation of the emperor himself under fire with intent to force its dissolution. At the Diet of Nijmegen in March 1018, the couple was excommunicated because it had ignored earlier summonses. Then Otto of Hammerstein appeared in June 1018 at the Diet to Bürgel , where he applied for exemption from the prohibited degree of relationship. When that was refused, he promised the dissolution of his marriage. That was a smokescreen, because the couple just stayed together. Erkan Bald Mainz will be tried for Otto to fulfill his promise to squeeze what Otto responded with sustained attacks on the possessions of the archdiocese and in 1020 even Erkan Bald himself, who escaped narrowly. However understandable Otto's action may be, convenient, it was not because now Henry II had a pretext to intervene forcefully: in September he hit siege to the castle Hammerstein, who was so impregnable that only starvation could lead to surrender. Boxing Day was the day: Otto Ermgard and theirs surrendered, the castle was destroyed and Otto's goods were confiscated. The following news that we have about the issue dates back to 1023, when Otto and Ermgard at the Synod of the Archdiocese of Mainz published in the presence of Henry II. Otto disbanded since his marriage in exchange for property restitution. Ermgard other hand, said that they appeal would go to the Pope. Archbishop Aribo then called hastily convened another synod which appeal to the pope without the consent of the competent (arch) bishop was banned. That was meant to Ermgard newly cut, but played her ultimately into the card: in addition to her own case she could now show in Rome which Aribo entirely arbitrary thought to curtail the powers of the Pope. Immediately helped: Aribo by return was suspended by the Pope. What Ermgard in her own case got done in Rome, we do not know, indeed, in 1024 first came to death the pope and then the emperor. The last death was the succession issue acute. What Henry II had contemplated since 1017, actually worked: the Public Assembly Kamba , which had to decide on the follow-up, the candidacy of Liudolf was not an issue and there were only two candidates, the winner as Conrad II the throne would climb and his cousin, also named Conrad. The report which Wipo gave of that meeting, we know that the nephew to the very end has been trying to get the support of the "Lorrainers" who kept somewhat aloof, but not succeeded. When it came to voting, Aribo was the first to turn and spoke in favor of Conrad II. Which then did his cousin and rival Koenraad which the matter was thus settled. That "Lorrainers" are kept aloof, takes on its full meaning in the light of the Lorraine conspiracy Duke Gothelo I of Lower Lorraine, whose members swore not to recognize Conrad II. Gozlin, Count of Bidgau and Methingau after all, was a brother of Ermgard Verdun and thus an uncle by marriage of Liudolf. He and his associates have apparently yet attempted to Liudolfs candidacy meeting Kamba who was touched by the issue Hammerstein unserviceable. When that failed, the conspiracy against Conrad II succeeded to enforce their desire that way. It was no use: the plot soon fell apart and Gozlin, Count of Bidgau and Methingau himself at Christmas 1025, finally reconciled with the reign of Conrad II, at the expense moreover some painful concessions. When Archbishop Aribo in 1027 tried again to schedule the Hammer Steinse issue, Conrad II prevented: the case after all, had served its purpose, he was now king, the church political niceties could therefore continue to rest right now. Socially are Otto of Hammerstein and Ermgard Verdun subsequently rehabilitated again, but also whether their marriage by the Church as is legally recognized, is not of the sources to make. The castle of Zutphen as hiding place [ edit ] Meanwhile, the tormented couple from Christmas 1020 should be held somewhere stay. They probably settled in Zutphen. There Ermgard was equipped with a castle ( oppidum ), which she had inherited her dowry. Her father, Godfrey "Prisoner" from the dig house Verdun, the castle was acquired by his first marriage to Lady Averarda (Everharda), heiress of the Count Everhard from Hamalandse dig house in July 944, when King Otto I that house gracious, the counties of Salland, Drenthe and North Groningen had taken over - his half brother Wichman was Hamaland, the Veluwe and the Gooi assigned. The family had two castles, one in Zutphen and the other on the Elterberg. Which are clearly allocated on the same north-south scheme: Wichman was Elten, Everhard Zutphen. Through Averarda Zutphen ended when Verdunse house and so on Ermgard and her husband Otto of Hammerstein. Christmas 1020 was Otto the goods or confiscated, but in such cases remained the heritage of the wife untouched, so that the couple could still have Zutphen. That place had important advantages: it was located in the diocese of Utrecht and thus out of reach of the archbishops of Mainz which Otto had to stick - Utrecht was indeed a suffragaanbisdom Cologne. Archbishop Heribert of Cologne (999-1021) was also a cousin of Otto of Hammerstein and herself had to peel some sour apples with the archbishop of Mainz. Moreover served the second husband of Adela of Hamaland , Balderik , since mid-1018 as loan count in Hamaland House Verdun Balderik enjoyed the protection of the same archbishop Heribert. Zutphen was therefore an extremely suitable refuge for the couple strangulated. From castle to county Zutphen Zutphen [ edit ] Otto von Hammerstein, however, was certainly not Count of Zutphen. He was digging in the counties of Konradijnse his family, it had been at least since the same time as his property confiscation, Christmas 1020, is removal from his count's plan more than plausible. The designation "Otto Count of Zutphen" in Brauweiler chronicle we must firmly as read that Count Otto had (been, and perhaps become later again) and was named to his residence "van Zutphen." It was during the 11th century customary to refer to persons with the place name of their habitation, so that we can read the display best when "Otto van Zutphen, Count." Otto of Hammerstein († 1036) and Ermgard Verdun († 1042) the fortress Zutphen eventually inherited by their daughter Mathilde and her husband Liudolf († 1031), since their son Udo in 1034 unmarried and therefore deceased without legitimate heirs. Liudolf and Mathilde had two sons, Henry the young (presumably for / in 1033) died and Conrad († 1055) with known nor offspring, and a daughter Adelheid who became the wife of Godschalk of Zutphen . As Adelheid still in 1059 as having stated in life, she was the last survivor of her generation, to whom the patrimonial heritage including the castle Zutphen it must be inherited. Godschalk will then have little trouble getting the grave liability in Zutphen surrounding area, northern Hamaland to get loan: until 1044 it was owned by the great-uncle of his wife, Gothelo I duke of Lower Lorraine. This situation speaks in 1046 is clear from the charter, which King Henry III gave the grave liability there by the bishop of Utrecht. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FRANCONIA.htm#OttoHammersteindied1036 OTTO von Hammerstein (-[5 Jun] 1036) son of Heribert Pfalzgraf and Imiza (Irmintrudis) married Irmgard daughter of Godfroi de Verdun and Mathilde of Saxony of Billung ONE child: Udo who died in 1034 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Graf im Nieder-Lahngau, Graf von Gleiberg, Graf von Hammerstein. See http://www.mittelalter-genealogie.de/konradiner_linie_gebhard/otto_graf_von_hammerstein_1036.html Otto von Hammerstein (* um 975; † wohl 5. Juni 1036, auch als Otto I. von Zütphen bzw. Otto von Hammerstein, 975-5.6.1036, Graf im Nieder-Lahngau, Graf von Gleiberg, Graf von Hammerstein; Vetter des Herzogs Hermann II. von Schwaben [http://www.genealogie-mittelalter.de, "Genealogie Mittelalter," 8/2006, Mittelalterliche Genealogie im Deutschen Reich bis zum Ende der Staufer.]; "Otto I. von Hammerstein (von Zütphen), Gf. im Niederlahngau, geboren um 973 (Religion: r.K.), gestorben am 05.06.1036, bestattet in Abtei Brauweiler. Gf. i. Nieder-Lahngau, um 1001 Burggf v. Zütphen, Gf. in der Wetterau 1016, Gf. v. Gleiberg, Gf. v. Hammerstein, Gf. i. Engersgau 1019, Sohn von Heribert von Gleiberg und Irmentrud vom Avalgau. Kirchliche Trauung um 995. Kaiser HEINRICH II. erhob gegen diese Ehe Einspruch wegen zu naher Verwandtschnach aufgrund kanonischer Zählung [sie sind nur Cousins 4.Grades!]1, dies wohl auch in der Absicht, die ihm unbequeme Machtstellung des Paares am Rhein, in der Wetterau und in Franken zu beseitigen. Beide wurden 1018 in Nimwegen exkommuniziert, die Unrechtmäßigkeit ihrer Ehe in Bürgel beeidet. Der Streit verschärfte sich durch Ottos Versuch, den Mainzer Erzbischof Erchanbald gefangenzunehmen. HEINRICH II. belagerte Burg Hammerstein im Herbst 1020, Otto mußte sich ergeben und verzichtete nochmals 1023 auf die Ehe. Gegen die Anerkennung der Ehe durch Benedikt VIII. wandte sich Erzbischof Aribo von Mainz (Frankfurt, Synode von 1027). Kaiser KONRAD II. schlug das Verfahren gegen das Paar nieder, das die Ehe weiterführte. Geschieden 1018 von Irmgard von Verdun, geboren um 975 (Religion: r.K.), gestorben 1042, Tochter von Gottfried von Verdun (der Gefangene) und Mathilde von Sachsen”; Otto I. von Zutphen war seit spätestens 1001 Burgherr von Zutphen und damit möglicherweise Graf von Zutphen, seit 1016 Graf in der Wetterau und seit dem Jahr 1019 Graf im Engersgau. Otto war ein Sohn des Grafen Heribert von der Wetterau († 992) aus dem fränkischen Adelsgeschlecht der Konradiner, und der Imiza, einer Tochter des Grafen Megingoz in Geldern und Zutphen. Sein Name von Hammerstein bezieht sich auf die am rechten Rheinufer, unterhalb von Neuwied gelegene Burg Hammerstein im damaligen Engersgau, die Otto zusammen mit einer Grafschnach in der Wetterau von seinem Vater übernommen hatte. Er war eine treue Stütze der Ottonen und zog 1002 mit dem Herzog Otto von Kärnten nach Italien. Etwa gleichzeitig erbte er von seinem Großvater Megingoz die Burg Zutphen und damit möglicherweise die Grafschnach Zutphen. Otto war mit Irmingard von Verdun verheiratet, der einzigen Tochter des Grafen Gottfried von Verdun aus der Familie der Wigeriche und der Mathilde Billung, die wiederum eine Tochter von Hermann Billung, dem Herzog von Sachsen aus der Familie der Billunger war. Irmingard war eine Schwester der Herzöge Gottfried II. und Gozelo I. von Niederlothringen. Diese Ehe führte zwischen 1018 und 1027 zu erheblichen Komplikationen, da die beiden nach damaligem kanonischen Recht zu nah verwandt waren (siehe Hauptartikel Hammersteiner Ehe). Letztlich konnten Otto und Irmingard ihre Ehe retten. Otto von Hammerstein und Irmingard von Verdun hatten einen Sohn, Udo, der 1034, also vor seinem Vater, starb. Unter dem Namen Otto von Zutphen ist er als Vater der Mathilde von Zutphen bekannt, die Ludolf von Brauweiler aus der Familie der Ezzonen heiratete, den ältesten Sohn des Pfalzgrafen Ezzo und der Mathilde von Sachsen, somit einen Enkel des Kaisers Otto II. aus der Familie der Liudolfinger. Laut Gerhart Werner (s.u.) soll Otto, als er wegen der Auseinandersetzungen um seine Ehe auf der Flucht war, bei den Grafen von Berg Schutz gesucht haben; darüber hinaus soll er einen Zinshof der Abtei Werden östlich von Wülfrath erworben haben, der den Namen Hammerstein erhielt. Dieser Zinshof wurde der Stammsitz der späteren Freiherren von Hammerstein. Eine verwandtschaftliche Beziehung zwischen Otto von Hammerstein und den Freiherren von Hammerstein kann jedoch genealogisch nicht belegt werden. [http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/, "Wikipedia - die freie Enzyklopädie," diverse Artikel.] Otto v.Hammerstein, Vater: Heribert v.Gleiberg, Mutter: Irmtrud v.Avalgau 1. Ehe/Verbindung : Irmgard v.Verdun -------------------- Hij is ook Otto van Hammerstein ±975-5/6/1036 hij is de eerste graaf van Zutphen.

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Otto (Udo) von Hammerstein
± 975-1036

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