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Rotterdam, Netherlands, Death Index, 1811-1960

Note that married women were recorded under their maiden names, and not under their married surnames. Deaths were usually recorded in the municipality where the death occurred, even if the deceased was a non-resident. In that event, a copy of the death record was usually sent to the deceased’s town of residence.

This index also provides the register number—a unique number per recordand year. The year and register number is necessary information for ordering a copy of the original death record from the Stadsarchief Rotterdam (Rotterdam City Archives). The original record may provide additional information such as the deceased’s occupation, whether the deceased’s spouse and parents were living or also deceased, and the names of the informants or witnesses (who were sometimes relatives or neighbors).

This index was created by staff and volunteers at the Stadsarchief Rotterdam and was obtained from www.rotterdamopendata.nl.

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