Familienstammbaum Homs » Michael II "Psellus" Amorian Byzantine Emperor (± 775-829)

Persönliche Daten Michael II "Psellus" Amorian Byzantine Emperor 

  • Spitzname ist Psellus.
  • Er wurde geboren rund 770 TO ABT 775 in Amorium, Phrygia.
  • Berufe:
    • .
      {geni:job_title} Empereur, de Byzance, 820
    • .
      {geni:job_title} Keiser
  • Er ist verstorben am 2. Oktober 829 in Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Diese Information wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 14. Juni 2011.

Familie von Michael II "Psellus" Amorian Byzantine Emperor

Er ist verheiratet mit Thekla.

Sie haben geheiratet rund 795 in Phrygia, GreecePhrygia.


  1. Theophilos I Amorian  ± 813-841 

Notizen bei Michael II "Psellus" Amorian Byzantine Emperor

MICHAEL II, called PSELLUS, "the stammerer," emperor 820-829, a native of Amorium in Phrygia, began life as a private soldier, but rose byhis talents to the rank of a general. He had been sentenced to death in December 820 for a conspiracy against Leo the Armenian; his partisans, however, succeeded in assassinating Leo and called Michael to the throne. The principal features of his reign were a struggle against his brother general, Thomas (822-824); the conquest of Crete by the Saracens in 823; and the beginning of their attacks upon Sicily (827).
MICHAEL II, called PSELLUS, "the stammerer," emperor 820-829, a native of Amorium in Phrygia, began life as a private soldier, but rose byhis talents to the rank of a general. He had been sentenced to death in December 820 for a conspiracy against Leo the Armenian; his partisans, however, succeeded in assassinating Leo and called Michael to the throne. The principal features of his reign were a struggle against his brother general, Thomas (822-824); the conquest of Crete by the Saracens in 823; and the beginning of their attacks upon Sicily (827).
MICHAEL II, called PSELLUS, "the stammerer," emperor 820-829, a native of Amorium in Phrygia, began life as a private soldier, but rose byhis talents to the rank of a general. He had been sentenced to death in December 820 for a conspiracy against Leo the Armenian; his partisans, however, succeeded in assassinating Leo and called Michael to the throne. The principal features of his reign were a struggle against his brother general, Thomas (822-824); the conquest of Crete by the Saracens in 823; and the beginning of their attacks upon Sicily (827).
Michael II
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Michael II and his son Theophilus, beginners of the Amorian dynasty.Michael II, called Psellus, "the stammerer," or "the Amorian" (770-829) reigned as Byzantine emperor 820 - 829. Born in Amorium in Phrygia, he began his career as a private soldier, but rose by his talents to the rank of general.

He had favoured the enthronement of his old companion in arms Leo the Armenian (813), but, detected in a conspiracy against that emperor, had been sentenced to death in December 820; his partisans, however, succeeded in assassinating Leo and called Michael from the prison to the throne as the first representative of the Amorian dynasty.

Several features marked his reign: a struggle against his brother general, Thomas, who aimed at the throne (822-824); the conquest of Crete by the Saracens in 823; and the beginning of their attacks upon Sicily (827).

In spite of his iconoclastic sympathies, he endeavoured to conciliate the image-worshippers, but incurred the wrath of the monks by entering into a second marriage with Euphrosyne, daughter of Constantine VI, who had previously taken the veil.

Preceded by:
Leo V Byzantine Emperor
Succeeded by:
#Générale##Générale#de Byzance, né d'une famille pauvre

note couple : #Générale#s:Auréjac

note couple : #Générale#s:webpark ; R Pelcat ; Auréjac
{geni:occupation} Empereur, de Byzance, 820, Keiser, император на Византия (820-829), Byzantine emperor from 820 to his death, Emperor, emperor 820-death
{geni:about_me} Michael belonged to a family of peasant soldiers
Aka: The Stammerer. Came from a family of the Judeo Christian sect of Athinganoi whose members were of the mixed Cappadocian and Jewish descent. Michael's grandparents were Jewish converts to Christianity. Michael organized Leo V's assassination at Christmas mass in Hagia Sophia.
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium: Oxford Univ Press 1991.
Michael Psellus, Chronographia, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953 Vol 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Emperor in Byzantium
Opprinnelig stallgutt fra Amonium. Ble offiser, deltok in en sammensvergelse
mot Leo V and ble fengslet. Da Leo ble myrdet 820, ble Michael befridd fra
fengselet and utropt til emperor. Kjempet hardt for aa forsvare riket mot
arabern e, men de tok fra ham Kreta, mye of Sicilia m.m.

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von Michael II Amorian

Michael II Amorian
± 775-829

± 795

± 775-± 820

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George Homs, "Familienstammbaum Homs", Datenbank, Genealogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/stamboom-homs/I6000000003240525410.php : abgerufen 27. Juli 2024), "Michael II "Psellus" Amorian Byzantine Emperor (± 775-829)".