Familienstammbaum Homs » Arnout I «de Grote» "Arnulf the Gr" van Vlaanderen Graaf van Vlaanderen (± 889-965)

Persönliche Daten Arnout I «de Grote» "Arnulf the Gr" van Vlaanderen Graaf van Vlaanderen 

Quellen 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Alternative Namen: 3rd Count of Flanders, /Arnoul I, Count de Flandres/, de Grote
  • Spitzname ist Arnulf the Gr.
  • Er wurde geboren rund 889 in Gent, Vlaamse regio, Vlaanderen, BelgiumGent, Vlaanderen.
  • Er wurde getauft in Arnulf, Le Grand, Arnulf, De Grote.
  • Alternative: Er wurde getauft in also known as Arnold I, the old.
  • Alternative: Er wurde getauft in Flanders = 5th Count Aka Arnulf or Arnoul.
  • Alternative: Er wurde getauft in Arnulf, Le Grand, Arnulf, De Grote.
  • Alternative: Er wurde getauft rund 918 in France.
  • Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche .
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche .
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 11. März 1935.
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 11. März 1935.
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 11. März 1935.
  • Berufe:
    • .
      {geni:job_title} GRAAF VAN VLAANDEREN
    • rund 918 TO ABT 965 Flanders in Vloandern.
      {geni:current} 0
      {geni:job_title} Groaf
    • am 10 SEP 918 TO 06-04-964 Flanders in Flanders, Belgium.
      {geni:current} 0
      {geni:job_title} Third Groaf van Vloandern (Count of Flanders)
    • rund 933 TO 06-04-964 Boulogne-sur-Mer, Flanders (departement du Nord) in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Flanders (departement du Nord), France.
      {geni:current} 0
      {geni:job_title} Groaf van Bonen (Count of Boulogne)
    • rund 965 .
      {geni:current} 0
      {geni:job_title} Count of Flanders
  • Er ist verstorben am 27. März 965 in Gent, Vlaamse Regio, Vlaanderen, BelgiumGent, Vlaanderen.
  • Er wurde beerdigt rund 965 in Ghent, Flanders, Belgium.
  • Ein Kind von Boudewijn II «de Kale» van Vlaanderen und Ælfthryth Countess of Flanders Countess of Flanders
  • Diese Information wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. Juni 2012.

Familie von Arnout I «de Grote» "Arnulf the Gr" van Vlaanderen Graaf van Vlaanderen

Er ist verheiratet mit Adèle de Vermandois.

Sie haben geheiratet rund 934 in Comté de Flandre (Present West Vlaanderen) (Present Gewest Vlaanderen), Royaume des Francs de l'Ouest (within present Belgium)(Present Gewest Vlaanderen).


  1. Luitgard van Vlaanderen  ± 935-962 
  2. Elstrude van Vlaanderen  ± 945-± 972 

Notizen bei Arnout I «de Grote» "Arnulf the Gr" van Vlaanderen Graaf van Vlaanderen


Arnulf I, Count of Flanders
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Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

[edit] History

Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

[edit] Family

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

* Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
* Egbert, died 953
* Baldwin III of Flanders
* Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes

He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.

[edit] Sources

* Flodoard
* Folcwine
* Lambert of Ardres
* Platts, Beryl. The Scottish Hazard: Flemish Nobility and their Impact on Scotland, 1985

Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 \endash March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

[edit] History
Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

[edit] Family
In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.

[edit] Sources
Lambert of Ardres
Platts, Beryl. The Scottish Hazard: Flemish Nobility and their Impact on Scotland, 1985
Count of Flanders and Luxembourg
Name Prefix: Count Name Suffix: I Of Flanders And Artois
Name Suffix: Count Of Boulogne
Name Suffix: Count Of Boulogne
Arnulf ?den gamle, den store? var greve av Flandern 918-958 og 962-965.
Hans lange regjeringstid var avbrutt i tre år da sønnen, Balduin III regjerte. Etter
sønnens død tok han igjen regjeringsmakten.
Arnulf I, byname ARNULF THE GREAT, or THE ELDER, French ARNOUL LE GRAND, or LE VIEUX, Dutch ARNULF DE GROTE, or DE OUDE (b. c. 900--d. March 27, 965), count of Flanders (918-958, 962-965) and son of Baldwin II.
On his father's death in 918, the inherited lands were divided between Arnulf and his brother Adolf, but the latter survived only a short time, and Arnulf succeeded to the whole inheritance. His reign was filled with warfare against the Norsemen, and he took an active part in the struggles in Lorraine between the emperor Otto I and Hugh Capet.
In 958 Arnulf placed the government in the hands of his son Baldwin (Baldwin III), and the young man, though his reign was a very short one, did a great deal for the commercial and industrial progress of the country, establishing the first weavers and fullers at Ghent and instituting yearly fairs at Ypres, Bruges, and other places. On Baldwin III's death in 962 the old count, Arnulf I, resumed control and spent thefew remaining years of his life in securing the succession of his grandson Arnulf II the Younger (reigned 965-988).
Arnulf I, byname ARNULF THE GREAT, or THE ELDER, French ARNOUL LE GRAND, or LE VIEUX, Dutch ARNULF DE GROTE, or DE OUDE (b. c. 900--d. March 27, 965), count of Flanders (918-958, 962-965) and son of Baldwin II.
On his father's death in 918, the inherited lands were divided between Arnulf and his brother Adolf, but the latter survived only a short time, and Arnulf succeeded to the whole inheritance. His reign was filled with warfare against the Norsemen, and he took an active part in the struggles in Lorraine between the emperor Otto I and Hugh Capet.
In 958 Arnulf placed the government in the hands of his son Baldwin (Baldwin III), and the young man, though his reign was a very short one, did a great deal for the commercial and industrial progress of the country, establishing the first weavers and fullers at Ghent and instituting yearly fairs at Ypres, Bruges, and other places. On Baldwin III's death in 962 the old count, Arnulf I, resumed control and spent thefew remaining years of his life in securing the succession of his grandson Arnulf II the Younger (reigned 965-988).
Arnulf I, byname ARNULF THE GREAT, or THE ELDER, French ARNOUL LE GRAND, or LE VIEUX, Dutch ARNULF DE GROTE, or DE OUDE (b. c. 900--d. March 27, 965), count of Flanders (918-958, 962-965) and son of Baldwin II.
On his father's death in 918, the inherited lands were divided between Arnulf and his brother Adolf, but the latter survived only a short time, and Arnulf succeeded to the whole inheritance. His reign was filled with warfare against the Norsemen, and he took an active part in the struggles in Lorraine between the emperor Otto I and Hugh Capet.
In 958 Arnulf placed the government in the hands of his son Baldwin (Baldwin III), and the young man, though his reign was a very short one, did a great deal for the commercial and industrial progress of the country, establishing the first weavers and fullers at Ghent and instituting yearly fairs at Ypres, Bruges, and other places. On Baldwin III's death in 962 the old count, Arnulf I, resumed control and spent thefew remaining years of his life in securing the succession of his grandson Arnulf II the Younger (reigned 965-988).
Arnulf I, Count of Flanders
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 ? March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

[edit] History
Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or partof Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the handsof Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

[edit] Family
In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.

[edit] Sources
Lambert of Ardres
Platts, Beryl. The Scottish Hazard: Flemish Nobility and their Impacton Scotland, 1985

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

!COUNT OF FLANDERS[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]


[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

!COUNT OF BOULOGNE[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

He survived only a short time, so his brother, Adululf, succeeded father
Baldwin II to count of Flanders.
His reign was filled with warfare against the Northmen.
Arnulf I, Count of Flanders
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Arnulf I of Flanders (c.890-March 27, 965), known as Arnulf the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian royal house.

Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 942 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

In 934 he married Adèle (Attala) of Vermandois, daughter of Heribert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

Baldwin III of Flanders
Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Ghent
Egbert, died 953
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guines
Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.

Through his descendants Matilda of Flanders and Henry I of England, he was an ancestor to the present-day British royal family including Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Lambert of Ardres
Platts, Beryl. The Scottish Hazard: Flemish Nobility and their Impact on Scotland, 1985

Preceded by:
Baldwin II Count of Flanders
918 – 965
with Baldwin III Succeeded by:
Arnulf II
He survived only a short time, so his brother, Adululf, succeeded father
Baldwin II to count of Flanders.
His reign was filled with warfare against the Northmen.
He survived only a short time, so his brother, Adululf, succeeded father
Baldwin II to count of Flanders.
His reign was filled with warfare against the Northmen.
Arnulf I, byname ARNULF THE GREAT, or THE ELDER, French ARNOUL LE GRAND, or LE VIEUX, Dutch ARNULF DE GROTE, or DE OUDE (b. c. 900--d. March 27, 965), count of Flanders (918-958, 962-965) and son of Baldwin II. On his father's death in 918, the inherited lands were divided between Arnulf and his brother Adolf, but the latter survived only a short time, and Arnulf succeeded to the whole inheritance. His reign was filled with warfare against the Norsemen, and he took an active part in the struggles in Lorraine between the emperor Otto I and Hugh Capet. In 958 Arnulf placed the government in the hands of his son Baldwin ( Baldwin III), and the young man, though his reign was a very short one, did a great deal for the commercial and industrial progress of the country, establishing the first weavers and fullers at Ghent and instituting yearly fairs at Ypres, Bruges, and other places. On Baldwin III's death in 962 the old count, Arnulf I, resumed control and spent the few remaining years of his life in securing the succession of his grandson Arnulf II the Younger (reigned 965-988). Source: "Arnulf I" Britannica Online. [Accessed 10 February 1998].
Arnulf I, byname ARNULF THE GREAT, or THE ELDER, French ARNOUL LE GRAND, or LE VIEUX, Dutch ARNULF DE GROTE, or DE OUDE (b. c. 900--d. March 27, 965), count of Flanders (918-958, 962-965) and son of Baldwin II. On his father's death in 918, the inherited lands were divided between Arnulf and his brother Adolf, but the latter survived only a short time, and Arnulf succeeded to the whole inheritance. His reign was filled with warfare against the Norsemen, and he took an active part in the struggles in Lorraine between the emperor Otto I and Hugh Capet. In 958 Arnulf placed the government in the hands of his son Baldwin ( Baldwin III), and the young man, though his reign was a very short one, did a great deal for the commercial and industrial progress of the country, establishing the first weavers and fullers at Ghent and instituting yearly fairs at Ypres, Bruges, and other places. On Baldwin III's death in 962 the old count, Arnulf I, resumed control and spent the few remaining years of his life in securing the succession of his grandson Arnulf II the Younger (reigned 965-988). Source: "Arnulf I" Britannica Online. [Accessed 10 February 1998].
Arnulf I, byname ARNULF THE GREAT, or THE ELDER, French ARNOUL LE GRAND, or LE VIEUX, Dutch ARNULF DE GROTE, or DE OUDE (b. c. 900--d. March 27, 965), count of Flanders (918-958, 962-965) and son of Baldwin II. On his father's death in 918, the inherited lands were divided between Arnulf and his brother Adolf, but the latter survived only a short time, and Arnulf succeeded to the whole inheritance. His reign was filled with warfare against the Norsemen, and he took an active part in the struggles in Lorraine between the emperor Otto I and Hugh Capet. In 958 Arnulf placed the government in the hands of his son Baldwin ( Baldwin III), and the young man, though his reign was a very short one, did a great deal for the commercial and industrial progress of the country, establishing the first weavers and fullers at Ghent and instituting yearly fairs at Ypres, Bruges, and other places. On Baldwin III's death in 962 the old count, Arnulf I, resumed control and spent the few remaining years of his life in securing the succession of his grandson Arnulf II the Younger (reigned 965-988). Source: "Arnulf I" Britannica Online. [Accessed 10 February 1998].
He survived only a short time, so his brother, Adululf, succeeded father
Baldwin II to count of Flanders.
His reign was filled with warfare against the Northmen.
He survived only a short time, so his brother, Adululf, succeeded father
Baldwin II to count of Flanders.
His reign was filled with warfare against the Northmen.
[Wikipedia, "Arnulf I, Count of Flanders", retrieved 22 Dec 07]
Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 - March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:
- Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
- Egbert, died 953
- Baldwin III of Flanders
- Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
I do not have verification on all information that you have downloaded. Please feel free to contact me @ (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) for errors/corrections/ or any additional information, especially if you are willing to share information
He died on 27 Mar 964 in or March 27, 966. Arnulf was preoccupied with fighting off the Northmen. "In his old age he placed the government in the hands of Baldwin, his son by Adela, daughter of the count of Vermandois, and the young man in a short reign did much for the commercial and industrial progress of the country, setting up the first weavers and fullers at Ghent, and instituting yearly fairs at Ypres, Bruges and other places. On Baldwin III's death in 961 the old count resumed control and spent the few remaining years of his life in securing the succession of his grandson Arnulf II...."{Encycl.Brit., 1956, 9:356} (source: Albert E. Meyers database, (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX),hhttp://www.ezonline.com/aem/aem.html)

ARNULF, of Flanders, the Forester, who died in 988

I do not have verification on all information that you have downloaded. Please feel free to contact me @ (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) for errors/corrections/ or any additional information, especially if you are willing to share information
I do not have verification on all information that you have downloaded. Please feel free to contact me @ (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) for errors/corrections/ or any additional information, especially if you are willing to share information
He died on 27 Mar 964 in or March 27, 966. Arnulf was preoccupied with fighting off the Northmen. "In his old age he placed the government in the hands of Baldwin, his son by Adela, daughter of the count of Vermandois, and the young man in a short reign did much for the commercial and industrial progress of the country, setting up the first weavers and fullers at Ghent, and instituting yearly fairs at Ypres, Bruges and other places. On Baldwin III's death in 961 the old count resumed control and spent the few remaining years of his life in securing the succession of his grandson Arnulf II...."{Encycl.Brit., 1956, 9:356} (source: Albert E. Meyers database, (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX),hhttp://www.ezonline.com/aem/aem.html)

ARNULF, of Flanders, the Forester, who died in 988

I do not have verification on all information that you have downloaded. Please feel free to contact me @ (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX) for errors/corrections/ or any additional information, especially if you are willing to share information

Arnolph I the Great of FLANDERS 3rd Count
1 NAME Baldwin /Arnolf/ 1 UPDA 2 PLAC Arnold I
Waged war against William of Normandy, whom he defeated and slew.

Count of Flanders. (Generations 2-9; G.A. Moriarty: Chartof Robertins in NEHGR 99: 130-131, corrected by chart in same 101; 112---Falaise Roll, 186-187; Turton; Thacker 320).
From Brian Tompsett online royal genealogy, (Aug 4. 98), http://www.dcs.ac.uk/cgi-bin/gedlkup:

He waged war against William of Normandy, whom he defeated and slew.
From Brian Tompsett online royal genealogy, (Aug 4. 98), http://www.dcs.ac.uk/cgi-bin/gedlkup:

He waged war against William of Normandy, whom he defeated and slew.
[2367] WSHNGT.ASC file (Geo Washington Ahnentafel) # 34881538 = 919684, or Arnoul I

Count of Flanders

BIRTH: COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots) (says ABT 873) 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve) COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots) (says ABT 873) PAGE 2 BIRT

DEATH: ROYAL.JRW (Compuserve) (gave month and day) 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve) says 965
COMYNR.TAF (Compuserve Roots) PAGE 2; "Ancestral Roots of 60 Colonists ...", Line 162 27 Mar 965/6

Le Viel Arnulf I - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3 Arnoul the Great, Count of Flanders - Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 246; Arnolph - p. 200; Arnolph I, Magnus, the Great, Count of Flanders and Artois - ROYAL.JRW (Compuserve)

ROYAL.JRW (Compuserve)
1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve)

"Our Royal Descent from Alfred 'the Great' ..." in Steve Clare papers: Arnulf 3rd Count of Flanders

"Ancestral Roots of 60 Colonists ...", Line 162, Arnold I, Count of Flanders and Artois

"The Illustrious Lineage of the Royal House of Britain" Arnold the Gt.

http://www.jedh.com/genealogy/d0008/g0000009.html#I3983 ARNOLD I, b ABT 890, d 27 MAR 964, COUNT OF FLANDERS/ARTOIS

Arnolph I "The Great"
Rootsweb Feldman
URL: http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3044567&id=I30700
# ID: I30700
# Name: Arnolph I The GREAT , Count Of Flanders 1 2 3 4
# Sex: M
# Birth: 890 in of, Flanders, Belgium 1 2 3 5 4
# Death: 27 MAR 964 in England 1 2 3 5 4
# Christening: Flanders = 5th Count Aka Arnulf or Arnoul 1 2 3 5 4
# Change Date: 13 OCT 2001 1 2 3 4
# Change Date: 15 JAN 2004 4
# Ancestral File #: G5QM-WC
# Note:

[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]

TYPE Acceded
DATE 918Waged war against William of Normandy, whom he defeated and slew.

NPFX Count
GIVN Arnold of Artois of

OCCU Count of Flanders ...
SOUR CHARL.TXT says CIR 890; HAWKINS.GED says ABT 890;www.rootsweb.com/gumby says
ABT 890; Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 102, 173 says 885/890;
COMYNX.ARC (Compuserve) & TROW.TAF say 873
SOUR COMYNX.ARC (Compuserve) says ABT 965; HAWKINS.GED says 27 Mar 964;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 102, 173 says 27 Mar 964;
1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve) says 965, COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve) says ABT 965
SOUR www.rootsweb.com/gumby ;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 102, 127, 248;
COMYNI.GED (Compuserve);
Le Viel Arnulf I - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve Roots), p. 3; Arnoul the Great,
Count of Flanders - Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 246;
Arnolph - p. 200; Arnolph I, Magnus, the Great, Count of Flanders and Artois -
ROYAL.JRW (Compuserve); Adele was his 2nd wife - Royalty for Commoners,
Roderick W. Stuart, p. 102; Arnulf (Arnold) Count of Flanders and Artois -
p. 173; le Vieux - COMYNX.ARC (Compuserve), #574
ARNOLD I, son of BALDWIN II and AELFTHRYTH: Acceded 918 Waged war against William of Normandy, who he defeated and slew Note: two different sources show different mothers (see #5108) -
Magnus the Great - http://al7fl.a bts.net/green-page/greenged.html/d0039/g0000060.html#I27269

4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004

Father: Count Of Flanders BALDWIN II b: ABT 865 in Flanders, Artois
Mother: Alfthryth Princess Of ENGLAND b: 868 in Wessex, England

Marriage 1 Countess Of Flanders ALICE b: ABT 910 in Vermandois, Normandy, France

* Married: 934 in Flanders, Belgium 1 2 3 5 4


1. Has Children Elstrude DE FLANDERS b: ABT 932 in Of, Flandres
2. Has Children Baldwin III Of FLANDERS b: 933 in Flanders, France
3. Has Children Hildegarde Of FLANDERS b: 935
4. Has Children Ledgarde Of FLANDERS b: 941 in Flanders, France


1. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Date of Import: Jan 13, 2004
2. Title: Spare.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Jan 18, 2004
3. Title: Spare.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 21 Jan 2004
4. Title: Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Feb 6, 2004
5. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian royal house. Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons. In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 942 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men. The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government. (Wikipedia)
!Name is; Arnold I (Arnulph), Count of /FLANDERS/
Arnulf I of Flanders (c.890-March 27, 965), known as Arnulf the Great, was the third count of Flanders. Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and lfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family`s descent from the Carolingian royal house. He was indeed a fifth generation descendant of Charlemagne. Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons. In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 942 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf`s men. The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf`s life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemis
966 ?
#Générale#Comte de Boulogne puis Marquis de Flandre. Dit d'abord le Grand pour sa grande taille, puis le Vieux pour son age.

#Générale#Naissance : ou entre 885 et 890 (?)
Profession : Marquis de Flandres, Comte de Boulogne.
{geni:occupation} Graaf van Vlaanderen, Count of Flanders, Greve av Flandern, Comte de Flandre, Greve av Flandern och Artois 918-965, Third Groaf van Vloandern (en Bonen/Boulogne), Greve i Flandern, GRAAF VAN VLAANDEREN, third count of Flanders, greve av flandern, Hertig
{geni:about_me} '''Arnulf I 'den Grôotn' van Vloandern''' or '''Arnoul 'le Grand' de Flandre'''

* Parents: Baudouin II & Ælftryth
* Spouses:
** 1. (uncertain, unknown first wife)
*** Child: Hildegard
** 2. Adela de Vermandois
*** Children:
**** 1. Luitgard
**** 2. Baudouin III
**** 3. Egbert
**** 4. Elstrude, married Siegfred

==Sources and Resources==
* [http://vls.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnulf_I_van_Vloandern Wikipedia Vlaams]
* [http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnoul_Ier_de_Flandre Wikipedia Francais]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnulf_I,_Count_of_Flanders Wikipedia English]
* [http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnulf_I_van_Vlaanderen Wikipedia Nederlands]
* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLANDERS,%20HAINAUT.htm#ArnoulIdied964B Medieval Lands]


'''ARNOUL de Flandre''', son of BAUDOUIN II "le Chauve" Count of Flanders & his wife Ælfthryth of Wessex ([885/890]-murdered 27 Mar 964, bur Gent, St Pieter). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Arnulfum, fratrem eius Adelulfum" as the two sons of "Balduinus"[100]. "Arnulfus" is named as son of Count Baudouin II in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin, which specifies that he succeeded his father in 918 as ARNOUL I "le Grand" Count of Flanders[101]. "Elstrudis comitissa…cum filiis suis Arnulfo et Adelolfo" donated "hereditatem suam Liefsham…in terra Anglorum in Cantia" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris sui Baldwini", by charter dated 11 Sep 918[102].

Count Arnoul I was responsible for a major expansion of Flemish territory to the south. He and his brother joined the expedition of Raoul King of the Franks against the Normans in 925 and captured Eu. Count Arnoul inflicted a heavy defeat on the Normans in 926. In 932, he seized the abbey of St Vaast, as well as Douai in Ostrevant. In 933, after his brother's death, he seized Boulonnais and Ternois and disinherited his nephews. Count Arnoul made an alliance with Héribert II Comte de Vermandois in 934, which was sealed by his marriage to the latter's daughter[103]. Responding to raids by Guillaume Comte [de Normandie], Count Arnoul invaded Ponthieu and in 939 captured Montreuil from Herluin Comte de Ponthieu, although the county was later recaptured by Comte Guillaume's forces.
"Arnulfus…regis…marchysus" restored property to Saint-Pierre de Gand by charter dated 8 Jul 941, signed by "…Baldwini filii Arnulfi marchysi, Isaac comitis, Arnulfi filii eius, Theoderici comitis, Wenemari advocati…"[104]. After agreeing to meet Count Guillaume in 942 in order to settle the dispute over Montreuil, Guillaume was murdered, presumably at Count Arnoul's instigation[105]. Count Arnoul was secure in his possession of Montreuil by 949[106]. "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", and returned "in pago Hainau super fluvio Savo villam…Dulciaca", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[107]. After the death of his son in 962, Count Arnoul was obliged to cede Artois, Ostrevant, Ponthieu and Amiens to Lothaire King of the West Franks in order to ensure the latter's support for the succession of Count Arnoul's infant grandson to the county of Flanders[108].

"Arnulfus marchysus" donated property to Saint-Pierre de Gand by charter dated 5 May 962, signed by "…Baldwini advocati, Theoderici comitis…"[109]. "Arnulfus…comes" donated "villam Canlin" to Saint-Pierre de Gand by charter dated 17 Jun 962, signed by "…Balduini advocati…"[110]. An undated charter, dated to [962], records the last wishes of "marchysi Arnulfi", noting that "pater meus et mater mea" were buried in the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[111]. Comte Arnoul was allegedly murdered by Heluin in revenge for the murder of Guillaume I Comte [de Normandie]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death "VI Kal Apr 964" of "Magnus Arnulfus, restaurator huius Blandiniensis coenobii"[112]. A charter dated 2 Jul 964 records the donation by "bone memorie Arnulfus marchysus" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, signed by "Odgaudi qui susceptor traditionis fuit…Ingelberti advocati…"[113].

[m firstly ---. Both Rösch[114] and Europäische Stammtafeln[115] state that Count Arnoul had another wife before marrying Adela de Vermandois. No evidence has been found concerning this supposed first marriage. However, as discussed below, the estimated birth date of Arnoul´s supposed daughter Hildegard, as well as his own advanced age when he married Adela de Vermandois, both suggest an earlier marriage. Although logic points to such a first marriage, doubt remains. The genealogical traces of this family are well marked in numerous contemporary sources. It is difficult to imagine that all of such sources would have ignored an earlier marriage of Comte Arnoul, who was such a prominent figure in his day.]

m [secondly] (934) '''ADELA de Vermandois''', daughter of HERIBERT [II] Comte de Vermandois [Carolingian] & his wife Adela [Capet] ([915]-[Bruges 10 Oct] 960, bur Gent, St Pieter).
The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names "Adelam, domni Heriberti comitis filiam" as wife of "comes Arnulfus", specifying that she was "duorum Francorum regum, Odonis atque Rotberti, neptem"[116]. "Adala coniunx Arnulfi" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[117].
The Annales Elnonenses Minores records the marriage [undated between 931 and 949] of "Arnulfus" and "Adelam, filiam Heriberti Vermandorum comitis"[118]. Her marriage was arranged to seal the alliance made in 934 between her father and her future husband[119]. "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[120]. "Adhela comitissa" freed two serfs and granted them to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "fidelis nostri Amalrici", by charter dated 8 Sep 954, signed by "Balduini comitis…Odacri advocati"[121]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 960 of "Adala comitissa"[122].

Count Arnoul I & his [first] wife had one child:

1. [HILDEGARD ([before 933]-10 Apr 990, bur Egmond). The Annales Egmundani name "Hildegardis comitissa" as wife of "Theodericus comes secundus [Hollandensium]" but do not give her origin[123]. The wife of Count Dirk II was the daughter of Count Arnoul according to Rösch, but the author cites no primary source in support of this assertion[124]. Hildegard's naming her two sons Arnulf and Egbert suggests that the affiliation may be correct.
According to Europäische Stammtafeln[125], Hildegard was the daughter of Count Arnoul by Adela de Vermandois and was born in [934]. This appears difficult to sustain chronologically if Hildegard's first son was born in [950], although it is not impossible. Assuming that her sister Liutgard was born in 935, there is little time for the birth of an earlier daughter after Count Arnoul's marriage in 934, assuming also that the latter date is correct. This suggests that, if Hildegard was the daughter of Count Arnoul, she was born from an earlier otherwise unrecorded marriage.
An alternative parentage is suggested by the Chronologia Johannes de Beke which records that Count Dirk II married "Hildegardim (ut creditor) filiam Ludovici regis Francie"[126]. This is chronologically impossible, assuming that the birth date of Arnoul Count of Holland is correctly estimated as shown in the document HOLLAND. Hildegard daughter of Louis III King of France would have been too old for the marriage and any daughter of Louis IV King of France would have been too young. It is also unlikely that the wife of Count Dirk II was a daughter of Charles III "le Simple" King of France, the birth dates of whose daughters are estimated to [908/16]. There therefore seems no possibility that the Chronologia could even be partially correct in assigning this possible Carolingian French origin to Dirk's wife, although it is curious how this origin came to be included in the source.
"Theodericus comes et uxor sua Hildegardis" are named in a charter dated Oct [967/79][127]. "Theoderici et Hildegardis" subscribed a charter dated 30 Sep 975, before "Arnulfi filii eorum [Theoderici et Hildegardis]"[128]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "III Id Apr" of "Hildegardis…sua conthoralis" and her burial at Egmond monastery[129].
The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "III Id Apr" of "Hildegardis…sua conthoralis" and her burial at Egmond monastery[130]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "IV Id Apr" of "Hildegardis uxor [Theoderici 2 comitis] filia Ludovici regis Francie"[131]. Europäische Stammtafeln shows 990 as Hildegarde´s year of death[132], but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. m ([945/50]) DIRK II Count Holland, son of DIRK I Count of Holland & his wife Geva --- ([930]-Egmond 6 May 988, bur Egmond).]

Count Arnoul I & his [second] wife had four children:

2. LIUTGARD de Flandre ([935]-962, before 18 Oct). Boer and Cordfunke refer to a 938 meeting, between Count Dirk I, Count Meginhard of Hamaland, and Count Arnulf I of Flanders and his wife Adela, to arrange the betrothals of Hildegard of Flanders and Count Dirk II (son of Count Dirk I), and of her sister Liutgard and Wichmann of Hamaland (son of Count Meginhard)[133]. The meeting is alleged to be recorded in the Verbrüderungsbuch der Abtei Reichenau, but no trace of this has been found in the copy consulted[134]. "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[135]. This document suggests that Liutgard was not married at the time. "Wicmannus…comes" donated "mei juris villam Thesla" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "coniugis mee defuncte Lietgardis", by charter dated 18 Oct 962, signed by "comitis Arnulfi patris supradicte Lietgardis comitisse, Theoderici comitis…"[136]. The Iohannis de Thilrode Chronicon records the donation dated 962 by "Wicmannus comes…pro remedio anima coniugis mea Lietgardis…Arnulphi marchisi Flandrie patris" of "villam Thessela…Desselbergine" to "monasterio Sancti Petri in Blandino"[137]. The Annales Blandinienses record the deaths in 962 of "Baldwinus, filius Arnulfi marchisi, et soror eius Liutgardis"[138].
m ([after 10 Jul 953]) WICHMANN [IV] Graaf van Hamaland, son of --- [Billung] & his wife Gerberga --- ([930]-after 27 Sep 979).

3. BAUDOUIN de Flandres ([935/40]-Abbey of St Bertin 1 Jan 962). His parentage is specified in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[139]. "…Baldwini filii Arnulfi marchysi…" signed the charter dated 8 Jul 941 under which "Arnulfus…regis…marchysus" restored property to Saint-Pierre de Gand[140]. "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[141]. He ruled with his father from 958[142] as BAUDOUIN III Joint Count of Flanders and Artois, his father granting him the administration of the south of the county[143]. A charter dated to 20 Jan [958/61] records the peace settlement agreed by "Baulduin…Marquis" between the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand and the avoués of Douchy, although this document is unlikely to be contemporary in the form shown in the compilation as it is written in old French[144]. The Annales Blandinienses record the deaths in 962 of "Baldwinus, filius Arnulfi marchisi, et soror eius Liutgardis"[145]. The Annales Egmundani record the death in 962 of "Baldwinus filius Arnulfi marchisi Flandrensium"[146].

m ([951/59]) as her first husband, MECHTILD of Saxony, daughter of HERMANN Billung Duke in Saxony & his [first/second] wife [Oda ---/Hildesuit ---] ([942]-Gent 25 May 1008, bur Gent St Peter). "Mathilda Saxonici generic" is named as wife of Count Baudouin in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[147]. The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", recording the names of Mechtild's two husbands[148]. The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names "Mathildis, filiam principis Herimanni" as wife of "Balduinum [filius comitis Arnulfi]", specifying that it was hoped the couple would have many children[149]. This suggests that their marriage date may have been some years earlier than 961 considering that the Genealogia was supposedly compiled in [951/59], probably during the earlier part of this date range considering which children of Louis IV King of the West Franks are named in the document[150].
Mechtild married secondly ([963]) Godefroi Comte de Verdun [Wigeriche] (-3/4 Sep after 995, bur Gent St Peter). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Mathildis comitissa Saxonie" as wife of "Godefridi Ardennensis"[151]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1008 of "Mathildis comitissa"[152]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "25 May" of "Mattild com"[153]. Baudouin III & his wife had one child:

a) ARNOUL de Flandre ([961/62]-30 Mar 987, bur Gent). The Annales Elnonenses Minores records "Arnulfus, filius Balduini ex Matilde"[154] succeeding his grandfather in 964 as ARNOUL II “le Jeune” Count of Flanders.

Baudouin III had one possible illegitimate son by an unknown mistress:

b) [ALBERIC [Albert] ([960/62]-1018). The Gesta Episcoporum Camerancensium name "Azelinus, de Truncinis villa, Balduini Flandrensium comitis de concubina filius", specifying that he was later appointed Bishop of Paris, in the passage recording the succession of "Erluinus" as Bishop of Cambrai (in 995)[155]. Bishop of Paris 1016-1018. According to the Dictionnaire de Biographie Française[156], "Albert" was provost at Tronchiennes 951-977 but this is chronologically impossible assuming that this entry refers to the same person. If the information about his paternity is correct, Baudouin III is the only count of that name in Flanders who could have been Alberic/Albert´s father. Another possibility is that the chronicle was in error and that he was the illegitimate half-brother of Baudouin IV Count of Flanders, who was count at the time the text was written but who would have been too young to have been Alberic's father.]

4. EGBERT de Flandre (-before 10 Jul 953). "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[157]. Egbert´s absence from the charter dated 8 Jul 941, under which "Arnulfus…regis…marchysus" restored property to Saint-Pierre de Gand, signed by "…Baldwini filii Arnulfi marchysi…"[158], suggests that he must have been a younger son.

5. ELSTRUDE de Flandre (-966[159] or after). The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "comes Balduinus sororem…Elstrudem" as wife of "Sifridus"[160]. According to the Chronica Monasterii Sancti Bertini, the couple were never married[161]. m ([960/65]) SIEGFRIED Comte de Guines, son of --- (-[965]).
Arnulf I, bygenoamd den Grôotn (889 - 27 moarte 965), was de derdn groaf van Vloandern. Je was den oudste zeune van groaf Boudewyn II van Vloandern en d’Ingelsche Ælfthryth van Wessex, dochter van Alfred den Grôotn. J’is genoemd achter zyn verrn vôorouder Arnulf van Metz, vo dudelik te moakn dat ’n ofstamde van de Karoliengers.

Zyn voader had hem binst zyn regerienge styf kunn emancipeern van de Fransche krône, in teegnstellienge me zyn grôotvoader Boudewyn I, die nog dudelik minder zelfstandig was. Achter d’invoasies van de Vikings ha Boudewyn II hem kunn mêester moakn van de verloatn gouwn in de nôordelikke Scheldestreke.

Achter zyn dôod in 918 wierd zyn groafschap verdêeld ounder zyn twi zeuns. Arnulf den oudstn erfde ‘t grotste (nôordelik) stik, ’t eigentlikke Vloandern. Zyn joungere broere Adalolf krêegt de streke van Terwoan en Boonen (Boulogne) en de ryke Sint- Bertynsabdye.
[bewerkn] Uutbreidienge van 't Groafschap Vloandern

Achter den dôod van zyn broere in 933 krêeg Arnulf nog zyn dêel d’r by en je kost zyn groafschap nog no ’t zuudn uutbreidn met Artesië, Ponthieu, Amiens en Oosterbant (Ostrevent), tout over de riviere de Somme.

Vo zyn groafschap te kunn uutbreidn had ‘n kunn profiteern van de conflictn vo de macht in West-Francië tusschn Karel den Simpeln en Robert I.

In 922 han bepoalde edeln w.o. Herbert II van Vermandois gerevolteerd teegn Karel den Simpeln en z’han Robert I, broere van Odo I gekrôond tout keunink. Den 15stn juni 923, in de Slag van Soissons, is Robert I gesneuveld, mo Karel den Simpeln wierd gevangn gezet en ze verkoozn Rudolf I tout nieuwn keunink van West-Francië.

Arnulf had êest de Karolienger Karel den Simpeln gesteund in de slag van Soissons en loater Rudolf I teegn de Deenschn Viking Rollo, de stamvoader van d’hertoogn van Normandië.

O Siegfried den Deen en zyn Vikings hunder in 928 mêester miekn van ’t loatere Guînes, stopte Arnulf zyn verzet. Je gaf zyn dochter en den titel van groaf van Guînes an Siegfried, die vazal van de groaf van Vloandern wierd.

In 936 wierd keunink Rudolf I ipgevolgd deur Lodewyk IV van Overzêe. ’t Was de zeune van Karel den Simpeln en dus wast er were e Karolienger an de macht. Moar Arnulf kwam in conflict met hem en je most Amiens ofstoan.

In 939 gerakte Arnulf in oorloge me Willem I van Normandië. Den 17stn december 942 wierd er e vergoarienge g’organiseerd vo te klappn over vrede. Ze kwoamn oungewoapnd tegoare in Picquigny ip ’n eilandje in de Somme. Moar achter dat iederêen weg was liet Arnulf Willem were roepn. Willem die niks ip had en were kwam wierd vermôord.

Vrouwe en jounges

In 934 ist Arnulf getrouwd met Adele van Vermandois, dochter van Herbert II van Vermandois. Hunder jounges woarn:

* Elftrude, round 932 geboorn, in 964 getrouwd me Siegfried den Deen, groaf van Guînes
* Hildegarde van Vloandern (934-990), getrouwd round 943 me Dirk II van Holland, groaf van West-Friesland en van 965 groaf van Gent
* Egbert (937-953)
* Luitgarde van Vloandern (938-964), getrouwd in 950 me Wichman II van Hamaland
* Boudewyn III (940-962), groaf van Vloandern

J’had ook nog ’n ounwettige dochter, Hildegard.

Zyn loater leevn

Ounder zyn voader en grôotvoader Boudewyn I en II han z'ip den Burg in Brugge e versterktn burcht teegn de Vikings gebouwd. An de burcht wierd er ook e Pre-Romoansche kapelle gebouwd.

In 944 liet Arnulf de kapelle verbouwn tout e Karolingische kerke, de Sint-Donaaskerke. Je liet de kerke bouwn no ’t model van de Paltskapelle van Karel den Grôotn in Aakn. ’t Was e symbool van groafelikke macht.

J’het ook de kerke van Tourhout gesticht en de kapelle van St-Jan in Gent. In 945 gaft ’n ipdracht an Gerard van Brogne vo de klôosters in ’t groafschap t’hervormn. Je begost me de twi Gentse abdyen Sint-Pieters en Sint-Baafs en loater ook de Sint- Bertynsabdye, Sint-Omer en Sint Amand.

Round 960 het Arnulf in de Sint- Donaaskerke van Brugge e seculier kapittel gesticht met e college van prôost, deekn en 12 kanunnikn.

Arnulf miek zyn zeune Boudewyn III co-besteurder in 958, mo Boudewyn stierf ounverwachts in 962 an de pokkn of de moazels.

De zeuns van Arnulfs broere Adalolf kwoamn in ipstand en die crisis verplichtte Arnulf van e pact te sluutn me de nieuwn keunink van West-Francië Lotharius. Lotharius zoudt achter Arnulfs dôod, zo lange dat Arnulfs ipvolger Arnulf II nog minderjoarig was, ’t zuudn van ‘t groafschap bezettn, vo nog meugelikke ipstandn t’ounderdrukkn, en Arnulf most Artesië ipzeggn.

Achter zyn dôod wierd 'n in Vloandern ipgevolgd deur zyn klêenzeune Arnulf II van Vloandern en in Boulogne deur Arnulf II van Boulogne, de zeune van zyn broere Adalolf.
Arnulf LeVieux, Count of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

Arnulf 1 greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

* Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
* Egbert, died 953
* Baldwin III of Flanders
* Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
* Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland

He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
Arnulf I, bijgenaamd de Grote (889 - 27 maart 965), graaf van Vlaanderen van 918 tot 965, was de oudste zoon van Boudewijn II en van Aelfryth van Wessex.

Odo I, graaf van Kamerijk (Cambrai)
Elftrude (geboren in 935), in 950 gehuwd met Siegfried I van Guines
Hildegard (935 - 10 april 990), in 945 gehuwd met Dirk II, graaf van West-Friesland
Egbert (937 - 10 juli 953)
Boudewijn III
Luidgard van Vlaanderen (941 - 29 september 964), in 955 gehuwd met Wichman, graaf van Hamaland

Arnulf I, Count of Flanders

Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
Hildegarde, died 990; married Dietrich II, Count of West Friesland
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.

Greve av Flandern.
Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

Arnulf 1 greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
COUNT ARNOLD I THE OLD6 OF FLANDERS (Baldwin II the Bald5, Baldwin I4, Odoacer3, Engelram2, Lideric1) of Flanders, son of (5) Count Baldwin II the Bald5 and (ANZ-19) Alfthryth, was born circa 890, and died on 27 March 965/6. He married in 934, (JU-60) ALIX DE VERMANDOIS, daughter of (JU-50) Count Herbert II and (T-9) Liegarde (Liegaude), who died in 960 in Bruges, Belgium. [8, 29, 52, 42, 57]
Count of Flanders and Artois
+11ii.COUNT BALDWIN III of Flanders, d. on 1 Jan. 961/2; m. (EJ-2) MATILDA BILLUNG.
9. COUNT ISAAC6 DE CAMBRAY (Raoul5, Baldwin I of FLANDERS4, Odoacer3, Engelram2, Lideric1), son of (6) Count Raoul5, was born between 850 and 916, and died between 909 and 1026. [35]
+12i.JUDITH7, b. circa 920, d. in 983; m. (AMB-1) AMAURY I DE VALENCIENNES in 952.
M, #105908, b. between 885 and 890, d. circa 964
Last Edited=12 Jul 2005
Arnulf 'the Great', Comte de Flandre was born between 885 and 890. He was the son of Baldwin II, Comte de Flandre and Ælfthryth, Princess of Wessex. He married Adela de Vermandois, daughter of Heribert II, Comte de Vermandois and Liégarde de France. He died circa 964. (2)
Arnulf 'the Great', Comte de Flandre succeeded to the title of Comte de Flandre in 918. (1)
Child of Arnulf 'the Great', Comte de Flandre and Adela de Vermandois
-1. Baldwin III, Comte de Flandre et Artois+ b. c 940, d. 1 Nov 962 (1)

Forrás / Source:
Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

- Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
- Egbert, died 953
- Baldwin III of Flanders
- Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes

He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.

Married Adele de Vermandois. B.? D.? They had a son, Baldwin. Arnold continued warring against the Vikings, and in old age handed government over to his son, Baldwin - but had to resume control after Baldwin’s early death in battle. He then passed on the succession to his grandson, Arnold II.
Adelulf, Comte de Flandre (1)
M, #104890, d. 933
Last Edited=12 Jul 2005
Adelulf, Comte de Flandre was the son of Baldwin II, Comte de Flandre and Ælfthryth, Princess of Wessex. (1)
He died in 933. (1)
Adelulf, Comte de Flandre gained the title of Comte de Flandre. (1)

Forrás / Source:
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy:

ADALOLF [Æthelwulf] of Flanders, son of BAUDOUIN II Count of Flanders & his wife Ælfthryth of Wessex (after [893/99]-13 Nov 933, bur Monastery of St Pierre). The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Arnulfum, fratrem eius Adelulfum" as the two sons of "Balduinus"[177]. "Adalolphus" is named as son of Count Baudouin II in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin, which specifies that he succeeded his father in 918 as Comte de Boulogne et de Thérouanne, lay-Abbot of St Bertin[178]. "Elstrudis comitissa…cum filiis suis Arnulfo et Adelolfo" donated "hereditatem suam Liefsham…in terra Anglorum in Cantia" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris sui Baldwini", by charter dated 11 Sep 918[179]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 933 of "Adalulfus comes", specifying that he was buried "in monasterio sancti Petri"[180]. The De Arnulfo Comite records that "Adalulfi…uterinus frater Arnulfi magni" was killed by his own swineherd in a wood[181]. After his death in 933, his brother Arnoul I Count of Flanders seized the Boulonnais and Ternois, disinheriting his nephews[182].

m ---. The name of Adalolf's wife is not known.

Comte Adalolf & his wife had two children:

1. son (-962 before Sep). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.

2. ARNOUL [I] de Boulogne ([920/25]-after 31 Jan 972). "Arnulfus nepos ipsius comitis [Arnulfi]" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[183]. It is unlikely that he was born much before [920/25] considering the estimated birth date of his father. Lothaire IV King of the West Franks installed him as Comte de Boulogne et du Ternois[184]. "…Arnulfi Bononiensis comitis, Engelberti advocati…" signed the charter dated 31 Jan 972 under which "Arnulfus…marchysus" confirmed the possession of "Harnas…in pago Seirbiu" to Saint-Pierre de Gand[185].

Comte Adalolf had one illegitimate son by an unknown mistress:

3. BAUDOUIN [Baldzo] (-[28 Mar/29 Oct] 965 or 973). The De Arnulfo Comite names "Balduino cognamento Baldzoni…filius Adalulfi…ex concubina", specifying that he was guardian of the infant Arnoul II Count of Flanders, having previously been adopted by Count Arnoul I after his father was killed[186]. He was appointed regent of Flanders in 964 on the accession of Arnoul II Count of Flanders. "Theodericus comes et Baldwinus cognomento Baldzo et Ericus et Everwinus" donated property to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris sui Arnulfi defuncti", by charter dated 28 Mar 965[187]. Taking advantage of the weakness of the county during the minority of the new count, he made himself Comte de Courtrai[188]. He donated "villam Traslingehem" to the abbey of St Pieter[189]. A charter dated 29 Oct 965 records that "Baldwinus bone memorie cognomento Baldzo" donated property to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris Arnulfi", signed by "Odgaudo advocato…"[190]. [The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 973 of "Balzo filius Rodulfi comitis"[191], presumably an error for "Adalolfi" as it is unclear to whom "Rodulfi comes" refers. The Annales Formoselenses also record the death in 973 of "Balzo, filius Rodulfi comitis"[192].]
Arnulf I, Count of Flanders
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

[edit] History

Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

[edit] Family

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

* Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
* Egbert, died 953
* Baldwin III of Flanders
* Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
* Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland

He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.

[edit] Sources

* Flodoard
* Folcwine
* Lambert of Ardres
* Platts, Beryl. The Scottish Hazard: Flemish Nobility and their Impact on Scotland, 1985

Arnold I, Count of Flanders
View Family Tree

Family Name: Given Names: Arnold
Known As: The Great

Titles: Count of Flanders ( 918 - 965)

Born: 889
Unknown place
(Illegitimate) Died: 27 Mar 965
Unknown place
(Age 76)
Royal Blood: 50% [?]

Father: Baldwin II, Count of Flanders 863 - 10 Sep 918
Mother: Efthryth (daughter of King Alfred the Great) ? - 929

Marriage: Adela de Vermandois (d. of Herbert II, Count of Vermandois) 915 - 960
Child: Baldwin III, Count of Flanders 933 - 962
(3 others not in database)

Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.
In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
Hildegarde, died 990; married Dietrich II, Count of West Friesland
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
Arnulf I, Count of Flanders

Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.


Arnulf 1 greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

[edit] Family

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

* Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
* Egbert, died 953
* Baldwin III of Flanders
* Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
* Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland

He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.


* Flodoard
* Folcwine
* Lambert of Ardres
* Platts, Beryl. The Scottish Hazard: Flemish Nobility and their Impact on Scotland, 1985

Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.
Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

From www.wikipedia.org at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnulf_I_of_Flanders
Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

[edit] History

Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

[edit] Family

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

* Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
* Egbert, died 953
* Baldwin III of Flanders
* Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
* Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland

He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
Arnulf was born in 0889 in Flanders, France. Arnulf's father was Baudouin The Bald de Flanders II and his mother was Elfrida de England. His paternal grandparents were Baldwin de Flanders and Judith de Franks; his maternal grandparents were Alfred The Great de Wessex and Ealhswith de Gaini. He was an only child. He died at the age of 76 in 0965.


Arnulf of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth of Wessex, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

[edit] History
Arnulf 1 greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

[edit] Family
In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.

[edit] Sources
Lambert of Ardres
Platts, Beryl. The Scottish Hazard: Flemish Nobility and their Impact on Scotland, 1985
Preceded by
Baldwin II Count of Flanders
with Baldwin III (958–962) Succeeded by
Arnulf II
Preceded by
Adalolphe Count of Boulogne
933–964 Succeeded by
Arnulf II
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnulf_I,_Count_of_Flanders"
Categories: 890s births | 965 deaths | House of Flanders | Counts of Flanders | Counts of Boulogne | Franks | Frankish people

Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.
Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.


Arnulf 1 greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.
Adelolf, Count of Boulogne[1] (died 13 November 933), was a son of Baldwin II, Count of Flanders, and of Ælfthryth. He was probably named for his maternal great-grandfather, King Æthelwulf of Wessex.[2]

Baldwin II's extensive lands and many offices in what is now the north of modern France and the west of Belgium were divided among his sons on his death in 918. The elder, Arnulf, became Count of Flanders. Adelolf succeeded his father as count of Saint-Pol, Count of Boulogne and of Thérouanne. He was also the lay abbot of the Abbey of Saint Bertinus (Saint-Bertin) at Saint-Omer.[3]

In 926 Adelolf was sent as an ambassador to his maternal first cousin King Æthelstan of England by Count Hugh the Great, effective ruler of northern France under Rudolph, Duke of Burgundy, who had been elected king of France in 923. Adelolf was to seek the English king's agreement to a marriage between Hugh and another of Æthelstan's sisters. Among the lavish gifts sent to Æthelstan, an avid collector of relics, were said to be the sword of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great and the Holy Lance. The embassy was a success and Hugh was married to Æthelstan's half-sister Eadhild.[4]

Adelolf was the father of Arnulf II, Count of Boulogne (died 971), and of an illegitimate son named Baldwin (died 973) who was guardian of Arnulf II, Count of Flanders.[3]

According to Folcwine's Gesta abbatum Sancti Bertini Sithiensium (Deeds of the abbots of Saint-Bertin), Adelolf died on 13 November 933. He was buried at Saint-Bertin.[5]

[edit] References
Hill, Paul (2004), The Age of Athelstan: Britain's Forgotten History, Stroud: Tempus, ISBN 0-7524-2566-8
Le Jan, Régine (2003), Famille et Pouvoir dans le Monde Franc (VIIe–Xe Siècle). Essai d'anthropologie sociale., Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, ISBN 2-85944-268-5
Vanderkindere, Léon (1902), La formation territoriale des principautés belges au Moyen Age, 1, Brussels: H. Lamertin
[edit] Notes
1.^ His name is variously spelled Adelulf, Adalulf, Adalolf, and, in French, Adalolphe; in Latin, Adalolphus.
2.^ Philip Grierson (1941), "The Relations between England and Flanders before the Norman Conquest", Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fourth Series, 23, 86; Le Jan; Vanderkindere.
3.^ a b Le Jan; Vanderkindere.
4.^ Hill.
5.^ Le Jan?; Vanderkindere.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelolf,_Count_of_Boulogne"
Categories: 933 deaths | House of Flanders
Adelolf, Count of Boulogne (- 933) was a son of Baldwin II, Count of Flanders and of Ælfthryth. He succeeded his father in 918 as count of Saint-Pol, Boulogne and Thérouanne. He was also the leken-abbot of the Abbey of Saint Bertinus.

He was the father of:

Arnulf II, Count of Boulogne (-971)
Baldwin (-973), guardian of Arnulf II, Count of Boulogne.
Arnulf LeVieux, Count of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

# D: I3776
# Name: Arnolph I le Grand Count de Flanders
# Surname: le Grand
# Given Name: Arnolph I
# Suffix: Count de Flanders
# Sex: M
# Birth: 0889 in Fflandrys, Belgium 1
# Death: 27 Mar 0964 2
# _UID: 06ADFA1AE9C1BD40AF51C21D2B832E7DA634
# Note:

Acceded in 918.
Waged war against William of Normandy, whom he defeated and slew.
Constant warfare with the Vikings.
Took an active part in struggle in Lorraine between Hugh Capet & Emperor Otto I.
In his old age he made his son Baldwin the head of the government.

# Change Date: 20 Dec 2005 at 00:00:00

Father: Baudouin II the Bald Count de Flanders b: 0863 in Fflandrys, Nord, France
Mother: AElfthryth of Wessex b: 0868 in Wessex, England

Marriage 1 Alix De Vermandois b: 0910 in Vermandois, Normandy, France

* Married: 0934 4
* Note: 1 _MSTAT Partners


1. Has Children Elstrude De Flanders b: 0932 in Fflandrys, Belgium
2. Has Children Baudouin III Count de Flanders & Artoi b: 0933 in Fflandrys, France
3. Has Children Ledgarde De Flanders b: 0941


1. Title: Stemmata Illustria
Publication: 1825
Text: b 884
2. Title: Stemmata Illustria
Publication: 1825
Text: d 965
3. Title: Stemmata Illustria
Publication: 1825
4. Title: Stemmata Illustria
Publication: 1825
Text: no date

From Wikipedia:

Arnulf of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth of Wessex, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

Arnulf 1 greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

* Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
* Egbert, died 953
* Baldwin III of Flanders
* Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
* Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland

He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
Arnulf I. (Flandern)
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
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Arnulf I., genannt der Große (* um 885/890; † 27. März 964) war der dritte Graf von Flandern.

Arnulf war der Sohn des Grafen Balduin II. und der Ælfthryth (Elftrud), einer Tochter Alfreds des Großen. Er wurde nach einem frühen Vorfahren benannt, Arnulf von Metz, um die Abstammung seiner Familie (in weiblicher Linie) von den Karolingern zu betonen.

Arnulf gelang es, sein Herrschaftsgebiet bedeutend zu erweitern, indem er weite Teile von Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens und Ostrevant eroberte. Dabei nutzte er die innerfranzösischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Karl dem Einfältigen und Robert I. ebenso aus, wie später die zwischen Ludwig IV. und seinen Baronen.

Bei seinem Drang nach Süden geriet er unausweichlich in Konflikt mit den Normannen, die ihre Nordgrenze gegen ihn zu sichern suchten. Dieser Kampf kulminierte 942 in der Ermordung des Herzogs Wilhelm Langschwert durch die Männer des Grafen von Flandern.

Die Bedrohung durch die Wikinger trat in Arnulfs letzten Regierungsjahren in den Hintergrund, so dass er sich der Aufgabe widmen konnte, seine Herrschaft verwaltungstechnisch zu konsolidieren.

934 heiratete Arnulf I. Adela (* 910/915, † 960), eine Tochter des Grafen Heribert II. von Vermandois mit der er fünf (bekannte) Kinder hatte:

* Hildegard, * wohl 934; † 10. April 990; ∞ um 940/945 Dietrich II. Graf von Westfriesland; † 6. Mai 988 (Gerulfinger)
* Luitgard, * 935; † 962 vor dem 18. Oktober; ∞ um 950 Wichmann Graf von Hamaland; † nach 14. Dezember 973
* Ekbert; † vor 10. Juli 953
* Balduin III., * wohl 940; † 1. Januar 962, Mitgraf von Flandern; ∞ Mathilde von Sachsen; † 25. Mai 1008, Tochter des Herzogs Hermann Billung (Billunger), die in zweiter Ehe um 963 Gottfried den Gefangenen Grafen von Verdun; † nach 995) heiratete (Wigeriche)
* Elftrude, ∞ Siegfried, 928 Herr von Guînes; † wohl 965

Arnulf machte seinen ältesten Sohn und Erben Balduin III. 958 zu seinem Mitregenten, doch starb dieser bereits 962, so dass sein junger Enkel Arnulf II. 964 sein Nachfolger wurde.
Quellen [Bearbeiten]

* Flodoard von Reims
* Folkwin
* Lambert von Ardres

Weblinks [Bearbeiten]

* Materialsammlung


Balduin II.
Graf von Flandern
918–964 Nachfolger

Arnulf II.
Normdaten: PND: 119103044 – weitere Informationen

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Arnulf I, Count of Flanders
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Arnulf I of Flanders)
Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.
Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.
In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.
The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:
Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.
Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.


Arnulf 1 greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.


In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

* Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
* Egbert, died 953
* Baldwin III of Flanders
* Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
* Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland

He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.

Arnulf I van Vlaanderen
Arnulf I, bijgenaamd de Grote (889 - 27 maart 965), graaf van Vlaanderen van 918 tot 965, was de oudste zoon van Boudewijn II en van Aelfryth van Wessex.

Van zijn vader erfde hij het grootste (noordelijke) deel van het graafschap. Na de dood van zijn broer Adalolf legde hij wederrechtelijk de hand op diens erfdeel (933), dat de streek van Terwaan en Boulogne omvatte. Hij wist ook Oosterbant, Artesië, Ponthieu en de streek van Amiens te veroveren, waardoor het graafschap Vlaanderen tot voorbij de Somme reikte. Arnulf bereikte deze gebiedsuitbreiding door het listig ombrengen van Willem I van Normandië te Picquigny.

Uit vrees voor de onbestendigheid van zijn territoriale aanwinsten deed Arnulf een beroep op de clerus om zijn veroveringen duurzaam en eenvormig te maken via een sterke religieuze ideologie. Zo wierp hij zich op als verdediger van de hervormingen die Gerardus van Brogne in de abdijen van zijn graafschap wilde doorvoeren. Uit zijn (tweede) huwelijk met Aleidis van Vermandois (910 - Brugge, 10 oktober 958), dochter van Herbert II van Vermandois en van Adela van Frankrijk, had hij een zoon, Boudewijn III, die over een deel van het graafschap regeerde van 958 tot diens vroegtijdige dood in 962.

Een opstand van de zonen van Adalolf veroorzaakte een bestuurlijke crisis die Arnulf dwong het graafschap toe te vertrouwen aan de Franse koning Lotharius tot de meerderjarigheid van zijn kleinzoon Arnulf II van Vlaanderen.


1. Odo I, graaf van Kamerijk (Cambrai)
2. Elftrude (geboren in 935), in 950 gehuwd met Siegfried I van Guines
3. Hildegard (935 - 10 april 990), in 945 gehuwd met Dirk II, graaf van West-Friesland
4. Egbert (937 - 10 juli 953)
5. Boudewijn III
6. Luidgard van Vlaanderen (941 - 29 september 964), in 955 gehuwd met Wichman, graaf van Hamaland


Arnulf 'the Great', Comte de Flandre was born between 885 and 890. He was the son of Baldwin II, Comte de Flandre and Ælfthryth, Princess of Wessex. He married Adela de Vermandois, daughter of Heribert II, Comte de Vermandois and Liégarde de France. He died circa 964.2
Arnulf 'the Great', Comte de Flandre succeeded to the title of Comte de Flandre in 918.1

Child of Arnulf 'the Great', Comte de Flandre and Adela de Vermandois

Baldwin III, Comte de Flandre et Artois+1 b. c 940, d. 1 Nov 962

[S38] John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), page 90. Hereinafter cited as Dynasties of the World.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 10. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.

From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Flanders:

ARNOUL de Flandre, son of BAUDOUIN II "le Chauve" Count of Flanders & his wife Ælfthryth of Wessex ([885/890]-murdered 27 Mar 964, bur Gent, St Pieter).

The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names (in order) "Arnulfum, fratrem eius Adelulfum" as the two sons of "Balduinus"[100]. "Arnulfus" is named as son of Count Baudouin II in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin, which specifies that he succeeded his father in 918 as ARNOUL I "le Grand" Count of Flanders[101].

"Elstrudis comitissa…cum filiis suis Arnulfo et Adelolfo" donated "hereditatem suam Liefsham…in terra Anglorum in Cantia" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "senioris sui Baldwini", by charter dated 11 Sep 918[102].

Count Arnoul I was responsible for a major expansion of Flemish territory to the south. He and his brother joined the expedition of Raoul King of the Franks against the Normans in 925 and captured Eu.

Count Arnoul inflicted a heavy defeat on the Normans in 926.

In 932, he seized the abbey of St Vaast, as well as Douai in Ostrevant.

In 933, after his brother's death, he seized Boulonnais and Ternois and disinherited his nephews.

Count Arnoul made an alliance with Héribert II Comte de Vermandois in 934, which was sealed by his marriage to the latter's daughter[103].

Responding to raids by Guillaume Comte [de Normandie], Count Arnoul invaded Ponthieu and in 939 captured Montreuil from Herluin Comte de Ponthieu, although the county was later recaptured by Comte Guillaume's forces. "Arnulfus…regis…marchysus" restored property to Saint-Pierre de Gand by charter dated 8 Jul 941, signed by "…Baldwini filii Arnulfi marchysi, Isaac comitis, Arnulfi filii eius, Theoderici comitis, Wenemari advocati…"[104].

After agreeing to meet Count Guillaume in 942 in order to settle the dispute over Montreuil, Guillaume was murdered, presumably at Count Arnoul's instigation[105]. Count Arnoul was secure in his possession of Montreuil by 949[106].

"Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", and returned "in pago Hainau super fluvio Savo villam…Dulciaca", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[107].

After the death of his son in 962, Count Arnoul was obliged to cede Artois, Ostrevant, Ponthieu and Amiens to Lothaire King of the West Franks in order to ensure the latter's support for the succession of Count Arnoul's infant grandson to the county of Flanders[108].

"Arnulfus marchysus" donated property to Saint-Pierre de Gand by charter dated 5 May 962, signed by "…Baldwini advocati, Theoderici comitis…"[109]. "Arnulfus…comes" donated "villam Canlin" to Saint-Pierre de Gand by charter dated 17 Jun 962, signed by "…Balduini advocati…"[110]. An undated charter, dated to [962], records the last wishes of "marchysi Arnulfi", noting that "pater meus et mater mea" were buried in the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[111].

Comte Arnoul was allegedly murdered by Heluin in revenge for the murder of Guillaume I Comte [de Normandie]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death "VI Kal Apr 964" of "Magnus Arnulfus, restaurator huius Blandiniensis coenobii"[112].

A charter dated 2 Jul 964 records the donation by "bone memorie Arnulfus marchysus" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, signed by "Odgaudi qui susceptor traditionis fuit…Ingelberti advocati…"[113].

[m firstly ---. Both Rösch[114] and Europäische Stammtafeln[115] state that Count Arnoul had another wife before marrying Adela de Vermandois.

No evidence has been found concerning this supposed first marriage. However, as discussed below, the estimated birth date of Arnoul´s supposed daughter Hildegard, as well as his own advanced age when he married Adela de Vermandois, both suggest an earlier marriage. Although logic points to such a first marriage, doubt remains. The genealogical traces of this family are well marked in numerous contemporary sources. It is difficult to imagine that all of such sources would have ignored an earlier marriage of Comte Arnoul, who was such a prominent figure in his day.]

m [secondly] (934) ADELA de Vermandois, daughter of HERIBERT [II] Comte de Vermandois [Carolingian] & his wife Adela [Capet] ([915]-[Bruges 10 Oct] 960, bur Gent, St Pieter).

The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names "Adelam, domni Heriberti comitis filiam" as wife of "comes Arnulfus", specifying that she was "duorum Francorum regum, Odonis atque Rotberti, neptem"[116].

"Adala coniunx Arnulfi" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[117]. The Annales Elnonenses Minores records the marriage [undated between 931 and 949] of "Arnulfus" and "Adelam, filiam Heriberti Vermandorum comitis"[118].

Her marriage was arranged to seal the alliance made in 934 between her father and her future husband[119]. "Arnulfus Flandrie comes et marchisus" granted use of property "Snellenghem in pago Flandrensi" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for "uxore mea…Adala atque…filio meo Balduino et filia mea Lietgardis" and for deceased "Balduino genitore meo et Elstrudis genetrice mea atque Heeberto filio meo", by charter dated 10 Jul 953[120].

"Adhela comitissa" freed two serfs and granted them to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "fidelis nostri Amalrici", by charter dated 8 Sep 954, signed by "Balduini comitis…Odacri advocati"[121].

The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 960 of "Adala comitissa"[122].

Count Arnoul I & his [first] wife had one child:
1. Hildegard (before 933 to 10 April 990)

Count Arnoul I and his second wife had four children:
1. Liutgard de Flandre (935 to 962, before Oct 18)
2. Baudouin de Flandres (935/940 to 1 Jan 962, b. Abbey of St. Bertin).
3. Egbert de Flandre (d. before 10 July 953)
4. Elstrude de Flandre (d. 966 or after)
From the Celtic Casimir online family tree:

Comte Arnolf (Arnulph) I "the Elder" DE FLANDRES et Artois
Born: 889, Flanders
Married: Apr 932, Flanders, Belgium
Died: 27 Mar 964
Ancestral File Number: G5QM-WC.

General Notes:

Arnulf was preoccupied with fighting off the Northmen. "In his old age he placed the government in the hands of Baldwin, his son by Adela, daughter of the count of Vermandois, and the young man in a short reign did much for the commercial and industrial progress of the country, setting up the first weavers and fullers at Ghent, and instituting yearly fairs at Ypres, Bruges and other places. On Baldwin III's death in 961 the old count resumed control and spent the few remaining years of his life in securing the succession of his grandson Arnulf II...." {Encycl.Brit., 1956, 9:356} (source: Albert E. Meyers database, (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX), http://www.ezonline.com/aem/aem.html)

1. Occupation. 3rd Count of Flanders (918-9958, 962-965)

Marriage Information:
Arnolf married Adaele (Alice, Alix) DE VERMANDOIS, daughter of Herbert II DE VERMANDOIS Comte de Troyes et de Vermandois and Hildebrante (Liйgarde, Adиle) CAPET Princess of the Franks, in Apr 932 in Flanders, Belgium. (Adaele (Alice, Alix) DE VERMANDOIS was born about 910-915 in Vermandois, Neustria, died on 10 Oct 960 in Bruges, Belgium and was buried in Abbaye De St Pierre, Gand, Flandres.)
From the Wikipedia page on Arnulf I, Count of Flanders:

Arnulf of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth of Wessex, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.


(From the Dutch Wikipedia page on Arnulf I: "Following the death of Baldwin II, his kingdom was divided among his two sons. Arnulf was given the North Sea, the Scheldt, and the Artesische hills. Since that time, the area where Arnulf ruled has taken the name of Flanders.

Adalolf, the younger son, was given the conquered territories, including the shire Bonen en Ternois. Perhaps Arnulf, as older brother, retained some level of sovereignty over the territories held by his brother.

Arnulf 1 greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois (a strong barrier against enemies to the south), Ponthieu (its capital Montreuil is the only crossing over the River Kwinte or Canche, the southern border to Flanders), Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

(In 931, Arnulf captured Mortagne, the second fortress of Eastern Bant, during the chaos that prevailed over the struggle for supremacy in France. In 932, the Count of Artois died, and Arnulf was given the entire shire along with the Abbey St. Vaastabdij. Shortly after, the capital of Eastern Bant, Douai, along with the rest of that shire. His brother died in 933, after which Arnulf seized all lands from Adalolf, Bonen en Ternois, denying his sons an inheritance. In 936, Louis IV van Overzee was granted possession of the throne of France. In order to get to his kingdom, he had to pass through Bonen. This was granted in view of the long friendship he had with Louis, but somem time later, conflict breaks out with Normandy.)

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. (The important town of Montreuil, the only way past the swamps on the River Kwinte, was conquered and reconquered by both sides.)

This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

(In 947, Arnulf was given by Duke Hugo the town in order to win his support against his rivals, but then a rebellion broke out against Duke Hugo in the town. Once the town was taken, Arnulf would be able to conquer Amiens.)

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

(In the years 954-961, Arnulf I was at the height of his reign. He expanded Flanders as far as the Somme River and pacified the country. The few problems that occurred he let his son Baldwin handle - he was given the southern counties of Flanders as his personal charge. Baldwin's story is in his entry on the family tree.)


In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.

(The sons of Adalolf saw the death of Baldwin as a chance to seize the inheritance that they felt rightfully belonged to them and led a revolt. Arnulf I knew that if he lost to his nephews, they would treat his infant grandson the same way that he treated them. He saw his life's work lost, and in desperation, he killed on of his nephews in order to scare the others into submission. This didn't work, so he sought as a last resort to set aside a portion of his territory for his grandson as his own. To this end, he went to French King Lothair II and settled on an agreement. When he died, his conquests of Amiens, Ponthieu, Artois, and Eastern Bant would go to Lothair in return for Lothair providing protection to Arnulf through his minority and recognizing him as the rightful Count. The younger Arnulf's uncle Rudolf, or Baldwin Baldzo, would watch over the young heir, while the surviving sons of Adalolf would obtain as inheritance the territory of Bonen en Ternois.)


Lambert of Ardres
Platts, Beryl. The Scottish Hazard: Flemish Nobility and their Impact on Scotland, 1985
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps05/ps05_037.htm

Arnulf was preoccupied with fighting off the Northmen. "In his old age he placed the government in the hands of Baldwin, his son by Adela, daughter of the count of Vermandois, and the young man in a short reign did much for the commercial and industrial progress of the country, setting up the first weavers and fullers at Ghent, and instituting yearly fairs at Ypres, Bruges and other places. On Baldwin III's death in 961 the old count resumed control and spent the few remaining years of his life in securing the succession of his grandson Arnulf II...." {Encycl.Brit., 1956, 9:356}

References: [RFC],[MRL],[WallopFH]
Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.
Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.
In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.
The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:
Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
Hildegarde, died 990; married Dietrich II, Count of West Friesland
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.
Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
Arnulf I of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.
In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
Hildegarde, died 990; married Dietrich II, Count of West Friesland
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
Arnulf of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth of Wessex, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.


Arnulf 1 greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.


In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

* Liutgard, married Wichmann IV, Count of Hamaland
* Egbert, died 953
* Baldwin III of Flanders
* Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
* Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland

He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
Arnulf of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth of Wessex, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.
[edit] History

Arnulf 1 greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.
[edit] Family

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

* Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Hamaland
* Egbert, died 953
* Baldwin III of Flanders
* Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guînes
* Hildegarde (d.990); married Dirk II, Count of Holland

He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.
[edit] Sources

* Flodoard
* Folcwine
* Lambert of Ardres
* Platts, Beryl. The Scottish Hazard: Flemish Nobility and their Impact on Scotland, 1985

Arnulf I of Flanders (c.890-March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third count of Flanders.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 943 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.

In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois. Their children were:

Luitgard, married Wichmann, Count of Ghent
Egbert, died 953
Baldwin III of Flanders
Elftrude, married Siegfried, Count of Guines
He also had a previous daughter, Hildegard.

Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders

1. Arnulf (Arnoul) Count of Flanders, [Count/Artios], b. Abt 890, of, Flanders, Fran, d. 27 Mar 965/966 Family Adela (Alix) DE Vermandois, b. Abt 905, of, Vermandois, , France, d. 960, Bruges, Flanders, (now Belgium)

Arnulf I, greve of Flanders b: about 0885-0889 Of. Flanders
d: 27 Mar 0964 (c. 890 – March 28, 965), Arnulf I "the Great" of Flanders and Artois (918-965), *Flanders 885/889, +27.3.964, bur Ghent; 1m: NN; 2m: 934 Adele (Alisa) of Vermandois (*ca 910/915 +10.10.960); all kids were by 2m.

Vedi padre Baldwin II, Comte de Flandre. (........Carlo Magno).


Arnulf of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third Count of Flanders, who ruled the County of Flanders, an area that is now northwestern Belgium and southwestern Holland.

Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth of Wessex, daughter of Alfred the Great. He was named after his distant ancestor, Saint Arnulf of Metz; this was intended to emphasize his family's descent from the Carolingian dynasty.

Arnold the Old, Count of Flanders, 918, and of Artois.Alias:/Arnold/
Ancestral File Number: G5QM-WC
Arnulf I, Count of Flanders
Arnulf I of Flanders
_P_CCINFO 1-2782

from "Our Folk" by Albert D Hart, Jr.
221827264. Grev Arnulf I den GamleStore BALDUINSØN av Flandern (13242) was born about 890.(13243) He was a Greve in 918 in Flandern.(13244) He died on 27 Mar 964.(13245) Hans lange regjeringstid var avbrutt 3 år da sønnen Balduin III regjerte. Etter dennes død tok Arnulf I igjen regjeringsmakten. He was married to Grevinne Adele N.NSDTR av Vermandois in 934.
Alias: The Great Count of /Flanders/
Line 5637 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Arnulph (Arnold) I, Count Of /FLANDERS/
Bu841 http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~churchh/edw3chrt.html
Arnulf I "De Grote" van Vlaanderen, geboren omstreeks 885 in Vlaanderen (Blg). Arnulf is overleden op 02-03-965, ongeveer 80 jaar oud. Hij is begraven te De Sint Pieters - Gent (Blg). Notitie bij Arnulf: Hij werd na de dood van zijn vader graaf in het aan hem toegevallen noordelijk deel van Vlaanderen in 918; hij maakt zich echter na de dood van zijn broer Adalolf (=Aethelwulf) ook meester van diens zuidelijk deel (Boulogne) in 933 en verovert het graafschap Ponthieu. Hij bevordert in Vlaanderen de kloosterhervorming van Gerard van Brogne en doet jarenlang grote schenkingen aan de Sint-Pietersabdij te Gent. Hij treft regelingen met de Westfrankische koning Lotharius ter bescherming van zijn jeugdige kleinzoon als opvolger (962). Titels: van 918 tot 962 Graaf van Saint-Pol van 918 tot 965 Graaf van Vlaanderen van 932 tot 965 Graaf van Artesië Hij trouwde, ongeveer 48 jaar oud, omstreeks 933 met de ongeveer 21-jarige 56778295139 Adela van Vermandois, geboren omstreeks 912. Adela is overleden op 10-10-960, ongeveer 48 jaar oud. Zij is begraven te Gent (Blg).
Alt. name Arnoul I
Na de dood van zijn vader graaf van Noord-Vlaanderen en na de dood van zijn broer Adalofi heer van Boulogne 933, veroverde het graafschap Ponthieu, bevorderde de kloosterhervormingen van Gerard van Brogne, deed grote schenkingen aan de St.Pieter te Gent, trof regelingen met de Westfrankische Koning Lotharius ter bescherming van diens jeugdige kleinzoon als opvolger in 962
GJ=Gary Jacobson www.garyjacobson.org/ahnentafel.html
Adelulf /Of Boulogne/
Waged war against William of Normandy,whom he defeated and slew
33rd great grandfather
Greve av Flandern 918.
Coat of arms of the Counts of Flanders.
Coat of arms of the Counts of Flanders.
Arnulf I, Count of Flanders
Arnulf I of Flanders
"the Great". Third Count of Flanders
Waged war against William of Normandy, whom he defeated and slew.
Became count in 918.
Arnulf greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of
Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostravent. He exploited the conflicts between
Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV
and his barons.

In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who
were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 942 murder of
the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.

The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he
turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.
Line 5637 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Arnulph (Arnold) I, Count Of /FLANDERS/
He was Count from 918 to 964.
He was Count from 918 to 964.
Arnulf I (de Grote), geb. 885/90, graaf van Vlaanderen 918-964, na de dood van zijn vader graaf van Noord-Vlaanderen en na de dood van zijn broer Adalofi heer van Boulogne 933, veroverde het graafschap Ponthieu, bevorderde de kloosterhervormingen van Gerard van Brogne, deed grote schenkingen aan de St.Pieter te Gent, trof regelingen met de Westfrankische Koning Lotharius ter bescherming van diensjeugdige kleinzoon als opvolger in 962, overl. 27 maart. 965, begr. St.Pieter te Gent, tr. 933 of 934 Adela van Vermandois, geb. 910/15 (dochter van Heribert II, graaf van Vermandois 907-943) en Adela (of Liegarde) van Neustrie), werd uitgehuwelijkt om de vrede tussen het huis Vlaanderen en de Heribertiner graven te bestendigen 933, gravin van Vlaanderen, overl. tussen 958 en 960, begr. Gent .
Arnulf I de grote oude (ouders onder V.4), begraven St Pieter te Gent , Boudewijn II Graaf van Vlaanderen ook genaamd 'de Kale', graaf van Vlaand, eren 879-918, begraven te Gent (Sint-Pieters), aanvankelijk was hij begra, ven in Sint-Bertijns, doch op aandrang van zijn weduwe vervolgens begrav, en te Gent., Boudewijn wordt naar zijn grootvader bijgenaamd 'de Kale'; graaf van Vlaa, nderen 879; usurpeert na afloop van de Noormanneninvallen van de jaren 87, 9-883 grondbezit en rechten in de hele streek tussen Schelde en Artois, en geldt daarmee als grondlegger van Vlaanderen als territoriaal vorstend, om; wisselt herhaaldelijk van partij in de strijd tussen de diverse Westf, rankische koningen waarbij hij zijn tegenstanders aartbisschop Fulco van, Reims (17.7.900) en daarna ook graaf Heribert I van Vermandois (vóór 6.11, .907) doet vermoorden; richt een groot aantal burchten op ter beschermi, ng van zijn gebied., _NEW, TYPE 2, DATE 2 AUG 2006, TIME 20:31:39, trouwt Adelaide van Vermandois (VII.24), begraven Gent , Adela, geboren 0910-0915, overleden circa 0959., Gehuwd voor de kerk 0934 met Arnulf I van VLAANDEREN, geboren 0885-0890,, overleden op 27-03-0965. Graaf van Vlaanderen sinds 918, oudste zoon van, Boudewijn II, van wie hij het grootste (noordelijke) deel van het graafsc, hap erfde. Na de dood van zijn broer Adalulf legde hij wederrechtelijk, de hand op diens deel (933), dat de streek van Terwaan en Boulogne omvatt, e. Hij wist Oosterbant, Artesië, Ponthieu en de streek van Amiens te vero, veren, waardoor Vlaanderen tot voorbij de Somme reikte. Uit vrees voor, de onbestendigheid van zijn territoriale aanwinsten deed Arnulf een bero, ep op de clerus om zijn veroveringen duurzaam en eenvormig te maken via e, en sterke religieuze ideologie. Zo wierp hij zich op als verdediger van, de hervormingen die Gerardus van Brogne in de abdijen van zijn graafsch, ap wilde doorvoeren. Uit zijn (tweede) huwelijk met Adela, dochter van He, rbert II van Vermandois, had hij een zoon, Boudewijn III, die over een de, el van het graafschap regeerde van 958 tot zijn vroegtijdige dood in 96, 2. Een opstand van de zonen van Adalulf veroorzaakte een crisis die Arnu, lf dwong het graafschap toe te vertrouwen aan de Franse koning Lotharius, tot de meerderjarigheid van zijn kleinzoon Arnulf II. Zoon van Boudewijn, II 'de Kale' van VLAANDEREN en Elftrud van WESSEX (Aelftrud)., _NEW, TYPE 2, DATE 2 AUG 2006, TIME 20:31:16, NICK Adela, ouders Heribert II graaf van Vermandois
Arnulph or Arnold I., Count of Flanders and of Artois, died in 964. He married Adela, or Alisa, daughter of Herbert II., Count of Vermandois.
Arnulf I (de Grote), geb. 885/90, graaf van Vlaanderen 918-964, na de dood van zijn vader graaf van Noord-Vlaanderen en na de dood van zijn broer Adalofi heer van Boulogne 933, veroverde het graafscha p Ponthieu, bevorderde de kloosterhervormingen van Gerard van Brogne, deed grote schenkingen aan de St.Pieter te Gent, trof regelingen met de Westfrankische Koning Lotharius ter bescherming van diens jeugdige kleinzoon als opvolger in 962, overl. 27 maart. 965, begr. St.Pieter te Gent, tr. 933 of 934 Adela van Vermandois, geb. 910/15 (dochter van Heribert II, graaf van Vermandois 907-943) en Adela (of Liegarde) van Neustrie), werd uitgehuwelijkt om de vrede tussen het huis Vlaanderen en de Heribertiner graven te bestendigen 933, gravin van Vlaanderen, overl. tussen 958 en 960, begr. Gent .
1 NAME Arnold I (or Arnolf) "the Old" of /Flanders/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 BIRT 2 PLAC of, Flanders, Belgium 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: RC 141, 169, 235, 311; Kings and Queens of Britain; Coe; Ancestral Roots 48-20, 162-18; AF; Kraentzler 1496; Pfafman; Smallwood. Roots: Arnold I the Old, Count of Flanders. Died 27 March 964. Kraentzler, puts a ? before this man's name in chart 1495.
1 NAME Arnold I (or Arnolf) "the Old" of /Flanders/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 BIRT 2 PLAC of, Flanders, Belgium 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: RC 141, 169, 235, 311; Kings and Queens of Britain; Coe; Ancestral Roots 48-20, 162-18; AF; Kraentzler 1496; Pfafman; Smallwood. Roots: Arnold I the Old, Count of Flanders. Died 27 March 964. Kraentzler, puts a ? before this man's name in chart 1495.
1 NAME Arnold I (or Arnolf) "the Old" of /Flanders/ 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001 1 BIRT 2 PLAC of, Flanders, Belgium 2 SOUR S033320 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jan 17, 2001

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: RC 141, 169, 235, 311; Kings and Queens of Britain; Coe; Ancestral Roots 48-20, 162-18; AF; Kraentzler 1496; Pfafman; Smallwood. Roots: Arnold I the Old, Count of Flanders. Died 27 March 964. Kraentzler, puts a ? before this man's name in chart 1495.
_P_CCINFO 1-7369

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    Historische Ereignisse

    • Die Temperatur am 11. März 1935 lag zwischen -2.9 °C und 8,1 °C und war durchschnittlich 2,1 °C. Es gab 9,0 Stunden Sonnenschein (78%). Die durchschnittliche Windgeschwindigkeit war 4 Bft (mäßiger Wind) und kam überwiegend aus Ost-Nordost. Quelle: KNMI
    • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) war von 1890 bis 1948 Fürst der Niederlande (auch Koninkrijk der Nederlanden genannt)
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    • Von 31. Juli 1935 bis 24. Juni 1937 regierte in den Niederlanden das Kabinett Colijn III mit Dr. H. Colijn (ARP) als ersten Minister.
    • Im Jahr 1935: Quelle: Wikipedia
      • Die Niederlande hatte ungefähr 8,4 Millionen Einwohner.
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    Über den Familiennamen Van Vlaanderen

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