Familienstammbaum Homs » Karolus "Karl von Laon" de France duc de Basse-Lotharingie (± 953-953)

Persönliche Daten Karolus "Karl von Laon" de France duc de Basse-Lotharingie 

Quellen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Alternative Name: Charles de Lotharingia
  • Spitzname ist Karl von Laon.
  • Er wurde geboren rund 953 TO ABT 953 in Laon, Aisne, Picardie, FranceLaon, Picardie.
  • Er wurde getauft in Duke of, Lorraine, France.
  • Alternative: Er wurde getauft in Duke of, Lorraine, France.
  • Alternative: Er wurde getauft in Duke of, Lorraine, France.
  • Alternative: Er wurde getauft in France-son of Louis IV.
  • Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche .
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche .
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche .
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 14. April 1928.
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 14. April 1928.
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 14. April 1928.
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 14. April 1928.
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 14. April 1928 in SG.
  • Berufe:
    • .
      {geni:job_title} Duke of Lower Lorraine
    • .
      {geni:job_title} Duke of Lower Lorraine
  • Er ist verstorben am 12 JUN 991 TO ABT 953 in Orleans, Loiret, Centre, FranceOrleans, Centre.
  • Er wurde beerdigt in St. Servatius, MaastrichtMaastricht, Limburg, The Netherlands.
  • Ein Kind von Louis IV 'd'Outremer' de France und Gerberga von Sachsen
  • Diese Information wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 17. Juni 2012.

Familie von Karolus "Karl von Laon" de France duc de Basse-Lotharingie

Er ist verheiratet mit Adelais de Troyes.

Sie haben geheiratet rund 970 TO ABT 975 in Of, Lower Lorraine, France.


  1. Ermengarde  ± 980-± 1067 
  2. Gerberga  ± 975-1018 

Notizen bei Karolus "Karl von Laon" de France duc de Basse-Lotharingie

GIVN Charles Prince
SURN von Franks
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:40
GIVN Charles Prince
SURN von Franks
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:40
Weis, p. 130: Duke of Lower Lorraine
Name Prefix: Duke Name Suffix: Of Upper Lorainne
Hertug av Nedre Lothringen som da omfattet Brabant.
Ifølge Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen i ?Rosensverdslektens forfedre? var Karl først gift
med Agnes av Troyes (955-982) og dernest med Adelheid. Gerberga skal være hans datter i
det første ektskapet med Agnes.
Ifølge Mogens Bugge i ?Våre forfedre? var Karl gift før 979 med Adelheid som var
datter til en av Hugo Capets vasaller. Han fører henne som mor til Gerberga.
Charles I (b. 953--d. May 21, 992?, Orléans, Fr.), duke of Lower Lorraine, head of the only surviving legitimate line of the Carolingian dynasty by 987, and an unsuccessful claimant for the French throne.
Son of Louis IV of France, Charles was banished by his brother, King Lothair, in 977. Receiving the duchy of Lower Lorraine from Otto II ofGermany in the same year, he conspired unsuccessfully with Otto to dethrone Lothair but then reversed his policy, made peace with Lothair, and plotted against the new German king, Otto III. After the deaths ofLothair (986) and Lothair's son and successor Louis V (987), Charles asserted his claim to the French throne. But Adalbero, archbishop of Reims, convinced the assembly of Frankish nobles that the Frankish crown was elective rather than hereditary and that Charles was unworthy of the kingship. The assembly then proclaimed Hugh Capet king of France.
Charles did not abandon his claim but, in 991, was seized and handed over to Hugh, who kept him in prison until his death. One son, Otto, succeeded him as duke of Lower Lorraine, dying about 1012; two other sons died obscurely. With them the legitimate male line of the Carolingians came to an end. [Encyclopaedia Britannica CD '97, CHARLES I, DUKE OF LOWER LORRAINE]
Charles I (b. 953--d. May 21, 992?, Orléans, Fr.), duke of Lower Lorraine, head of the only surviving legitimate line of the Carolingian dynasty by 987, and an unsuccessful claimant for the French throne.
Son of Louis IV of France, Charles was banished by his brother, King Lothair, in 977. Receiving the duchy of Lower Lorraine from Otto II ofGermany in the same year, he conspired unsuccessfully with Otto to dethrone Lothair but then reversed his policy, made peace with Lothair, and plotted against the new German king, Otto III. After the deaths ofLothair (986) and Lothair's son and successor Louis V (987), Charles asserted his claim to the French throne. But Adalbero, archbishop of Reims, convinced the assembly of Frankish nobles that the Frankish crown was elective rather than hereditary and that Charles was unworthy of the kingship. The assembly then proclaimed Hugh Capet king of France.
Charles did not abandon his claim but, in 991, was seized and handed over to Hugh, who kept him in prison until his death. One son, Otto, succeeded him as duke of Lower Lorraine, dying about 1012; two other sons died obscurely. With them the legitimate male line of the Carolingians came to an end. [Encyclopaedia Britannica CD '97, CHARLES I, DUKE OF LOWER LORRAINE]
Charles I (b. 953--d. May 21, 992?, Orléans, Fr.), duke of Lower Lorraine, head of the only surviving legitimate line of the Carolingian dynasty by 987, and an unsuccessful claimant for the French throne.
Son of Louis IV of France, Charles was banished by his brother, King Lothair, in 977. Receiving the duchy of Lower Lorraine from Otto II ofGermany in the same year, he conspired unsuccessfully with Otto to dethrone Lothair but then reversed his policy, made peace with Lothair, and plotted against the new German king, Otto III. After the deaths ofLothair (986) and Lothair's son and successor Louis V (987), Charles asserted his claim to the French throne. But Adalbero, archbishop of Reims, convinced the assembly of Frankish nobles that the Frankish crown was elective rather than hereditary and that Charles was unworthy of the kingship. The assembly then proclaimed Hugh Capet king of France.
Charles did not abandon his claim but, in 991, was seized and handed over to Hugh, who kept him in prison until his death. One son, Otto, succeeded him as duke of Lower Lorraine, dying about 1012; two other sons died obscurely. With them the legitimate male line of the Carolingians came to an end. [Encyclopaedia Britannica CD '97, CHARLES I, DUKE OF LOWER LORRAINE]
Charles of Lorraine (Laon, 953 – 993 in Orléans) was the son of Louis IV of France and Gerberga of Saxony and younger brother of King Lothair. He was a sixth generation descendant of Charlemagne.

Having been excluded from the throne of France, the German Emperor Otto II, made Charles duke of Lower Lorraine in 977.

His father probably gave him royal powers in Burgundy, but Lothair took them back upon reaching his majority. In 977, he accused Lothair's wife, Emma, daughter of Lothair II of Italy, of infideility with Adalberon, Bishop of Laon. The council of Saint-Macre exonerated the queen and the bishop, but Charles maintained his claim was driven from the kingdom, finding refuge at the court of his cousin, Otto II. Otto promised to crown Charles as soon as Lothair was out of the way and Charles did homage, receiving back Lower Lorraine.

In August 978, Lothair invaded Germany and captured the imperial capital of Aachen, but failed to capture either Otto or Charles. In October, Otto and Charles in turn invaded France, devastating the land around Rheims, Soissons, and Laon. In the latter city, the chief seat of the kings of France, Charles was crowned by Theodoric I, Bishop of Metz. Lothair fled to Paris and was there besieged. But a relief army of Hugh Capet's forced Otto and Charles to lift the siege on 30 November. Lothair and Capet, the tables turned once more, chased the German king and his liege back to Aachen and retook Laon.

As he had been a vassal also of Lothair, his acts on behalf of Otto were considered treason and he was thereafter excluded from the throne. On Lothair's death (986), the magnates elected his son Louis V and on the latter's death (987), Hugh Capet. Thus, the House of Capet came to the throne over the disgraced and ignored Charles. Charles' marriage to the lowborn daughter of a vassal of Hugh was championed by his opponents as a cardinal reason to deny him the throne. In order to have free hand towards France, he resigned his duchy to regency of his eldest son Otto. Charles made war on Hugh, even taking Rheims and Laon. However, on Easter Monday 991, he was captured, through the perfidy of the Bishop Adalberon, and with his young second son Louis imprisoned by Hugh in Orléans, where he died a short while later, in or before 993.

In 1666, the sepulchre of Charles was discovered in the Basilica of Saint-Servais in Maastricht. His skin appears to have been interred there only in 1001, but that is not the date of his death, as some scholars assumed.

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

!DUKE OF LOWER LORRAINE[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1241, Date of Import: May 8, 1997]

Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles of Lorraine (Laon, 953 – 993 in Orléans) was the son of Louis IV of France and Gerberga of Saxony and younger brother of King Lothair. He was a sixth generation descendant of Charlemagne.

Having been excluded from the throne of France, the German Emperor Otto II, made Charles duke of Lower Lorraine in 977.

His father probably gave him royal powers in Burgundy, but Lothair took them back upon reaching his majority. In 977, he accused Lothair's wife, Emma, daughter of Lothair II of Italy, of infideility with Adalberon, Bishop of Laon. The council of Saint-Macre exonerated the queen and the bishop, but Charles maintained his claim was driven from the kingdom, finding refuge at the court of his cousin, Otto II. Otto promised to crown Charles as soon as Lothair was out of the way and Charles did homage, receiving back Lower Lorraine.

In August 978, Lothair invaded Germany and captured the imperial capital of Aachen, but failed to capture either Otto or Charles. In October, Otto and Charles in turn invaded France, devastating the land around Rheims, Soissons, and Laon. In the latter city, the chief seat of the kings of France, Charles was crowned by Theodoric I, Bishop of Metz. Lothair fled to Paris and was there besieged. But a relief army of Hugh Capet's forced Otto and Charles to lift the siege on 30 November. Lothair and Capet, the tables turned once more, chased the German king and his liege back to Aachen and retook Laon.

As he had been a vassal also of Lothair, his acts on behalf of Otto were considered treason and he was thereafter excluded from the throne. On Lothair's death (986), the magnates elected his son Louis V and on the latter's death (987), Hugh Capet. Thus, the Capetians came to the throne over the disgraced and ignored Charles. Charles marriage to the lowborn daughter of a vassal of Hugh was championed by his opponents as a cardinal reason to deny him the throne. In order to have free hand towards France, he resigned his duchy to regency of his eldest son Otto. Charles made war on Hugh, even taking Rheims and Laon. However, on Easter Monday 991, he was captured, through the perfidy of the Bishop Adalberon, and with his young second son Louis imprisoned by Hugh in Orléans, where he died a short while later, in or before 993.

In 1666, the sepulchre of Charles was discovered in the Basilica of Saint-Servais in Maastricht. His skin appears to have been interred there only in 1001, but that is not the date of his death, as some scholars assumed.

Charles married firstly (970) a daughter of Robert of Vermandois, count of Meaux and Troyes. Among their children were:

Otto, succeeded him as Duke of Lower Lotharingia
He married secondly (975) Adelaide, daughter of a vassal of Hugh Capet. Among their children were:

Gerberga of Lower Lorraine, countess of Brussels, who married Lambert I, Count of Leuven
Louis, followed his father to France and died in prison
Charles (b.989), died young
(possibly) Ermengarde, m Albert, Count of Namur (various sources assign paternity of Ermengarde alternatively to Charles, or to his son Otto)
He may have married thirdly Bonne, daughter of Godfrey I, Count of Verdun.

Though Charles ruled Lower Lorraine, the Dukes of Lorraine (Upper Lotharingia) counted him as Charles I of Lorraine.

Gwatkin, H.M., Whitney, J.P. (ed) et al. The Cambridge Medieval History: Volume III. Cambridge University Press, 1926.
Settipani, Christian. La préhistoire des Capétiens. 1993. ISBN 2-9501509-3-4
Preceded by:
Richar Duke of Lower Lorraine
977 – 993 Succeeded by:
hertog Neder-Lotharingen
hertog Neder-Lotharingen
[2995] BIRTH: 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve)

Charles d'Outremer - 1CHARL.TXT (Compuserve);Duke of Bas-Lorraine - COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 24


WSHNGT.ASC file (Geo Washington Ahnentafel) # 69744130 = 17484290 = 1842102

Prince of France

"Bloodline...", p 226-8, 275, Duke of Lower Lorraine
Kinship II - A collection of family, friends and U.S. Presidents
URL: http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:2902060&id=I575152188
ID: I575152188
Name: Charles Prince Of FRANCE
Given Name: Charles Prince Of
Surname: FRANCE
Sex: M
Birth: Bef 0953 in , Laon, Champagne
Death: 21 May 0992 in , Kerker, Orlbeans, France
Burial: St. Servatius, Maastricht
Birth: 0953 in Laon, Aisne, Franks 1
Death: 21 May 0992 1
Change Date: 4 Apr 2004 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Note: Ancestral File Number: 9GDD-8J

Father: Louis IV "Transmarinus" King Of FRANCE b: 10 Sep 0921 in Laon,Aisne,France
Mother: Gerberge Of FRANCE b: 0913/0914 in , Nordhausen, Saxony, Prussia

Marriage 1 Adelaide UNKNOWN b: Abt. 953 in Ardenne, France
Married: 0978 1
Note: _UID877F93D21531A4489129662C73E1D7182CB8

Marriage 2 Bonne Adelaide Duchess Of LORRAINE b: Abt 0953 in , , Ardenne, France
Married: Abt 0972
Note: _UID0EA0343B605D4542848BE2ADB8127AADF0EB
Othon Duke Of Lower LORRAINE b: Abt 0973 in Of, Lower, Lorraine, France
Ermengarde (Adelaide) Princess Of FRANCE b: Abt 0975 in Of, Lower, Lorraine, France
Gerberge DE LORRAINE b: 0977 in Lower Lorraine, France
Eudes Duke Of Lower LORRAINE b: Abt 0979 in Of, Lower, Lorraine, France
Othon De Lower LORRAINE b: Abt. 973
Ermengarde-Adelaide Of FRANCE b: Abt. 975
Eudes DE LORRAINE b: Abt. 978

Title: Talcott.FTW
Source Media Type: Other
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Title: Ancestral File (R)
Publication: Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
Repository: Human Family Project
URL: http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/NorthernEurope/f214.htm#f46028

Husband Duc De Lotharingia, Charles De Lotharingia, Duke Of Lower Lorraine Or Duc De Lotharingia-[171903]

AKA: Charles, Duke Of Lower Lorraine
Born: 954 at: Laon, Aisne, France
Christened: at:
Died: 21 May 992 at: Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
Buried: at:
Bapt.(LDS): Submitted 2 May 2001 (18) #3 at:

Father: King, Louis Or Ludwig IV Transmarinus De outremer, King Of France-[158117] (0921-0954)
Mother: Princess Of Germany, Gerberga Or Gerberge De Sachsen Or Of Saxony, Abbess Of Notre Dame-[158118] (0913-0984)

SealP (LDS): Submitted 2 May 2001 (18) #12 Temple:

Married: Bef 970 Place: Of, Lower Lorraine, France

Other Spouse: Adelheid or Agnes De Vermandois-[133113] (0969-0991) Date: Bef 991, Of, Lower Lorraine, France

SealS (LDS): Submitted 2 May 2001 (18) #3 Temple:

Wife Bonne Adelaide D' Ardennes, Duchess Lorraine-[123263]

AKA: Bonne Adelaide D' Ardenne
Born: 953 at: Ardenne, Namur, Belgium
Christened: at:
Died: at:
Buried: at:
Bapt.(LDS): Submitted 2 May 2001 (23) #4 at:

Father: Godefroy D' Ardenne, Count De Ardenne, Count Of Verdun-[123267] (0927- )
Mother: Mathilde Von Sachsen-[125905] (0929- )

SealP (LDS): Submitted 2 May 2001 (23) #4 Temple:

Father: Godrey The Old Of Verdun, Count Of Verdun-[173374] ( - )

Children 1 M Othon De Lower Lorraine, Duc De Lower Lorraine-[119652]

Born: 970 at: Of, Lower Lorraine, France
Christened: at:
Died: 1004 at:
Buried: at:
Bapt.(LDS): Submitted 2 May 2001 (18) #12 at:

2 F Ermengard or Adelaide De Lorraine-[172985]

AKA: Adelaide of Lower Lorraine
Born: 975 at: Of, Laon, Aisne, France
Christened: at:
Died: 1012 at:
Buried: at:
Bapt.(LDS): Submitted 2 May 2001 (18) #12 at:

Spouse: Albert De Namuer I Count De Namuer, Count Of Nameur-[172984] (0975-1011) Marr: Of, Laon, Aisne, France
3 F Gerberge De Lorraine-[120105]

Born: 975-977 at: Lower Lorraine, France
Christened: at:
Died: 1015 at:
Buried: at:
Bapt.(LDS): Submitted 2 May 2001 (18) #12 at:

Spouse: Lambert I The Bearded , Count Of Mons Louvain-[169944] (Abt 0958-1015) Marr: 994, Louvain, Brabant, Belgium
4 M Eudes De Lower Lorraine, Duc De Lower Lorraine-[133162]

Born: 985 at: Lower Lorraine, France
Christened: at:
Died: 1012 at:
Buried: at:
Bapt.(LDS): Submitted 2 May 2001 (18) #12 at:
Charles I (b. 953--d. May 21, 992?, Orléans, Fr.), duke of LowerLorraine, head of the only surviving legitimate line of the Carolingiandynasty by 987, and an unsuccessful claimant for the French throne. Son of Louis IV of France, Charles was banished by his brother, KingLothair, in 977. Receiving the duchy of Lower Lorraine from Otto II of Germany in the same year, he conspired unsuccessfully with Otto to dethrone Lothair but then reversed his policy, made peace with Lothair,and plotted against the new German king, Otto III. After the deaths ofLothair (986) and Lothair's son and successor Louis V (987), Charles asserted his claim to the French throne. But Adalbero, archbishop ofReims, convinced the assembly of Frankish nobles that the Frankish crown was elective rather than hereditary and that Charles was unworthy of the kingship. The assembly then proclaimed Hugh Capet king of France. Charles did not abandon his claim but, in 991, was seized and handed over to Hugh, who kept him in prison until his death. One son, Otto, succeeded him as duke of Lower Lorraine, dying about 1012; two other sons died obscurely. With them the legitimate male line of the Carolingians came to an end. [Encyclopaedia Britannica CD '97
GIVN Charles Prince
SURN von Franks
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:40
#Générale##Générale#Profession : Duc de Basse-Lorraine.

note couple : #Générale#fille d'un vassal d'Hugues Capet, 2ʻ femme
s:ds01.6 ; webpark ; ds02.1

note couple : #Générale#s:webpark
{geni:occupation} Hertig i Niederlothringen, Duke of Lower Lorraine, Duke of Lower Lorraine in 977, 3 GR GR SON OF CHARLEMAGNE, 5 G GSON OF CHARLES MARTEL, 688, 4 GGSON OF PEPIN THE SHORT., Herzog von Niederlothringen, Koning van Frankrijk
{geni:about_me} http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIA.htm#CharlesdukeLowerLothringiadied991

'''CHARLES, son of LOUIS IV "d'Outremer" King of the Franks & his wife Gerberga of Germany''' (Laon summer 953-in prison Orléans 12 Jun 991, bur 1001 Maastricht, St Servatius). Twin with his brother Henri.

* Flodoard records the birth of twins to "Gerberga regina" in 953 "unus Karolus, alter Heinricus, sed Henricus mox post baptismum defunctus est"[181]. Flodoard records war between "Karolum regis filium fratrem" and "Godefridum atque Arnulfum, Lotharienses comites" in 975[182].
* Banished from the Frankish court after accusing Queen Emma of adultery with Adalbero Bishop of Laon[183], he sought refuge at the court of '''Emperor Otto II who created him Duke of Lower Lotharingia''' in May 977 at Diedenhofen. The Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium record that "Karolum ducem, regis Lotharii fratrem" had been granted Lotharingia by Emperor Otto[184].
* During Emperor Otto's campaign against his brother King Lothaire, Duke Charles captured Laon in 978 and was '''proclaimed King of the Franks''' by Theudebert Bishop of Metz[185].
* He '''claimed the French throne''' after the death of his brother in 986, and that of his nephew in 987.
* He captured Laon in [May] 988, and Reims in [Aug/Sep] 989, thanks to his nephew Arnoul Archbishop of Reims.
* He was captured at Laon 30 Mar 991 with his wife and children and taken to Senlis. Richer records that "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" were imprisoned[186]. From there, they were imprisoned by Hugues Capet King of France at Orléans, where he died[187].
* "Otto…rex" donated property "Vvalbisci in comitatu Karoli comitis" to Quedlinburg by charter dated 6 Jan 992[188]. It is assumed that this refers to Charles ex-Duke of Lotharingia as no other Count Charles or Karl has been identified in Germany at the time. If this is correct, the charter demonstrates that Charles was still recognised with a title in Germany after his capture by the French, although this was "comes" rather than "dux".
* The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "X Kal Jul" of "Karoli ducis"[189]. Sigebert records that "Karolus dux" died in 991 and that "Otto filius eius" succeeded in the duchy of Lotharingia[190].

m ([970]) '''ADELAIS de Troyes, daughter of [ROBERT Comte de Troyes & his wife Adelais [de Bourgogne]'''.
* The Historia Francorum Senonensis refers to the wife of "Karolus" as "filiam Herberti comitis Trecarum"[191]. Assuming the birth of the couple's eldest son in 970, this could not refer to Héribert, son of Robert, whose birth is dated to [950]. It is also unlikely to have been Héribert [II] Comte de Vermandois, father of Robert, who was not comte de Troyes. Settipani suggests[192] that the Historia must be in error and that her father was Robert Comte de Troyes. This would not be the only error in this source, as the Historia also refers to "Karolus, frater eius [=Hludovicus], filius Hlotharii regis" when recording his "succession" in 987[193]. The Chronico Richardi Pictavensis also names "Carolus uxore sua…filia Herberti Comitis Trecarum"[194], presumably based on the same source as the Historia.
* Her name is recorded by Richer, who states that "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" were imprisoned by Hugues "Capet" King of France[195]. Orderic Vitalis links the two sets of references by recording that Charles was imprisoned with his wife who was the daughter of Héribert Comte de Troyes[196].
* An interesting twist to this apparently straight-forward explanation is provided by another passage in Richer which refers disparagingly to Charles's marriage to "uxorem de militari ordine sibi imparem"[197]. It is difficult to imagine this description being appropriate to the Vermandois/Carolingian origin of Charles's known wife. Ferdinand Lot therefore proposed that the text meant that Charles was married twice[198].
* If such a second marriage did take place, it must have occurred at the height of the dispute between Charles and his brother King Lothar around [975]. At that time Charles was challenging his brother's authority to rule, and it is difficult to imagine that he would have weakened his own position by contracting an unequal marriage. On the basis of the primary sources so far consulted, it is felt that there is insufficient basis for concluding that Duke Charles married twice. The comment by Richer could presumably be explained by his personal dislike of the Vermandois family.

Duke Charles & his wife had six children:

1. ''' OTTO''' ([970]-13 Jun [1013/14], bur Maastricht, St Servatius). The Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium names "defuncti ducis Ottonis, filii Karoli"[199]. He succeeded his father in 991 as '''Duke of Lower Lotharingia'''. Sigebert records that "Karolus dux" died in 991 and that "Otto filius eius" succeeded in the duchy of Lotharingia[200]. The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium names "Ottoni duci Lotharingiæ, suo consanguineo [=Henricus imperator]" when recording his opposition to "Metensis episcopus Theodericus secundus" and usurpation of the possessions of the church of Metz (including the abbey of St Trudo) in 1005 during the rebellion of the latter[201]. The same text refers to Otto leaving an only daughter, which suggests that he died soon afterwards, although it is not impossible that the chronicle conflates two distinct events. In any case, conclusions drawn from this passage cannot be definitive as the part of the chronicle in question is incomplete[202]. Some corroboration is found in the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines which records the death of "duce Ottone, filio ducis Karoli" in 1005[203]. Sigebert also records the death of "Ottone duce" in 1005, adding that the duchy of Lotharingia was granted to "comiti Godefrido, filio Godefridi Ardennensis"[204]. However, it is not possible to treat these passages as conclusive as regards the date of Otto's death. The thrust of both texts is the recording the appointment by the emperor of Godefroi (son of Godefroi Comte de Verdun) as Duke of Lower Lotharingia "mortuo duce Ottone", an event which is recorded elsewhere as taking place in 1012. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "VII Id Jun" of "Ottonis ducis"[205]. [m ---. If it is correct, as shown below, that Otto was the father of a daughter, the name of his wife is not known.] Duke Otto & his wife had one possible child:
a) [daughter . The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium records that "Ottoni duci Lotharingiæ…" left an only daughter, whom it later identifies as "Hermegardam Namursi cometissam"[206]. As shown below, other sources indicate that Ermengarde, wife of Albert I Comte de Namur, was the daughter of Duke Otto's father. The sources discussed in the document NAMUR indicate that Ermengarde was the mother of at least three of the children of Comte Albert. This would be chronologically impossible if she had been the daughter of Duke Otto.]

2. '''ERMENGARDE''' ([970/75]-after 1013). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Karolus dux" was father of "Ermengardem et Gerbergam"[207]. The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium, on the other hand, names "Hermegardam Namursi cometissam" as only daughter of "Ottoni duci Lotharingiæ", son of Duke Charles[208]. The latter appears chronologically impossible in light of the sources discussed in the document NAMUR which attest Ermengarde as the mother of at least three of her husband's children. The Fundatio Ecclesiæ S Albani Namucensis is less specific on Ermengarde's origin when it names her son "comes Albertus secundus, ortus ex patre Lothariensi" referring to his mother as "matre vero Francigena Ermengarde, nobilissimam Francorum regum prosapiam trahente"[209]. The birth date range of Ermengarde is estimated on the basis of her having been the mother of all Comte Albert's recorded children. Her marriage date is suggested by Richer, who does not name her among the children of her father when the family was imprisoned in 991: "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote"[210]. This presumably indicates that her marriage predated this imprisonment. It has been suggested that Ermengarde was Albert [I]'s second wife, considering the likely difference in their ages[211]. If this is correct, it is unlikely that there were any surviving children from his earlier marriage as Albert's successor (presumably his eldest son) was the son of his surviving wife, presumably Ermengarde, as shown by the Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium which records that "Rotberdo Namurcensi comite" betrayed Lambert Comte de Louvain after the battle of Hougaerde (dated to 1013) and that Lambert, captured by "Herimannum…comitem", was released after the intervention of "Rotbodi…comitis mater"[212]. m (990) ALBERT [I] Comte de Namur, son of ROBERT [I] Comte de Namur & his wife --- (-shortly before 1011).

3. '''GERBERGA''' ([975]-27 Jan after 1018, bur Nivelles). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Karolus dux" was father of "Ermengardem et Gerbergam", and that "Gerberga soror Ermengardis" was mother of "Henricum seniorem de Bursella"[213]. The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium names "Gerbergam, filiam Karoli ducis Lotharingie" as wife of "Lambertus filius Reyneri comitis Montensis", specifying that Brabant (including Louvain and Brussels) was her dowry[214]. The Annales Hanoniæ name "Gebergam filiam Karoli ducis Lotharingie" as wife of "Lambertus…comes Lovaniensis"[215]. "Gerberga" is named as wife of "Lantbertum comitem, filium Ragineri Longicolli" in the Gesta of Gembloux Abbey when recording her husband's death, but her origin is not stated[216]. Sigebert's Chronica records in 977 that "Lantbertus" married "Gerbergam filiam Karoli ducis"[217], but this date must be incorrect. Richer records that "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" were imprisoned[218]. This suggests that Gerberga was not yet married at that date. The birth date of Gerberga is estimated on the basis of the likely birth date ranges of two of her presumed children by Comte Lambert. m (991 or after) LAMBERT [I] Comte de Louvain, son of REGINAR [III] Comte de Hainaut & his wife Adela ([950]-killed in battle Florennes 12 Sep 1015).

4. ''' ADELAIS''' (-after 1012). Richer records that "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" were imprisoned[219].

5. ''' LOUIS''' (991 or after-after 993). The Historia Francorum Senonensis records the birth of two sons "Hludovicum et Karolum" to "Karolus" while he was in custody in "Aurelianis civitate"[220]. After his father was captured, Hugues Capet entrusted him to Adalberon Bishop of Laon. Hugues retook him in 993 and imprisoned him at Orléans. Richer records that "Karolum…cum uxore Adelaide et filio Ludovico, et filiabus duabus, quarum altera Gerberga, altera Adelaidis dicebatur, necnon et Arnulfo nepote" were imprisoned[221].

6. '''CHARLES''' (991 or after-after 991). The Historia Francorum Senonensis records the births of two sons "Hludovicum et Karolum" to "Karolus" while he was in custody in "Aurelianis civitate"[222]. He escaped from captivity, maybe to his brother Otto, but no further information has been found in the primary sources consulted to shed light on his fate.

Charles de Basse-Lotharingie, né à Laon durant l'été 953, mort le 12 juin 991 à Orléans.

Fils du roi Louis IV d'Outremer et de Gerberge de Saxe. Il est duc de Basse-Lotharingie de 977 à 991.

On le nomme également Charles de Lorraine, bien que la Lorraine corresponde à la Haute-Lotharingie alors qu'il était duc de Basse-Lotharingie. Mais les ducs de Lorraine descendants des Carolingiens par son intermédiaire le considèrent comme duc de Lorraine à part entière afin d'appuyer leurs prétentions. D'ailleurs, les ducs prénommés Charles par la suite, se numérotent à partir de lui.


From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps05/ps05_314.htm

Charles was unsuccessful in his war to sieze the Frankish crown, and was imprisoned with his wife and younger children at Orleans, dying soon thereafter. {Encycl. Brit., 1956, 5:289} Charles was granted Lower Lorraine and Brabant by Emperor Otto I in 963 {per Carr P. Collins, "Royal Ancestors of Magna Carta Barons" (Dallas, 1959), p. 171}.

Prince of France; set aside for the French throne by Hugh Capet

References: [AR7],[RD500],[WallopFH],[LDS-AF],[ES],[DawnayP], [Paget1],[MRL],[RFC]



'''Karl (Niederlothringen)'''

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Karl von Niederlothringen (* 953; † nach 991) stammte aus dem westfränkischen Zweig des Geschlechts der Karolinger, das damals im Ostfrankenreich bereits ausgestorben war, im Westfrankenreich aber noch die herrschende Königsdynastie war.


Karl war ein Sohn des westfränkischen Königs Ludwig IV. und der Königin Gerberga, einer Schwester Kaiser Ottos des Großen. Als Ludwig 954 durch einen Unfall starb, waren von seinen fünf Söhnen nur noch zwei am Leben, der dreizehnjährige Lothar und der erst einjährige Karl. Möglicherweise hatte Ludwig eine Reichsteilung erwogen, doch war nun von einer Beteiligung des kleinen Karl an der Erbschaft keine Rede mehr; Lothar wurde mit dem Einverständnis des mächtigsten Kronvasallen, Hugos des Großen aus dem Geschlecht der Robertiner, zum alleinigen König des Westfrankenreichs gekrönt, während für Karl kein Reichsteil oder Lehen vorgesehen war. Karl lebte am Hof seines Bruders. Als er heranwuchs, führte der Umstand, dass er nicht standesgemäß ausgestattet war, zu Spannungen.

Karl hatte keine Funktion; kriegerische Betätigung konnte ihn seinem Ziel, ein Herrschaftsgebiet zu gewinnen, näher bringen. Eine Gelegenheit dazu bot sich nach dem Tod Ottos des Großen (973) im Streit um die Grafschaft Hennegau, die zum Herzogtum Lothringen gehörte, das damals dem ostfränkischen Herrscher unterstellt war. Der dortige Graf Reginar III. Langhals hatte nach einer Niederlage gegen die Ottonen im Jahr 958 in die Verbannung gehen müssen, womit seine damals noch unmündigen Söhne Reginar IV. und Lambert I. ihr Erbrecht einbüßten. Sie flohen ins Westfrankenreich. Sobald Otto der Große nicht mehr am Leben war, griffen sie zu den Waffen, um den Hennegau zurückzuerobern. Einen ersten Angriff schlug der neue König Otto II. zurück. 976 griffen die beiden erneut an, wobei sie vom westfränkischen Hof unterstützt wurden; Karl nahm an dem Feldzug teil, der jedoch scheiterte.

Lothar weigerte sich weiterhin, seinen jüngeren Bruder territorial auszustatten. Zwischen den beiden kam es zu einem schweren Zerwürfnis. Karl beschuldigte die Königin Emma des Ehebruchs mit Bischof Adalbero von Laon. Wegen dieses Skandals musste Karl das Reich seines Bruders verlassen. Später wurden Emma und Adalbero auf dem Konzil von Saint-Macre bei Reims von allen Vorwürfen entlastet.

In dieser Lage unternahm Otto II. einen überraschenden Schachzug; er gab nicht nur Reginar und Lambert den größten Teil ihrer Erbgüter zurück, sondern zog auch Karl auf seine Seite hinüber, indem er ihn mit dem Herzogtum Niederlothringen (dem nördlichen Teil des Herzogtums Lothringen) belehnte. Lothar deutete dies als feindlichen Akt und versuchte 978 vergeblich, Otto durch einen Überraschungsangriff auf Aachen gefangenzunehmen.

Beim Gegenangriff Ottos auf Lothars Reich noch im selben Jahr reihte sich Karl in die Invasionsstreitmacht ein. Das ottonische Heer eroberte zwei Pfalzen und die Stadt Laon, richtete aber ansonsten wenig aus, da der westfränkische Adel seinem König treu blieb. Daher kam ein Plan, den ehrgeizigen, weiterhin unzufriedenen Karl als Gegenkönig seinem Bruder entgegenzustellen, nicht zur Ausführung. Im Mai 980 schlossen Lothar und Otto Frieden, und Karl hatte ein weiteres Mal das Nachsehen.

Als Lothar 986 starb, konnte ihm sein Sohn Ludwig V., der bereits Mitkönig war, problemlos nachfolgen, doch als Ludwig schon vierzehn Monate später, am 21. Mai 987, tödlich verunglückte und keinen Erben hinterließ, bot sich Karl eine neue Chance. Nun war Karl der einzige überlebende erbberechtigte Karolinger und als solcher der natürliche Kandidat für die Nachfolge seines Neffen Ludwig. Er wurde jedoch ein weiteres Mal übergangen, denn nun entschieden sich maßgebliche Adelskreise, von ihrem Wahlrecht Gebrauch zu machen und den Robertiner Hugo Capet, den Sohn Hugos des Großen, zum König zu erheben. Angeblich wurde dabei argumentiert, Karl sei ungeeignet, da er als Herzog von Niederlothringen Vasall eines auswärtigen Herrschers sei und eine unstandesgemäße Ehe geschlossen habe; diese Gründe waren aber, falls sie überhaupt vorgebracht wurden, nur vorgeschoben. Noch im selben Jahr konnte Hugo erreichen, dass sein Sohn Robert II. zum Mitkönig gekrönt wurde, wobei keine Wahl stattfand. So wurde die dynastische Erbfolge gesichert und das Karolingergeschlecht endgültig durch die neue Dynastie ersetzt, die später nach Hugos Beinamen Kapetinger genannt wurde.

Damit wollte sich Karl nicht abfinden. Im folgenden Jahr griff er zu den Waffen, um seinen Thronanspruch gewaltsam durchzusetzen. Er nahm Laon ein; dort fielen seine Feindin, die Königinwitwe Emma, und ihr angeblicher Geliebter Bischof Adalbero in seine Hände. Zwei Versuche Hugos zur Rückeroberung scheiterten. Die Kaiserin Theophanu, an die sich Karl als ottonischer Vasall mit der Bitte um Hilfe gewandt hatte, machte einen Vermittlungsvorschlag; Karl sollte Emma und Adalbero freilassen und Hugo dafür die Belagerung Laons aufgeben. Hugo nahm an, Karl lehnte ab.

Im August 989 erzielte Karl einen bedeutenden Erfolg, indem er Reims eroberte, die Stadt, deren Bischof die westfränkischen bzw. französischen Könige zu krönen pflegte. Dies gelang ihm durch den Verrat des dortigen Bischofs Arnulf, der ein (nicht erbberechtigter) Karolinger war, ein unehelicher Sohn König Lothars und somit Neffe Karls. Arnulf war erst kurz zuvor von Hugo Capet zum Bischof bestimmt worden. Karl nutzte die Gelegenheit nicht, seinen Anspruch auf die Königswürde mit einer Wahl und Krönung in Reims zu bekräftigen; dieses Versäumnis zeigte seine Schwäche, die durch die geringe Zahl seiner Anhänger bedingt war.

Adalbero von Laon konnte aus der Haft entkommen, schloss sich dann aber Karl an und wurde von ihm wieder in sein Bistum eingesetzt. Es gelang ihm, Karls Vertrauen zu gewinnen. Die damit erlangte Position nutzte Adalbero zum Verrat. Er öffnete in der Nacht vom 29. zum 30. März 991 die Stadttore von Laon und ließ kapetingische Truppen herein. Der im Schlaf überraschte Karl wurde samt seiner Familie gefangengenommen. Er blieb bis zu seinem Tod in Orléans in Haft. Er ist in Maastricht in der Kirche St. Servatius beerdigt.

In Niederlothringen hatte Karl einen Sohn namens Otto zurückgelassen, der dort sein Nachfolger als Herzog wurde.


Karl heiratete vor 979, wohl um 975, Adelheid, über die ansonsten nichts bekannt ist, und hatte mit ihr fünf Kinder:

* Gerberga (* wohl 975; † 27. Januar nach 1018), ∞ um 985–990 Lambert I. Graf von Löwen († 12. September 1015) (Reginare)

* Otto (* wohl 975; † 1005/06) 991 Herzog von Niederlothringen

* Ludwig (* vor 989; † nach 993)

* Karl (* 989; † nach 991)

* Adelheid († nach 1012), ∞ 990 Albert I. Graf von Namur († kurz vor 1011) (Haus Namur)


Der Verrat, dem Karl zum Opfer fiel, erregte großes Aufsehen und wurde von der Nachwelt als Schandtat gebrandmarkt und mit dem Verrat des Judas Ischariot an Christus verglichen.

Im 16. Jahrhundert versuchten lothringische Geschichtsschreiber, die Legitimität der Herzöge von Lothringen durch eine direkte Verbindung mit den Karolingern zu erhöhen; sie bezeichneten daher den 991 gestorbenen Herzog Karl von Niederlothringen als Karl I. und begannen die Zählung der Herzöge von (Ober)lothringen dieses Namens mit Karl II.; diese Vorgehensweise hat sich bis heute erhalten.


* Ferdinand Lot: Les derniers Carolingiens: Lothaire, Louis V, Charles de Lorraine (954-991), Paris 1891 (veraltete, aber sehr gründliche Untersuchung eines hervorragenden Gelehrten)

* Walther Kienast: Deutschland und Frankreich in der Kaiserzeit (900-1270), 1. Teil, Hiersemann, Stuttgart 1974. ISBN 3-7772-7428-3

* Brigitte Kasten: Königssöhne und Königsherrschaft. Untersuchungen zur Teilhabe am Reich in der Merowinger- und Karolingerzeit. Hannover 1997. ISBN 3-7752-5444-7

Normdaten: PND: 138773858 | WP-Personeninfo

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 26. Juli 2010 um 13:33 Uhr geändert.



'''Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine'''

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles of Lorraine (Laon, 953–993 in Orléans) was the son of Louis IV of France and Gerberga of Saxony and younger brother of King Lothair. He was a sixth generation descendant of Charlemagne. Charles was excluded from the throne of France, and the German Emperor Otto II, made him Duke of Lower Lorraine in 977.

His father probably gave him royal powers in Burgundy, but Lothair took them back upon reaching his majority. In 977, he accused Lothair's wife, Emma, daughter of Lothair II of Italy, of infideility with Adalberon, Bishop of Laon. The council of Sainte-Macre at Fismes (near Reims) exonerated the queen and the bishop, but Charles maintained his claim and was driven from the kingdom, finding refuge at the court of his cousin, Otto II. Otto promised to crown Charles as soon as Lothair was out of the way and Charles paid him homage, receiving back Lower Lorraine.

In August 978, Lothair invaded Germany and captured the imperial capital of Aachen, but failed to capture either Otto or Charles. In October, Otto and Charles in turn invaded France, devastating the land around Rheims, Soissons, and Laon. In the latter city, the chief seat of the kings of France, Charles was crowned by Theodoric I, Bishop of Metz. Lothair fled to Paris and was there besieged. But a relief army of Hugh Capet's forced Otto and Charles to lift the siege on 30 November. Lothair and Capet, the tables turned once more, chased the German king and his liege back to Aachen and retook Laon.

As he had been a vassal also of Lothair, Charles' acts on behalf of Otto were considered treason and he was thereafter excluded from the throne. On Lothair's death (986), the magnates elected his son Louis V and on the latter's death (987), Hugh Capet. Thus, the House of Capet came to the throne over the disgraced and ignored Charles. Charles' marriage to the lowborn daughter of a vassal of Hugh was championed by his opponents as a cardinal reason to deny him the throne. In order to have free hand towards France, he resigned his duchy to regency of his eldest son Otto. Charles made war on Hugh, even taking Rheims and Laon. However, on Maundy Thursday[1]991 26 March, he was captured, through the perfidy of the Bishop Adalberon, and with his young second son Louis imprisoned by Hugh in Orléans, where he died a short while later, in or before 993.

In 1666, the sepulchre of Charles was discovered in the Basilica of Saint-Servais in Maastricht. His skin appears to have been interred there only in 1001, but that is not the date of his death, as some scholars assumed. Though Charles ruled Lower Lorraine, the Dukes of Lorraine (Upper Lotharingia) counted him as Charles I of Lorraine.


Charles married firstly (970) Adelais daughter of Robert of Vermandois, count of Meaux and Troyes. Among their children were:

* Otto, succeeded him as Duke of Lower Lotharingia

* Adelaide

* Gerberga of Lower Lorraine, countess of Brussels, who married Lambert I, Count of Leuven

* Louis, followed his father to France and died in prison

* Charles (b. 989)

* Ermengarde, married Albert I, Count of Namur (various sources assign paternity of Ermengarde alternatively to Charles, or to his son Otto)

He may have married thirdly Bonne, daughter of Godfrey I, Count of Verdun.[citation needed]


* Gwatkin, H. M., Whitney, J. P. (ed) et al. The Cambridge Medieval History: Volume III. Cambridge University Press, 1926.

* Settipani, Christian. La préhistoire des Capétiens. 1993. ISBN 2-9501509-3-4

* FMG on Charles, Duke of Lower Lotharingia


1. ^ La cathédrale de Laon by madame Suzanne Martinet, page 80

Preceded by

Richar Duke of Lower Lorraine

977 – 993 Succeeded by


This page was last modified on 28 June 2010 at 04:42.


'''Karel hertog van Neder-Lotharingen''', (zie Reeks 1)geb. Laon zomer 953; neemt deel aan de vergeefse poging van Reinier IV van Henegouwen en diens broer Lambert I van Leuven hun vaderlijk erfdeel terug te veroveren 976; wordt verbannen door zijn broer Lotharius IV nadat hij diens gemalin Emma beschuldigd had van een verhouding met de 16.1.977 aangestelde bisschop van Laon. Adalbero; wendt zich dan tot keizer Otto II die hem aanstelt tot hertog in Lotharingen Diedenhofen/Thionville mei 977 (en daarmee, evenals met het herstel van Reinier en Lambert) een dam wil opwerpen tegen Westfrankische aanspraken op het Karolingische stamland); neemt deel aan de vergeldingsactie van de keizer tegen West-Francië 978; wordt daarbij (zonder dat zulks veel gevolgen heeft) door bisschop Theudebert van Metz tot koning van Lotharingen

geproclameerd, maar treedt in de eerste jaren daarna niet meer naar voren; bouwt tussen twee armen van de Zenne een versterkt kamp met aangrenzend bestuurscentrum en geldt daarmee als grondlegger van de stad Brussel; wisselt tijdens de troonstrijd die in het Duitse rijk na de dood van Otto II (7.12.983) uitbreekt herhaaldelijk van partij, waarop het Duitse hof hem laat vallen en hij van die kant voor zijn Westfrankische aspiraties geen enkele steun meer krijgt; wordt mede daardoor na de plotselinge dood van zijn neef Lodewijk V (21.5.987) niet gekozen tot diens opvolger tijdens een door aartsbisschop Adalbero van Reims te Senlis geleide vergadering; neemt na de verkiezing van Hugo ‘Capet’ tot Frans koning (gekroond 3.7.987), zich beroepend op erfrecht, de strijd op en krijgt door zijn bastaardneef Arnulf de koningsstad Laon in handen gespeeld mei 988 (waar hij zijn schoonzuster, de koningin-weduwe Emma, en bisschop Adalbero van Laon gevangen neemt) en weet deze stad te behouden; krijgt door Arnulf ook nog de kroningsstad Reims in handen (989) die hem op Palmzondag (29/3) 991 onder ede nogmaals trouw belooft, maar in de daarop volgende nacht uitlevert aan Hugo Capet die hem, met zijn gezin, gevangen zet in Orléans; overl. ald. Tr. ca. 970 NN, dochter van Rodbert van Troyes (?). Tr. voor 979 (ca. 975) Adelheid (van onbekende herkomst).

g. Hendrik, geb. Laon zomer 953, overl. kort daarna.


Duc, roi de France, hertog Neder-Lotharingen
Ancestral File Number: 9GDD-8J

from "Our Folk" by Albert D Hart, Jr.
55449114. Hertug Karl N.NSON av Nedre-Lothringen was born in 953.(7500) He was a Hertug between 978 and 992 in Nedre-Lothringen.(7501) He died between 992 and 995.(7502) He was married to Adelheid N.NSDTR before 979. (7503)
Karel van Franken (der Karolingen) (ouders onder VI.2), geboren Reims Frankrijk , overleden Orleans Frankrijk , begraven Maastricht , Hertog van Neder-Lotharingen. Neemt deel aan de vergeefse poging van Rein, ier IV van Henegouwen en diens broer Lambert I van Leuven hun vaderlijk e, rfdeel terug te veroveren in 976. Wordt verbannen door zijn broer Lothari, us IV, nadat hij diens gemalin Emma beschuldigd had van een verhouding m, et de op 16 Jan 977 aangestelde bisschop van Laon, Adalbero. Wendt zich d, an tot keizer Otto II, die hem aanstelt tot hertog in Lotharingen Diedenh, ofen/Thionville Mei 977 en daarmee (evenals met het herstel van Reinier, en Lambert) een dam wil opwerpen tegen Westfrankische aanspraken op het K, arolingische stamland. Neemt deel aan de vergeldingsactie van de keizer t, egen West-Francië 978 en wordt daarbij (zonder dat zulks veel gevolgen he, eft) door bisschop Theudebert van Metz tot koning van Lotharingen geprocl, ameerd, maar treedt in de eerste jaren daarna niet meer naar voren. Bou, wt tussen twee armen van de Zenne een versterkt kamp met aangrenzend best, uurscentrum en geldt daarmee als grondlegger van de stad Brussel. Wisse, lt tijdens de troonstrijd die in het Duitse Rijk na de dood van Otto II, (7 Dec 983) uitbreekt herhaaldelijk van partij, waarop het Duitse hof h, em laat vallen en hij van die kant voor zijn Westfrankische aspiraties ge, en enkele steun meer krijgt. Wordt mede daardoor na de potselinge dood v, an zijn neef Lodewijk V (21 Mei 987) niet gekozen tot diens opvolger tijd, ens een door aartsbisschop Adalbero van Reims te Senlis geleide vergaderi, ng. Neemt na de verkiezing van Hugo "Capet" tot Frans koning (gekroond 3, Jul 987), zich beroepend op erfrecht, de strijd op en krijgt door zijn ba, staardneef Arnulf de koningstad Laon in handen gespeeld Mei 988 (waar h, ij zijn schoonzuster, de koningin-weduwe Emma, en bisschop Adalbero van L, aon gevangen neemt) en weet deze stad te behouden. Krijgt door Arnulf o, ok nofg de kroningstad Reims in handen (989) die hem op Palmzondag 29 M, rt 991 onder ede nogmaals trouw belooft, maar in de daarop volgende nac, ht uitlevert aan Hugo Capet die hem, met zijn gezin, gevangen zet in Orlé, ans, alwaar hij overlijdt., _NEW, TYPE 2, DATE 2 AUG 2006, TIME 20:31:16, trouwt Adelheid Agnes van Vermandois (VIII.22), _NEW, TYPE 2, DATE 2 AUG 2006, TIME 20:31:16, ouders Heribert III graaf in Kinzigau van Vermandois en Aedgifu (ogive) van Wessex (der Angel Saksen) Kinderen Gerberga van Franken (der Karolingen), volgt (VIII.6) Ermengard van Lotharingen, volgt (VIII.7)
1. Tab. Gen. Souv. France 22 Tab. IV
2. Die Nechkommen Karls des Grossen Germ Pub Bt v. 11 p1 10
3. Ahnen zu Karl der Grossen, Germ. PH 694 p. 103
4. Plantagenet Ancestry Eng. 116, p. 19, 105, 171
5. Royal Gen Eng. 132, p. 451, 596
1. Tab. Gen. Souv. France 22 Tab. IV
2. Die Nechkommen Karls des Grossen Germ Pub Bt v. 11 p1 10
3. Ahnen zu Karl der Grossen, Germ. PH 694 p. 103
4. Plantagenet Ancestry Eng. 116, p. 19, 105, 171
5. Royal Gen Eng. 132, p. 451, 596
1. Tab. Gen. Souv. France 22 Tab. IV
2. Die Nechkommen Karls des Grossen Germ Pub Bt v. 11 p1 10
3. Ahnen zu Karl der Grossen, Germ. PH 694 p. 103
4. Plantagenet Ancestry Eng. 116, p. 19, 105, 171
5. Royal Gen Eng. 132, p. 451, 596
Data From Lynn Jeffrey Bernhard, 2445 W 450 South #4, Springville UT 84663-4950
email - (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)
Data From Lynn Jeffrey Bernhard, 2445 W 450 South #4, Springville UT 84663-4950
email - (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)
1. Tab. Gen. Souv. France 22 Tab. IV
2. Die Nechkommen Karls des Grossen Germ Pub Bt v. 11 p1 10
3. Ahnen zu Karl der Grossen, Germ. PH 694 p. 103
4. Plantagenet Ancestry Eng. 116, p. 19, 105, 171
5. Royal Gen Eng. 132, p. 451, 596
Charles of Lorraine (Laon, 953-993 in Orléans) was the son of Louis IV of France and Gerberga of Saxony and younger brother of King Lothair. He was a sixth generation descendant of Charlemagne.

Charles was excluded from the throne of France, and the German Emperor Otto II, made him duke of Lower Lorraine in 977.

His father probably gave him royal powers in Burgundy, but Lothair took them back upon reaching his majority. In 977, he accused Lothair's wife, Emma, daughter of Lothair II of Italy, of infideility with Adalberon, Bishop of Laon. The council of Sainte-Macre at Fismes (near Reims) exonerated the queen and the bishop, but Charles maintained his claim was driven from the kingdom, finding refuge at the court of his cousin, Otto II. Otto promised to crown Charles as soon as Lothair was out of the way and Charles did homage, receiving back Lower Lorraine.

In August 978, Lothair invaded Germany and captured the imperial capital of Aachen, but failed to capture either Otto or Charles. In October, Otto and Charles in turn invaded France, devastating the land around Rheims, Soissons, and Laon. In the latter city, the chief seat of the kings of France, Charles was crowned by Theodoric I, Bishop of Metz. Lothair fled to Paris and was there besieged. But a relief army of Hugh Capet's forced Otto and Charles to lift the siege on 30 November. Lothair and Capet, the tables turned once more, chased the German king and his liege back to Aachen and retook Laon.

As he had been a vassal also of Lothair, his acts on behalf of Otto were considered treason and he was thereafter excluded from the throne. On Lothair's death (986), the magnates elected his son Louis V and on the latter's death (987), Hugh Capet. Thus, the House of Capet came to the throne over the disgraced and ignored Charles. Charles' marriage to the lowborn daughter of a vassal of Hugh was championed by his opponents as a cardinal reason to deny him the throne. In order to have free hand towards France, he resigned his duchy to regency of his eldest son Otto. Charles made war on Hugh, even taking Rheims and Laon. However, on Maundy Thursday[1]991 26 March, he was captured, through the perfidy of the Bishop Adalberon, and with his young second son Louis imprisoned by Hugh in Orléans, where he died a short while later, in or before 993.

In 1666, the sepulchre of Charles was discovered in the Basilica of Saint-Servais in Maastricht. His skin appears to have been interred there only in 1001, but that is not the date of his death, as some scholars assumed. Though Charles ruled Lower Lorraine, the Dukes of Lorraine (Upper Lotharingia) counted him as Charles I of Lorraine.

Charles married firstly (970) Adelais daughter of Robert of Vermandois, count of Meaux and Troyes. Among their children were:

Otto, succeeded him as Duke of Lower Lotharingia
Gerberga of Lower Lorraine, countess of Brussels, who married Lambert I, Count of Leuven
Louis, followed his father to France and died in prison
Charles (b. 989), died young
Ermengarde, married Albert I, Count of Namur (various sources assign paternity of Ermengarde alternatively to Charles, or to his son Otto)
He may have married thirdly Bonne, daughter of Godfrey I, Count of Verdun.[citation needed]

Gwatkin, H. M., Whitney, J. P. (ed) et al. The Cambridge Medieval History: Volume III. Cambridge University Press, 1926.
Settipani, Christian. La préhistoire des Capétiens. 1993. ISBN 2-9501509-3-4
FMG on Charles, Duke of Lower Lotharingia

^ La cathédrale de Laon by madame Suzanne Martinet, page 80
_P_CCINFO 2-2438
_P_CCINFO 2-2438
_P_CCINFO 2-2438
_P_CCINFO 2-2438
He was Duke of the Lower Lorraine.
He was Duke of the Lower Lorraine.
Younger son of the Frankish King Louis IV, of the Carolingi

--Other Fields

Ref Number: 423
!SOURCE: "Royal Ancestors" by Michel Call - Based on Call Family Pedigrees FHL
film 844805 & 844806, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT. Copy of
"Royal Ancestors" owned by Lynn Bernhard, Orem, UT.

Data From Lynn Jeffrey Bernhard, 2445 W 450 South #4, Springville UT 84663-4950
email - (XXXXX@XXXX.XXX)
1. Tab. Gen. Souv. France 22 Tab. IV
2. Die Nechkommen Karls des Grossen Germ Pub Bt v. 11 p1 10
3. Ahnen zu Karl der Grossen, Germ. PH 694 p. 103
4. Plantagenet Ancestry Eng. 116, p. 19, 105, 171
5. Royal Gen Eng. 132, p. 451, 596

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von Karolus de France

Ēadgifu of Wessex
± 899-± 951

Karolus de France
± 953-953

± 975

Adelais de Troyes
± 955-± 991

± 980-± 1067
± 975-1018

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