Familienstammbaum Homs » Tamar Tephi (± 610-????)

Persönliche Daten Tamar Tephi 

  • Sie ist geboren rund -610 in Jerusalem, IsraelJerusalem.
  • Sie wurde getauft in married, King of, Ireland.
  • Alternative: Sie wurde getauft in married, King of, Ireland.
  • Alternative: Sie wurde getauft in married, King of, Ireland.
  • Sie ist verstorben in Ireland.
  • Ein Kind von Unknown
  • Diese Information wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 15. Dezember 2011.

Familie von Tamar Tephi

Sie ist verheiratet mit Eochaid Buaidhaig mac Duach.

Sie haben geheiratet rund 583.


Notizen bei Tamar Tephi

Still Living.
Still Living.
Brought Stone of Scone (Pillow of rock used by Jacob when he had his famous dream) with her to Ireland. It is used today in the crowning of British royalty. The stone was returned to Scotland on 11/15/1996 after 700 years in England.
Buried ineradically in the poetry and folk-lore of Ireland is the tale of a Prophet, an Egyptian Princess and Simon Brug (Baruch) a Scribe. They Landed in Ireland about the same time that the destruction of Jerusalem took place, bearing with them a great chest and a stone wrapped on a banner. The Princess married the Zarahite King, Eochaidh II. Ard-dath, Ard-righ, or Heremon (horse man of all Ireland), and their son was Irial. M.R. Munro Faure gives quotations from the following old Irish verse:The praises of Tea Tephi, daughter of Lughaidh (equivalent in Erse of Bethel) are sung as:
The Beautiful One with a Royal Prosperous Smile.
Tephi (Hebrew beautiful) the most beautiful that traversed the Plain.
Temor of Bregia, whence so called.
Relate to me O learned Sages,
When was the place called Temor?
Was it in the time of Parthalon of battles?
Or at the first arrival of Caesaire?
Tell me in which of these invasions
Did the place have the name of Tea-mor?
O Tuan, O generous Finchadh,
O Dubhan, Ye venerable Five
Whence was acquired the name of Te-mor?
Until the coming of the agreeable Teah
The wife of Heremon of noble aspect.
A Rampart was raised around her house
For Teah the daughter of Lughaidh (God's House)
She was buried outside in her mound
And from her it was named Tea-muir.
Cathair, Crofin not inapplicable.
Was its name among the Tuatha-de-Danaan
Until the coming of Tea - the Just
Wife of Heremon of the noble aspect?A wall was raised around her house
For Tea the daughter of Lughaidh,
(And) she was interred in her wall outside,
So that from her is Tea-mor.
A habitation which was a Dun (Hebrew court) and a fortress
Which was the glory of murs without demolition,
On which the monument of Tea after her death,
So that it was an addition to her dowry.
The humble Heremon had
A woman in beautiful confinement
Who received from him everything she wished for.
He gave her whatever he promised,
Bregatea a meritorious abode
(Where lies) The grave, which is the great Mergech (Hebrew burial place)
The burial place which was not violated.
The daughter of Pharaoh of many champions
Tephi, the most beautiful that traversed the Plain.
She gave a name to her fair cahir,
The woman with the prosperous royal smile,
Mur-Tephi where the assembly met.
It is not a mystery to be said
A Mur (was raised) over Tephi I have heard.
Strength this, without contempt,
Which great proud Queen have formed
The length, breadth of the house of Tephi,
Sixty feet without weakness
As Prophets and Druids have seen.
From Forward - Watchman What of the Dawn

She avoided the fate of her brothers, death at the hands of the King of Babylon, at Riblah - and was spirited off to Ireland, via Egypt and Spain, by the prophet Jeremiah, who brought her and the anointed Stone of the Covenant, which became known as Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny)

Other Notes:

The legends tell that Jeremiah left Egypt with the Princess Tamar Tephi, taking with him the Stone of Destiny, which was known as Jacob’s Pillar, and which had been used for the coronations of the kings of the line of David. Tamar was the elder daughter and as her sister was married she seemed to be settled in Egypt. Tamar was the heiress of the line of David, which was overturned to the shores of Hibernia, or Ireland. The stories go that a certain holy prophet landed upon Hibernia’s shores, accompanied by his scribe, Brug, and a beautiful young princess, together with a large stone. The reigning Heremon of the area, (Heremon means -a crowned horseman-), was named Eochaidh. He fell in love with the princess and married her, and their descendants may be traced through the Irish records. Tamar was buried in the Hill of Tara, and the ensuing kings of Ulster were crowned on the Stone of Destiny for 800 years. It still survives as the Stone of Scone, which lay under the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey until its recent removal to Edinburgh Castle.

The traditions trace Jeremiah and the princess, with Brug (Baruch) through Spain. Baruch is mentioned in Jeremiah 32:12. He is said to have been Jeremiah’s secretary.

The ships of Tarshish were the paramount sailors and traders of those days, and there was a thriving trade with Spain, the western coast of France, the British Isles, and even extending to the Scandinavian countries, perhaps for the carriage of amber to the Mediterranean countries. It may be that Jeremiah intended to go to Denmark, but the party was shipwrecked off the coast of Ulster. Eochaidh the Heremon was a member of the Darnaians, or Tuatha de Danaan. It has also been said that the early settlers in Ireland were related to the Carthaginians, who were Israelitish Phoenicians.

Further NOTES from http://www.cai.org/faq/bi/files/bi-5.htm follow that address the controversy about Tea Tephi:The Irish chronologies, like many other ancient chronologies, use time spans that are GREATLY EXAGGERATED. That doesn’t mean that the characters mentioned never existed. For example, for a long time EGYPTIAN HISTORIANS ONLY HAD Manetho’s list of Pharaohs available to them as a reference. He was an Egyptian priest writing down the history of this ancient nation in Greek. It places the founding of Egypt with the Great Pyramid to about 6000 B.C. Modern archaeology, however, can pretty much narrow the dates down to about 2100 B.C. using all cross references and CUTTING OUT OVERLAPPING DATES. That does not make Manetho’s list less valuable as a source to Egyptian history.

O’Flaherty (one researcher in ancient Irish manuscripts), who carefully went over all the (Irish) chronology of the various reigns, reduces one monarch’s time, in the interval between OLLAM and the ruler Cimboath, from 150 to 21 years!

There has been accusations that the renowned British Israel pioneer F.R.A. Glover had fabricated the story of Tea Tephi, and it had slipped through the subsequent literature unchecked. However, studying the work of Glover, reveals A MUCH GREATER INTEGRITY than in many modern British Israel works. He rested his work on sources available to him, including the Irish Annals.
The following is a testimony on Mr. Glover by W.M.H. Milner:

Thousands in different parts of the English-speaking lands have thanked God for Mr. Glover’s discoveries. It was not till 1902 that anyone ventured to call his good faith in question, and it was because this was done in a very virulent fashion, misquotation and forgery being alleged against one who had become so highly esteemed, and his work so greatly valued, that the present writer, in the Spring of 1903, SPENT A FORTNIGHT READING in the British Museum Library, FOUND ALL MR. GLOVER’S AUTHORITIES, as well as other valuable matter now for the first time unearthed, AND WENT OVER LINE BY LINE, demonstrating their correctness and the general reasonableness of Mr. Glover’s conclusions.†Note,-In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.†(2.CORINTHIANS 13:1) Mr. Glover was CHAPLAIN OF THE BRITISH CONSULATE at Cologne. His son, Sir John Glover, carried through the first Ashantee War (in West Africa) to a successful issue. These men don’t exactly sound like crooks trying to deceive anybody.

The following are some reasons WHY TEA COULD BE IDENTIFIED WITH ONE OF THE KING’S DAUGHTERS who Jeremiah took to Egypt. While we honestly admit that these are speculations which LACK ABSOLUTE PROOF, we nevertheless believe that there is some probability attached to them.-Even men, and women, and children, AND THE KING'S DAUGHTERS… and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the son of Neriah. So they came into the land of Egypt… thus came they even to Tahpanhes.†(JEREMIAH 43:6,7) This is the last thing the Bible tells us about the whereabouts of Jeremiah and his group. Whereas the Bible gives all the details of the uprooting of Zedekiah’s kingdom in Jerusalem, the question is: WHERE would Jeremiah fulfil his task of building and planting which was prophesied for him in JEREMIAH 1:10?

The city of Tahpanhes in Egypt served as a mercenary fortress: GREEK SOLDIERS KNOWN AS MILESIANS had been hired by Pharaoh Psammetich and had their camps IN THE AREA OF TAHPANHES.

The Milesians had colonies from the Black Sea to Spain and throughout the Mediterranean. TRADE ROUTES also existed TO IRELAND AND ENGLAND at that time. Marseille was one of the Greek colonies founded in this period.

In the British Museum one can view a Philistine Seal from about 670 B.C. which had been found in Dundrum, Ireland. It PROVES THAT THE ROUTE BETWEEN IRELAND AND THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN WAS WELL-KNOWN already then.

The city of Tahpanhes would therefore have been an ideal place to start a voyage to Ireland.

Archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie dug at Tahpanhes in A.D. 1886 and found that the fortress mound was still called-Qasr Bint el Yehudi†meaning the -PALACE OF THE JEW’S DAUGHTER-.

The Chronicles of Eri give an account of how the MILESIANS at one time lived at the banks of the Tehgris (Tigris) and Affreidgeis (Euphrates) until the -Eis Soir- (Assyrians) took them captive. After about 100 years -multitudes of the Gaal passed over the summits of Gaba-Casan- (Caucasus) to reach a resting-place in SCYTHIA, and some time later continued their journey to Spain and Ireland. Considering the fact that the FIRST ASSYRIAN INVASION, under Pul, happened around 771 B.C, the Milesians must have arrived some time during the 7th century B.C. in Ireland.

A lady called TEA is ASSOCIATED WITH THE MILESIANS at the time of their conquest of Ireland. Not only that - she gets married to the Milesian prince Heremon in Spain and requests from him a favour.-Tea, daughter of Lughaidh, son of Itha, WHOM EREMHON MARRIED in Spain was the Tea who required of Eremhon a choice hill as a dower, in whatever place she should select it, that she might be interred therein, and that her mound and her gravestone might be thereon raised, and where every prince ever to be born of her race should dwell. The hill she selected, it is from her it was called, and in it she was interred.â€

The Milesians RENAMED A CITY IN SPAIN, -Caer Malcarth- to -Caer Teia-, (CITY OF TEA) in honour of Princess Tea. This ancient settlement was near the Rock of Gibraltar and thus EVERY SHIP sailing past the Strait of Gibraltar was made familiar with this change of name.

The place Tea selected in Ireland was again called after her -Tea-mur- (the house or palace of Tea) which came to be shortened to TARA. Tara was going to be a place of learning, a college, or university of prophets.

Tea is sometimes called the daughter of Lughaid, sometimes the daughter of the Pharaoh.
One explanation for -Lughaid- could be that in the Irish language -Lug- means God and -Aidh- means house. Therefore, TEA WOULD BE THE DAUGHTER OF GOD’S HOUSE - or -Bethel- in Hebrew - from where Jacob got the Stone of Destiny on which all Hebrew kings were crowned.

Tea may naturally have been thought to be the daughter of a Pharaoh of Egypt, since she started her journey from there. But it really could also mean that the Pharaoh mentioned in JEREMIAH 43:9 could have been the GUARDIAN of the royal princesses of Judah. That she is mentioned as daughter of Pharaoh is actually a strong argument for her identification with the king’s daughters.

IN SUMMARY SO FAR, the arrival of a Judahite princess, a stranger to Ireland, is WELL POSSIBLE from the historical data available to us. It is, however, difficult to make definite statements about the name. Tea and Tephi are thought of as being different persons, which does not discredit the possibility of the Davidic line carried over to Ireland. The Irish legends also have different accounts of the mother of Tea. Some state that SCOTA was her mother.
Buried ineradically in the poetry and folk-lore of Ireland is the tale of a Prophet, an Egyptian Princess and Simon Brug (Baruch) a Scribe. They Landed in Ireland about the same time that the destruction of Jerusalem took place, bearing with them a great chest and a stone wrapped on a banner. The Princess married the Zarahite King, Eochaidh II. Ard-dath, Ard-righ, or Heremon (horse man of all Ireland), and their son was Irial. M.R. Munro Faure gives quotations from the following old Irish verse:The praises of Tea Tephi, daughter of Lughaidh (equivalent in Erse of Bethel) are sung as:
The Beautiful One with a Royal Prosperous Smile.
Tephi (Hebrew beautiful) the most beautiful that traversed the Plain.
Temor of Bregia, whence so called.
Relate to me O learned Sages,
When was the place called Temor?
Was it in the time of Parthalon of battles?
Or at the first arrival of Caesaire?
Tell me in which of these invasions
Did the place have the name of Tea-mor?
O Tuan, O generous Finchadh,
O Dubhan, Ye venerable Five
Whence was acquired the name of Te-mor?
Until the coming of the agreeable Teah
The wife of Heremon of noble aspect.
A Rampart was raised around her house
For Teah the daughter of Lughaidh (God's House)
She was buried outside in her mound
And from her it was named Tea-muir.
Cathair, Crofin not inapplicable.
Was its name among the Tuatha-de-Danaan
Until the coming of Tea - the Just
Wife of Heremon of the noble aspect?A wall was raised around her house
For Tea the daughter of Lughaidh,
(And) she was interred in her wall outside,
So that from her is Tea-mor.
A habitation which was a Dun (Hebrew court) and a fortress
Which was the glory of murs without demolition,
On which the monument of Tea after her death,
So that it was an addition to her dowry.
The humble Heremon had
A woman in beautiful confinement
Who received from him everything she wished for.
He gave her whatever he promised,
Bregatea a meritorious abode
(Where lies) The grave, which is the great Mergech (Hebrew burial place)
The burial place which was not violated.
The daughter of Pharaoh of many champions
Tephi, the most beautiful that traversed the Plain.
She gave a name to her fair cahir,
The woman with the prosperous royal smile,
Mur-Tephi where the assembly met.
It is not a mystery to be said
A Mur (was raised) over Tephi I have heard.
Strength this, without contempt,
Which great proud Queen have formed
The length, breadth of the house of Tephi,
Sixty feet without weakness
As Prophets and Druids have seen.
From Forward - Watchman What of the Dawn

She avoided the fate of her brothers, death at the hands of the King of Babylon, at Riblah - and was spirited off to Ireland, via Egypt and Spain, by the prophet Jeremiah, who brought her and the anointed Stone of the Covenant, which became known as Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny)

Other Notes:

The legends tell that Jeremiah left Egypt with the Princess Tamar Tephi, taking with him the Stone of Destiny, which was known as Jacob’s Pillar, and which had been used for the coronations of the kings of the line of David. Tamar was the elder daughter and as her sister was married she seemed to be settled in Egypt. Tamar was the heiress of the line of David, which was overturned to the shores of Hibernia, or Ireland. The stories go that a certain holy prophet landed upon Hibernia’s shores, accompanied by his scribe, Brug, and a beautiful young princess, together with a large stone. The reigning Heremon of the area, (Heremon means -a crowned horseman-), was named Eochaidh. He fell in love with the princess and married her, and their descendants may be traced through the Irish records. Tamar was buried in the Hill of Tara, and the ensuing kings of Ulster were crowned on the Stone of Destiny for 800 years. It still survives as the Stone of Scone, which lay under the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey until its recent removal to Edinburgh Castle.

The traditions trace Jeremiah and the princess, with Brug (Baruch) through Spain. Baruch is mentioned in Jeremiah 32:12. He is said to have been Jeremiah’s secretary.

The ships of Tarshish were the paramount sailors and traders of those days, and there was a thriving trade with Spain, the western coast of France, the British Isles, and even extending to the Scandinavian countries, perhaps for the carriage of amber to the Mediterranean countries. It may be that Jeremiah intended to go to Denmark, but the party was shipwrecked off the coast of Ulster. Eochaidh the Heremon was a member of the Darnaians, or Tuatha de Danaan. It has also been said that the early settlers in Ireland were related to the Carthaginians, who were Israelitish Phoenicians.

Further NOTES from http://www.cai.org/faq/bi/files/bi-5.htm follow that address the controversy about Tea Tephi:The Irish chronologies, like many other ancient chronologies, use time spans that are GREATLY EXAGGERATED. That doesn’t mean that the characters mentioned never existed. For example, for a long time EGYPTIAN HISTORIANS ONLY HAD Manetho’s list of Pharaohs available to them as a reference. He was an Egyptian priest writing down the history of this ancient nation in Greek. It places the founding of Egypt with the Great Pyramid to about 6000 B.C. Modern archaeology, however, can pretty much narrow the dates down to about 2100 B.C. using all cross references and CUTTING OUT OVERLAPPING DATES. That does not make Manetho’s list less valuable as a source to Egyptian history.

O’Flaherty (one researcher in ancient Irish manuscripts), who carefully went over all the (Irish) chronology of the various reigns, reduces one monarch’s time, in the interval between OLLAM and the ruler Cimboath, from 150 to 21 years!

There has been accusations that the renowned British Israel pioneer F.R.A. Glover had fabricated the story of Tea Tephi, and it had slipped through the subsequent literature unchecked. However, studying the work of Glover, reveals A MUCH GREATER INTEGRITY than in many modern British Israel works. He rested his work on sources available to him, including the Irish Annals.
The following is a testimony on Mr. Glover by W.M.H. Milner:

Thousands in different parts of the English-speaking lands have thanked God for Mr. Glover’s discoveries. It was not till 1902 that anyone ventured to call his good faith in question, and it was because this was done in a very virulent fashion, misquotation and forgery being alleged against one who had become so highly esteemed, and his work so greatly valued, that the present writer, in the Spring of 1903, SPENT A FORTNIGHT READING in the British Museum Library, FOUND ALL MR. GLOVER’S AUTHORITIES, as well as other valuable matter now for the first time unearthed, AND WENT OVER LINE BY LINE, demonstrating their correctness and the general reasonableness of Mr. Glover’s conclusions.†Note,-In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.†(2.CORINTHIANS 13:1) Mr. Glover was CHAPLAIN OF THE BRITISH CONSULATE at Cologne. His son, Sir John Glover, carried through the first Ashantee War (in West Africa) to a successful issue. These men don’t exactly sound like crooks trying to deceive anybody.

The following are some reasons WHY TEA COULD BE IDENTIFIED WITH ONE OF THE KING’S DAUGHTERS who Jeremiah took to Egypt. While we honestly admit that these are speculations which LACK ABSOLUTE PROOF, we nevertheless believe that there is some probability attached to them.-Even men, and women, and children, AND THE KING'S DAUGHTERS… and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the son of Neriah. So they came into the land of Egypt… thus came they even to Tahpanhes.†(JEREMIAH 43:6,7) This is the last thing the Bible tells us about the whereabouts of Jeremiah and his group. Whereas the Bible gives all the details of the uprooting of Zedekiah’s kingdom in Jerusalem, the question is: WHERE would Jeremiah fulfil his task of building and planting which was prophesied for him in JEREMIAH 1:10?

The city of Tahpanhes in Egypt served as a mercenary fortress: GREEK SOLDIERS KNOWN AS MILESIANS had been hired by Pharaoh Psammetich and had their camps IN THE AREA OF TAHPANHES.

The Milesians had colonies from the Black Sea to Spain and throughout the Mediterranean. TRADE ROUTES also existed TO IRELAND AND ENGLAND at that time. Marseille was one of the Greek colonies founded in this period.

In the British Museum one can view a Philistine Seal from about 670 B.C. which had been found in Dundrum, Ireland. It PROVES THAT THE ROUTE BETWEEN IRELAND AND THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN WAS WELL-KNOWN already then.

The city of Tahpanhes would therefore have been an ideal place to start a voyage to Ireland.

Archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie dug at Tahpanhes in A.D. 1886 and found that the fortress mound was still called-Qasr Bint el Yehudi†meaning the -PALACE OF THE JEW’S DAUGHTER-.

The Chronicles of Eri give an account of how the MILESIANS at one time lived at the banks of the Tehgris (Tigris) and Affreidgeis (Euphrates) until the -Eis Soir- (Assyrians) took them captive. After about 100 years -multitudes of the Gaal passed over the summits of Gaba-Casan- (Caucasus) to reach a resting-place in SCYTHIA, and some time later continued their journey to Spain and Ireland. Considering the fact that the FIRST ASSYRIAN INVASION, under Pul, happened around 771 B.C, the Milesians must have arrived some time during the 7th century B.C. in Ireland.

A lady called TEA is ASSOCIATED WITH THE MILESIANS at the time of their conquest of Ireland. Not only that - she gets married to the Milesian prince Heremon in Spain and requests from him a favour.-Tea, daughter of Lughaidh, son of Itha, WHOM EREMHON MARRIED in Spain was the Tea who required of Eremhon a choice hill as a dower, in whatever place she should select it, that she might be interred therein, and that her mound and her gravestone might be thereon raised, and where every prince ever to be born of her race should dwell. The hill she selected, it is from her it was called, and in it she was interred.â€

The Milesians RENAMED A CITY IN SPAIN, -Caer Malcarth- to -Caer Teia-, (CITY OF TEA) in honour of Princess Tea. This ancient settlement was near the Rock of Gibraltar and thus EVERY SHIP sailing past the Strait of Gibraltar was made familiar with this change of name.

The place Tea selected in Ireland was again called after her -Tea-mur- (the house or palace of Tea) which came to be shortened to TARA. Tara was going to be a place of learning, a college, or university of prophets.

Tea is sometimes called the daughter of Lughaid, sometimes the daughter of the Pharaoh.
One explanation for -Lughaid- could be that in the Irish language -Lug- means God and -Aidh- means house. Therefore, TEA WOULD BE THE DAUGHTER OF GOD’S HOUSE - or -Bethel- in Hebrew - from where Jacob got the Stone of Destiny on which all Hebrew kings were crowned.

Tea may naturally have been thought to be the daughter of a Pharaoh of Egypt, since she started her journey from there. But it really could also mean that the Pharaoh mentioned in JEREMIAH 43:9 could have been the GUARDIAN of the royal princesses of Judah. That she is mentioned as daughter of Pharaoh is actually a strong argument for her identification with the king’s daughters.

IN SUMMARY SO FAR, the arrival of a Judahite princess, a stranger to Ireland, is WELL POSSIBLE from the historical data available to us. It is, however, difficult to make definite statements about the name. Tea and Tephi are thought of as being different persons, which does not discredit the possibility of the Davidic line carried over to Ireland. The Irish legends also have different accounts of the mother of Tea. Some state that SCOTA was her mother.
{geni:about_me} '''Tamar Tephi.''' She is said to have been a daughter of [http://www.geni.com/people/Zedekiah-Mattanyahu-%D7%A6%D7%93%D7%A7%D7%99%D7%94%D7%95/6000000000961704741 Zedekiah], King of Judah, but she is fictitious. Her descent from the kings of Judah is a 19th century fraud.

According to the colorful story, she and her sister [http://www.geni.com/people/Teia-Tephi/6000000012178801401 Teia] avoided the fate of their brothers, who were killed by the King of Babylon at Riblah. The prophet [http://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/6000000003481825585 Jeremiah] spirited them off to Ireland via Egypt and Spain, along with the Stone of the Covenant, which became known as ''Lia Fail'' (Stone of Destiny). We are left wondering why Jeremiah was not equally helpful to the rest of the royal family.

For more information, see Biblical Research Institute, [http://www.biblicalresearchinstitute.com/lectures/lec16.htm Did The Prophet Jeremiah Go To Ireland?]
Her great-grandfather, the prophet Jeremiah, brought her to Ireland (via Egypt and Spain) along with the anointed Stone of the Covenant, which became known as Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
Or Tephi
Born of Tahpanhes, Egypt

From Genealogical Library book "House of Adam".
Or Tephi
Born of Tahpanhes, Egypt

From Genealogical Library book "House of Adam".

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Tamar Tephi
± 610-????

± 583

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