Familienstammbaum Den Hollander en Van Dueren den Hollander » Ludwig "der Deutsche" (Ludwig "der Deutsche") "Emperior Louis I of the Holy Roman Empire" von Bayern König von Ost-Frankia (± 805-876)

Persönliche Daten Ludwig "der Deutsche" (Ludwig "der Deutsche") "Emperior Louis I of the Holy Roman Empire" von Bayern König von Ost-Frankia 

Quelle 1
  • Alternative Name: Louis II
  • Spitzname ist Emperior Louis I of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Er wurde geboren rund 805 in Alsace, Bas-Rhin, AlsaceFrance.
  • Er wurde getauft in Germany-Louis the Germanique.
  • Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 18. September 1923.
  • Alternative: Fetauft (im Alter von 8 Jahren oder später) von der Priestertumsvollmacht der HLT-Kirche am 2. März 1940 in MANTI.
  • Berufe:
    • Roi, de Bavière, 826, Roi, de Germanie, 843, Empereur, 855/875.
    • August 843 unknown in King of the East Franks.
    • Kung av Ostfranken 843, Roi, de Bavière, 826, de Germanie, 843, Empereur, 855/875, King of Bavaria, King of East Franks, ROI de GERMANIE de 843 au 28 Aout 876, King of East Franks, Roi de Bavière (817-843), Roi de Germanie (843-876).
  • Er ist verstorben am 28. August 876Frankfurt
    Hessen-Nassau Prussia (Germany).
  • Er wurde beerdigt im Jahr 876 in Lauresheim AbbeyPrussia (Germany).
  • Ein Kind von Louis I I und Ermengarde de Hesbaye

Familie von Ludwig "der Deutsche" (Ludwig "der Deutsche") "Emperior Louis I of the Holy Roman Empire" von Bayern König von Ost-Frankia

Er ist verheiratet mit Emma.

Sie haben geheiratet im Jahr 827Regensburg


  1. Gisela  ± 840-895 
  2. Karlmann de Bavière  ± 830-880 

Notizen bei Ludwig "der Deutsche" (Ludwig "der Deutsche") "Emperior Louis I of the Holy Roman Empire" von Bayern König von Ost-Frankia

Louis, The German
URL: http://55.1911encyclopedia.org/L/LO/LOUIS_THE_GERMAN.htm

LOUIS (804-876) surnamed the " German," king of the East Franks, was the third son of the emperor Louis I. and his wife Irmengarde. His early years were partly spent at the court of his grandfather Charlemagne, whose special affection he is said to have won. When the emperor Louis divided his dominions between his sons in 817, Louis received Bavaria and the neighboring lands, but did not undertake the government until 825, when he became involved in war with the Slavonic tribes on his eastern frontier. In 827 he married Emma, daughter of Welf I., count of Bavaria, and sister of his stepmother Judith; and he soon began to interfere in the quarrels arising from Judith's efforts to secure a kingdom for her own son Charles, and the consequent struggles of Louis and his brothers with the emperor Louis I. (q.v.). When the elder Louis died in 840 and his eldest son Lothair claimed the whole Empire, Louis in alliance with his half-brother, king Charles the Bald, defeated Lothair at Fontenoy on the 2$th of June 841. In June 842 the three brothers met on an island in the Saone to negotiate a peace, and each appointed forty representatives to arrange the boundaries of their respective kingdoms. This developed into the treaty of Verdun concluded in August 843, by which Louis received the bulk of the lands of the Carolingian empire lying east of the Rhine, together with a district around Spires, Worms and Mainz, on the left bank of the river. His territories included Bavaria, where he made Regensburg the centre of his government, Thuringia, Franconia and Saxony. He may truly be called the founder of the German kingdom, though his attempts to maintain the unity of the Empire proved futile. Having in 842 crushed a rising in Saxony, he compelled the Abotrites to own his authority, and undertook campaigns against the Bohemians, the Moravians and other tribes, but was not very successful in freeing his shores from the ravages of Danish pirates. At his instance synods and assemblies were held where laws were decreed for the better government of church and state. In 853 and the following years Louis made more than one attempt to secure the throne of Aquitaine, which the people of that country offered him in their disgust with the cruel misrule of harles the Bald. But though he met with sufficient success to encourage him to issue a charter in 858, dated " the first year of the reign in West Francia," treachery and desertion in his army, and the loyalty to Charles of the Aquitanian bishops brought about the failure of the enterprise, which Louis renounced by a treaty signed at Coblenz on the 7th of June 860.


[Geoffrey De Normandie, Gedcom BSJTK Smith Family Tree.ged]

DeadOCCU King of Germany; King of Bavaria
RELI Sources: Microsoft Encarta 1994 ed.Merged General Note: Louis II (of Germany), called The German(circa 806-76), king of Germany (843-76), the third son of HolyRoman Emperor Louis I. An active
participant in the civil warsthat marked the last ten years of his father's reign, he becameruler of all Germany east of the Rhine by the Treaty of Verdunin 843. Even after that, however, he
continued to fight hiskinsmen, winning the eastern part of Lorraine in 870. An ableruler, Louis strengthened government in his lands and patronizedvernacular literature.--Other FieldsRef Number:
DATE 14 FEB 1998

OCCU King of the East Franks..
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 494 says 804; al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says
ABT 805; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 10 says ABT 805;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 131 & KMilburn says 806
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 494;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 131;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 16
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 131;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html ;
LOUIS II, son of LOUIS I and Ermengarde de Hasbaigne, was King of the East Franks (817-876),son of Emperor Louis I, who gave him Bavaria in 817. In the shifting conflict among his father and his
brothers, Lothair I, Pepin I, and Cahrles II, he sided
first with one, then with the other. Eventually the Treaty of Verdun (843) gave him the kingdom of the East Franks (roughly modern Germany). Later, part of Lothair's territory of Lotharingia came to
him. He survived serveral revolts by his sons,
Louis the Young, Carloman, and Charles the Fat (later Emperor Charles III). - Encyclopedia, p.494
King of Bavaria and Germany - htt p://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/d0049/g0000015.html#I26571
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/d0049/g0000015.html#I26 571 says parents are Louis I and Judith of Bavaria - NPH
Louis Von Bayern - COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 16; Louis of Bayern, King of
Bayern - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1407;Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H.
Browning, p. 442 says parents were Louis I & Judith de Bayern - NLP;
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says parents were Louis I & Judith - NPH

OCCU King of the East Franks..
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 494 says 804; al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html says
ABT 805; COMYN4.TAF (Compuserve), p. 10 says ABT 805;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 131 & KMilburn says 806
SOUR Encyclopedia, p. 494;
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 131;
COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 16
SOUR Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 131;
al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html ;
LOUIS II, son of LOUIS I and Ermengarde de Hasbaigne, was King of the East Franks (817-876),son of Emperor Louis I, who gave him Bavaria in 817. In the shifting conflict among his father and his
brothers, Lothair I, Pepin I, and Cahrles II, he sided
first with one, then with the other. Eventually the Treaty of Verdun (843) gave him the kingdom of the East Franks (roughly modern Germany). Later, part of Lothair's territory of Lotharingia came to
him. He survived serveral revolts by his sons,
Louis the Young, Carloman, and Charles the Fat (later Emperor Charles III). - Encyclopedia, p.494
King of Bavaria and Germany - htt p://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/d0049/g0000015.html#I26571
http://al7fl.abts.net/green-page/greenged.html/d0049/g0000015.html#I26 571 says parents are Louis I and Judith of Bavaria - NPH
Louis Von Bayern - COMYNJ.TAF (Compuserve), p. 16; Louis of Bayern, King of
Bayern - COMYNI.GED (Compuserve), #1407;Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H.
Browning, p. 442 says parents were Louis I & Judith de Bayern - NLP;
CHARLEMG.ZIP (GS) says parents were Louis I & Judith - NPH

Louis the German, c. 804–876, king of the East Franks (817–76). When his father, Emperor of the West Louis I, partitioned the empire in 817, Louis received Bavaria and adjacent territories. In the conflict between his brother Lothair I (who succeeded Louis I as emperor) and their father, Louis the German repeatedly changed sides. In 839 Louis I transferred some of Louis's holdings to Lothair; Louis again rebelled and his father died in the ensuing campaign. Louis now joined with his half brother Charles (Charles the Bald, later Emperor of the West Charles II) against Lothair, who sought to gain supremacy in their kingdoms. They checked Lothair at Fontenoy (841), renewed their alliance (842; see Strasbourg, Oath of), and forced Lothair to accept the Treaty of Verdun (843; see Verdun, Treaty of), which made them independent sovereigns. In 858–59 Louis turned on Charles and unsuccessfully invaded the West Frankish kingdom (France), but both brothers soon directed their attention to the lands of Lothair's heirs, Emperor of the West Louis II and King Lothair of Lotharingia. After King Lothair's death Lotharingia was divided between them by the Treaty of Mersen (870). The death (875) of Louis II renewed the war between Louis the German and Charles; Charles quickly conquered Italy and was crowned emperor of the West. Louis the German, in the course of his reign, defended his frontiers against the Slavs and the Danes and suppressed several revolts of his sons, Carloman of Bavaria, Louis the Younger, and Charles the Fat (later Emperor of the West Charles III).

!Name is; Louis II, Emperor Of The /HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE/
Louis II King Of Germany is often regarded as the founder of theGerman kingdom. After the death of his father, Louis I, in 1840, hejoined with one brother, Charles the Bald, to fight another, LothairI, for control of the empire. The Treaty of Verdun in 843 gave Louisall of Germany east of the Rhine River.

Source: 'The World Book Encyclopedia', 1968, p L417.
Louis II King Of Germany is often regarded as the founder of theGerman kingdom. After the death of his father, Louis I, in 1840, hejoined with one brother, Charles the Bald, to fight another, LothairI, for control of the empire. The Treaty of Verdun in 843 gave Louisall of Germany east of the Rhine River.

Source: 'The World Book Encyclopedia', 1968, p L417.
#Générale#inhumation : Lörsch Allemagne Cloître

#Générale#Profession : Roi de Germanie de 843 au 28 Août 876.
{geni:about_me} -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_the_German

[https://www.geni.com/people/Louis-II-The-German/6000000008630635932?through=6000000001266578142 LOUIS]''' ([806]-Frankfurt-am-Main 28 Aug 876, bur Kloster Lorsch). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig I and his wife Ermengardis[221]. Under the Ordinatio Imperii promulgated by his father at Worms in 817, he became King of Bavaria and Carinthia. Under the partition of territories agreed by the Treaty of Verdun 11 Aug 843, Louis was installed as LUDWIG II "le Germanique/der Deutsche" King of the East Franks. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CAROLINGIANS.htm#LouisIEmperorB


Louis the German

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Louis (or Ludwig) the German (also known as Louis II or Louis the Bavarian) (806 – August 28, 876), the third son of the emperor Louis the Pious and his first wife, Ermengarde of Hesbaye, was the King of Bavaria from 817, when his father partitioned the empire, and King of Eastern Francia from the Treaty of Verdun in 843 until his death.


LOUIS [Hludowic], son of CHARLES I King of the Franks & his second wife Hildegard, married firstly:
1. Ermengard ([794]) ERMENGARD, daughter of ENGUERRAND Comte [de Hesbaye] & his wife --- ([775/80]-Angers 3 Oct 818[189], bur Angers). With her he had six children[http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CAROLINGIANS.htm#_Toc240955192 three sons and three daughters:[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_the_Pious]

1. 1 Lothaire(795-855)

1.2 Pepin (797-838)

1.3 Rotrude (800-) HROTRUD [Rotrude] ([800]-).

1.4 Berta or Adelaide

1.5 Hildegrard (c802-857)

'''1.6 Louis (806-876) LOUIS ([806]-Frankfurt-am-Main 28 Aug 876, bur Kloster Lorsch). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig I and his wife Ermengardis[208]. Under the Ordinatio Imperii promulgated by his father at Worms in 817, he became King of Bavaria and Carinthia. Under the partition of territories agreed by the Treaty of Verdun 11 Aug 843, Louis was installed as LUDWIG II "le Germanique/der Deutsche" King of the East Franks. [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CAROLINGIANS.htm#_Toc240955192 Louis the German (c. 805–875), king of East Francia:[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_the_Pious]'''


Divisio imperii and filial rebellion

His early years were partly spent at the court of his grandfather, Charlemagne, whose special affection he is said to have won. When the emperor Louis divided his dominions between his sons in 817, Louis received Bavaria and the neighbouring lands, but did not undertake the governing of such until 825, when he became involved in wars with the Wends and Sorbs on his eastern frontier. In 827, he married Emma of Altdorf, sister of his stepmother Judith of Bavaria, and daughter of Welf, whose possessions ranged from Alsace to Bavaria. Louis soon began to interfere in the quarrels arising from Judith's efforts to secure a kingdom for her own son Charles (later known as Charles the Bald) and the consequent struggles of his brothers with their father.

His involvement in the first civil war of his father's reign was limited, but in the second, his elder brothers, Lothair, then King of Italy, and Pepin, King of Aquitaine, induced him to invade Alamannia — which their father had given to their half-brother Charles — by promising to give him the land in the new partition they would make. In 832, he led an army of Slavs into Alamannia and completely subjugated it. Louis the Pious disinherited him, but to no effect; the emperor was captured by his own rebellious sons and deposed. Upon his swift reinstatement, however, the Emperor Louis made peace with his son Louis and restored Bavaria (never actually lost) to him (836).

In the third civil war (began 839) of his father's ruinous final decade, Louis was the instigator. A strip of his land having been given to the young Charles, Louis invaded Alamannia again. His father was not so sluggish in responding to him this time and soon the younger Louis was forced into the far southeastern corner of his realm, the March of Pannonia. Peace had been made by force of arms.

[edit]Bruderkrieg, 840–843

When the elder Louis died in 840 and Lothair claimed the whole Empire, Louis allied with the half-brother, Charles the Bald, and defeated Lothair and their nephew Pepin II of Aquitaine, son of Pepin, at the Battle of Fontenay in June 841. In June 842, the three brothers met on an island in the Saône to negotiate a peace, and each appointed forty representatives to arrange the boundaries of their respective kingdoms. This developed into the Treaty of Verdun, concluded in August 843, by which Louis received the bulk of the lands lying east of the Rhine (Eastern Francia), together with a district around Speyer, Worms, and Mainz, on the left bank of the river. His territories included Bavaria (where he made Regensburg the centre of his government), Thuringia, Franconia, and Saxony. He may truly be called the founder of the German kingdom, though his attempts to maintain the unity of the Empire proved futile. Having in 842 crushed the Stellinga rising in Saxony, he compelled the Obotrites to own his authority, and undertook campaigns against the Bohemians, Moravians, and other tribes, but was not very successful in freeing his shores from the ravages of the Vikings.

Conflict with Charles the Bald

In 852, he had sent his son Louis the Younger to Aquitaine, where the nobles had grown resentful of Charles the Bald's rule. The younger Louis did not set out until 854, but he returned the following year. In 853 and the following years, Louis made more than one attempt to secure the throne of Western Francia, which, according to the Annals of Fulda (Annales Fuldenses), the people of that country offered him in their disgust with the cruel misrule of Charles the Bald. Encouraged by his nephews Pepin II and Charles, King of Provence, Louis invaded in 858; Charles the Bald could not even raise an army to resist the invasion and fled to Burgundy; in that year, Louis issued a charter dated "the first year of the reign in West Francia." Treachery and desertion in his army, and the loyalty to Charles of the Aquitanian bishops brought about the failure of the enterprise, which Louis renounced by a treaty signed at Coblenz on June 7, 860.

In 855, the emperor Lothair died, and Louis and Charles for a time seem to have cooperated in plans to divide Lothair's possessions among themselves — the only impediments to this being Lothair's sons: Lothair II (who received Lotharingia), Louis II (who held the imperial title and the Iron Crown), and the aforementioned Charles. In 868, at Metz they agreed definitely to a partition of Lotharingia; but when Lothair II died in 869, Louis the German was lying seriously ill, and his armies were engaged with the Moravians. Charles the Bald accordingly seized the whole kingdom; but Louis the German, having recovered, compelled him by a threat of war to agree to the Treaty of Meerssen, which divided it between the claimants.

[edit]Divisio regni and his sons

The later years of Louis the German were troubled by risings on the part of his sons, the eldest of whom, Carloman, revolted in 861 and again two years later; an example that was followed by the second son Louis, who in a further rising was joined by his brother Charles. In 864, Louis was forced to grant Carloman the kingdom of Bavaria, which he himself had once held under his father. The next year (865), he divided the remainder of his lands: Saxony he gave to Louis the Younger (with Franconia and Thuringia) and Swabia (with Raetia) to Charles, called the Fat. A report that the emperor Louis II was dead led to peace between father and sons and attempts by Louis the German to gain the imperial crown for Carloman. These efforts were thwarted by Louis II, who was not in fact dead, and Louis' old adversary, Charles the Bald.

Louis was preparing for war when he died on August 28, 876 at Frankfurt. He was buried at the abbey of Lorsch, leaving three sons and three daughters. His sons, unusually for the times, respected the division made a decade earlier and each contented himself with his own kingdom. Louis is considered by many to be the most competent of the grandsons of Charlemagne. He obtained for his kingdom a certain degree of security in face of the attacks of Norsemen, Magyars, Slavs, and others. He lived in close alliance with the Church, to which he was very generous, and entered eagerly into schemes for the conversion of his heathen neighbours.

[edit]Marriage and children

He was married to Hemma (died 31 January 876). They had seven children:

Hildegard (828-856)

Carloman (829-880)

Irmgard of Chiemsee also known as Ermengard (died 866)

Louis, having established two of his other daughters as abbesses of convents, appointed Irmgard (also known as Ermengard) to govern first the monastery of Buchau and then the royal abbey of Chiemsee in Bavaria. She is commemorated as a saint on 16 July.[1]


Louis the Younger (830-882)

Bertha (died 877)

Charles the Fat (839-888)


Louis (also Ludwig or Lewis) the German (also known as Louis II or Louis the Bavarian) (806 – August 28, 876), was a grandson of Charlemagne and the third son of the succeeding Holy Roman Emperor Louis the Pious and his first wife, Ermengarde of Hesbaye.

Louis II was made the King of Bavaria from 817 following the Emperor Charlemagne's practice of bestowing a local kingdom on a family member who then served as one of his lieutenants and the local governor. When his father, Louis I (called the pious), partitioned the empire toward the end of his reign in 843, he was made King of East Francia, a region that spanned the Elbe drainage basin from Jutland southeasterly through the Thuringerwald into modern Bavaria from the Treaty of Verdun in 843 until his death.

Contents [hide]

1 Divisio imperii and filial rebellion

2 Bruderkrieg, 840–843

3 Conflict with Charles the Bald

4 Divisio regni and his sons

5 Marriage and children

6 Ancestry

7 References

[edit] Divisio imperii and filial rebellion

His early years were partly spent at the court of his grandfather, Charlemagne, whose special affection he is said to have won. When the emperor Louis divided his dominions between his sons in 817, Louis received Bavaria and the neighbouring lands but did not undertake the governing of such until 825, when he became involved in wars with the Wends and Sorbs on his eastern frontier. In 827, he married Emma of Altdorf, sister of his stepmother Judith of Bavaria, and daughter of Welf, whose possessions ranged from Alsace to Bavaria. Louis soon began to interfere in the quarrels arising from Judith's efforts to secure a kingdom for her own son Charles (later known as Charles the Bald) and the consequent struggles of his brothers with their father.

His involvement in the first civil war of his father's reign was limited, but in the second, his elder brothers, Lothair, then King of Italy, and Pepin, King of Aquitaine, induced him to invade Alamannia — which their father had given to their half-brother Charles — by promising to give him the land in the new partition they would make. In 832, he led an army of Slavs into Alamannia and completely subjugated it. Louis the Pious disinherited him, but to no effect; the emperor was captured by his own rebellious sons and deposed. Upon his swift reinstatement, however, the Emperor Louis made peace with his son Louis and restored Bavaria (never actually lost) to him (836).

In the third civil war (began 839) of his father's ruinous final decade, Louis was the instigator. A strip of his land having been given to the young Charles, Louis invaded Alamannia again. His father was not so sluggish in responding to him this time, and soon the younger Louis was forced into the far southeastern corner of his realm, the March of Pannonia. Peace had been made by force of arms.

[edit] Bruderkrieg, 840–843

When the elder Louis died in 840 and Lothair claimed the whole Empire, Louis allied with the half-brother, Charles the Bald, and defeated Lothair and their nephew Pepin II of Aquitaine, son of Pepin, at the Battle of Fontenay in June 841. In June 842, the three brothers met on an island in the Saône to negotiate a peace, and each appointed forty representatives to arrange the boundaries of their respective kingdoms. This developed into the Treaty of Verdun, concluded in August 843, by which Louis received the bulk of the lands lying east of the Rhine (Eastern Francia), together with a district around Speyer, Worms, and Mainz, on the left bank of the river. His territories included Bavaria (where he made Regensburg the centre of his government), Thuringia, Franconia, and Saxony. He may truly be called the founder of the German kingdom, though his attempts to maintain the unity of the Empire proved futile. Having in 842 crushed the Stellinga rising in Saxony, he compelled the Obotrites to own his authority and undertook campaigns against the Bohemians, Moravians, and other tribes, but was not very successful in freeing his shores from the ravages of the Vikings.

[edit] Conflict with Charles the Bald

In 852, he had sent his son Louis the Younger to Aquitaine, where the nobles had grown resentful of Charles the Bald's rule. The younger Louis did not set out until 854, but he returned the following year. In 853 and the following years, Louis made more than one attempt to secure the throne of Western Francia, which, according to the Annals of Fulda (Annales Fuldenses), the people of that country offered him in their disgust with the cruel misrule of Charles the Bald. Encouraged by his nephews Pepin II and Charles, King of Provence, Louis invaded in 858; Charles the Bald could not even raise an army to resist the invasion and fled to Burgundy; in that year, Louis issued a charter dated "the first year of the reign in West Francia." Treachery and desertion in his army, and the loyalty to Charles of the Aquitanian bishops brought about the failure of the enterprise, which Louis renounced by a treaty signed at Coblenz on June 7, 860.

In 855, the emperor Lothair died, and Louis and Charles for a time seem to have cooperated in plans to divide Lothair's possessions among themselves — the only impediments to this being Lothair's sons: Lothair II (who received Lotharingia), Louis II (who held the imperial title and the Iron Crown), and the aforementioned Charles. In 868, at Metz they agreed definitely to a partition of Lotharingia; but when Lothair II died in 869, Louis the German was lying seriously ill, and his armies were engaged with the Moravians. Charles the Bald accordingly seized the whole kingdom; but Louis the German, having recovered, compelled him by a threat of war to agree to the Treaty of Meerssen, which divided it between the claimants.

[edit] Divisio regni and his sons

The later years of Louis the German were troubled by risings on the part of his sons, the eldest of whom, Carloman, revolted in 861 and again two years later; an example that was followed by the second son Louis, who in a further rising was joined by his brother Charles. In 864, Louis was forced to grant Carloman the kingdom of Bavaria, which he himself had once held under his father. The next year (865), he divided the remainder of his lands: Saxony he gave to Louis the Younger (with Franconia and Thuringia) and Swabia (with Raetia) to Charles, called the Fat. A report that the emperor Louis II was dead led to peace between father and sons and attempts by Louis the German to gain the imperial crown for Carloman. These efforts were thwarted by Louis II, who was not in fact dead, and Louis' old adversary, Charles the Bald.

Louis was preparing for war when he died on August 28, 876 at Frankfurt. He was buried at the abbey of Lorsch, leaving three sons and three daughters. His sons, unusually for the times, respected the division made a decade earlier and each contented himself with his own kingdom. Louis is considered by many to be the most competent of the grandsons of Charlemagne. He obtained for his kingdom a certain degree of security in face of the attacks of Norsemen, Magyars, Slavs, and others. He lived in close alliance with the Church, to which he was very generous, and entered eagerly into schemes for the conversion of his heathen neighbours.

[edit] Marriage and children

He was married to Hemma (died 31 January 876). They had seven children:

Hildegard (828-856)

Carloman (829-880)

Irmgard of Chiemsee also known as Ermengard (died 866)

Louis, having established two of his other daughters as abbesses of convents, appointed Irmgard (also known as Ermengard) to govern first the monastery of Buchau and then the royal abbey of Chiemsee in Bavaria. She is commemorated as a saint on 16 July.[1]


Louis the Younger (830-882)

Bertha (died 877)

Charles the Fat (839-888)

[edit] Ancestry

[show]v • d • eAncestors of Louis the German

16. Charles Martel

8. Pepin the Short

17. Rotrude of Trier

4. Charlemagne

18. Caribert of Laon

9. Bertrada of Laon

19. Bertrada of Cologne

2. Louis the Pious

20. Hado of Vintzgau

10. Gerold of Vinzgouw

21. Gerniu of Suevie

5. Hildegarde

22. Hnabi of Alamannia

11. Emma of Alamannia

23. Hereswind

1. Louis the German

12. Rodbert

6. Ingerman of Hesbaye

3. Ermengarde of Hesbaye

7. Hedwig of Bavaria

[edit] References

^ Jones, G.R.; Carolyn Muessig (2005). "Saints at a glance". University of Leicester. http://www.le.ac.uk/users/grj1/ssaints.html. Retrieved 2007-11-16.

Louis II of Eastern Francia

Carolingian Dynasty

Born: 804 Died: 28 August 876

Regnal titles

Preceded by

Louis I

as King and Emperor of the Franks King of Bavaria

817–843 Succeeded by


as King of Bavaria

King of East Francia


Succeeded by

Louis III

as King of Saxony

Succeeded by

Charles II

as King of Swabia

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_the_German"

Konung av Germania 840-876 talet.
1 NAME the German //
2 GIVN the German
2 NICK the German

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: RC 172; AF, Timetables of History and Through the Ages. Louis II "the German," King of the East Franks. He ruled from 843-876.

TITLE: King of the East Franks
1 NAME Louis II King of /Italy/ 1 BIRT 2 DATE ABT. 822 1 DEAT 2 DATE 12 AUG 875 2 PLAC Brescia, Italy

[De La Pole.FTW]

Sources: A. Roots 141B-16; RC 25 and AF.
RC: Louis II, Emperor of the West.
Roots: Louis II, Emperor 855.
continued to fight his kinsmen, winning the eastern part of Lorraine
in 870. An able ruler, Louis strengthened government in his lands and
Germany (843-76), the third son of Holy Roman Emperor Louis I. An
active participant in thecivil wars that marked the last ten years of
King of Swabia.
Rebelled against his Father Louis I the Pious when Louis gave some of his land to his brother Carloman.
The father, Louis I, the Pious, died in the ensuing battle.
Source:The Annal of Fulda. Manchester Medieval Series Volume II 1992
_P_CCINFO 2-2438
_P_CCINFO 2-2438
_P_CCINFO 2-2438
his father's reign, he became ruler of all Germany east of the Rhine
by the Treaty of Verdun in 843. Even after that, however, he
encouraged the development of vernacular literature.
Louis II (of Germany), called The German (circa 806-76), king of
1 NAME the German //
2 GIVN the German
2 NICK the German

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: RC 172; AF, Timetables of History and Through the Ages. Louis II "the German," King of the East Franks. He ruled from 843-876.

TITLE: King of the East Franks
1 NAME the German //
2 GIVN the German
2 NICK the German

[De La Pole.FTW]
Sources: RC 172; AF, Timetables of History and Through the Ages. Louis II "the German," King of the East Franks. He ruled from 843-876.

TITLE: King of the East Franks
1 NAME Louis II King of /Italy/ 1 BIRT 2 DATE ABT. 822 1 DEAT 2 DATE 12 AUG 875 2 PLAC Brescia, Italy

[De La Pole.FTW]

Sources: A. Roots 141B-16; RC 25 and AF.
RC: Louis II, Emperor of the West.
Roots: Louis II, Emperor 855.
1 NAME Louis II King of /Italy/ 1 BIRT 2 DATE ABT. 822 1 DEAT 2 DATE 12 AUG 875 2 PLAC Brescia, Italy

[De La Pole.FTW]

Sources: A. Roots 141B-16; RC 25 and AF.
RC: Louis II, Emperor of the West.
Roots: Louis II, Emperor 855.

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    Kees den Hollander, "Familienstammbaum Den Hollander en Van Dueren den Hollander", Datenbank, Genealogie Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/stamboom-den-hollander-en-van-dueren-den-hollander/I6000000008630635932.php : abgerufen 23. September 2024), "Ludwig "der Deutsche" (Ludwig "der Deutsche") "Emperior Louis I of the Holy Roman Empire" von Bayern König von Ost-Frankia (± 805-876)".