Familienstammbaum Den Hollander en Van Dueren den Hollander » Engelbert II Sponheim Herzog von Kärnten (1070-1141)

Persönliche Daten Engelbert II Sponheim Herzog von Kärnten 

  • Er wurde geboren zwischen 1065 und 1070Kärnten
    Österreich Deutschland(HRR).
  • Er wurde getauftAbbey Melk, Melk.
  • Berufe:
    • Marquis, d'Istrie, Duc, de Carinthie.
    • Duque de Carinthie, Conde de Sponheim e Margrave de Istria e Carniola .
    • Duke, Marquis, d'Istrie, Duc, de Carinthie, Duque de Carinthie, Conde de Sponheim e Margrave de Istria e Carniola, Markgreve i Istrein 1103-1124 och i Verona och hertig i Kärnten 1123-1135, Count of Sponheim.
  • Er ist verstorben am 13. April 1141Seeon
    Österreich Deutschland(HRR).
  • Er wurde beerdigt nach 13. April 1141 in Abbey MelkMelk
    Österreich Deutschland(HRR).
  • Ein Kind von Engelbert I Margraf von Sponheim und Hedwig Gräfin von Eppenstein
  • Diese Information wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 10. Mai 2020.

Familie von Engelbert II Sponheim Herzog von Kärnten

Er ist verheiratet mit Uta von Passau.

Sie haben geheiratet rund 1085.


  1. Ida von Sponheim  1130-1178 
  2. Mathilde von Sponheim  1097-1160 

Notizen bei Engelbert II Sponheim Herzog von Kärnten

GIVN Engelbert II Duke
SURN Carinthia
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:34
GIVN Engelbert II Duke
SURN Carinthia
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:34
Duke of Carinthia
Name Suffix: Ii; Duke Carinth
Name Suffix: Ii; Duke Carinth
Margrave of Istre
SURN Carinthia
GIVN Engelbert
_UID C83E0B925C492A45B62F0CF121C264BD9DEF
1 UID F0DE26566FCAAC4E83419DA830C21165EE2E
1 UID 537E9622A113CB40BADB205E3B21AF0F752A
DATE 21 May 2009
TIME 19:23:43
Engelbert succeeded his brother, Henry III, as Duke of Carinthia in 11 30. IN 1127, he was Marquis of Istria which adjoined Carinthia, but d id not rule long. In 1135, he retired the world and spent the remaind er of his life in a monastery.
GIVN Engelbert II Duke
SURN Carinthia
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
AUTH Brøderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 1, 1997
ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 11, Ed. 1
Customer pedigree.
Source Media Type: Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #3804
TEXT Date of Import: 18 Dez 1998
DATE 9 SEP 2000
TIME 13:17:34
{geni:about_me} Engelbert II (died 12 or 13 April 1141) was the Count of Sponheim from 1096 and Margrave of Istria and Carniola from sometime between 1101 and 1107 until 1124. 1108 he was founder of the county of Kraiburg in Bavaria. In 1124, he was raised to the Duchy of Carinthia and held it until his retirement in 1135. He was the son of Egelbert I of Sponheim and his wife Hadwig.

His younger brother Henry III was created Duke of Carinthia in 1122 and Engelbert succeeded him in 1124, having already replaced Poppo II in Carniola.

In February 1111, Engelbert stood as guarantor of Henry V at his imperial coronation.

Engelbert married Uta, daughter of Ulric of Passau. Together they were the parents of the following children:

Engelbert III, succeeded his father in Istria, Carniola and Kraiburg in 1124

Ulric I, succeeded his father in Carinthia in 1135

Henry, Bishop of Troyes in 1145

Matilda, married Theobald IV of Blois

Rapoto I, Count of Ortenburg in 1130 and Kraiburg in 1173

Hartwig, Bishop of Regensburg in 1155

Ida, married William III, Count of Nevers





ENGELBERT 1124-1135, ULRICH I 1135-1144, HEINRICH IV 1144-1161

ENGELBERT [II] von Sponheim, son of ENGELBERT [I] von Sponheim Graf im Krainchgau, im Pustertal und von Sponheim & his wife Hedwig --- (-12/13 Apr 1141). The Fundatio Monasterii Sancti Pauli in Carinthia names (in order) "Engelbertus primogenitus, Sigfridus, Bernhardus et Heinricus" as sons of "Engelberto comite seniore"[85]. The Vita Chuonradi names "Engilbertum et Bernhardum" as brothers of Heinrich Duke of Carinthia[86]. He succeeded in 1107 as ENGELBERT I Marchese di Istria. The documents dated Feb 1111 relating to the coronation of Heinrich V King of Germany as emperor name "Fridericum filium sororis suæ, marchionem Engilbertum, marchionem Thiebaldus, comitem Hermannum, Fridericum palatinum comitem de Saxonia, Berlingarium de Bavaria, Godefridum comitem, Fridericum Saxonum, Albertum cancellarium, Cononem fratri Berengarii, Sigebot de Bavaria, Henricum ducem Carinthie, Bertoldum filium ducis Bertoldi" as the emperor's guarantors[87]. He was installed in 1124 as ENGELBERT Duke of Carinthia, until 1135. "Engilbertus tunc quidem marchio sed postea dux Karinthiorum" removed property donated to Kloster St Peter at Salzburg [before 13 Dec 1123], but by charter dated 1131 returned it to the archbishop of Salzburg, witnessed by "Pernhardus comes frater, Engilbertus marchio et Heinricus filii eiusdem ducis…"[88]. The necrology of Baumburg records the death "Id Apr" of "Engelbertus dux"[89]. The necrology of Salzburg St Rudpert records the death "II Id Apr" of "Engelbertus dux Karinthiorum et m"[90]. The necrology of Seonense records the death "Id Apr" of "Engilbertus ex duce m n c" and his donation[91].

m UTA von Passau, daughter of ULRICH Graf von Passau [Ratpotonen] & his wife Adelheid von Lechsgemünd (-16 Apr ----). The Fundatio Monasterii Baumburgensis names "in Bawarie provincia comes…Cuno…filiam Adilheit" as founder of Kloster Baumburg, naming her second husband "comes Udalricus de Pactavia" and her only daughter by her second marriage "Utam [wife of] Eingelperto duci de Chraieburc"[92]. "Ota ducissa de Chreiburch" donated property donated to Baumburg by charter dated to [1135/40][93]. The necrology of Baumburg records the death "XVI Kal May" of "Uta ducissa"[94]. The necrology of Seonense records the death "XVI Kal May" of "Uta ductrix" and her donation[95].

Duke Engelbert & his wife had [ten] children:

1. ENGELBERT [III] von Sponheim (-6 Oct 1173). The Fundatio Monasterii Baumburgensis names "Bernhardus dux Charintie, Eingelpertus marchio Ystrie, Hartwicus postea Ratisponensis episcopus et comes Rapoto de Chregeburc" as the four sons of "Eingelperto duci de Chraieburc" and his wife Uta[96]. He succeeded his father in 1124 as ENGELBERT II Marchese of Istria, at the same time that his father succeeded as Duke of Carinthia. "Engilbertus tunc quidem marchio sed postea dux Karinthiorum" removed property donated to Kloster St Peter at Salzburg [before 13 Dec 1123], but by charter dated 1131 returned it to the archbishop of Salzburg, witnessed by "Pernhardus comes frater, Engilbertus marchio et Heinricus filii eiusdem ducis…"[97]. Marchese of Tuscany [1135/37]. The Annales Florentini record that "Ingilbertus marchio" entered Florence "XVI Kal Jul" in 1135[98]. The Annales Pisani of Bernardo Marangoni record that "Ingilbertum Tuscie marchionem" was defeated in 1137 "apud Ficiechum" by "Lucenses"[99]. "Salzburgensis ecclesie canonicus…Hartwicus" donated property to Salzburg cathedral, for the souls of "parentibus meis duce…Engilberto et matre Ota", with the consent of "fratrum meorum marchionis Engilberti et comitis Rabotonis", by charter dated to [1147/48][100]. "Marchio Engilbertus…de Chraiburch" donated property to Chiemsee priory, for the soul of "uxoris…Mathildis converse et marchionisse", by charter dated to [1147][101]. The document dated 17 Sep 1156 established the duchy of Austria is witnessed by "…marchio Engielbertus de Hystria…"[102]. The necrology of Salzburg St Rudpert records the death "II Non Oct" of "Engelbertus marchio de Chreiburch"[103]. The necrology of Baumburg records the death "II Non Oct" of "Engelbertus marchio fr n et fundator"[104]. The necrology of Seonense records the death "II Non Oct" of "Engilbertus marchio" and his donation[105]. m MATHILDE von Sulzbach, daughter of BERENGAR [I] Graf von Sulzbach & his second wife Adelheid von Frontenhausen (-31 Oct or 3 Nov 1165). "Marchio Engilbertus…de Chraiburch" donated property to Chiemsee priory, for the soul of "uxoris…Mathildis converse et marchionisse", by charter dated to [1147][106]. "Marchio Engelbertus et uxor eius Mathilt" donated property to Bamburg by charter dated to [1148][107]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. The necrology of Salzburg St Rudpert records the death "IV Non Nov" of "Mathildis marchionissa et cva"[108]. The necrology of Baumburg records the death "II Kal Nov" of "Mathildis marchionis sor na"[109]. The necrology of Seonense records the death "III Non Nov" of "Mahthildis ex marchionissa cv" and her donation[110].

2. HEINRICH von Sponheim (-3 Jan 1169). "Engilbertus tunc quidem marchio sed postea dux Karinthiorum" removed property donated to Kloster St Peter at Salzburg [before 13 Dec 1123], but by charter dated 1131 returned it to the archbishop of Salzburg, witnessed by "Pernhardus comes frater, Engilbertus marchio et Heinricus filii eiusdem ducis…"[111]. Abbot of Weiler-Bettnach 1133. "Dominus Heinricus…Wiler…abbas in Mecensi episcopatu" sent monks from his abbey to Carinthia where they were granted property for the church of Victoria by "Berennardus quodam Carinthiorum comitum…eiusque coniux…Cunigundis", by charter dated [Jun] 1142[112]. Bishop of Troyes 1145.

3. ULRICH (-7 or 11 Apr 1144, bur Rosazzo). The Fundatio Monasterii Baumburgensis names "Bernhardus dux Charintie, Eingelpertus marchio Ystrie, Hartwicus postea Ratisponensis episcopus et comes Rapoto de Chregeburc" as the four sons of "Eingelperto duci de Chraieburc" & his wife Uta, "Bernhardus" presumably being a mistake for "Ulricus"[113]. He succeeded his brother in 1135 as ULRICH I Duke of Carinthia. The necrology of Salzburg St Rudpert records the death "III Id Apr" of "Vdalricus dux"[114]. m JUDITH von Baden, daughter of HERMANN II Markgraf von Baden & his wife Judith [von Dillingen] (-1162, bur Backnang Stiftskirche). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated May 1149 under which Konrad III King of Germany confirmed the church of Seckau, witnessed by "Hainricus dux de Karinthia et avunculus eius Herimannus marchio de Baden…"[115]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. Duke Ulrich & his wife had [four] children:

a) HEINRICH (-12 Oct 1161). Heinrich is shown in some secondary sources as the son of Engelbert von Sponheim Marchese of Istria. However, the source quoted below confirms that his father was Ulrich Duke of Carinthia. He was installed in 1144 as HEINRICH IV Duke of Carinthia. The document dated 17 Sep 1156 established the duchy of Austria is witnessed by "…Heinricus dux Carinthie…"[116]. Roman Bishop of Gurk granted "castrum Gravenstaine" and the Vogtei of Gurk to "ducem Karintie Hainricum cum germanis suis" by charter dated 20 Jun 1158, which names "pater ipsorum pie memorie duce Odalrico"[117]. The necrology of Salzburg St Rudpert records the death "IV Id Oct" of "Heinricus dux Karinthie"[118]. m as her second husband, ELISABETH of Styria, widow of RUDOLF II Graf von Stade Markgraf der Nordmark, daughter of LEOPOLD I "der Starke" Markgraf of Styria & his wife Sophie of Bavaria [Welf] ([1124]-25 Dec after 1138). The Annales Stadenses names "Elizabeth sororem Ottokkar de Stire" as wife of "Rodolfum [filius Rodulfi]"[119]. Her second marriage is deduced from the necrology of Seckau which records the death "VIII Kal Jan" of "Elitzabeth ducissa Carinthiæ sor ducis Styriæ"[120].

b) ULRICH (-before 1161). "Heinricus dux Charinthie, Odelricus frater eius" witnessed a charter dated to [1144] under which Konrad Archbishop of Salzburg confirmed the possessions of Chiemsee priory[121]. Graf von Laibach.

c) [GOTTFRIED (-before 1144). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. A priest. It is possible that the assessment about his supposed parentage is based on a charter dated to [1130] under which "Mehtilt Wdalrichi relicta et filius eius Hainric" donated property to Kloster St Paul "especially for love of filii sui monachi Gotfridi"[122]. It is not known how accurate the dating of this document is, but if it is correct the description of the donor as "relicta" means that she could not have been the mother of Heinrich IV Duke of Carinthia. In addition, the document makes no mention of any titles of the donor or the family members who are named. This would be unusual in the case of the upper aristocracy. Unless other primary source information comes to light, it is suggested that Gottfried was not the son of Ulrich I Duke of Carinthia.]

d) HERMANN (-4 Oct 1181). "Dux Karinthie Heremannus" sold "castrum Hohenwart" to Roman Bishop of Gurk, for the soul of "germani sui pie memorie ducis Hainrici", by charter dated 3 May 1162[123]. He was appointed to succeed his brother in 1161 as HERMANN II Duke of Carinthia.

- see below.

4. MATHILDE von Sponheim (-[13 Dec 1160/1161]). She is named by Orderic Vitalis, who calls her father "Duke Engelbert", when recording her marriage[124]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitissa Mathildis Campaniensis et uxor Renaldi comitis Nivernensis et comitissa Montis Veteris iuxta Coloniam et mater illorum Romanorum qui Froiepain dicuntur" as sisters of "archiepiscopi Coloniensis Frederici"[125], although the latter is shown by other sources to be their paternal uncle. "Teobaudus Blesensis comes" made a donation to Montiérender by charter dated 1139 with the consent of "Matildis comitissa uxor mee et Henricus filius meus"[126]. "Comitissa Mathildis et filius eius Henricus et Theobaudus et Stephanus" donated property to the abbey of Fontevraud by charter dated to [1125/49][127]. A list of foundations at Troyes records the memory "13 Dec" of "Mathilde épouse du comte Thibaut"[128]. The necrology of Saint-Etienne, Troyes records the death "13 Dec" of "Mathildis comitissa"[129]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "Id Dec" of "comitissa Mathildis mater…archiepiscopi Senonensis Willelmi et…Henrici comitis, Teobaldi comitis atque comitis Stephani"[130]. m (1123) THIBAUT IV “le Grand/le Vieil” Comte de Blois, son of ETIENNE Comte de Blois & his wife Adela of England ([1085/91]-8 Oct 1152).

5. RAPOTO (-26 Aug 1186). The Fundatio Monasterii Baumburgensis names "Bernhardus dux Charintie, Eingelpertus marchio Ystrie, Hartwicus postea Ratisponensis episcopus et comes Rapoto de Chregeburc" as the four sons of "Eingelperto duci de Chraieburc" & his wife Uta[131]. Graf von Ortenburg [1130]. Graf von Kraiburg 1173.


6. HARTWIG von Sponheim (-22 Aug 1164). The Fundatio Monasterii Baumburgensis names "Bernhardus dux Charintie, Eingelpertus marchio Ystrie, Hartwicus postea Ratisponensis episcopus et comes Rapoto de Chregeburc" as the four sons of "Eingelperto duci de Chraieburc" & his wife Uta[132]. Canon at Salzburg Cathedral. "Salzburgensis ecclesie canonicus…Hartwicus" donated property to Salzburg cathedral, for the souls of "parentibus meis duce…Engilberto et matre Ota", with the consent of "fratrum meorum marchionis Engilberti et comitis Rabotonis", by charter dated to [1147/48][133]. Bishop of Regensburg 1155.

7. IDA von Sponheim (-25 May 1178, bur Auxerre Saint-Germain). "W Nivernensium comes" granted taxation rights to the church of Autun with the consent of "Ida cometissa et filius meus Guido…[et] Guillelmus filius meus" by charter dated 1158[134]. Her origin is indicated by Guillaume de Champagne Archbishop of Sens, whose mother was Mathilde von Sponheim, referring to her as matertera[135]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitissa Mathildis Campaniensis et uxor Renaldi comitis Nivernensis et comitissa Montis Veteris iuxta Coloniam et mater illorum Romanorum qui Froiepain dicuntur" as sisters of "archiepiscopi Coloniensis Frederici"[136], although the latter is shown by other sources to be their paternal uncle. She is named in an 1142 charter of her husband[137]. "Guido comes Nivernensis" donated property to the abbey of Corbigny by charter dated [1171] in which he names "frater meus Willelmus", witnessed by "Ida mater mea" and with the consent of "Mathildis uxor mea"[138]. m ([1140]) GUILLAUME de Nevers, son of GUILLAUME II Comte de Nevers & his wife Adela --- (-Auxerre 21 Nov 1161, bur Auxerre Saint-Germain). He succeeded his father in 1148 as GUILLAUME III Comte de Nevers et d'Auxerre.

8. [IRMGARD . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitissa Mathildis Campaniensis et uxor Renaldi comitis Nivernensis et comitissa Montis Veteris iuxta Coloniam et mater illorum Romanorum qui Froiepain dicuntur" as sisters of "archiepiscopi Coloniensis Frederici"[139], although the latter is shown by other sources to be their paternal uncle. m as his second wife, ADOLF II Graf von Berg, son of ADOLF I Graf von Berg & his wife Adelheid von Laufen (-12 Oct after 1160).]

9. [daughter . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitissa Mathildis Campaniensis et uxor Renaldi comitis Nivernensis et comitissa Montis Veteris iuxta Coloniam et mater illorum Romanorum qui Froiepain dicuntur" as sisters of "archiepiscopi Coloniensis Frederici"[140], although the latter is shown by other sources to be their paternal uncle. m --- Frangipani, son of ---.

10. [ADELHEID . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Abbess of Göss 1148.]


Engelbert II (died 12 or 13 April 1141) was the Count of Sponheim from 1096 and Margrave of Istria and Carniola from sometime between 1101 and 1107 until 1124. 1108 he was founder of the county of Kraiburg in Bavaria. In 1124, he was raised to the Duchy of Carinthia and held it until his retirement in 1135. He was the son of Egelbert I of Sponheim and his wife Hadwig.

His younger brother Henry III was created Duke of Carinthia in 1122 and Engelbert succeeded him in 1124, having already replaced Poppo II in Carniola.

In February 1111, Engelbert stood as guarantor of Henry V at his imperial coronation.

Engelbert married Uta, daughter of Ulric of Passau. Together they were the parents of the following children:

Engelbert III, succeeded his father in Istria, Carniola and Kraiburg in 1124

Ulric I, succeeded his father in Carinthia in 1135

Henry, Bishop of Troyes in 1145

Matilda, married Theobald IV of Blois

Rapoto I, Count of Ortenburg in 1130 and Kraiburg in 1173

Hartwig, Bishop of Regensburg in 1155

Ida, married William III, Count of Nevers



Engelbert (Kärnten)

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

(Weitergeleitet von Engelbert II. (Spanheim))

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Engelbert (Engelbert II.) († 13. April 1141 im Kloster Seeon) aus dem Geschlecht der Spanheimer war Markgraf von Istrien (und Krain?) (1103–1124/1134) und von Verona und Herzog von Kärnten (1123/24–1135).



* 1 Leben und Wirken

* 2 Familie

* 3 Literatur

* 4 Weblinks

Leben und Wirken [Bearbeiten]

Engelbert war ein jüngerer Sohn von Graf Engelbert I. und der Hedwig, aus einem Adelsgeschlecht aus Friaul.

Durch seine erste Ehe mit der Erbtochter Uta, Tochter des einstigen Passauer Burggrafen Ulrich, erwarb er große Besitzungen südwestlich von Passau, im Rottal und im Isengau. Mit seiner zweiten Ehe mit der reichen Adelheid von Lechsgemünd, Witwe des verstorbenen Markwart von Marquartstein, erwarb Engelbert weitere Besitzungen im Chiemgau. Aus diesen Besitzungen schuf Engelbert die Grafschaft Kraiburg-Marquartstein und wurde Vogt zu Baumburg. Auf dem strategisch günstigen Hügel über dem Ort Kraiburg errichtete er um das Jahr 1100 eine wehrhafte Burg, welche das Zentrum dieser Grafschaft bildete.

1091 holte Engelbert im Auftrag seines Vaters aus Hirsau Mönche zur Besiedlung des neu errichteten Hausklosters St. Paul, 1099 wurde er dessen Vogt. 1100 wurden ihm vom Gurker Gegenbischof Berthold zwei Trixener Burgen übertragen, 1106 der Markt Friesach.

1106 wurde Engelbert durch Heinrich IV. als Nachfolger des Moosburgers Burkhard mit der Markgrafschaft Istrien belehnt. Diese sollte sich nun bis ins Jahr 1173 in Spanheimer Besitz befinden. Diese Belehnung legte den Grundstock für die reichen und ausgedehnten Besitzungen im benachbarten Krain. Ebenso ist darin die gestiegene Bedeutung der Spanheimer zu erkennen, da der Kaiser, der Engelbert I. noch der Grafschaft im Pustertal enthoben hatte, nun um die Gunst der mächtigen Spanheimer warb; wie es scheint erfolgreich, denn Engelbert II. fand sich bald im Gefolge Heinrichs V. und nahm am 13. April 1111 an dessen Kaiserkrönung teil.

Am 23. September 1122 wurde der Investiturstreit des Kaisers und des Papstes durch das Wormser Konkordat beigelegt. Engelbert II. und dessen Bruder Hartwig I., Bischof von Regensburg, nahmen an der Zeremonie als Zeugen teil.

Nach dem Tode seines Bruders Heinrich, der am 14. Dezember 1123 verstorben war, folgte ihm Engelbert als Herzog von Kärnten. Aus diesem Grund teilte er seine Besitzungen unter seinen Söhnen auf und trat ihnen die meisten Titel ab. Im Jahre 1135 verzichtete Engelbert II. jedoch auf das Amt des Herzogs und Kaiser Lothar III. belehnte seinen Sohn Ulrich I. Anschließend trat Engelbert in das Benediktinerkloster Seeon im Chiemgau ein. Dort verstarb er im Jahre 1141 als Mönch und wurde dort auch begraben.

Er war – anders als sein Vater – treue Salier-Stütze, mit seinen Brüdern scharfer Gegner der Salzburger Erzbischöfe und Gurker und Bamberger Bischöfe und stritt oft mit den Patriarchen von Aquileia.

Familie [Bearbeiten]

Engelbert war verheiratet mit Uta, Tochter des Grafen Ulrich von Passau († 1099) und der Adelheid von Lechsgemünd, Witwe (seit ca. 1085) nach Markwart von Marquartstein.


* Ulrich I. († 1144), Herzog von Kärnten

* Engelbert III. († 1173), Markgraf von Istrien (1124–1171), Markgraf von Tuszien

* Heinrich († 1169), Bischof von Troyes (1145–1169)

* Rapoto I. († 1186), Graf von Ortenburg

* Adelheid († um 1178), Äbtissin von Göss

* Hartwig II. († 1164), Bischof von Regensburg (1155–1164)

* Mathilde († 1160/61), oo 1123 Theobald IV., Graf von Champagne-Blois († 1152)

Literatur [Bearbeiten]

* Friedrich Hausmann: Die Grafen zu Ortenburg und ihre Vorfahren im Mannesstamm, die Spanheimer in Kärnten, Sachsen und Bayern, sowie deren Nebenlinien, erschienen in: Ostbairische Grenzmarken – Passauer Jahrbuch für Geschichte Kunst und Volkskunde, Nr. 36, Passau / 1994

* Dr. Eberhard Graf zu Ortenburg-Tambach: Geschichte des reichsständischen, herzoglichen und gräflichen Gesamthauses Ortenburg – Teil 1: Das herzogliche Haus in Kärnten., Vilshofen / 1932

Weblinks [Bearbeiten]

* Materialien

Vorgänger Amt Nachfolger

Heinrich IV. Herzog von Kärnten

1123–1135 Ulrich I.

Burkhard von Moosburg Markgraf von Istrien

1108–1124 Engelbert III.

Heinrich IV. Markgraf von Verona

1123–1135 Ulrich I.

Graf von Kraiburg und Marquartstein

1108–1124 Engelbert III.

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Engelbert, Duke of Carinthia

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Engelbert II (died 12 or 13 April 1141) was the Count of Sponheim from 1096 and Margrave of Istria and Carniola from sometime between 1101 and 1107 until 1124. 1108 he was founder of the county of Kraiburg in Bavaria. In 1124, he was raised to the Duchy of Carinthia and held it until his retirement in 1135. He was the son of Egelbert I of Sponheim and his wife Hadwig.

His younger brother Henry III was created Duke of Carinthia in 1122 and Engelbert succeeded him in 1124, having already replaced Poppo II in Carniola.

In February 1111, Engelbert stood as guarantor of Henry V at his imperial coronation.

Engelbert married Uta, daughter of Ulric of Passau. Together they were the parents of the following children:

* Engelbert III, succeeded his father in Istria, Carniola and Kraiburg in 1124

* Ulric I, succeeded his father in Carinthia in 1135

* Henry, Bishop of Troyes in 1145

* Matilda, married Theobald IV of Blois

* Rapoto I, Count of Ortenburg in 1130 and Kraiburg in 1173

* Hartwig, Bishop of Regensburg in 1155

* Ida, married William III, Count of Nevers

[edit] References

* Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Nobility of Northern Italy (900–1100).


Engelbert II (died 12 or 13 April 1141) was the Count of Sponheim from 1096 and Margrave of Istria and Carniola from sometime between 1101 and 1107 until 1124. 1108 he was founder of the county of Kraiburg in Bavaria. In 1124, he was raised to the Duchy of Carinthia and held it until his retirement in 1135. He was the son of Egelbert I of Sponheim and his wife Hadwig.

His younger brother Henry III was created Duke of Carinthia in 1122 and Engelbert succeeded him in 1124, having already replaced Poppo II in Carniola.

In February 1111, Engelbert stood as guarantor of Henry V at his imperial coronation.

Engelbert married Uta, daughter of Ulric of Passau. Together they were the parents of the following children:

Engelbert III, succeeded his father in Istria, Carniola and Kraiburg in 1124

Ulric I, succeeded his father in Carinthia in 1135

Henry, Bishop of Troyes in 1145

Matilda, married Theobald IV of Blois

Rapoto I, Count of Ortenburg in 1130 and Kraiburg in 1173

Hartwig, Bishop of Regensburg in 1155

Ida, married William III, Count of Nevers


Engelbert II (died 12 or 13 April 1141) was the Count of Sponheim from 1096 and Margrave of Istria and Carniola from sometime between 1101 and 1107 until 1124. 1108 he was founder of the county of Kraiburg in Bavaria. In 1124, he was raised to the Duchy of Carinthia and held it until his retirement in 1135. He was the son of Egelbert I of Sponheim and his wife Hadwig.

His younger brother Henry III was created Duke of Carinthia in 1122 and Engelbert succeeded him in 1124, having already replaced Poppo II in Carniola.

In February 1111, Engelbert stood as guarantor of Henry V at his imperial coronation.

Engelbert married Uta, daughter of Ulric of Passau. Together they were the parents of the following children:

Engelbert III, succeeded his father in Istria, Carniola and Kraiburg in 1124

Ulric I, succeeded his father in Carinthia in 1135

Henry, Bishop of Troyes in 1145

Matilda, married Theobald IV of Blois

Rapoto I, Count of Ortenburg in 1130 and Kraiburg in 1173

Hartwig, Bishop of Regensburg in 1155

Ida, married William III, Count of Nevers


Engelbert II was the Count of Sponheim from 1096 and Margrave of Istria and Carniola from sometime between 1101 and 1107 until 1124. In 1108 he was founder of the county of Kraiburg in Bavaria. In 1124, he was raised to the Duchy of Carinthia and held it until his retirement in 1135.

His younger brother Henry III was created Duke of Carinthia in 1122, and Engelbert succeeded him in 1124, having already replaced Poppo II in Carniola.

In February 1111, Engelbert stood as guarantor of Henry V at his imperial coronation.

Engelbert married Uta, daughter of Ulric of Passau. Together they were the parents of the 7 children, including our ancestor Matilda.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engelbert,_Duke_of_Carinthia for more information.
* '''Religion''': Römisch-katholisch
** Updated from [http://www.myheritage.com/research/collection-1/myheritage-family-trees?itemId=188771362-6-8734&action=showRecord&indId=externalindividual-727f41aeedd5abd27f80305ed9f51343&mrid=b3eff528690c2df0dcea20ebc83e93b3 MyHeritage Family Trees] via father [http://www.geni.com/profile-34673534863 Engelbert I. Von Sponheim] by [http://www.geni.com/projects/SmartCopy/18783 SmartCopy]: ''May 12 2015, 20:53:33 UTC''

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