Stamboom Colpaert Van Loon Crul » Anne "Anne Stafford" Neville Duchess of Buckingham (± 1411-1480)

Persönliche Daten Anne "Anne Stafford" Neville Duchess of Buckingham 

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'''ANNE NEVILLE HAD A OLDER HALF SISTER''', ANNE (NEVILLE) UMFREVILLE, BY HER FATHER'S 1ST WIFE MARGARET STAFFORD.________. 21 Oct 1425Count of Perche, 7th Lord Stafford obtained a marriage license on 7 August 1408; Date of Dispensation for being related in the 3rd degree of kindred on both sides.3,15,11 Anne II Neville married Sir Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke Buckingham, Earl of Buckingham, Hereford, Stafford, & Northampton, Count of Perche, 7th Lord Stafford''', son of Sir Edmund Stafford, 5th Earl Stafford, 6th Lord Stafford, Lord of Tonbridge & Caus and Anne 'of Gloucester' Plantagenet, '''before 18 October 1424; They had 6 sons''' (Sir Humphrey, Earl of Stafford; Sir Henry; Edward; George; William; & Sir John, Earl of Wiltshire) '''and 3 daughters''' (Katherine, wife of Sir John Talbot, 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury; Anne, wife of Sir Aubrey de Very & of Sir Thomas, 5th Lord Cobham; & Joan/Jane, wife of Sir William, 2nd Viscount Beaumont, & of Sir William Knyvett). He also had an illegitimate son and an illegitimate daughter (Anne, wife of William Rouse, Esq.).16,2,3,4,5,6,15,7,8,9,10,11,12 '''Anne II Neville married Sir Walter Blount, 1st Lord Mountjoy, Lord High Treasurer''', son of Sir Thomas Blount, Sheriff of Derbyshire, Treasurer of Normandy and Margaret de Gresley, '''before 25 November 1467; No issue.17,3,6,15,10,11 Anne II Neville left a will circa 1477.15,11 She died on 20 September 1480; Buried at Pleshey, Essex.3,15,11 Her estate was probated on 31 October 1480.15,11ford, 1st Duke Buckingham, Earl of Buckingham, Hereford, Stafford, & Northampton, Count of Perche, 7th Lord Stafford b. 15 Aug 1402, d. 10 Jul 146015,11 d. 22 May 1455 of Wiltshire, Chief Butler of England+3,15,11 d. 8 May 1473asurer b. c 1420, d. 1 Aug 1474as Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry, p. 540-544.chardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. II, p. 318-319.dition, Vol. IV, p. 222-223., p. 236.II, p. 246-247.ry, p. 140.ry, p. 367.y, p. ________________________as the daughter''' of Ralph de Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland and Lady Joan de Beaufort.1 '''She married, firstly, Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of Buckingham''', son of Edmund Stafford, 5th Earl of Stafford and Anne of Woodstock, Countess of Buckingham, '''before 18 October 1424.2 She married, secondly, Walter Blount, 1st Lord Mountjoy''', son of Thomas Blount and Margaret Gresley, '''before 25 November 1467.2 She died on 20 September 1480.2 She was buried at Pleshy, Essex, England.3 Her will was proven (by probate) on 31 October 1480.3was styled as Duchess of Buckingham on 14 September 1444. From before 25 November 1467, her married name became Blount.1,2amtafford6age 109. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume II, page 388. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage. The Complete Peerage, volume II, page 63.From: _____________shey, Essex, Englandildren:Wiltshire)m#Anne NEVILLE (D. Buckingham) _____________________lle and Lady Joan de Beaufort. d mother of:ford, husband of Margaret Beauforttance Greenwas probated on 31 October 1480. Buried at Pleshy, Essex, England. fford (1402 - 1460)ville (1387 - 1420)**herine Neville Mowbray Strangeways Beaumont Woodville (1397 - ____)*lle (1404 - 1457)*antagenet (1415 - 1495)* ____________________________ sixth Baron Neville of Raby and first Earl of Westmorland (1364–1425), was the eldest son of John de Neville, fifth baron Neville of Raby [q. v.], by his first wife, Maud, daughter of Henry, lord Percy (d. 1352) [q. v.], and aunt of the first earl of Northumberland (Swallow, De Nova Villa, p. 34; Dugdale, Baronage, i. 297). He first saw service in the French expedition of July 1380 .... etc.he Nevilles were a prolific race, but Westmorland surpassed them all. He had no less than twenty-three children by his two wives—nine by the first, and fourteen by the second. The children of the first marriage, seven of whom were females, were thrown into the shade by the offspring of his more splendid second alliance which brought royal blood into the family. Westmorland devoted himself indefatigably to found the fortunes of his second family by a series of great matches, and a good half of the old Neville patrimony, the Yorkshire estates, was ultimately diverted to the younger branch. Thus the later earls of Westmorland had a landed position inferior to that of their ancestors, who were simple barons, and the real headship of the Neville house passed to the eldest son of the second family. Westmorland's children by his first wife were: (1) John, who fought in France and on the Scottish borders, and died before his father (1423); he married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Holland, earl of Kent, and their son Ralph succeeded his grandfather as second Earl of Westmorland in 1425 (see below). (2) Ralph of Oversley, near Alcester, in Warwickshire, in right of his wife Mary (b. 1393), daughter and coheiress of Robert, baron Ferrers of Wem in Shropshire. (3) Mathilda married Peter, lord Mauley (d. 1414). (4) Philippa married Thomas, lord Dacre of Gillsland (d. 1457). (5) Alice married, first, Sir Thomas Grey of Heton; and, secondly, Sir Gilbert Lancaster. (6) Elizabeth, who became a nun in the Minories. (7) Anne, who married Sir Gilbert Umfreville of Kyme. (8) Margaret, who married, first, Richard, lord le Scrope of Bolton in Wensleydale (d. 1420), and, secondly, William Cressener, dying in 1463; and (9) Anastasia.s: (1) Richard Neville, earl of Salisbury [q. v.] (2) William, baron Fauconberg [q. v.] (3) George, summoned to parliament as Baron Latimer, 1432–69, his father having transferred to him that barony which he had bought from his childless half-brother John, who inherited it from his mother [see under Neville, John, d. 1388)]. George Neville's male descendants held the barony of Latimer till 1577, when it fell into abeyance [see Neville, John, third Baron Latimer]. (5) Robert [q. v.], bishop successively of Salisbury and Durham. (6) Edward, baron of Bergavenny [q. v.] (7–9) Three sons who died young. (10) Joan, a nun. (11) Catherine, married, first, John Mowbray, second duke of Norfolk [q. v.]; secondly, Thomas Strangways; thirdly, Viscount Beaumont (d. 1460); and, fourthly, John Wydeville, brother-in-law of Edward IV. '''(12) Anne, married, first, Humphrey, first duke of Buckingham (d. 1460) [q. v.]; and, secondly, Walter Blount, first baron Mountjoy (d. 1474)'''. (13) Eleanor, married, first, Richard, lord le Despenser (d. 1414); and, secondly, Henry Percy, second earl of Northumberland (d. 1455). (14) Cicely, who married Richard Plantagenet, duke of York, and was mother of Edward IV.ionaryofnati40stepuoft#page/277/mode/1up ______________________first Duke of Buckingham''' (1402–1460), was son of Edmund, fifth earl of Stafford [see under Stafford, Ralph de, first Earl]. His mother, Anne (d. 1438), was daughter and eventually sole heir of Thomas, duke of Gloucester [see Thomas, (d. 1397)], youngest son of Edward III, and his wife Eleanor, coheir of the last Bohun, earl of Hereford, Northampton, and Essex. Born in 1402, Stafford was only a year old when his father's early death in the battle of Shrewsbury made him Earl of Stafford. He served in France in 1420–1, and was knighted by Henry V in the latter year (Gesta Henrici V, pp. 144, 279). In December 1422 he received livery of his lands (Fœdera, x. 259). Young as he was, Stafford appears in the council of Henry VI as early as February 1424, and became one of its more prominent members (Ordinances of the Privy Council, iii. 143). He had a hand in reconciling Beaufort and Humphrey of Gloucester in 1426. Three years later Stafford became knight of the Garter, and in 1430 accompanied the young king abroad, and was made constable of France with the governorship of Paris. The day after his arrival (1 Sept.) there he made a dash into Brie and recovered some strongholds (Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 259; Wavrin, pp. 373–374, 393; Monstrelet, ed. Douet d'Arcq, iv. 405; Chron. London, pp. 170–1). Turning back from Sens, he was in Paris again on 9 Oct., and lodged in the Hôtel des Tournelles (Paris pendant la domination anglaise, p. 317). Bedford soon after relieved him, and Stafford became lieutenant-general of Normandy, an office which he retained until 1432, when he returned to England. In the previous year he had been created by Henry VI Count of Perche, a title in which he succeeded Thomas Beaufort (Revue des Questions historiques, xviii. 510). On his return he seems to have opposed Gloucester's ambitious schemes (Ordinances, iv. 113).is going to France. He acted as one of the English representatives in the peace negotiations of June 1439 at Calais (ib. v. 98, 334; Stevenson, vol. ii. p. xlix). After his mother's death, in October 1438, Stafford was known as Earl of Buckingham (Ordinances, v. 209). He was appointed in 1442 captain of the town of Calais, an office which he held for some years, but frequently performed its duties by deputy. He took a leading part in the peace negotiations of 1445 and 1446, and was created Duke of Buckingham on the very day (14 Sept. 1444) that Gloucester's great enemy, Suffolk, was made a marquis (Rot. Parl. vi. 128; cf. Ordinances, vi. 33, 39; Engl. Chron. ed. Davies, p. 61). The creation of Henry de Beauchamp as Duke of Warwick in the following April, with precedence over him, drew from him a protest, which parliament met (1445) by decreeing that the two dukes should have precedence of each other year and year about. The death of the Duke of Warwick on 11 June following, however, soon supplied a more radical solution of the difficulty. Buckingham took the precaution to secure in 1447 a grant of special precedence before all dukes of subsequent creation not of royal blood. This doubtless was the reward of his prominent share in the arrest of Gloucester at Bury St. Edmunds in February of that year (ib. pp. 63, 117). He was also granted Penshurst and other of Gloucester's Kentish estates (Rot. Parl. v. 309). In June 1450 he was employed in a vain attempt to make terms with Cade's insurgents, and after the collapse of the rebellion was one of the commissioners who sat at Rochester for the trial of the rebels. In the same year he became warden of the Cinque ports and constable of Dover and Queenborough castles, and in the autumn he provided a strong guard for the king at Kenilworth and Coventry (Issue Roll, p. 478). His wages as captain of Calais had by November 1449 fallen into arrears to the extent of over 19,000l., but parliament then gave him a lien on the customs and subsidies (Rot. Parl. v. 206). He seems to have resigned this unprofitable post to Edmund Beaufort, second duke of Somerset [q. v.], in 1451. In February 1455 he helped to bail out Somerset, and to arbitrate between him and Richard, duke of York (Fœdera, xi. 361–2). He had shown his dislike of York's ambition a year before by consenting to act as lord steward at the Earl of Devonshire's trial (Rot. Parl. v. 249). He it was, too, who had presented the infant prince Edward to the mad king without succeeding in making him understand that a son and heir had been born to him (Paston Letters, i. 263). About the same time (January 1454) Buckingham was reported to have had two thousand Stafford knots (his badge of livery) made ‘to what intent men may construe as their wits will give them’ (ib. i. 265). He consistently supported the queen against York, and on Henry's recovery accompanied him against the duke. He vainly endeavoured to make an arrangement with York on the eve of the battle of St. Albans (Whethamstede, Annals, i. 167). He was wounded in the face at the battle (Paston Letters, i. 327, 330–3). But he soon recognised the accomplished fact, and ‘swore to be ruled and draw the line’ with York and his friends (ib. i. 335). He and his half-brothers, the Bourchiers, were bound in very heavy recognisances. The act of resumption passed by the Yorkist parliament contained an express exception in favour of his crown grants, and he was placed on various committees (Rot. Parl. v. 279, 287). Entrusted with the ungrateful task of investigating a riot between the Londoners and some Italians, he was put in fear of his life, and in May 1456 fled to Writtle, near Chelmsford, ‘nothing well pleased’ (Fabyan, p. 630; Paston Letters, i. 386). Before the end of the year Queen Margaret temporarily estranged him by the abrupt dismissal of Archbishop Bourchier and Viscount Bourchier from their offices. But on the whole his sympathies were with the royal party; possibly he had ideas of holding the balance between Margaret and the Duke of York. Sir James Ramsay thus explains the incident (which he thinks occurred on this occasion) of Buckingham reminding York that he ‘had nothing to lean to but the king's grace’ (Rot. Parl. v. 347). In April 1457 Buckingham was with the court at Hereford, and a year later accompanied the queen to London for the famous ‘loveday’ between the two rival parties (Paston Letters, i. 416, 426). He remained loyal on the reopening of the struggle in 1459, and in the February following received a grant in recognition of his services against the rebels in Kent (Fœdera, xi. 443). A few months later he sent away the bishops, who appeared with an armed retinue just before the battle of Northampton (10 July 1460) to demand a royal audience for the Yorkist peers. ‘Ye come,’ said Buckingham, ‘not as bishops to treat for peace, but as men of arms’ (English Chron. ed. Davies, p. 96). In the combat that ensued he was slain by the Kentish men beside the king's tent (ib. p. 97). His remains were laid in the church of the Greyfriars at Northampton (Dugdale, i. 166). In his will he left gifts to the canons of Maxstoke (Maxstoke Castle in Warwickshire being a favourite residence) and to the college of Pleshey in Essex, which he had inherited from Thomas of Gloucester (ib.) He was perhaps the greatest landowner in England; his estates lay all over central England, from Holderness to Brecknock, and from Stafford to Tunbridge. [q. v.] under Henry VIII, as one of a series representing constables of Queenborough (cf. Walpole, Letters, ed. Cunningham, ii. 302). Probably more trustworthy is the head on the tomb of Richard Beauchamp (d. 1454) at Warwick, engraved in Doyle's ‘Official Baronage.’unate Prince Edward (Henry VI's son), and did not die until 20 Sept. 1480, surviving a second husband, Walter Blount, lord Mountjoy (Rot. Parl. vi. 128; English Chron. ed. Davies, p. 109; Testamenta Vetusta, p. 356). By her Buckingham had seven sons (four of whom died young) and five daughters. Of the sons who reached manhood''', Humphrey was ‘gretly hurt’ in the battle of St. Albans (1455), and died not long after (Paston Letters, i. 333; Rot. Parl. v. 308), leaving by his wife Margaret, daughter of Edmund Beaufort, second duke of Somerset [q. v.], a son, Henry Stafford, second duke of Buckingham [q. v.] Henry, apparently the second son of the first duke, married, before 1464, the better known Margaret Beaufort, daughter of John, first duke of Somerset, and mother of Henry VII by her first husband, Edmund Tudor, earl of Richmond; he died in 1481 (Stafford MSS. vol. i. f. 346b; Test. Vet. p. 324; cf. State Papers, Venetian, i. 103). '''The first duke's third surviving son''' was John, K.G. and earl of Wiltshire, who died 8 May 1473. his father in 1462; secondly, Sir Thomas Cobham of Sterborough (d. 1471); she died in 1472. 2. Joanna, married, before 1461, to William, viscount Beaumont, from whom she was separated before 1477, and married, secondly, Sir William Knyvet of Buckenham in Norfolk; she was living in 1480. 3. Elizabeth. 4. Margaret. 5. Catherine, married, before 1467, to John Talbot, third earl of Shrewsbury (d. 1473); she died 26 Dec. 1476.37).nd Ordinances of Privy Council, ed. Nicolas; Inquisitiones post mortem (Record Comm.) and Rymer's Fœdera (orig. ed.); Issue Roll of the Exchequer, ed. Devon; Gesta Henrici V (English Hist. Soc.); Chron. of London and Fabyan's Chron., ed. Ellis; Wavrin's Chron. and Stevenson's Wars in France (Rolls Ser.); English Chron., ed. Davies (Camden Soc.); Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris and Paris pendant la Domination Anglaise, publ. by the Société de l'Histoire de Paris; Paston Letters, ed. Gairdner; Nicolas's Testamenta Vetusta; Dugdale's Baronage; G. E. C[okayne]'s Complete Peerage.]//,_Humphrey_(1402-1460)_(DNB00) _________________, WALTER, first Baron Montjoy or Mountjoy (d. 1474), lord high treasurer of England''', eldest son of Sir Thomas Blount and grandson of Sir Walter Blount [q. v.], became treasurer of Calais in 1460, apparently in immediate succession to his father; fought bravely with the Yorkists at the decisive battle of Towton (29 March 1461), and was rewarded first by knighthood and afterwards by promotion to the governorship of Calais. In October 1461 he was besieging with a very large force ‘the Castell of Hampnes by side Cales,’ which apparently held out for Henry VI. In 1465 he was nominated lord high treasurer of England, and was raised to the peerage as Baron Montjoy or Mountjoy, on 20 June of the same year. In 1467 he was given the Devonshire estates forfeited to the crown by the attainder of Thomas Courtenay, earl of Devonshire, in 1461. He was directed in 1468 to accompany the king in a projected expedition to aid the Duke of Brittany against Louis XI. In the following year Mountjoy accompanied Edward IV on his public entry into London after his release from the temporary confinement to which Warwick and Clarence had subjected him. He was created a knight of the Garter on 23 April 1472.ty of the chapter of the Holy Trinity priory at Canterbury. By his will, dated 8 July 1474, he largely increased the endowment of the hospital of St. Leonards, near Alkmonton, Derbyshire, originally founded by his grandmother, Donna Sancha de Ayála [see under Blount, Sir Walter, (d. 1403)], and established a chapel in the same village. He was twice married: (1) to Helena, daughter of Sir John Byron of Clayton, Lancashire, and '''(2), in 1467, to Ann, widow of Humphrey Stafford, duke of Buckingham''', and daughter of Ralph Nevill, earl of Westmorland, by Joan Beaufort, only daughter of Catherine Swynford and John of Gaunt. '''By his second wife, who died in 1479, he had no issue. In 1470 Lord Mountjoy was appointed custodian of the estates of the dukedom of Buckingham during the minority of his stepson''' Henry Stafford, the heir. By his first marriage he had three sons. William, the eldest, was killed while fighting with Edward IV at Barnet in 1471, and was buried with his father at Grey Friars. William's son Edward succeeded his grandfather as the second Baron Mountjoy in 1474, but died in the following year, and was buried in the Grey Friars' church in London. The second son, Sir John, succeeded his nephew Edward as third Baron Mountjoy in 1475; was appointed captain of Guisnes and Hammes near Calais in 1477; was continued in the office by Richard III in 1483; died in 1485, bequeathing his body to the Grey Friars' church; and was succeeded in his title by his son William [q. v.] The third son, Sir James, became lieutenant of Hammes in 1476; joined in offering the castle of Hammes to Henry, earl of Richmond, in 1484–5; was with Henry VII on his landing at Milford Haven in 1485; was knighted there; became a knight banneret in 1487; and died in 1493 (cf. Polydore Vergil, Camd. Soc. 208, 212).w's Survey, ed. Strype, bk. iii. 133; Paston Letters, ed. Gairdner, ii. 5, 52, 169, 389; Nichols's Leicestershire, iii. 7, iv. 523, 524.](DNB00)€“ 21 October 1425), was an English nobleman of the House of Neville.ary 1379), daughter of Henry de Percy, 2nd Baron Percy of Alnwick, Northumberland, by Idoine de Clifford, daughter of Robert de Clifford, 1st Baron de Clifford.[1] .... etc.Margaret Stafford (d. 9 June 1396), the eldest daughter of Hugh Stafford, 2nd Earl of Stafford, and Philippa Beauchamp, the daughter of Thomas Beauchamp, 11th Earl of Warwick, by Katherine Mortimer, the daughter of Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March.[14] They had two sons and six daughters:olland, 2nd Earl of Kent, and Alice FitzAlan, and by her had three sons, Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmorland, John Neville, Baron Neville, and Sir Thomas Neville, and a daughter, Margaret Neville.[15], who married Peter de Mauley, 5th Baron Mauley.[15]er.[17]who married, before 3 February 1413, Sir Gilbert Umfraville, son of Sir Thomas Umfreville (d. 12 February 1391) and Agnes Grey (d. 25 October 1420), daughter of Sir Thomas Grey of Heaton (d. before 22 October 1369). He was slain at the Battle of Baugé in Anjou on 22 March 1421.[19]lton, and secondly, William Cressener, esquire.[20]Baron Ferrers.[21] Joan was the legitimated daughter of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, by his mistress and later third wife, Katherine Swynford. They had nine sons and five daughters:[22]hard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury (1400–1460), married Alice Montacute, 5th Countess of Salisbury. Their son was Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick (1428–1471), 'The Kingmaker'.le.3rd Baron Bergavenny.n Beaumont, 1st Viscount Beaumont, fourthly to Sir John Woodville (d. 12 August 1469).Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland.€“1495), married to Richard, 3rd Duke of York. She was the mother of King Edward IV and King Richard III.t. Mary at Staindrop. The magnificent alabaster tomb with effigies of himself and his two wives there has been termed the finest sepulchral monument in the north of England.[1] Neither of his wives is buried with him. His first wife, Margaret Stafford, was buried at Brancepeth, Durham, while his second wife, Joan Beaufort, was buried with her mother under a carved stone canopy in the sanctuary of Lincoln Cathedral.[23],_1st_Earl_of_Westmorland _______________dren (and only daughter) of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his mistress, later wife, Katherine Swynford; and, in her widowhood, a powerful landowner in the North of born at the Swynford manor of Kettlethorpe in Lincolnshire. Her surname probably reflects her father's lordship of Beaufort in Champagne, France, where she might also have been born.[2] In 1391, at the age of twelve, Joan married at Beaufort-en-Vallée, Anjou, Robert Ferrers, 5th Baron Boteler of Wem, and they had two daughters before he died in about 1395.had been privately declared legitimate by their cousin Richard II of England in 1390. Her parents were married in Lincoln Cathedral in February 1396.[3] Joan was already an adult when she was legitimized by the marriage of her mother and father with papal approval. The Beauforts were later barred from inheriting the throne by a clause inserted into the legitimation act by their half-brother, Henry IV of England, although it is not clear that Henry IV possessed sufficient authority to alter an existing parliamentary statute by himself, without the further approval of Parliament. Soon after the legitimation, on 3 February 1397, when she was eighteen, Joan married Ralph de Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, who had also been married once before.nd titles should, by law of rights, have passed on to his grandson through his first marriage, another Ralph Neville. Instead, while the title of Earl of Westmorland and several manors were passed to Ralph, the bulk of his rich estate went to his wife, Joan Beaufort. Although this may have been done to ensure that his widow was well provided for, by doing this Ralph essentially split his family into two and the result was years of bitter conflict between Joan and her stepchildren who fiercely contested her acquisition of their father's lands. Joan however, with her royal blood and connections, was far too powerful to be called to account, and the senior branch of the Nevilles received little redress for their grievances. Inevitably, when Joan died, the lands would be inherited by her own children. his two wives) she was entombed next to her mother in the magnificent sanctuary of Lincoln Cathedral. Joan's is the smaller of the two tombs; both were decorated with brass plates – full-length representations of them on the tops, and small shields bearing coats of arms around the sides — but those were damaged or destroyed in 1644 by Roundheads during the English Civil War. A 1640 drawing of them survives, showing what the tombs looked like when they were intact, and side-by-side instead of end-to-end, as they are now.ther of Edward IV of England, and of Richard III of England, whom Henry VII defeated to take the throne. Henry then married Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV, and their son became Henry VIII of England. Henry VIII's sixth wife, Catherine Parr, was also a descendant through Joan and Ralph's eldest son, Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury, and thus Henry's third cousin. The Earl of Salisbury was father to Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick, "the Kingmaker" (father of Queen consort Anne Neville).t Beaufort-en-Vallée, Anjou. They had 2 children:Greystoke (1389–1436), on 28 October 1407 in Greystoke Castle, Greystoke, Cumberland, and had issue.lph Neville, son of Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmoreland, c. 1413 in Oversley, Warwickshire, and had issuele, married first on 12 January 1411 John Mowbray, 2nd Duke of Norfolk; married second Sir Thomas Strangways; married third John Beaumont, 1st Viscount Beaumont; married fourth Sir John Woodville (d. 12 August 1469).ury (1400–1460), married Alice Montacute, suo jure 5th Countess of Salisbury. Had issue. Their descendants include Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick; queen consort Anne Neville, wife of Richard III; and queen consort Catherine Parr, sixth wife of King Henry VIII (great-grandson of Richard's sister, Cecily).410–1463)"Proud Cis"), married Richard, 3rd Duke of York, and mothered Kings Edward IV of England and Richard III of Englandville, died young'Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of Buckingham KG''' (15 August 1402 – 10 July 1460) was an English nobleman. A great-grandson of King Edward III on his mother's side, he was a military commander in the Hundred Years' War and in the Wars of the Roses.ungest son Thomas of Woodstock., inheriting a large estate with lands in more than a dozen counties, although over two-thirds of his estate was still occupied by his mother and he only received a reduced income, of less than £1260, until he was sixteen. Humphrey was made a royal ward on his father's death, under the control of Henry IV's queen Joanna of Navarre.[1]s death, he was part of the regency council, becoming a Privy Councillor in 1424. He was seen as a moderating influence over the power battles between Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester and Bishop Henry Beaufort.[1] He was made a knight of the Order of the Garter in 1429.n English-occupied Normandy by King Henry VI. This title was one of many granted by Henry VI to his leading supporters during the English occupation of France.eived the remainder of his father's estates, worth £1500 plus her half of the Bohun inheritance, another £1200; this included the title of Earl of Buckingham, bringing a further £1000. On 14 September 1444 he was created Duke of Buckingham, making him one of the greatest landowners in England; in 1447 he was granted precedence over all English dukes not of royal blood. Despite his income, during his time in office as the Captain of the Calais garrison, he was heavily out of pocket. He was responsible for ensuring the garrison was paid, leaving him owed £19,395 by the Crown which was only partially recovered by the time he left in 1451. Public office continued to push him to spend over his annual income, with household costs of over £2000, as well as all the public requirements he needed to fund.[1]r Castle, also Constable of Queensborough, on the Isle of Sheppey), in 1450. He represented the Crown during peace talks with the French in 1445 and 1446 and in roles such as an envoy to the insurgents with Jack Cade at Blackheath. Buckingham, as a Constable of England, was one of the lords who arrested Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester at Bury St Edmunds on 18 February 1447.trolled by Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset from around 1451. Buckingham supported Somerset, trying to maintain peace between him and Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York. However, from August 1453, the king became catatonic and York was appointed Protector of the Realm; when the king recovered in 1455, reversing many of York's decisions, war broke out. Although loyal to King Henry VI, Buckingham was reluctant to take up arms for Somerset, even though his son was married to Somerset's daughter. He seemed to be the ideal choice to negotiate and secured Somerset's release from prison in Feb 1455; he was still trying to get a compromise up to the eve of the First Battle of St. Albans on 22 May 1455. Buckingham commanded the king's army of 2,500; only about 50 people died in the battle, but this included Somerset. Buckingham himself was wounded[2] and captured with the king when the Earl of Warwick scored a remarkable success. York now had the political upper hand, made himself Constable of England and kept the prisoner, returning to the role of Protector when the king became ill again. Throughout all of this, Buckingham kept an open mind and helped maintain a relative stability during York's second protectorate.disliked his decision to support York in military situations. But at the end, he aligned himself with the queen, escorting her to the 'Loveday' reconciliation effort held between the factions on 2 March 1458. When hostilities started again, his presence at Battle of Ludford Bridge led to the defeat of the Yorkist forces, and he was rewarded by Lancastrians with extensive grants from the estates of Sir William Oldhall.[1]Buckingham informed them "The Earl of Warwick shall not come to the king's presence and if he comes he shall die" and told a group of Yorkist bishops that they were not men of peace but men of war and there could be no peace with Warwick. The battle was fought on 10 July 1460 and was shortened when Edmund Grey, 1st Earl of Kent turned traitor to the king and ordered his men to lay down arms, allowing the Yorkists access to the camp. In the ensuing fight, Buckingham, the Earl of Shrewsbury and Lord Egremont and John Beaumont, Viscount Beaumont, were killed by a group of Kentishmen. Buckingham was buried shortly after at Grey Friars, Northampton.[1]October 1424, They had the following children:d Eleanor Beauchamp. They were parents of Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham. of Somerset and Margaret Beauchamp. Margaret Beaufort had previously been married to Edmund Tudor, the eldest half-brother of Henry VI, and had given birth to the future Henry VII two months after Edmund's death. She and Henry Stafford had no children together.rd (born 1439). Twin brother of William Stafford. They were the parents of Edward Stafford, 2nd Earl of Wiltshire.ed first Aubrey de Vere, son of John de Vere, 12th Earl of Oxford. She married secondly Thomas Cobham, 5th Baron Cobham.[3][4]ready died of plague,[1] Humphrey was succeeded by his grandson Henry.nd the Duke of Buckingham's Riding Retinue. The group are considered by English Heritage and the BBC[5] to be sufficiently authentic in their portrayals to have been employed by them in such a capacity.lter Blount''' was born about 1416, the eldest son of Sir Thomas Blount (1378–1456) and Margery Gresley and grandson of Sir Walter Blount.ame a bitter rival of the local Vernon and Longford families, replacing the Vernons in parliament as the near permanent Knight of the Shire (1446–1448, 1450–1468) for Derbyshire. He succeeded his father, Sir Thomas Blount, as Treasurer of Calais in 1460, becoming governor a year later as a reward for service rendered to King Edward IV at the Battle of Towton. Edward conferred on him in 1467 rich estates in Devon forfeited by the Earl of Devon; and in 1465 Blount was made lord high treasurer and created Baron Mountjoy. This creation is noteworthy as one of the earliest examples of a baronial title not being of a territorial character; nor the title of a dignity already existing. Blount's great-grandfather had married Isolda, daughter and heiress of Sir Thomas de Mountjoy, and the title was probably chosen to commemorate this alliance.[1]herited his title. His eldest son (and Edward's father) Sir William Blount had been killed at the Battle of Barnet in 1471.ayton, Lancashire,[2] by whom he had four sons and two daughters.oy, second son.of Buckingham''' (d.1460), and daughter of Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland.[2]

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von Anne Neville

Ralph Neville
Joan Beaufort
± 1379-1440

Anne Neville
± 1411-1480

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