Über den Ort » Attica, Marion County, Iowa, Die Vereinigten Staaten

Häufige Familiennamen in Attica
Aufzeichnungen von Attica

Attica is a small unincorporated town in Marion County, Iowa, United States. It lies approximately 6 miles south of Knoxville on Iowa Highway 5. A notable landmark around the area is the Hammond Covered Bridge Located south of town off of Highway G-76 on 170th. On Friday, May 30, 2008, a tornado struck the town in the early morning just after 5:00 AM, causing damage to many homes and other structures. Although a few injuries were reported, no fatalities occurred. The Des Moines National Weather Service rated the tornado as an EF2 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale, meaning the tornado contained winds of 111–135 miles per hour. Attica is home to the locally renown Kin Folks BBQ restaurant.

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