Über den Ort » Lancaster, Lancaster County, South Carolina, Die Vereinigten Staaten

Aufzeichnungen von Lancaster

Lancaster /ˈlæŋkəstər/ is a small city in Lancaster County, South Carolina which is in the United States and is located 35 miles south of Charlotte, North Carolina and 20 miles east of Rock Hill, South Carolina. As of the United States Census of 2010, the city population was 10,160. It is the county seat of Lancaster County. The city was named after the famous House of Lancaster. Lancaster County is number 147 in US micropolitan areas; with a 2008 population estimate of 73,393 in the micropolitan area. It is the boyhood home of the 7th president of the United States, Andrew Jackson.

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Lancaster County
South Carolina
Die Vereinigten Staaten
Vlag van Die Vereinigten Staaten

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