Über den Ort » Columbus, Hempstead County, Arkansas, Die Vereinigten Staaten

Häufige Familiennamen in Columbus
Aufzeichnungen von Columbus

Columbus is an unincorporated community in Hempstead County, Arkansas, United States. Columbus is located on Arkansas Highway 73, 15 miles west-northwest of Hope. Columbus has a post office with ZIP code 71831. Columbus was a farming community up until the 1960s. There was once a bank owned by the Wilson family of Columbus, along with several stores and a school, the most notable store being a general store owned by David Mitchell. The stores have since been torn down. During the 1940s, Columbus school was forced to consolidate with Hope School District. The old gym was recently burnt, leaving only to doorways. Some of the prominate families of Columbus included Caldwell, Wilson, Mitchell, Hawthorne, and Downs.

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