Über den Ort » Shelby, Austin County, Texas, Die Vereinigten Staaten

Aufzeichnungen von Shelby

Shelby is an unincorporated town in Austin County, Texas, United States. Otto von Roeder was the first settler in Shelby in 1841. The community was named for David Shelby, one of The Old Three Hundred under Stephen F. Austin. Shelby would become the home of many Adelsverein colonists in 1845, but it was founded a year before that organization was formed in Germany, and three years before the Adelsverein sent its first colonists to Texas . Von Roeder had emigrated to Texas from Westphalia in the 1830s and was not affiliated with the Adelsverein's colonization efforts. Because many of the German settlers spoke Latin, it is believed to be part of the Latin Settlement communities populated in Texas at that time.

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