Über den Ort » Dorkwerd, Gemeente Groningen, Groningen, Niederlande

Aufzeichnungen von Dorkwerd

Dorkwerd is a small village in Groningen, the Netherlands. It is located in the municipality of Groningen, about 4 km northwest of the city center. Recent construction of new residential areas have brought the city to less than 500 meters from the village of Dorkwerd. Dorkwerd is one of the smallest villages of Groningen, consisting of a church and a few farms. According to the 19th century historian A.J. van der Aa, Dorkwerd (also written Dorkwert, Dorquert) consisted of 19 houses, with a population of almost 140. Most of the village was in the municipality of Hoogkerk, west of the Reitdiep canal, but two houses belonging to the village were east of the canal in Adorp. There was a small village school here, built in 1832.

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Gemeente Groningen
Vlag van Niederlande

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