Über den Ort » Bad Nieuweschans, Gemeente Oldambt, Groningen, Niederlande

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Aufzeichnungen von Bad Nieuweschans

Bad Nieuweschans is a town in the Dutch province of Groningen. It is located in the municipality of Oldambt, about 12 km east of Winschoten. In April 2009 the municipality of Reiderland changed the name from Nieuweschans, to promote the town as a spa. Close to the town is the easternmost point of the Netherlands. Bad Nieuweschans is a small town surrounded by large fortifications built in the Eighty Years' War (1628), located on the Dutch-German border. Nieuweschans was a separate municipality until 1990, when it became a part of Reiderland. On January 1, 2010, Reiderland became a part of Oldambt. Georges Simenon's The Crime of Inspector Maigret Maigret and the Hundred Gibbets starts in its train station.

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Bad Nieuweschans
Gemeente Oldambt
Vlag van Niederlande

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