Über den Ort » Oirsbeek, Beekdaelen, Limburg, Niederlande

Häufige Familiennamen in Oirsbeek

Oirsbeek is a village in the southeast of the Netherlands, part of the municipality of Schinnen. Between 1839 and 1982, Oirsbeek was a separate municipality. Oirsbeek has about 4000 inhabitants. The Sint Lambertuskerk, a Roman Catholic Church, was built in 1951 by Frits Peutz on the remains of two older churches: the original church built in 1514 and a second church built in 1830. It is unknown where the name Oirsbeek originates from. It is certain that the name has to do with the creek ("beek" is Dutch for creek) that used to flow through the village. "Oir" could come from "Oer" (meaning iron-rich dirt) which is found in the area. The creek was called "vloot" by people from Oirsbeek in the past. Currently it runs through a tube in the ground under the "Grachtstraat". From there it flows in the direction of Wolfhagen, part of the village of Schinnen. Oirsbeek used to be one of 4 suburbs, "Gracht", "Klein-Doenrade", "Oirsbeek" and "Oppeven".

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Dieser Ort gehört zum Arbeitsbereich des Euregionaal Historisch Centrum Sittard-Geleen