Über den Ort » Oud-Wulven, Gemeente Houten, Utrecht, Niederlande

Aufzeichnungen von Oud-Wulven

Oud-Wulven is a hamlet in the Dutch province of Utrecht. It is located just north of the village of Houten, and is part of that municipality. Oud-Wulven was originally a heerlijkheid (fiefdom). In 1545 it was combined with the neighbouring heerlijkheid Waaijen. "Oud-Wulven en Waaijen" remained a separate entity until 1811, when it merged into Houten. This didn't last long: in 1818 they were combined with the heerlijkheden Wulven, Heemstede, Grote Koppel, Kleine Koppel, Maarschalkerweerd, and Slagmaat to a single municipality called "Oud-Wulven. The municipality Oud-Wulven had an area of about 10.7 km, and more than 250 inhabitants in the middle of the 19th century. The municipality was merged back with Houten on September 8, 1857. Nowadays, the hamlet of Oud-Wulven has approximately 170 inhabitants.

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Gemeente Houten
Vlag van Niederlande

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