Über den Ort » Overschie, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Niederlande

Aufzeichnungen von Overschie

Overschie is a neighbourhood of Rotterdam, Netherlands, formerly a separate village with its own municipality. The village of Overschie was located on the intersection of four rivers called "Schie": the Delftsche Schie, Schiedamsche Schie, Delfshavensche Schie, and Rotterdamsche Schie. It was a separate municipality between 1817 and 1941, when it merged with Rotterdam. Immediately after the Second World War, the construction of a large suburb was begun southeast of the village. "Overschie" is now also the name of a deelgemeente (borough) of the city of Rotterdam, covering the former village, the neighbourhood Overschie, airport Zestienhoven, and the countryside to the north including the hamlet Zweth.

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Dieser Ort gehört zum Arbeitsbereich des Gemeentearchief Rotterdam

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