Über den Ort » Susteren, Gemeente Echt-Susteren, Limburg, Niederlande

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Aufzeichnungen von Susteren

Susteren is a city in the Dutch province of Limburg. It is located in the municipality of Echt-Susteren, about 7 km northwest of Sittard. It was a separate municipality until 2003, when it was merged with Echt. Susteren received town privileges in 1276. Susteren harboured the Benedictine Abbey Susteren, that was founded in the 8th century and was closed at the end of the 18th century. Its Romanesque church was raised to the status of a basilica in 2007 by pope Benedict XVI. There is a museum ‘t Stift next to the church. Other sights are the castle Eyckholt, the mill Dieterdermolen and typical River Meuse valley farms like the Hommelhof.

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Gemeente Echt-Susteren
Vlag van Niederlande

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