Über den Ort » Wachtum, Gemeente Coevorden, Drenthe, Niederlande

Aufzeichnungen von Wachtum

Wachtum is a village in the municipality Coevorden in the Dutch province Drenthe. To the former municipality Dalen, belonged to the municipal division in 1998. Oosterhesselen lies north of Wachtum and Dalen lies south. It has an altitude of 11 metres (39 feet) and a population of about 280. Wachtum is an old esdorp. The first mention of the name Wachtum, (then Wachtmen), was in 1399, when the council gave a judgement concerning sale of a farm. In the village stands a windmill, known as De Hoop. This mill was built as a drainage mill which drained a polder at Veendam, Groningen. In 1894, the mill was moved to Wachtum and from then on it was used for producing animal feed.

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Gemeente Coevorden
Vlag van Niederlande

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