Über den Ort » Zeerijp, Eemsdelta, Groningen, Niederlande

Aufzeichnungen von Zeerijp

Zeerijp is a village north of city of Groningen. Its most striking building is its medieval brick church with detached bell tower. Formerly dedicated to John the Baptist, now it is a Dutch Reformed church. Also there is a famous organ inside the church, a Faber organ. Because there are so few inhabitants, Zeerijp has no shops, but there is a primary school 'De Wilgenstee' and a cafe. Also, there is a famous mill, 'de Leeuw'. There is also a gold and silver smith, Van Hulsen. Zeerijp's most recently made the headlines when an earthquake struck the village in January 2007. Earthquakes are extremely rare in the Netherlands; this one, measuring 2.3 on the Richter magnitude scale, was a result of drilling for natural gas.

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