Über den Ort » Bexley, Greater London, England, Großbritannien

Aufzeichnungen von Bexley

Bexley is a town in South East London in the London Borough of Bexley, England. It is located on the banks of the River Cray south of the Roman Road, Watling Street. There are two parts to the town – Old Bexley, still with the appearance of a village (and often referred to locally as "Bexley Village"), and more recent suburban sprawl that blends into the surroundings. It is the suburban area that is now the main town centre of the borough, rather than Old Bexley. Bexley's Old Heath between Welling and Crayford now contains the council's main administrative offices and council chamber as well as suburban housing. The High Street is 12.76 miles from Charing Cross.

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