Über den Ort » Plympton, City of West Torrens, South Australia, Australien

Häufige Familiennamen in Plympton
Aufzeichnungen von Plympton

Plympton is a suburb of the city of Adelaide, South Australia. The name is believed to have been given by Henry Mooringe Boswarva to a private subdivision in the area, naming after his home town in Devon, England. It was accepted as an official name for the suburb in 1944. The remnants of the North Terrace-Glenelg railway line can be found in Plympton's West Side cycleway. In 1896 a "plumpton" track for coursing was established in the area by the Plympton Coursing Company. The Adelaide Plumpton Coursing Club was formed in 1908, with John Creswell as president, to control dog racing at Plympton. The track and adjacent polo grounds later came to be called "Birkalla", after the nearby railway station, though the name "Plympton Plumpton" lingered on. Plympton is known for its diverse ethnic composition. Plympton is in the City of West Torrens local government area, the South Australian House of Assembly electoral district of Ashford and the Australian House of Representatives Division of Hindmarsh.

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City of West Torrens
South Australia
Vlag van Australien

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