Nachrichten » Vorschläge für ganze Familien

The aim of many family tree researchers is to get the families in their family tree complete. After all, all children in the family have had an influence on the family and are therefore important for the family history. Genealogy Online now offers help in finding missing children in families and in finding missing information - such as date of birth or date of death - of children in families. And all this based on data provided by archives!

Open Archives

Open ArchievenOpen Archives is a top search engine for historical personal data. The data comes from various archive institutions that have made their data available for reuse. Based on this so-called open data, a website has been created that offers researchers unique information and service:

Open Archives also offers various functions - via automated access - to website and app builders. Genealogy Online now uses the Open Archives search function to search for "extra children"!

Search for "extra children"

For each parent couple in a publication on Genealogy Online, Open Archives is automatically searched for children of this parent couple. The search results (= children) are compared with the children who already appear in the publication. In this way "extra children" (or extra information about already known children) can be found, making the publication more complete! Below a screenshot where you can see how the "extra" found children are displayed (click on the image to view a 'live' view):

Extra kinderen vinden

Genealogy Online offers this function via the scans search service which is part of the Genealogy Online Plus subscription.

Have you not yet put your genealogical data on Genealogy Online? With a Trial subscription you can easily put your family tree online!

Creative Commons Licence 20. September 2015 | Permanenter Link zu dieser Nachricht

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