Richtlinien für die genealogische selbst Verbesserung und Wachstum
Faced with ever-growing expectations for genealogical accuracy and reliability, family historians concerned with improving their abilities will, on a regular basis
study comprehensive texts and narrower-focus articles and recordings covering genealogical methods in general and the historical background and sources available for areas of particular research interest, or to which their research findings have led them;
interact with other genealogists and historians in person or electronically, mentoring or learning as appropriate to their relative experience levels, and through the shared experience contributing to the genealogical growth of all concerned;
subscribe to and read regularly at least two genealogical journals that list a number of contributing or consulting editors, or editorial board or committee members, and that require their authors to respond to a critical review of each article before it is published;
participate in workshops, discussion groups, institutes, conferences, and other structured learning opportunities whenever possible;
recognize their limitations, undertaking research in new areas or using new technology only after they master any additional knowledge and skill needed and understand how to apply it to the new subject matter or technology;
analyze critically at least quarterly the reported research findings of another family historian, for whatever lessons may be gleaned through the process;
join and participate actively in genealogical societies covering countries, localities, and topics where they have research interests, as well as the localities where they reside, increasing the resources available both to themselves and to future researchers;
review recently published basic texts to renew their understanding of genealogical fundamentals as currently expressed and applied;
examine and revise their own earlier research in the light of what they have learned through self-improvement activities, as a means for applying their new-found knowledge and for improving the quality of their work-product.
Genealogische Publikationen sind Urheberrechtlich geschützt. Auch wenn Daten meistens aus öffentlichen Quellen kommen, erzeugt das suchen, interpretieren, sammeln, selektieren und ordnen von ein einzigartiges Werk. Urheberrechtlich geschütztes Werk darf nicht einfach kopiert oder neu veröffentlicht werden.
Halten Sie sich an die folgenden Regeln
Bitte um Erlaubnis, Daten zu kopieren oder zumindest den Autor zu informieren, es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass der Autor die Erlaubnis erteilt, oft führt der Kontakt auch zu mehr Datenaustausch.
Benutzen Sie die Daten erst, wenn Sie sie kontrolliert haben, am besten bei der Quelle (Archiv).
Vermelden Sie Ihre Quelle, idealerweise auch seine oder ihre Originalquelle.