McDonald Wilton family tree » Baudouin "Baudouin Batard De Bourgogne" de Bourgogne (born de Lille) (1445-1508)

Persönliche Daten Baudouin "Baudouin Batard De Bourgogne" de Bourgogne (born de Lille) 

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*''''''The royal descent and colonial ancestry of Mrs. Harley Calvin Gage (c1910)/mode/1up at Viseu, 30th October, 1391, and died at Tomar, 9th September, 1438. He ascended the throne of his ancestors upon the death of his father, King John, 15th August, 1433. As Prince Edward, at the age of twenty-three, (1414), he distinguished himself at the taking of Ceuta in Africa, an expedition in which all five brothers took part, the two youngest princes being but thirteen and fifteen years of age, respectively. Their mother, Philippa, had taken great interest in the expedition, but was stricken with the Plague, called the "Black Death", just as they were about to sail. She sent her blessing from her death bed. Edward married, 1428, Leonore (died, 1445), daughter of Fernando I., King of Aragon and Sicily. One of his daughters Eleonore (born 1434), married, 1452, Frederick IV., Emperor of Germany; another daughter, Jeanne (born 1438), married 1455, Henry II., King of Castile. King Edward was a man of unusually pure life, a model prince, possessed of strong intellect, and famed for sound judgment and justice in all his dealings. He was a philosopher and author of several valuable works, his literary style being characterized by dignity and elegance. His "Reflections" dedicated to his wife, the Queen, and a treatise on "Horsemanship", a science in which he had no superior, have both been extensively translated. The manuscripts of these two works are still preserved among the most precious in the "Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris". He was an enthusiastic patron of learning, science, painting and architecture. The King's brother, Dom Pedro, was a poet of recognized talent. This reign saw the continuance of the great literary development of the previous reign, and the creation of a national literature which made the name of Portugal renowned throughout Europe, A century later, Camoens, Portugal's great Epic poet, (1424-1479) celebrated in verse this heroic period. The explorations and discoveries of the King's brother, Prince Henry the Navigator, continued, constantly adding new territory and colonial possessions to Portugal's wealth. Prince Henry's life ambition was to find a direct route to India by circumnavigating Africa, the coast of which was then wholly unknown, the indentation made by the gulf of Guinea then being supposed to mark the southern extremity of that continent. Year after year, he dispatched fleets of two and three vessels at a time, which often made important discoveries but never succeeded in doubling the great cape. Among the islands discovered were the Canaries and the Azores (1431) the latter remaining to this day Portugese possessions. Through his pious desire to Christianize the African savages, Prince Henry became, unwittingly, the founder of the African slave trade, when, in 1444, his fleet of eight vessels brought home 200 captive natives, who were set to work on the domains of the Order of Christ, in Algarves, of which order Prince Henry was Grand Master. Cape Verde, Madeira, Guinea, the rivers Senegal and Gambia were his discoveries, and he opened the way for future and greater successes. Prince Henry was never married, choosing to is entire life to the most rigorous labor, even refusing the most pressing invitations from the Pope and foreign monarchs, who greatly desired him to visit their courts, and vied with each other in honoring him. King Edward's, life was shortened by grief for the military disaster of his favorite brother, the brave but rash Dom Ferdinand, who, entirely against the judgment of King Edward, the Pope, and all the wiser heads of Portugal, had set out to conquer and Christianize Africa. The King died 1438, and was succeeded by his eldest son, then six years of age (born 1432, died 1481), Alphonso V., King of Portugal and Castile. By his will King Edward left the regency to his wife Leonore, but the people, through a great Cortes at Torreshorras, composed of all the Grandees, set aside the will and appointed Dom Pedro, Duke of Coimbra, brother of the late King Edward, "Defender", with all power to govern, and Queen Leonore guardian of the person of the little King. Alfonso married, 1475, his niece, Joanna, elder daughter of Henry IV., King of Castile by his wife Joanna, sister of Alfonso, and sixth child of King Edward I., and claimed the Kingdom of Castile in her name, upon the death of the King. But the Castilians chose Isabella, 1451-1504, sister of Henry IV. of Castile, whose marriage, in 1469, to Fedinand II., the Catholic, King of Aragon, united Castile and Aragon and resulted in United Spain, which has since continued under a single monarch. As the friends and patrons of Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand and Isabella are immortal. The child of Edward I., King of Portugal, was ; gal and Castile, the latter born 1432,. died 1481. His mother, Jeanne Manuel, was a Spanish Princess, descendant of Prince Juan Manuel, (born 3d May, 1282, died 1348, Regent of Spain, 1312-1320,)by his wife Bianca, whom he married 1329, daughter of Fernando II., Prince de la Cerda, born 1254, died August, 1275, by his wife Blanche of France, born 1252, died 1320, daughter of Louis IX., the Saint, King of France, born 1215, died 1270. St. Louis died while on a Crusade to the Holy Land. Fernando II,, Prince de la Cerda, was a grandson of Alfonso X., the Wise, born 1221, died 1284, King of Castile and Leon, 1252, Emperor of Germany, 1257, by his wife Yolande, (born 1237, died 1300, daughter of Jayme I., King of Aragon), whom he married in 1246. Alfonso X., was himself the eldest son of Ferdinand III., the Saint, born 1199, died 1252, King of Castile and Leon, 1217, by his v/ife, Beatrice of Hohenstaufen, died 1234, daughter of Philip, German-Roman Emperor, (H. R. E.), born 1176, assassinated 1208. Jean Manuel, Prince of Portugal, Marquis of Viilena, Lord of Bellomont, Duke of Penafiel, as aforesaid, married, 1458 Aldonce de Figueora, born 1440, died 1487, daughter of Cordova, Count de Figueora de la Vega. They had a son, Don Jean Manuel de la Cerda, Lord of Bellomont and Campos and Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece; and a daughter ; CERDA, born 1468, died 1500, Spanish Princess through her mother, and granddaughter of Edward I. , King of Portugal through her father. She was, therefore, a great-great-granddaughter of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and great-great-great-granddaughter of Edward III., King of England, through her English great-grandmother, Philippa. She married, 1488, Baudouin of Burgundy, born 1445, died 1508, son of Philippe III, surnamed the Good, Duke of Burgundy and the Netherlands, also called the Magnificent, the most powerful monarch of his time and Founder and first Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The members of this Order, founded by Philippe III., to celebrate his marriage with the Infanta Isabella, daughter of John III., the Great, King of Portugal by his English wife save kings, virtually holding the rank of "Princes of the Blood Royal". Baudouin was the half-brother of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, born 13th February, 1433, killed at the Siege of Nancy, 27th March, 1477, son of Philippe III., Duke of Burgundy by his third wife the Infanta Isabella, born 1395, died 1472. Charles the Bold was the last of the Dukes of Burgundy and second Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece, founded by his father. Charles died leaving one only child, Marie, Duchess of Burgundy, born 13th February, 1457, died 27th March, 1482, by his second wife, Isabella of Bourbon, died 25th September, 1465. Marie, being the sole heiress of her father, she became the wealthiest and most eagerly sought after alliance of all Europe. She married, 1477, the Archduke Maximillian of Austria, afterwards, 1493-1519, German-Roman Emperor (H. R. E.) , a part of her vast possessions then reverting to the Crown of France, and a part being taken over by Austria, the latter including the Grand Mastership of, the Order of the Golden Fleece. This supreme distinction was held by Marie's husband, the Emperor Maximilian I., and has passed through successive Austrian Emperors to its present holder, Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria. The mother of Baudouin, son of Philip III., Duke of Burgundy, was the Lady Catherine de Tiesferies, daughter of Martin, Count de Tiesferies by his wife, the Lady Richarde de la Blanque. Baudouin of Burgundy was Baron de Bagnuolo, Lord of Falais, Lord of Bredam, Lord of Sommerdick and Lord of Manilly, Governor of Lille, Envoy to Spain, Knight of the Golden Fleece. In 1488, Baudouin was Ambassador to Spain; in 1477, he fought with his brother Charles, the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, in the disastrous siege of Nancy, where Charles lost his life and Baudouin was taken prisoner, afterwards being ransomed. Again in 1490, a ransom of L12,000 ($60,000) was paid for him. His daughter ; 1489, died 1511. She was the granddaughter of Philippe III., the Magnificent, Duke of Burgundy and the Netherlands, and cousin of Marie, Duchess of Burgundy, Empress of Austria, wife of the Emperor Maximilian I., of the Holy Roman Empire, 1493-1519, born 1459. She married, 1509, Philippe de Lannoy, Lord of Molembais, of Solre-le-Chateau, of Colroy and Lord of Turcoing in Flanders, born 1489, died 12th September, 1543. In 1531, he was created a Knight of the Order of the Golden Feece, his official number being CLXXXIII., and, in 1535, a Knight of the Imperial Order of the Golden Cross by the Emperor Charles V. , of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1519-1556, to whom he was Councillor and Lord High Chamberlain. Philippe's grandfather was Baudouin de Lannoy, surnamed *'le Begue", Lord of Molembais and Governor of Lille, who, in 1429, was one of the twenty Founder Knights at the institution of the Order of the Golden Fleece, his official number being XIX. He died 1474. The son of this nobleman, by his wife, Adrienne de Berlaymont, Lady of Solre-le-Chateau (died 29th April, 1439), daughter of Jacques de Berlaymont, Lord of Solre-le-Chateau, by his wife, Catherine de Robersart, was Baudouin de Lannoy, Lord of Molembais and of Solre-le-Chateau, born 1438, died 7th May, 1501. He was a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, No. LXXXIX., Lord High Chamberlain and Grand Master of the Palace, 1477-1501, to Maximilian I., Emperor of Austria and of the Holy Roman Empire. He served with the Duke of Burgundy at the Siege of Beauvais in 1472, and was the Governor of Zutphen. He married Michelle d'Esne, Lady of Colroy (died 22d April, 1511), daughter of Ame, Lord of Esne d'Haullien by his wife Habilan de Manilla, and was knighted by Maximilian I. This Baudouin de Lannoy, as aforesaid, was the father of Phillipe de Lannoy, Lord of Molembais, &c., who married Lady Magdelaine of Burgundy as aforesaid, and their son ;

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  1. Geni World Family Tree, via, 9. Oktober 2020
    Baudouin de Bourgogne (born de Lille)<br>Gender: Male<br>Alias name: Baudouin Batard De Bourgogne<br>Birth: 1445 - Lille, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France&;lt;br>Occupation: envoy to Spain<br>Marriage: Spouse: Marina Maurice Manuel de Villena de la Cerda - 1489<br>Death: May 1508 - Brussels, Brussels (Bruxelles), Belgium<br>Father: Philip III "the Good" de Valois, Duke of Burgundy<br>Mother: Catherine de Thieffries<br>Wives: <a>Marina Maurice Manuel de Villena de la Cerda, Moeder van Jean Baudouin de Bourgogne, Moeder van Hélène de Bourgogne<br>Ex-partners: Catherine d'Ayelle, Catherine Jacqueline van Gavere<br>Children: Karel I van Boergondië, Marguerite Madeleine de Bourgogne, Maximilien de Bourgogne, Philippe de Bourgogne, Marie de Bourgogne, Jean Baudouin de Bourgogne d'Orbec (born van Oirbeek), François de Bourgogne, Barbe de Bourgogne, Baudouin de Bourgogne<br>Sibling: Antoine de Bourgogne
    The Geni World Family Tree is found on" target="_blank"> Geni is owned and operated by MyHeritage.

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