Real black history and black original man- BC4000 - family tree over 360,000 persons - black Hebrew Yahya » Edward dna line 4 Adams (1825-1904)

Persönliche Daten Edward dna line 4 Adams 

Quelle 1
  • Er wurde geboren im Jahr 1825 in Buckinghamshire.
  • Er ist verstorben im Jahr 1904 in Millthorpe nsw, er war 79 Jahre alt.

Familie von Edward dna line 4 Adams

Er ist verheiratet mit Eliza Watson.

Sie haben geheiratet.


  1. Edward Watson Adams  1850-1936
  2. Arthur Sydney Adams  1851-1903
  3. Julie Ann Adams  1852-1911

Notizen bei Edward dna line 4 Adams

obituaries - On Sunday afternoon the remains of the late venerable old couple (Mr and Mrs E Adams) were interred in the Church of England cemetery Millthorpe. There was a very large attendance of relatives and friends from all parts of the district, not one fourth of whom were able to get into St Marks Church, where the Rev A.N.Burton conducted the service. He said it was a remarkable day in his experience as he had never known a husband and wife of such advanced ages to die within a few hours of one each other and be buried at the same time. The Rev. gentleman also bore touching testimony to the great interest taken in the church by the venerable couple, and that they had departed fully trusting in the redeeming work of Christ. The scripture lessons were read in the church, after which the coffins were taken to the grave near the church, followed by a large number of mourners. At the graveside the Rev. A.N.Burton conducted the last solemn service, and the two coffins were reverently lowered into their last resting place. It was one of the largest funerals ever seen in Millthorpe, and all classes paid respect to the good old couple who had been called to their rest. Mr J Reed of Blayney was in charge of the funeral arrangements.

Sans Pro', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: #fafafa;">At the conclusion of the service at St Marks Church Millthorpe on Sunday night, the orchestra very affectively played the "Dead march in Saul" as a token of respect to the memory of the late Mr & Mrs Adams, who were both buried together in the one grave during the afternoon. The two old people were devout lovers of their church, very faithful and always anxious to do what laid in their power to further its interests. They gave liberally, according to their means, for the support of the Ordinances of the Gospel. A considerable number of people who did not reach the church early on Sunday evening were unable to find sitting arrangements.

imary-info-renderer">Handel: Dead March from 'Saul' - Stokowski orchestration

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Edward dna line 4 Adams

Eliza Watson

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  1. Fort DIX Dna, Tania Barter, Edward dna line 4 Adams, 26. Januar 2022
    Added via a Smart Match

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    Family site: Fort DIX Dna

    Family tree: 228382171-1

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Dr Wilton McDonald- black Hebrew, "Real black history and black original man- BC4000 - family tree over 360,000 persons - black Hebrew Yahya", Datenbank, Genealogie Online ( : abgerufen 24. September 2024), "Edward dna line 4 Adams (1825-1904)".