Real black history and black original man- BC4000 - family tree over 360,000 persons - black Hebrew Yahya » Walter "Justicieary" Stewart 3rd High Steward of Scotland (1167-1246)

Persönliche Daten Walter "Justicieary" Stewart 3rd High Steward of Scotland 

Quelle 1
  • Auch bekannt als Walter fitz Alan of Paisley.
  • Spitzname ist Justicieary.
  • Er wurde geboren im Jahr 1167 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
  • Alternative: Er wurde geboren im Jahr 1180 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
  • Alternative: Er wurde geboren im Jahr 1180 in Paisley, Renfrew, Scotland.
  • (MARR) bis 1201 in Scotland.
  • Er ist verstorben Februar 1246 in Dundonald Castle, Kyle, Ayrshire, Scotland, er war 79 Jahre alt.
  • Alternative: Er ist verstorben im Jahr 1246 in Dundonald Castle, Kyle, Ayr, Scotland, er war 79 Jahre alt.
  • Er wurde beerdigt im Jahr 1246 in Paisley Abbey, Renfrewshire, Scotland.

Familie von Walter "Justicieary" Stewart 3rd High Steward of Scotland

Er hat eine Beziehung mit Bethoc [Beatrix] MacGille Crist.


  1. Euphemia Stewart  1201-1267
  2. Beatrix Stewart  1205-1250
  3. Sybella Stewart  1205-1267
  4. Margaret Stewart  ± 1206-1255 
  5. Alexander Stewart  1214-1283
  6. John Stewart  1216-1249
  7. Walter Stewart  1218-1294

Notizen bei Walter "Justicieary" Stewart 3rd High Steward of Scotland

PUBLISHED SOURCESx 2nd High Steward of Scotland & his wife --- (-124 He succeeded his father as 3rd High Steward of Scotland. "Walterus filii Alani domini regis Scotie senescallus" donated property to Paisley monastery by undated charter[1067]. The seal of "Walteri filii Alani" is appended to a charter under which "Walter son of Alan the Stuart" confirmed the donation of land at Edmonstone to Melrose by "Walter the son of Alan his grandfather"[1068]. Alexander II King of Scotland confirmed the donation of land "in Tibermur" made by "Walterus filius Alani", in confirmation of a donation by "Suanus filius Thori avus eiusdem Walteri", by undated charter[1069]. "Walterus filius Alani" confirmed the donation of "Tubermure" made to Scone abbey by "Swan filius Thory auus meus" by undated charter, dated to before 1221, witnessed by "Gilbto comite de Stathern dño Robto filio ei, Rogero de Mortimer, Galfrido de Inutunglas vic de Pth, Dunecano fil Moregrund, Reginaldo de Warenn, Walto filio Swani, Henr fil Alani fil Wani…"[1070]. He adopted the name Stewart. The Melrose Chronicle records the death in 1241 of "Walterus filius Alani junioris"[1071].nald, pronepos primi Walteri Stewart"[1136]. He succeeded his father as High Steward of Scotland. - see below.75 records that "Johannes Stuart primogenitus Walt" was killed "apud Massour", adding that "Gualto patre et Patricio Marchie comite" fought under "Lodovico Francor’ Rege"[1137]. It is unlikely that John was the oldest son of Walter as no record has been found of his having been appointed High Steward after his father’s Waltero fratre nostro…" subscribed the undated charter under which "Alexander filius Walteri senescalus regis Scotie" donated "ecclesiam de Dundonald…de Sanchar…de Awchinlac" to Paisley monastery[1138]. Earl of Menteith [1260], de iure uxoris. - EARLS of MENTEITH.ranted him "agro de Tourbourton" and that he married "heredem --- Roberti Crux de Cruxton" from whom descended "Barones de Derule et tandem etiam comites a Lennex", naming their son "Johannes de Stuart de Dernle" and his son "Robertus Styward de Dernle" (adding that the latter was a hostage in England for "Rege David Brus" in 1357)[1139]. m --- Crux, daughter of ROBERT Crux of Cruxton & his wife ---. The Visitation of Cambridge 1575 records that "Robertus Stuart iunior filius Gualteri" married "heredem --- Roberti Crux de Cruxton" from whom descended "Barones de Derule et tandem etiam comites a Lennex"[1140].]nse mee", by undated charter, witnessed by "Macolmo filio meo, Amelec, Macolmo, Duncano fratribus meis…"[1141]. m MALDOUEN of Lennox, son of ALWYN Earl of Lennox & his wife Eve of Menteith (-after 12 Mar 1251). He succeeded his father in [1224] as Earl of, son of DUNCAN Earl of Carrick & his wife --- (-1256).]ding primary source[1142]. m DONALD Lord of the Isles, son of REGINALD Lord of the Isles & his wife --- (-Island of Kerrara 1249, bur Iona).(died 1246) was 3rd hereditary High Steward of Scotland and Justiciar of Scotia.n, Earl of Mar. He was the first to use Steward as a surname, and was designated "of Dundonald".lus, Justiciar Scotiae" and it may be that seal which Nisbet described pertaining to Walter Hereditary High Steward of Scotland. Around the seal it states "Sigill. Walteri filii Allani".ed Bethóc, daughter of Gille Críst, Earl of Angus and his wife Marjorie, said to be a daughter of Henry of Scotland, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon. They were parents of:d of Scotland, sometime Regent of Scotland.Freckled"), who married Mary de Menteith and became Earl of Menteith. at Damietta.teith also went by the nick-name of Walter 'Ballach' (or in English, Walter 'the Freckled').he title. The new Earl of Menteith, surnamed Bailloch, or ‘the Freckled,’ was a famous warrior. He joined the disastrous expedition under St. Louis of France, called the Third Crusade, for the recovery of the Holy Sepulchre, and fought with great distinction at the battle of Largs in 1263, at which his elder brother defeated the Norwegians under King Haco. He took a prominent part in the proceedings connected with the contest for the Scottish crown after the death of the ‘Maiden of Norway,’ and was one of the commissioners nominated by Robert Bruce in his competition with John Baliol. The Earl left two sons, who dropped their paternal surname of Stewart, and assumed that of Menteith. Stewart (1225 x 1230 – 1293 x 1294), was third son of Walter Stewart, 3rd High Steward of Scotland, and Earl of Menteith jure uxoris. His wife was Mary I, Countess of Menteith. Characteristically of the Stewart family by the thirteenth century, he was distinguished by the sobriquet Bailloch or Balloch, a Gaelic nickname roughly translated as "the freckled".er Louis IX of France, but there is no certain evidence of this. After the death of King Alexander II of Scotland he favoured the Durward faction, and by a stratagem in 1255 secured the persons of the young King and Queen, but he was not at this time admitted to a share in the government. It was about 1260, when the Countess Isabella and her husband were forced to renounce the earldom, that the King and barons of Scotland declared the lands and title to belong to the wife of William Stewart, and he was invested therein. He was certainly using the title "comes" (earl or mormaer) before 17 April 1261, when he was witness to a grant to the Paisley Abbey.ed South Knapdale and the parish of Kilcalmonell. Following on this, the Earl granted the church of Kilcalmonell to the monks of Paisley. He also made grants to Kilwinning Abbey of churches in Knapdale, which show that he had possession of North Knapdale also. About 1263 the Earl was Sheriff of Ayr, and aided in making preparations to repel the expected invasion of King Haakon IV of Norway. He is said to have taken part in the battle of Largs. The Earl was Sheriff of Dumbarton in 1271. On 25 July 1281 he was one of the witnesses to and guarantors of the marriage contract of the Princess Margaret with Eirik II of Norway. In 1285 he and his Countess were again attacked by the rival claimants William Comyn and his wife, their claim having been in 1282 pressed upon King Alexander III of Scotland by the English King, and in a Parliament at Scone it was decided that the earldom should be divided into two portions.e principal residence on the territory, and the other half was erected into a barony in favour of William Comyn and his wife. The component parts of the earldom which remained to Walter Stewart are not known. The death of King Alexander in 1286 threw the kingdom again into confusion, and during the rivalry which ensued between the parties of Bruce and Balliol, the Earl of Menteith supported the cause of Bruce. In 1289 he was present at Birgham, and approved of the marriage proposed between Prince Edward of England and the young Margaret, Maid of Norway as she was called, the heiress of the Scottish Crown.ssioners. He was present at Norham on 20 November 1292 when the new king John Balliol swore fealty to Edward I of England. This is the last certain record of him, as although letters were addressed by the English King to Walter, Ea

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Vorfahren (und Nachkommen) von Walter Stewart

Walter Stewart

Margaret Stewart
± 1206-1255
John Stewart

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  1. FamilySearch Family Tree, via, 16. September 2020
    Added via a Record Match
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Dr Wilton McDonald- black Hebrew, "Real black history and black original man- BC4000 - family tree over 360,000 persons - black Hebrew Yahya", Datenbank, Genealogie Online ( : abgerufen 23. September 2024), "Walter "Justicieary" Stewart 3rd High Steward of Scotland (1167-1246)".