McDonald and Potts family tree » Philippe de Brienne (± 1340-1406)

Persönliche Daten Philippe de Brienne 

Quellen 1, 2
  • Auch bekannt als Phillippa de.
  • Sie ist geboren rund 1340 in of Walwyn's Castle, Pembrokeshire, Wales.
  • (MARR) Ab 1362.
  • (MARR) bis 1362 in of Laugharne, Carmarthenshire, Wales.
  • Sie ist verstorben Ab 20. Oktober 1406.
  • Ein Kind von Guy 1309 de Brienne, KG, Lord Bryan

Familie von Philippe de Brienne

Notizen bei Philippe de Brienne

“Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial & Medieval Families,” Douglas Richardson (2013):oulsford, Berkshire, Galmpton (in Churston Ferrets), Mamhead, Monkton, Stoke Fleming, and Weston Peverell, Devon, etc., son and heir of Nicholas Carew, Knt., of Moulsford, Berkshire, by Amice, sister of John Peverel, Knt. They had one son, John, Knt. [Justiciar of Ireland], and one daughter, Joan. In 1313 he confirmed the manor of Weston Peverell, Devon to Robert Lendon his servant. SIR JOHN DE CAREW died about 1324. His widow, Joan, married (2nd) JOHN DE DARTMOUTH. His widow, Joan, presented to the church of Mamhead, Devon in 1348 and 1350. (sub Carew). Risdon Chorographical Desc. or Survey of the County of Devon (1811): 37-38. Brydges Collins' Peerage of England 3 (1812): 1-49 (sub Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury). Duncumb et al. Colls. Towards the Hist. & Antiqs. of Hereford 2(1) (1812): 376-383. Debrett's Baronetage of England 1 (1815): 371-374 (sub Carew). Oliver Ecclesiastical Antiqs. in Devon 3 (1842): 66. Visitation of the County of Cornwall, in the Year 1620 (1874): 28- 32 (Carew ped.: "(1) Elinor da. & heir of Wm. Mohun of Ottery. = John Carreu Lord of C. &c. ob. 17 E. 2. = (2) Joan da. of Sir Gilbert Talbot."). Western Antiq. 11 (1893): 51. Vivian Vis. of Devon 1531, 1564 & 1620 (1895): 133-136 (Carew ped.). Owen Description of Pembrokshire 2 (1897): 325-338. D.N.B. 3 (1908): 962-963 (biog. of Sir John Carew). Reichel Devon Feet of Fines 2 (Devon & Cornwall Rec. Soc. 1939) (1939): 192-193. Ellis Cat. Seals in the P.R.O. 2 (1981): 22 (seal of John de Carew dated 1314 - Hung in a beaded circle, between two wyverns, a shield of arms: three lions passant. Legend: *SIGILLVM.I0HANNISDE.CARRV.). Devon Rec. Office: Mamhead, 6252 Z/Z/1-2 (available at Plymouth & West Devon Rec. Office: Bewes, Dickinson & Scott, Solicitors of Plymouth, 81/R/12/6/17 (available at . , 1340, son and heir of Guy de Bryan, of Walwyn's Castle, Pembrokeshire, Nympton St. George, Slapton, and Torbrian, Devon, etc. He was born about 1309 (being of age in 1330). They had three daughters, Elizabeth, Margaret, and Philippe (wife of Edward de Bohun and John de Chandos, Knt.). He was first armed at Stannow Park in 1327. In 1330 the king settled a dispute between him and his father, Guy de Bryan, senior, relative to the barony and castle of Walwayn, Pembrokeshire. In 1345 John l'Archdeacon owed him a debt of £500. In 1346 he acquired the manor of Brettgrave (in Epsom), Surrey from the Abbot and convent of Chertsey. In 1347 his wife, Joan, obtained a license for a private oratory in her manor of Brettgrave (in Epsom), Surrey. In 1348 he obtained a license for an oratory for his manor of Brettgrave (in Epsom), Surrey. The same year he conveyed the manor of Brettgrave to various feoffees, probably in trust for Henry, Duke of Lancaster. In 1349 he was granted an annuity of 200 marks for baring the King's Standard against his enemies at Calais. He married (2nd) before 10 July 1350 ELIZABETH DE MONTAGU, widow successively of Giles de Badlesmere, Knt., 2nd Lord Badlesmere (died 7 June 1338) [see BADLESMERE 9.i], and Hugh le Despenser, Knt., 3rd Lord Despenser (died 8 Feb. 1348/9) [see DESPENSER 11.i], and daughter of William de Montagu, Knt., 1st Earl of Salisbury, 3rd Lord Montagu, Marshal of England, by Katherine, daughter of William de Grandison, Knt., 1st Lord Grandison [see MONTAGU 7 for her ancestry]. They had three sons, Guy, Knt., William, Knt. [see ECHINGHAM 10], and Philip. He was summoned to Parliament from 25 Nov. 1350 to 6 Dec. 1389, whereby he is held to have become Lord Bryan. He was constantly entrusted with martial and diplomatic affairs of the highest importance. He presented to the church of Torbrian, Devon in 1353. In 1357 he obtained a license for an oratory at his house at Ashley, Hampshire. His wife, Elizabeth, died at Ashley, Hampshire 31 May 1359, and was buried with her 2nd husband in Tewkesbury Abbey. In 1361 he served as ambassador to the Pope. In 1369 he was appointed Admiral of the Fleet. In 1367 he purchased the manor of Woodsford, Dorset from John Whitfield, Knt. In 1377 he gave an endowment to four chaplains for the chapel of St. Mary at Slapton, Devon, which he augmented in 1386 and again in 1389. SIR GUY DE BRYAN, Lord Bryan, died 17 August 1390, and was buried in Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucestershire. Pole Colls. towards a Desc. of Devon (1791): 274-275, 286-287. Archaeologia 14 (1803): 143-153. Banks Dormant & Extinct Baronage of England 2 (1808): 63-65 (sub Bryan). Brydges Collins' Peerage of England 6 (1812): 496-511 (sub Despenser). Debrett's Baronetage of England 1 (1815): 371-374 (sub Carew). Nicolas Controversy between Scrope & Grosvenor 2 (1832): 245-255 (biog. of Sir Guy Bryan). Coll. Top. et Gen. 1 (1834): 227-228. Gentleman's Mag. n.s. 12 (1839): 18-22. Beltz Mems. of the Order of the Garter (1841): clii. Hutchins Hist. & Antiq. of Dorset 1 (1861): 448 (Bryan ped); 3 (1868): 291 (Montagu ped.). Worthy Ashburton & its Neighbourhood (1875): 149-150,158. Daniel-Tyssen Royal Charters & Hist. Does. Rel. the Town & County of Carmarthen (1878): 48, footnote 4. Vivian Vis. of Devon 1531, 1564 & 1620 (1895): 133-136 (Carew ped.). Papal Regs.: Petitions 1 (1896): 369 (Hugh de Ferrers styled "kinsman" by Guy de Bryan). Green Feet of Fines for Somerset 3 (Somerset Rec. Soc. 17) (1902): 182. Owen Old Pembroke Fams. (1902): 81-84. Wrodesley Peds. from the Plea Rolls (1905): 99, 178, 228, 236-237. VCH Dorset 2 (1908): 73-79. Rpt. & Trans. Devonshire Assoc. 3rd Ser. 3 (1911): 132, 137, 191, 210-211. VCH Hampshire 4 (1911): 150-151. VCH Surrey 3 (1911): 275; 4 (1912): 92-102, 249. C.P. 2 (1912): 201, footnote b (sub Bohun), 361-362 (sub Bryan); 4 (1916): 271-274 (sub Despenser), 325; 5 (1926): 463-464 (sub Fitzpayn); 11 (1949): 388, footnote b (sub Salisbury); 14 (1998): 118 (sub Bryan). Reichel Devon Feet of Fines 2 (Devon & Cornwall Rec. Soc. 1939) (1939): 392, 400. Hethe Reg. Hamonis Hethe Diocesis Roffensis 2 (Canterbury & York Soc. 49) (1948): 810. Paget Baronage of England (1957) 102:1. Smith Itinerary of John Leland 4 (1964): 150-163. Haines Cal. Reg. of Wolstan de Bransford Bishop of Worcester (Worcestershire Hist. Soc. n.s. 4) (1966): 79. Ancient Deeds - Ser. B 2 (List & Index Soc. 101) (1974): B.7233. VCH Somerset 3 (1974): 111-120, 129-153. MacCulloch Chorography of Suffolk (Suffolk Rec. Soc. 19) (1976): 28. Edington Reg. of William Edington Bishop of Winchester 1346-1366 1 (Hampshire Rec. Ser. 7) (1986): 46; 2 (Hampshire Rec. Ser. 8) (1987): 7, 23, 44. Emery Greater Medieval Houses of England & Wales 3 (2006): 687. National Archives, C 241/119/32 (available at ODNOR 11.ii]. d heir, aged 26 and more at his father's death. The King took his homage and fealty, and he had livery of his father's lands, 30 October 1375, and, 12 October 1396, he and his wife Philippe had livery of Wellington, and he of Lugwardine, matiors which had been held by his mother for life. Sheriff of co. Hereford, Knight of the Shire for co. Hereford, 1392/3 and 1394/5. He married, 1stly, in 1363, Violette, da. of John DE LA BERE (son and heir apparent of Sir Richard DE LA BERE, of Kinnersley, co. Hereford, by Sibyl, daughter and heir of William DE CHABBENOR, of Chadnor in that co. He married, 2ndly, Philippe, widow of Edward DE BOHUN (son and heir apparent of Sir John DE BOHUN, of Midhurst, Sussex [LORD BOHUN]), who died v.p. and s.p. in January 1361/2, and daughter of Sir GUY DE BRIENE, 1st Lord Bryant. She was living 20 October 1406. He died s.p., 16 December 1428, when any hereditary Barony that may be supposed to have been created by the writ of 1337, fell into abeyance. were the representatives of his sister, Elizabeth. She married Thomas Berkeley, of Cubberley and Stoke Archer, co. Gloucester, Chilcote, co. Derby, and Eldersfield, co. Worcester who died 12 April 1405. They had two daughters their coheirs. [1] Margaret (aged 30 and more in 1405, living 1428, dead 1435), who married Nicholas Mattesdon, of Kingsholme juxta Gloucester, who died 19 October 1435; their son and heir, Robert Mattesdon, of Kingsholme and Stoke Archer died s.p., 16 February 1457/8, when the issue of Margaret became extinct. (2) Alice (aged 26 and more in 1405, died 12 May 1414, who married, 1stly, as 2nd wife, Thomas Brugge, of Haresfield and Matson, co. Gloucester, who died 7 April 1408; she m., 2ndly (pardon for marrying without licence, 3 July 1408), as 3rd wife, John Browning, of Leigh (near Deerhurst), co. Gloucester, who died 6 February 1415/6. [Complete Peerage III:149-151]

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Philippe de Brienne
± 1340-1406

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  1. Earle Web Site, Geoff Earle, Philippe de Bryan, 21. Januar 2021
    Added via a Smart Match

    MyHeritage family tree

    Family site: Earle Web Site

    Family tree: 132792201-1
  2. Geni World Family Tree
    Philippe de Brienne<br>Gender: Female<br>Alias name: Philiip<br>Birth: Circa 1378<br>Father: Guy de Brienne, KG, Lord Bryan&lt;br>Mother: Elizabeth de Brienne (born De Montagu)<br>Husbands: Henry le Scrope, 3rd Lord Scrope, John de Ros<br>Siblings: William de Bryan, Elizabeth de Brienne, Margaret de Brienne, Guy de Bryan, V
    The Geni World Family Tree is found on" target="_blank"> Geni is owned and operated by MyHeritage.

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Dr Wilton McDonald- black Hebrew, "McDonald and Potts family tree", Datenbank, Genealogie Online ( : abgerufen 24. September 2024), "Philippe de Brienne (± 1340-1406)".