McDonald and Potts family tree » William "Earl Warrenne" de Warenne (1118-1148)

Persönliche Daten William "Earl Warrenne" de Warenne 

Quelle 1
  • Spitzname ist Earl Warrenne.
  • Er wurde geboren Juni 1118 in Rue du Vermandois, Cherbourg-Octeville, Basse-Normandie, France.
  • Beruf: 3rd Earl of Surrey.
  • (MARR) im Jahr 1129 in England, United Kingdom: Spouse: Adela Talvas (born Talvace).
  • Er ist verstorben am 19. Januar 1148 in Near Mount Cadmus, near the border between Rum and the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, Turkey, er war 29 Jahre alt.
  • Er wurde beerdigt am 5. Juni 1240 in Lewes Priory, Lewes, Sussex, England.
  • Ein Kind von Elisabeth de Vermandois

Familie von William "Earl Warrenne" de Warenne

Notizen bei William "Earl Warrenne" de Warenne]. [His wife was Isabella de Vermandois--PW]lfo filii eorum"[989]. “W comes de Warenna et Isabella comitissa uxor mea necnon filii nostri Willelmus…et Radulfus” donated property to Castle Acre Priory by undated charter[990]. ded his father in 1138 as Earl of Surrey. Willielmi comitis patris mei…matris meæ Isabellæ et fratrum meorum Radulphi Warenniæ et Reginaldi Warenniæ”[991]. ercii Willermi comitis de Guarenna" accompanied Louis VII King of France to Jerusalem and died there[992]. on & his wife Hélie de Bourgogne [Capet] (-1174). ce which confirms her name has not yet been identified. who refers to the wife of "comes Patricius" as "filia Guillermi comitis Pontivi, matre comitisse de Warenna"[994]. buried Chapter House, Lewes)l of Surrey (died 1148), was the eldest son of the William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey and Elizabeth de Vermandois.), and was one of the leaders of the army that pursued the empress Matilda in her flight from Winchester, and which captured Robert of Gloucester.that, along with Louis VII of France, took crusading vows at Vezelay in 1146, and he accompanied the initial army of the Second Crusade the next year. He was killed by a Turkish attack while the army was marching across Anatolia (modern day Turkey) on their way to the Holy Land.ined by remnants of the German army which had previously taken heavy losses at Dorylaeum. They marched across Southwest Turkey and fought in an unsuccessful battle at Laodicea against the Turks on the border between Byzantine Empire and Seljuks of Rum (3-4 Jan 1148). ts after the main force moved too far ahead. King Louis and his bodyguard of Templar Knights and Noblemen sallied forth in a classic example of chivalry to protect the poor and valiantly charged the Turks. Most of the knights were killed, including William, and Louis barely escaped with his life. nal chaplain to Louis, in his book De Profectione - pp 68–127.umont, Count of Meulan, and Hugh de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Bedford.child, a daughter, Isabel, who was his heir. She married first William of Blois, second son of king Stephen, and who became earl of Warenne or Surrey. she married Hamelin, half-brother of Henry II, who also became Earl of Warenne or Surrey. He took the de Warenne surname[citation needed], and their descendants carried on the earldom.lips, Jonathan, The Second Crusade: Extending the frontiers of Christendom, (Yale University Press, 2007), 201.am_de_Warenne,_3rd_Earl_of_Surrey_(1120-1148)// Seljuks of Rum.ine emperor, Manuel I Comnenus, feared that the troops of the crusaders would strengthen the Principality of Antioch, which he wanted to restore to his sovereignty, and also would weaken the Byzantine-German alliance against Roger II of Sicily. While Conrad II and Louis VII refused to pay homage to the Byzantine emperor in the fall of 1147, they retained the Byzantine troops. Consequently, Roger II seized Corfu and Cephalonia, and plundered Corinth and Thebes.emnants of the army of Conrad were able to join the army of the king of France. Both armies followed the path left by the first Crusaders advance to Philadelphia in Lydia. In this city, the Germans were still exposed to attack and decided to return to Constantinople. ast and then took the road to the East. The Seljuks waited on the banks of the river Meander, but the Franks forced the passage and marched to Laodicea, which they reached on January 6, the day of the Epiphany. They then marched to the mountains that separate the Phrygia of the Pisidia.s, with the main column, ignored that fact, and proceeded onward. s had the advantage when the French ranks broke and rushed upon them swords in hand. The French retreated to a narrow gorge, bordered on one side with precipices and crags on the other. Horses, men, and baggage were forced into the abyss. King Louis VII was able to escape the fray, leaned against a tree and stood alone against multiple attackers.[3] ess to join the vanguard of his army, which previously was believed dead.[4] After the battle, the army of the king of France, which had suffered heavy losses, barely reached Attaleia on January 20.Notesde Damascus, (Osprey Publishing, 2009), 62. Cambridge University Press. p. 272. ISBN 0-5213-4771-8.o of Deuil reported:e tree roots … The enemy climbed after him, hoping to capture him, and the enemy in the distance continued to fire arrows at him. But God willed that his cuirass should protect him from the arrows, and to prevent himself from being captured he defended the crag with his bloody sword, cutting off many heads and David Nicolle and Christa Hook:XDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCIQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Laodicea%201148&f=falseLouis VII of France reaches Constantinople (4-5 October 1147) intending to take the stronger part across Saljuq central Anatolia while the baggage train, pilgrims, and a defending force under Bishop Otto of Freising take a more westerly route.force is forced to turn back several day's march beyond Dorylaeum (25 October 1147), then retreats under Turkish harassment to Nicaea.d, probably up the Gediz River via Philadelphia to Laodicea. Holy Land.ned forces of Louis and Konrad march via Esseron (mid-November 1147), Pergamon, and Smyrna to Ephesus, where they celebrate Christmas; the crusader camp is attacked by Turkish raiders outside Ephesus.mbles west of Konya; Emperor Manuel warns the crusader leaders.ambush (1 January 1148), and reach Loadicea (3 January 1148), but are refused entry by the Byzantine governor. Dagi) via the Kazik Beli Pass (Ben notes: actually a plateau with small valleys cut into the side, south of Mount Cadmus - 37°38'15.64"N, 29°12'56.99"E), suffering major losses (c. 8 January 1148) circa 1119. He was the son of William II de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey and Elizabeth de Vermandois.2,3 ary 1147/48.4sitain's Royal Family.reat Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume XII/1, page 496. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.--------sonal GEDCom file [160010.GED]d Earl Of Surrey[Earl Of Surrey]

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William de Warenne

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  1. Temple Family Site (23andMe), William Temple, William "Earl Warrenne" de Warenne, 27. November 2020
    Added via a Smart Match

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    Family site: Temple Family Site (23andMe)

    Family tree: 373725151-1

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Dr Wilton McDonald- black Hebrew, "McDonald and Potts family tree", Datenbank, Genealogie Online ( : abgerufen 24. September 2024), "William "Earl Warrenne" de Warenne (1118-1148)".